Welcome to r/FlashTV, a subreddit about the comic-book TV series starring Grant Gustin. Discuss anything and everything about the show here. Airs Wednesdays at 8 PM EST on The CW! This Subreddit will be private for the 12th-14th of June
Welcome to r/FlashTV, a subreddit about the comic-book TV series starring Grant Gustin. Discuss anything and everything about the show here. Airs Wednesdays at 8 PM EST on The CW!
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# | Episode | Discussions |
S09E01 | Wednesday Ever After | Feb 8 |
S09E02 | Hear No Evil | Feb 15 |
S09E03 | Rouges of War | Feb 22 |
S09E04 | Mask of the Red Death, Part One | Mar 1 |
S09E05 | Mask of the Red Death, Part Two | Mar 8 |
S09E06 | The Good, the Bad, and the Lucky | Mar 15 |
Flash Snoo by u/doradiamond
I love the flash tv series, and I want my childhood friend to watch it with me. But he HATES the idea of watching a “kids show”. How do I convince him to watch with me again?
They could have come up with some story about needing another person that was formally Firestorm to help with getting “Ronnie” back. It would have been cool to see Ronnie and Jax interact, even if it wasn’t actually Ronnie. Plus, Jax’ first appearance in the Arrowverse was on Flash, could have been cool for his last appearance to be on the show too.
She’s cool but, I could easily do without her
... Imagine Reverse Flash + The thinker Oh, yeah plot armor no concept diff
Star City: Vancouver.
Central Fity: Vancouver.
Lian Yu: Neighborhood Vancouver.
Speed force: ... Vancouver.
I've been trying to find out if Barry's mother died in the original timeline, but I keep getting both answers. If she died, she died. But if she lived, is Flashpoint basically the original timeline?
Because everyone was pretty upset at Barry for creating another timeline because it was worser, which made Barry have to let his mother die. But that timeline isn't the original timeline because Eobard Thawne decided to change it by killing Barry, but settled for his mom, right?
I mean, there might be other factors, but I don't have those, so I'm asking about them. And if there isn't, damn, Eobard is such an amazing manipulator. Poor everyone and Barry.
Anyone else think it was a little selfish of Caitlin and Cisco to only actively work hard towards making a cure for being a meta when it was about taking away their own powers? It pissed me off royally that Caitlin was so determined to find a cure to get rid of her powers in season 3 that she lied and kept secrets from the team, but as soon as she got comfortable with Killer Frost suddenly having a cure is now “dangerous.” Hello, you’re not the only one who could benefit from a cure. There were so many people who died simply from being a meta. Earth-1 Shay Lambden was killed by his meta-induced disease. All the season 4 bus metas. And then there’s poor Griffin Grey, whom team flash did not give two shits about.
They all want to blame only Thawne for the particle accelerator, but Cisco and Caitlin were active participants in creating it, despite so many people protesting turning it on because it was dangerous. And even though they knew they were responsible for all of Central City’s problems, they never disclosed that fact to the city. The Flash did not deserve the key to the city, and Team Flash sure as hell didn’t. To use a Modern Family reference, you shouldn’t get a medal for putting out a fire you started.
(I finished the show during the summer saw some hatred towards this specific)
I mean come on her parents went an entire season believing they could stop what happened only for her to still be stabbed and if it wasn’t for my boy HR stepping in and replacing Iris it’d be different, I’m sure at one point they told her the story of Savitar or she found out somehow and obviously unlike Iris, Nora is a Speedster who thought quick on her feet, knew what was going to happen and Phased at the right moment so she could deceive Savitar, break his Steak and kill him instead it’s believable
Think about it, following Flash season 7 and the horrendous ratings along with the poor performance of the season, CW/WB execs decide that it is best to fire Eric Wallace and replace him with former Arrow showrunner Marc Guggenheim. Do you believe that had this happened, Guggie would have done a far better of a job than Eric? Personally, I'd say so 100%
Thawne says he lost his ability to harness the speedforce yet he uses it constantly, he says time travel is tied to how fast one goes yet he's faster than the Barry who goes back in time during the finale of this season and he supposedly cant do it.
He wasn't even in the wheel chair anymore after the reveal and he used his speed just fine.
There are cases of time travel without organic speed so that claim is nonsense.
He's literally faster than Barry throughout this season, even at the end of the season he's faster than Barry which forces Eddy to do what he did in order to save everyone.
So the point is that Barry literally time travels at the end of this season.
And thawne is faster than him.
If we established that you can time travel with artificial speed then there is no reason why he shouldnt be able to when hes faster than Barry and its supposedly tied to how fast a speedster goes.
Also the fact that he didn't regain his speed when he recreated The Flash doesn't make sense ether.
He "lost' his speed because ending Nora would have prevented The Flash from ever existing, which means he would never have an example that motivates him into obtaining speed of his own.
When he corrected that by creating The Flash himself, his origin should have corrected and returned the ability to travel through time.
Season 7 just did nothing for me. It was straight up awful but I felt nothing after watching it. Season 9 on the other hand? I have never seen such disrespect in my entire life! Season 9 is essentially a giant spit in the face to every single part of The Flash as a whole. Firstly, they absolutely disrespect Caitlin by having the rest of the team just move on without shedding a single tear and have a party with this new weird vegan goddess that took over Caitlin's body. Secondly, they insult the series as a whole by having Allegra defeat FUCKING THAWNE in the finale so easily and have Cecile use her stupidly OP powers to defeat Godspeed. And the worst part of it all? They just straight up punched the comics in the face by their shameful portrayal of Red Death & Cobalt Blue. Two characters I was SO EXCITED to see only to be absolutely let down, AGAIN.
Thank you Eric Wallace, for absolutely destroying this show and ruining decades of The Flash's legacy.
too unrealistic. 0/10.
I don’t know if this requires spoiler tags or not since the show ended over a year ago now, but what was the fastest speed in the entire show, and was it by Barry?
The team finds out Nora has been working with Thawne. Barry sends Nora back to the future without consulting Iris and they get into an argument. Whose side were you on? I don’t like saying it but I kinda see what Iris is saying, but then again she says some bs about how Barry left her to go into the Speed force, like come on lol