Welcome to r/arrow, a subreddit about the comic-book TV series starring Stephen Amell. Discuss anything and everything about the show here. This Subreddit will be private for the 12th-14th of June
Welcome to /r/arrow, a subreddit about the comic-book TV series starring Stephen Amell. Discuss anything and everything about the show here.
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Rule 1: Spoilers | Mark submissions with a Spoiler Tag if it contains spoilers. Titles of posts cannot contain spoilers. Posts that do not comply with these will be removed. We consider any Arrow episode aired within the past two weeks & a month for season finales spoilers, including other Arrowverse shows. Future leaks & content are considered spoilers, as are spoilers for other recent shows & movies. |
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Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow!
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Sidebar image and subreddit snoo by /u/maruf99
I'm kinda new to the fandom I've already watched all of "The Flash" and "Supergirl" but I'm already an Olicity shipper just by watching edits that were recommended to me on TikTok. Also, Felicity's already my favorite mainly because like her, I would say something weird and awkward If I was in the presence of someone as handsome as Oliver, and I too am in a wheelchair, I just wish I had her sense of style. Other than that, any advice before I start watching?
Afaik his intention was to kill ‘The Hood’ for targeting the list, then why did he not try to take Oliver down again after 1x09, especially since he beat him relatively easily in their first encounter?
Is >!Bronze Tiger!< working with the team, however short lived it was. >!Michael Jai White!< is an amazing actor and I feel like he was extremely under utilized throughout the show.
This whole arc is ridiculous. The teams distrust, diggle leaving, Diaz whole rise to power made no sense. The quadrant was a national crime ring and they were bullied by a common thug. Argus a federal agency that handles black ops was weaker than a thug with a police precinct.
I think, generally, these 4 seasons are considered the best of the show (for good reason), so I was wondering which one will win this poll. Go!
Anyone else think they are not bad?
I want to rewatch just the flashbacks, is there anywhere an edit like this exists? I know there use to be one on youtube but it seems they have been removed. Does anyone know of a place where I could find this?
This is my first time rewatching arrow & im on s7 now & 1 thing ive realized through rewatching it is how cringy the show is lol. From facial expressions, to voice tones, to poses, the walking, to the exaggerated crying, to the cringy lines & scenes lol. It’s like everything is cringy & exaggerated & I js find my self laughing and mocking it all bc it’s truly funny😂
I am curently watching the crosover and now i am standing infront of a Problem becorse i do not know how to watch the Arrow episode
i am realy hoping that someone hear knows whear i can watch the episode (in german or in english 😅)[Prime only has episode 9 of seson 8]
I just think it made the show much more interesting, being the main character gray, an anti-hero.. Also, I think killing lines up really well with Oliver's development; he's been living a "kill or get killed" life for a whole 5 years, I find it weird that he suddenly changes that bc his dead friend disliked it.
I think that's the reason I'm finding it hard to continue watching S02?? Idk, I'm also very bad at being consistent on anything
Am I the only one who thinks Oliver is passing up the opportunity of a lifetime not being the leader of the league of assassins? I mean, he even said that his followers don’t have to be killers
I think this is why oliver was a mistake according to john diggle he knows sumthing we dont
Shes just a bitch ever since shes been captain trying to make oliver confess and hold him for interrogation shes just a weird character and 2 faced
…By Ras Al Ghul, “a tale to be told begins thus”, Is it a good idea for a tattoo ? lol I love these conceptual things, and this one is stuck with me, and I’ve wanted to do a tattoo for some time now, but didn’t found out anything that stood out (until now), so what do you guys think ?
I think everyone is clear that the hacking in Arrow is garbage. But in season 5, it starts to annoy me.
Does it bother anyone else that the tech talk (mostly from Felicity and Curtis) usually doesn’t make any sense? For example, Felicity asks Curtis at his side job if he’s using Java or SQL. That’s like asking a driver if they drive a gasoline car OR a manual. Or the episode where 'the Internet almost gets deleted'… it reminds me a lot of an episode from another comedy series from 2006 where they made fun of people who believe things like that.