The first and fastest gorilla fan community.
Black Manta killed my son.
A place for comic book memes and shitposts. Use this sub for fun. Don't be mean-spirited.
1. Don't link to the sub
2. Don't take shitposts seriously
3. No usernames on social media screenshots (except public figures or popular accounts)
4. Recent (<1 week) spoilers must be marked and flaired with the source
5. Overdone subjects:
DCEU and MCU (i.e. Snyder and Gunn posting)
Bad Twitter takes
Unironic shipping wars
Batfamily in-fighting
Calling characters pedos
Jon Kent
6. No soapboxing
7. Actually jerk (no off-topic or unjerk discussions)
8. No Piracy, No Piracy Watermarks
9. No NSFW Content
6. No soapboxing
7. Actually jerk (no off-topic or unjerk discussions)
8. No Piracy, No Piracy Watermarks
9. No NSFW Content
10. No Screenshots from these subs:
Uj/ I’m a adult and the Dcau ended when I was a toddler I didn’t see I doubt kids today did Rj/ if the DCAU has no haters I’m dead
Hello again, DC Comics circle jerkers. Once again, I bring you an offering.
In my last post, I was given a myriad of suggestions on characters to add, and to remove from my original drawing. As always, I am who I am, and I do what I want, so I willfully ignored almost everything. However, I did recognize an error in my ways, that being… no gorillas.
As repentance, I have added 6(+1) more characters to the lineup.
(list of characters from left to right; Ultra-Humanite, Gorilla Grodd, Space Ape/Lorix, Monsieur Mallah, the Brain, Tim Drake(as a gorilla), Jackanapes, Bitewing, Detective Chimp, Amanda Waller, Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash, Onomatopoeia, G.I. Robot, and of course, Telos.)
uj/ genuinely thank you for all the kind and silly comments on my og post, I had a good time reading them :)