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How to add spoiler tags:
>!Bruce Wayne is Batman!<
Looks like:
Bruce Wayne is Batman
Batman and all characters, their distinctive likenesses, and related elements are trademarks of DC Comics.
CSS by /u/love_the_heat
I am sure this has been asked multiple times, but I am so confused.
I got a subscription to DC comics archive website for Christmas, and have been trying to read the comics in a cohesive(ish) order but am so lost. I tried reading Detective Comics with all the bad puns between Batman and Robin, and then Batman with even worse puns, but I would like to read them from when he starts, to when he gets Dick Grayson, then Jason and Tim and so on. The Batman comics already has Grayson as Nightwing, so that one is out. I know they are not exactly cohesive or on a timeline, but which ones can I read that will put them in some kind of order so I can meet all the Robins in order and as they grow up into their other personas.
Also at what point (comics wise) do I than expand out to reading Teen Titans, Justice League, ect ect, cause that's throwing my brain into more confusion.
If you could reimagine peyton riley the second ventriloquist, how would you do her?
Just remember this is her story:
Peyton Riley was born into organized crime, her father "Sean Riley," one of Gotham City's most notorious Irish gangsters. To her immense annoyance as she grew up, she could never gain any real respect amongst her peers in the Gotham social circles, because she was looked down upon as just another "mafia princess." She finally found true love in a man named "Matthew Atkins," who judged her by her merits and not by her heritage. They were to be wed, but Peyton's father had other plans.
Sean Riley dreamed of a united Gotham City, where the Irish and the Italian mobs no longer fought. He planned to offer his daughter's hand in marriage to his enemy's heir, "Johnny Sabatino." Atkins told Riley that he would not be kept away from marrying his daughter, and Sean Riley put Matthew Atkins in the hospital. Later, he would send a note telling Matthew he admired his courage. So Peyton was trapped in an abusive and loveless marriage with Sabatino, who even worse, did nothing to help unite the gangs. When Sabatino was caught stealing money from his employer at the time, Arnold Wesker, the Ventriloquist and Scarface, he and Peyton were going to be executed by Rhino until Peyton's intervention. Peyton began talking to Scarface, and the Ventriloquist liked her enough that he decided to let both of them live, albeit, if Sabatino gave him a %30 cut of all of his future profits. This encounter led Sabatino to turn his life around, and he became a much more successful criminal, eventually making enough money to open up his own nightclub down the street from the Iceberg Lounge.
Eventually, tired and angry of and at both of them, Sabatino decided to have Peyton and her father killed. Sean Riley was gunned down in a church, and he had his thugs bring Peyton to an old tenement to be whacked. Peyton was shot many times, and lay bleeding on the floor as the men left. Shortly afterwards, she heard two more shots, and even later than that, she heard Batman, Robin and Commissioner Gordon investigating the other corpse, apparently the body of Arnold Wesker, with Scarface lying beside him. Wesker had been murdered by the second Tally Man.
After laboriously dragging herself into the room, to her surprise, Peyton found Scarface had begun talking to her (she had actually just started talking to herself). She pulled herself out of the building and to the hospital, taking Scarface with her, where she made a full recovery. She repaired Scarface, and decided to take on the identity of the new Ventriloquist.
It’s robin with underwear most definitely.
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, i didn’t think the main subreddit would actually help. Anyway, I’m pretty bad at video games in general but the first game was no problem for me, for some reason city is just unplayable for me, it feels like everytime i walk then stop moving the joystick batman continues to walk for another whole second and it gets me caught when trying to hide behind corners very often. I also get caught on corners frequently and can’t seem to move the camera at a proper speed. The camera feels like it starts moving slow then speeds up out of nowhere.
Volume 3 of our Batman musical delves deep into the complexities of trust and betrayal. Witness Batman and Robin’s emotional journey as they confront personal demons and uncover hidden truths. Don’t miss this intense chapter in their saga. #BatmanMusical #Volume3 #TrustAndBetrayal #EmotionalJourney #BatmanAndRobin #MusicalTheater #DarkDrama #ClonesAndConscience
Personally I would love a comic series that has Batman fighting against iconic horror characters or have Batman crossover with HBO tv shows such The Oz, The Wire, or The Sopranos.
Jack nicholsons Joker portrayal is more accurate to the concept of the joker than any of the versions hamill has voiced have been.
Yes, hammills voice is the definitive joker voice, but voice is ultimately secondary to portrayal. If you imagined nicholsons Joker with Hammills voice, he would EASILY be considered the most definitive joker no question.
The reason is because Nicholsons Joker is actually a "joker"-- he's a guy who thinks reality is an actual joke and has no care for anything anymore.
The Arkham Joker is way too philosophical and faux-deep, like Ledgers joker. He's sort of just a comic book skin of Ledgers joker. He doesn't want to have fun and amuse himself to forget life's cruelty. He doesn't just want to play with Batman, and make Batman lose sense of meaning. He wants to corrupt batman and make him evil, for some reason, even though he's supposed to be a true nihilist.
There's only 1 (albeit major) way that Nicholsons Joker fails in comparison to hammills versions-- his relationship to batman. In 1989 joker has no particular love for fighting batman like hammills jokers. He just considers batman a random enemy. But I think in terms of getting the joker right conceptually, it is better to be missing something than to add something that doesn't fit (like Arkham Jokers political/philosophical style)
Finally, of course the thing people get caught up on with 1989 joker is, his backstory. He kills Bruce's parents which is a dumb addition but this is beside the moment-to-moment portrayal of him and you can easily just ignore it. This is why I said nicholson is the most CONCEPT ACCURATE joker not comic accurate, because as we know the joker of the modern comics is a complete psychopath who cuts off his face, etc. And has little to do with jokes. 1989 joker is the most accurate adaptation of the overall concept of the joker as a guy who decides to just stop caring and have fun with life in a quasi-suicidal fashion by committing crimes and facing off with his friend batman. Etc.
The one which was circulating here where Batman's face gets smashed to pavement ( or dry wall) and then he fights ww with a magic suit or something and then it was all a dream?
Why did the creators give them all black hair? Most of them have blue eyes, too. Wouldn’t it be smarter to differentiate them a bit more?
I made this from Batman returns one of the best movies for showcasing the two iconic characters I hope you enjoy 👍
I keep looking at what Ed Brubaker vol 1+2 collect as well as the Murderer and Fugutive storylines (both new and old) collective and its frustrating how much the volumes overlap while at the same time Batman #575 and #581 remain uncollected. How did you all go about collecting these issues?