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Welcome to /r/SupermanAndLois, a subreddit about the TV series starring Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch. Discuss anything and everything about the show here.

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No. Episode Discussions
S4E1 The End & the Beginning Live · Post
S4E2 A World Without Live · Post
S4E3 Always My Hero Live · Post
S4E4 A Perfectly Good Wedding Live · Post
S4E5 Break the Cycle Live · Post
S4E6 When the Lights Come On Live · Post
S4E7 A Regular Guy Nov 11th
S4E8 Sharp Dressed Man Nov 18th
S4E9 TBD Nov 25th
S4E10 It Went By So Fast Dec 2nd

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Question about the Bizarro World episode...

Why does Superman have his powers on Bizarro World under a red sun? I remember Bizarro needed green kryptonite to fuel himself under a yellow sun but I don't recall Superman needing a boost at all while in Bizarro World? Is there an explanation or am I overthinking this and it takes time for him to lose his powers?

05:37 UTC


Unpopular Opinion: The Ending of the Street Fight should've ended differently

I did like this latest episode and the street fight, the use of Red Sun technology is cool and shows how smart Lex is. But I feel like this could've been used to demonstrate TWO points more effectively.

1. Clark still needs to settle down and realize he isn't the same as he was prior.

This one is pretty straightforward, but ever since Clark was revived with Samuel Lane's heart, Lois has to keep reminding him that he isn't the old superman anymore. He is weakened and needs to calm down since he keeps trying to do too much.

Clark going to Lex's place out of a fit of rage would be a great way to showcase how Clark can't be diving in just head-on into every conflict like he would usually do.

(plus I found it a little weird how the Red Sunlight is supposed to be taking away Clark's powers, and it did. But without his powers, he is operating his entire body using the heart of an old and weakened 60-70 year old man, so i feel like that could've played a part, but that's just a nitpick)

2. Lex is not any other villain to Superman

Luthor has been shown, in this season alone, that he is ready for almost any occasion. If he encounters a problem, he has a workaround or another solution ready to go within days. So i feel like this fight could've been a way to showcase he was ready to brawl and throw down with Clark. Technically he was, and he lost fair and square, but I figured the guy would've pulled a cheap trick and used kryptonite to stab him or something.

Overall the show and scene itself isn't bad, and I am generally enjoying how the season is going. I just figured that this scene could've been used to build way more tension through-out the final episodes we have so far.

23:54 UTC


How to Watch Season 4 in India

Hello all I’m trying to watch the season 4 of the series. Can anyone help me out on where I can watch them?

18:36 UTC


So, let's talk about Jonathan...

So, Jonathan just gets his powers and is instantly perfect at using them? Didn't it take Jordan an entire series to develop his and control them?

I get they don't have much time this season to dwell on this, but I guess it's bugging me that, he's just got them now and all is well from the get go 🤷‍♀️

Anyone shed any light on this?

17:09 UTC


Problems with this Season so far

Spoilers follow.

3 episodes in, I really started to be concerned with how rushed and overstuffed this season was.

In the span of 3 episodes, Superman not only died, but his family grieved, tried to save him and even came to terms with his death when they saw in the fortress he left behind a hologram of his consciousness (which went nowhere BTW cause he’s never shown up again).

Then in those same episodes, Sam Lane sacrificed himself and Superman was already alive at the end of episode 3.

And then, despite being THE biggest threat Superman has ever faced and Clark even expressing terror at the possibility of having to go up against him again (which, as a comic book fan, I did like BTW - gave me “Hunter/Prey” vibes as in that story, Superman had nightmares about Doomsday killing him again), Lois convinces him to leave her family alone by episode 5.

And then Lex, despite his daughter being his main motivation for getting back at the Kent family, reunited with her and was rejected by her all in the same episode…

And now that Doomsday is gone, he just kinda accepts it as a setback. Not to mention the storyline that the town is rallying around Clark due to knowing his secret identity and Jonathan’s rushed power emergence or the Irons family appearing and disappearing between episodes and not doing much.

The writers can’t be entirely blamed as the show got canceled prematurely, but this season feels incredibly overstuffed. If they picked even a few of these storylines to stick to, it could have been paced a bit better. But as it is, it’s like every episode is focusing on something else with little regard to a past episode’s problems/plot.


16:12 UTC


7 Year Plan Villains

We know the show was originally planned for 7 seasons. Lets say they would have been given that. How would you set up season 4-7 with the intent of twists and turns and classic superman stories? Who would the villains of each season be?

Season 4 Lex and Doomsday as villains. Death of Superman would be longer with 15 episodes. The Irons and Jordan would step up. Clark would be dead for half the season only appearing in flashbacks and as the AI at the Fortress. Clark finally wakes up. The season finale we would see Jonathan finally get his powers.

Season 5 Senior Year. Jonathan gets his powers. Clark would be aging. Have the evil version of Superman from the Irons Earth wake up with a villain in the shadows who we dont know yet bring him back. He dies and later on he becomes Cyborg Superman. Season cliffhanger we would see Kryptonite. Toys. Electricity. Fade to black.

Season 6 Moving back to Metropolis. Introduce Metallo, Toyman, Live Wire. Since the show does an amazing job at twists and turns I would love to see Jimmy Olsen become Toy Man. His sister Janet Olsen would become Live Wire. Cyborg Superman returns but he rips his shirt open only to reveal kryptonite and calls himself Metallo. Season cliffhanger we see 3 dots glow. Fade to black.

Season 7 Brainiac and Ulta Humanite and a badly injured lex luthor are the main villains. Ultra Humanite wouldnt be a gorilla. We would use the classic storyline from the comics of a mad scientist. We would take inspiration from the justice league and fuse together brainiac and lex luthor and Ultra Humanite. Darkseid would appear at the very end. The series would close with montages of the future.

15:06 UTC


What's superman's moral limit?

What does everyone think would be superman's line before he just flies Lex Luthor into space? Cuz hes already done alot. And I understand that, in reality, superman wont do that because it's not the characters process, but in a "real world" setting, what would be his breaking point? The death of lois? Or the boys?

13:49 UTC


That general in S2

I get so sick and tired of that idiot general in season two. I mean did he not understand that Superman wasn't the exclusive property the United States? Sam retiring was the worst decision he made.

12:17 UTC


The 2 ways in confronting Lex

The Superman Way: try appeasing to Lex's humanity and seeing there's still good in him

The Clark Kent Way: have enough of Lex's bs and beats him up

I really like seeing how different Clark/Superman handles this situation. Due to Doomsday still being in Lex's possession Superman wants to try making peace and get him to stop without having to resort in more fighting, but after Lex continues refusing to change and continues harming the Kent's as well as the people of Smallville this becomes more personal as Clark has enough of this and goes to end this feud himself.

03:48 UTC

03:38 UTC


Can’t find S4 on max, prime or Hulu. Help.

Hi, trying to find the show on one of these platforms and despite a google search saying the show is available on all of them, I go to each and they all stop at s3.

Anyone else experience this?

03:32 UTC


What happen to Sophie Cushing?

03:00 UTC


My name is Clark Kent and I just kicked your ass

So I was playing catch up on the show and I loved the scene where Clark beat the crap out of lex. Not Superman, Clark Kent kicked the crap out of lex luthor.

Proud of my boy…

02:42 UTC


Do You Think This Will Be The Final Villain?

23:59 UTC


Is this real?

When I first saw these and thought it was fan art, but some other accounts saying that this is leaked concept art.

23:06 UTC


Superman advice

I feel like with the shorter season, we're obviously missing lots of stuff and scenes aren't included (I will never forgive them for not showing Clark finding out about Jonathan having powers!) and one big thing missing is the heart to hearts Clark used to have.

Considering the last episode dealt with Jonathan over exerting himself to go to every single save possible and he was even blaming himself for sleeping instead of hearing Lana's screams, it would have been the perfect time to have Clark talk about how to balance the superheroing because that's not something he's ever really talked about before. I would have loved to see him talk about making the same mistakes early on, advising on how to choose which place to go to, how to know which accidents are already being covered by civilian heroes, and how it's actually ok to SLEEP or wear headphones and relax. But we never got that, and I'm so annoyed.

22:57 UTC


I would have preferred the series take place in Metropolis.

Like the whole Kent farm setting is pretty lame. It’s better just watching him fight in the city.

20:49 UTC


I feel like Jordan might be making a comeback in terms of attitude

I wasnt a fan of Jordan in season 1, He just seemed, wierd and unapproachable, season 2 was decent and so was season 3 (i really enjoyed his scenes) season 4 he just seems a bit out of place but as he said "taking a step back" i feel like he will make a big comeback in the coming episode (ep 7 & 8)

17:30 UTC


The final fight is not Lex and Supes vs Brainiac

I saw on another thread a theory that Luther and Superman team up to take out Brainiac

I disagree

It’s Supes and the boys vs Brainiac and SuperDoomsday vs WarsuitLex

I really do not believe that we have seen the last of doomsday. Since there’s still some humanity in him still, I believe he will return to exact revenge upon the man that made him a monster while the super trio take out brainiac

17:22 UTC


Thoughts on S&L season 4

I'm a big fan of S&L. When I first saw season 1, I thought they had done something genius. How to make a new Superman tv show in 2020? Take what viewers of Smallville wanted next, seeing Clark step into that role of Superman (and what Crisis showed with Tom and Erica, parents of twins) and where Lois and Clark left off, fans wanting to see L&C as parents, and combine that into one show that honors both shows/nostalgia/fandom. Then they do one solid after that, aesthetically, they didn't want to look like the rest of the CW DC shows, they wanted the cinematography to look like MoS (even shooting the Kent farm scenes very similar to how Snyder shot his Kent farm in contrast to Smallville's/Supergirls poppy yellow/bright Kent farm with the red mailbox). And another argument could be made that visually TH would look like Max Fletcher Superman, the OG version (even using the suit in the pilot). So these were the creative choices that I thought were pretty spot on.

Storylines also were solid. If one has been paying attention, the entire series creatively adapts the Death of Superman storyline in its own way. S1 introduces the "4" Supermen: Superboy, Steel, Eridactor, and H'EL being the stand-in for Cyborg Superman / ie, evil Superman (or Zod, if you will). I only thought the "brother" stuff was slightly forced (but Eradicator grew on me in the later seasons). We also get the "black suit" Superman.

Season 2 introduces the "thing in the mines" in the "green suit" who ermurges to fight Superman (Death's opening), it gives us Superboy's costume from the comic (from Bizzaro Superboy), and we even get the "world without Superman" montage when Superman is gone for a month in Bizzaro world. Again, the sort of Lois/Sister stuff felt forced. And I didn't like the plot overall and didn't even realize the main villain was "Parasite" until the season ended (the Bizzaro subplot was far superior, more compelling storytelling, and TH Bizzaro very well might be the best performance of Bizzaro on screen).

Season 3 of course gives us the creation of Doomsday and the opening fight scene. And Season 4 continues that fight and ends with the Death of Superman.

Now that we are in Season 4, and I can just "feel" the low budget. We're halfway through the season and Superman in action only has happened once, the opening. You really felt the budget drop when Doomsday brings Clark's body to mainstreet in smallville and only like 5 Smallville citizens are shown the street. The forced we must write crewmembers out because we don't have the budget to have you another episode (like how Sarah's character left in the last episode), or Lana almost dies and "Kyle" never shows up to check on either her or Sarah (and he's a fireman, but police and ambulances are there?). Then there's Lex. Last season he was pretty decent and compelling. This season, every single scene is the following character progression: I HATE Lois Lane. Lois Lane will pay what she's done to me. I'm so angry because of Lois Lane. Nothing you can do can stop me from being angry at Lois and wanting her to pay.... Angry Lex, Angry Lex, Angry Lex... this isn't compelling storytelling or how to write Lex Luthor (in contrast to Smallville). This Lex is just "mobster" Lex. And he doesn't even hate Superman, its Lois Lane he hates and wants to payback (that seems like a MAJOR miss from his comic-book counterpart). And the actors have always been great, but can they really hold an entire 10 episode season of just "talking" amongst themselves (with an occasional Sam Lane, Lana, Steel, scene thrown in?). What I mean is, there is barely any "Action". Clearly no budget is being put into the show for fight and action scenes that we expect from seasons 1-3. I also feel that they've "lost" the Superman story. The story is Clark losing part of his "Super" and growing older. That can be pretty compelling, instead, we get scenes that focus on him buying hair products. It also took him only until Lana got put in danger for this Superman to have a enough and go face Lex, which was clearly a trap, instead of Superman confronting Lex right away (bluffing that he's weaker). They also missed the opportunity for the classic Black Suit Superman (long hair and beard and all) from the storyline. As well as introducing Cyborg Superman to complete comicbook adaption (he simply could have been a stooge of Lex who Lex experiments on with cybernetics).

What are others' thoughts on season 4 and am I missing something that others are seeing as compelling?

17:19 UTC


Holy Moly!

Just started watching the new season.... THIS is the kind of Superhero story telling I can get into.

The first 2 seasons were solid, season 3 was....eh...but season 4, wow!

I really hope another network picks this show up.

16:45 UTC


As a head cannon, how would you connect these?

15:25 UTC


Waht is your opinion on Jordans character

15:25 UTC


Clip From Next Episode!

14:54 UTC


Michael Cudlitz Lex Luthor

This is more of a confession/thought dump I wanted to share, but would love to hear others thoughts.

At first, I wasn't really sold on this version of Lex; the whole ex-con/biker look and tone compared to the amoral businessman or mad scientist. It just seemed...off, especially compared to the fantastic job Jon Cryer did previously which was kind of a perfect blend of over-the-top supervillain Lex with the businessman portrayal.

But damn, it has really grown on me and I'm starting to appreciate how something can be vastly different from what you're used to, but be just as good in its own right. Michael's Lex might be the first time in live action where Luthor is genuinely frightening and intimidating (thanks in no small part to Cudlitz's subtle performance.) You can totally see how this is a guy that stands face to face with Superman and doesn't blink; how this is a man used to getting everything he wants. Every scene he's in, there's this constant tension and fear for the other person.

Plus, I think this is the best adaptation of Lex's obsession and how dangerous it makes him, even if here it's more towards Lois in general. With him, there's this inevitable feeling of dread; he's always out there and he will never stop.

Even the look has grown on me. The whole long goatee, leather jacket with black t-shirts tucked into black jeans. It doesn't hurt for the nerd in me that this is (to my knowledge) the first Lex actor to genuinely have (or had) red hair. Part of the problem with classic Luthor is visually, a bald clean shaven guy in a black suit can be a little, well, boring, so I appreciate the show giving him his own style.

I know he's not everyone's cup of tea, but I honestly think over time he'll be considered up there as one of the best versions of Lex in live action.

11:53 UTC


Does the end of 4x06 remind anyone of the arrow final scene?

The zoom-out of Lex and the lady showing the LexCorp building, it reminded me of the last scene of arrow with Oliver and Felicity looking out and getting a view of Queen Inc and the rest of the city.

04:51 UTC


I’m not buying Luthor as a villain. What am I missing?

So, I get that he’s done awful things. I understand he’s mad cause he was imprisoned for something he didn’t commit (though he’s done worse) and now he’s out for revenge.

But seriously, the fear from Lois and Clark seems unfounded. I believe we’re lacking some background story to see how evil Lex is and what he’s truly capable of. Other than that, he seems to me just like an angry rich man trying to get under the skin of the journalist who sent him to prison and nothing more.

I think we’re just taking for granted that he’s the quintessential villain to Superman but the show has yet to show more other than the personal vendetta against a journalist who happens to be married to Superman .

04:15 UTC


Looks like Lex Luthor from this show

1 Comment
03:58 UTC


Heart theory.

I'm still thinking that luthor has Clark's heart somewhere in storage and think that will be revealed in the 3rd to last episode. I think it's Clark's heart that will power the luthor suit.

I also think that when his heart is retrieved, we'll find out that "doomsday" is dying due to the yellow sun over time depleting him or a lex failsafe. Clark's heart will be the only thing that can save him.

Clark has to choose between a less super life and keep lanes heart and save doomsday, or get his own heart back to return him to full strength.

01:11 UTC

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