The first and fastest gorilla fan community.
Black Manta killed my son.
A place for comic book memes and shitposts. Use this sub for fun. Don't be mean-spirited.
1. Don't link to the sub
2. Don't take shitposts seriously
3. No usernames on social media screenshots (except public figures or popular accounts)
4. Recent (<1 week) spoilers must be marked and flaired with the source
5. Overdone subjects:
DCEU and MCU (i.e. Snyder and Gunn posting)
Bad Twitter takes
Unironic shipping wars
Batfamily in-fighting
Calling characters pedos
Jon Kent
6. No soapboxing
7. Actually jerk (no off-topic or unjerk discussions)
8. No Piracy, No Piracy Watermarks
9. No NSFW Content
6. No soapboxing
7. Actually jerk (no off-topic or unjerk discussions)
8. No Piracy, No Piracy Watermarks
9. No NSFW Content
10. No Screenshots from these subs:
Do you Remember this repaints that i got look it that this repaint
The cartoon network YouTube channel posted all the lone wolf shorts online, it's like 30 minutes. It is kinda good tho....
That slut must have taken out the population of small nation at this point
Dc should chance their name for "Batman comics" at This point
Does the Tim Turtle have a Bernard somewhere
I mean it’s not even a good disguise. All he did was shave his mustache.