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My pick is the third season or sixth.
In my opinion, this is one of the strongest episodes of the show. It does a really good job blending the newer version of Smallville with the original first few seasons. It’s really nostalgic and sort of emotional because of that. And I think it’s super fun seeing Clark’s future. And that barn scene at the end. Damn. That’s a beautiful scene.
What do we think of the deep serious voice clark uses when he’s doing blur stuff? I can’t tell if it’s super lame
I’m rewatching this part bc him meeting his future self is v cute and well yeah this scene !???? Idk how they do it bc I’d be asking what are we afterwards??!!!
which streaming service besides max has them in europe?
⚠️Small spoiler⚠️
I don’t know if this has been discussed, I haven’t seen anything yet but I’m also kinda newer to this sub. Currently doing a rewatch and does anybody else feel like Helen’s switch up was out of character for her? I actually really liked her and felt she had genuine morals and cared about her patients and her career. She seemed like she genuinely liked Lex too so her sudden change in character in the end left me extremely confused. Maybe there were little breadcrumbs left along the way that I missed but I was not happy with how the writers did her. Just me?
he got depressed n even more depressed as the show progressed
He somehow took control of the fortress how
I miss it already I wanna rewatch it again . I keep rewatching the last 10 minutes .,,
Noir is a great episode. I see a lot of people hating it but I really liked it and I stand by it.
I cannot thank him enough for ending Clark and Lana’s relationship!
Idk bout you people but to me season 1 is only captivating series mainly because i see a very innocent and shy clark while the rest seasons are dissapointing due to clarks consistent lying that ruin him and lanas relationship they the only reason why i watch smallville wish the writers didnt change clarks personality he was so charming in the 1st season
They got THEE Sam Witwer to play this character only for the writers to give him a half-baked arc. I wish they spent more time with him in season 8.
Everyone was pissing me off in the finale it was a MESS I fear.
It’s Kent-Lane though if you ask Lois 🤣.
Chloe used the key to take Davis and it still works…
Considering what she did, I'd say no way she gets roles again, but it is Hollywood, which makes me think anything is possible since it's notorious for keeping sexual abusers at work
Ps - id be pissed if someone was in an Arby's while being sober
We all know the ladies of smallville can throw down but who do you think had the best/most skill? I'm not talking powers or gadgets. Straight up catching these hands- who's coming out on top? In my opinion it's gotta be Lois since she was raised and presumably trained on military bases growing up. Maybe Tess or Black Canary second?
Kinda love what they did with Lana in season 8 except the whole “clark x lana repeat”. It would’ve been nice to see her as a guest star for a few eps in S9/10 since she’s also Chloe’s best friend.
I just watched S3 E17 Legacy for like the 50th time and it still baffles me how Dr Swan ended up with the key when it went into Lionels plexi glass contraption down in the cave. I've done a little research (Google lol) not getting any answers that seemed plausible maybe some of the fans on here could shed some light?
Honestly seeing
I’m rewatching Smallville currently , probably for the 4th time and realized S3 Ep 4, Slumber, is my one guilty episode. It’s an episode that really doesn’t advance the plot much, others may not find much to like about, but for some reason I always enjoy it a lot
Spoiler below…
It’s the episode where Sarah the new neighbor comes to Clark in his dreams and is being kept in a coma by her uncle
For me maybe it’s how the opening scene is so light and playful with Lana and Clark skinny dipping. It’s a sweet story with Sarah, or maybe just the music was spot on. A lot of REM songs which is one of my favorite bands (Imitation of life, Everybody Hurts, Losing my Religion, At My Most Beautiful)
Anyways what is your guilty pleasure/episode?
I've been watching Smallville for the first time and not too bothered on spoilers as I roughly know most things that happen from talking to friends and generally being a big ol nerd.
However when Tess Mercer showed up I had no idea who she was until I paused the show and it names her as Lena Luthor!!! Now half way through season 8 and every ep I'm waiting for a reveal haha
Is it ever explained? I never thought it was. Helen sold the blood to Lionel who left it in his safe. Morgan Edge hires Clark to steal the blood from Lionel's safe. Lionel, from what I recall, isn't upset that the blood was stolen. Lionel is upset when an explosion goes off at the docks, which leads him to think Edge was setting him up to be killed.
Am I missing something?
So Clark was scared to have sex with Lana because he didn't want to hurt her but he wasn't scared to have sex with Lois? Lol