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# | Episode | Discussions |
S6E01 | Rebirth | [Live] [Post] |
S6E02 | A Few Good Women | [Live] [Post] |
S6E03 | Phantom Menaces | [Live] [Post] |
S6E04 | Lost Souls | [Live] [Post] |
S6E05 | Prom Night! | [Live] [Post] |
S6E06 | Prom Again! | [Live] [Post] |
S6E07 | Fear Knot | [Live] [Post] |
S6E08 | Welcome Back, Kara! | [Live] [Post] |
S6E09 | Dream Weaver | [Live] [Post] |
S6E10 | Still I Rise | [Live] [Post] |
S6E11 | Mxy in the Middle | [Live] [Post] |
S6E12 | Blind Spots | [Live] [Post] |
S6E13 | The Gauntlet | [Live] [Post] |
S6E14 | Magical Thinking | [Live] [Post] |
S6E15 | Hope for Tomorrow | [Live] [Post] |
S6E16 | Nightmare in National City | [Live] [Post] |
S6E17 | I Believe in a Thing Called Love | [Live] [Post] |
S6E18 | Truth or Consequences | [Live] [Post] |
S6E19 | The Last Gauntlet | [Live] [Post] |
S6E20 | Kara | [Live] [Post] |
Banner by u/Th3ChosenFew
Supergirl Snoo by u/HylianLibrarian
So, I just rewatched the entire series, and for the first time seeing the entire season six. I always stopped before the end for fear of finishing. Despite being the weakest season, I found the last episode, at least the last thirty minutes, good ones.
I'm sad that we won't see Kara as Supergirl in the reveal to the whole world identity anymore, or even Melissa playing the character. I know, I'm a little late to feel sad about the ending of the series.
Do you guys liked the ending?
I'm watching season 6 and I noticed that there was something very different with Supergirl and her look, at first I thought it was the bangs that changed, maybe the actress was older? Because of the pandemic and etc. Uniform maybe? I was going insane trying to understand what had changed. The attitude maybe? Kara isn't smiling as much.
No, it was the lipstick!! Now she's wearing extremely red lipstick, similar to Lena's. Anyone else notice this?
I noticed this somewhat but after watching this episode again the LenaXJames storyline literally came out of nowhere and I absolutely hate it. It feels so forced and just not good in general.
Also I absolutely love Sam and Ruby and am so sad they left the show. I was predicting a SamXAlex storyline though I don’t know if that was really intended their chemistry actually felt real. I was so sad when they left. Ruby and Alex had such a cute dynamic. I also fell in love with the Sam, Lena, Kata friendship and their moments this episode were so cute.
That said I really do love this episode and it’s on my Christmas list even though it’s only Christmasy for a few scenes so I’ve watched it a decent amount.
If you are the writer of the show and you were to canonize the ship how would you do it?
Ok, I'm being dramatic here, but I feel the writers wanted to make a likeable villain, you know, that kinda villain you hate to love. Like Joker maybe. And Lex is so we'll written, he has everything a Luthor villain is. Maybe one of the greatest written characters in the show, I know that logically is great.
But I just can't stand him, they made a really good work making him a villain because is impossible to really enjoy his screen time, at least for me. Idk if it's the actor, or how he keeps coming back, or his attitude. Maybe is just me that don't like billionaires.
How do you guys feel about lex?
So to start with, I want to clarify I have seen like 80% of this show. I just never finished it and even though I have a slight memory of the main plot, I don't feel like I have enough to pick up where I was on the last season. I please ask we don't "spoil" anything past episode 12 in the comments.
So, I just now finished S1 Ep12 and I honestly forgot how painful this "breakup" was. I don't remember disliking the idea of Kara x Adam my first and second time around but I also don't remember being like "Oh, I want them to end together," but this time around and after seeing their screen time together, I genuinely wish they could've worked out.
Now, I know there's a slight chance that Adam could come back during the last season and they could be endgame but I just don't see it happening lol. And I'm still at the beginning of the season so it's why I say it's "possible" as some shows do tend to wait until the last minute to bring in their main characters' endgame but I don't see Supergirl as that type of show.
I feel like if anyone, Kara will most likely end up with Jimmy. Which, there's nothing wrong with them but Idk. Ig I'll see as I hopefully finish the show this time around. Hopefully, my third time is the charm.
Ok, I'm sorry for the title, but I'm losing my mind here and needing to vent.
I'm on season 5 EP 6 the hole shadow Andreas stuff vs DEO. I see Kara slow down the world with Barry in a crossover, she almost out run him in another crossover. She is extremely fast, HOW I mean HOW can she get late??? How can the villains just "get away".
I know that CW have so many flaws in their writings (idk if they are the responsables) but c'mon, shes Supergirl, the villain can't just walk away. She is almost as Flash, heat vision, strong, fly, like? Sometimes they be nerfing her too much. How can so many people knock her down? With Reign was fun, love that fight, but there are some character that doesn't make sense even try to fight her
Recently, I have been collecting older shows on blu-ray that I can watch without streaming services. But I have a question, should I buy the complete series box set or the individual sets? how bad is the packaging?
I would choose Clark/Superman not only because he is hot and muscular but also an incredible hero.
Please recommend fics matching the following themes:
- The public getting to know Supergirl better (Like, how adorable she is or anything)
- A civilian finding out her identity.
- Anything with civilians getting to interact with Supergirl, or work with her, or getting close to her or something.
- Maybe an obsessed fan one?
- Maybe paparazzi stories.
- Ones where the public find out about Supergirl's mental health issues too.
- Or they help her when she is injured (not the DEO, I mean regular people).
- Supergirl visiting patients or anything.
If you have ANYTHING remotely close to these topics, PLEASE let me know.
If you rewatch season 3 after reign took over Sam’s body you’ll realize how horrible SG treated Lena. Especially 3x18. I don’t even think Lena was upset at Kara for not telling her she was supergirl. She knew Kara have secrets, she does too. She was upset the person she trusted more than anyone else was also the same person who didn’t trust her and got upset she worked behind her and DEO’s back to help Sam. Did SG think she was the only one who could find a cure for SAM? There’s LORD technology, Obsidian and Many other tech companies other than the DEO. (Wasn’t it LORD’s technology who had a cure for the red kryptonite?) And this very same person that yelled at her for making kryptonite was also the same person who told her she would always have her back always. In that kryptonite argument, there was so many points in that conversation where Lena would have dominated the conversation but she submitted because she knew whatever she said, SG wouldn’t hear her out.
The realization sent her back to all the betrayal with Lillian, Lex, Andrea, Rhea…
So people who think Lena was overreacting for something Kara did to protect her, has probably never felt betrayed by someone they trusted
I've been on a Supergirl fanfic binge lately and I think Kara/Lucy is my favorite at the moment. Can everyone drop their best FFs with that pairing.
I am rewatching season 3 and thought why she doesn't protect herself despite struggling against Worldkillers. it might sound dumb. i know her body itself is extremely powerful but Reign broke it, Purity broke her back. Pestilence defeats her and if i remember correctly she will lose few more times against them. but she keeps going to fight them the same. not just her but others too. they are clearly more powerful and some kind of protection would help at least a little, again i dont know if any kind of material exist strong enough to protect her . maybe it's just because it's just not common for heroes specially Kryptonians but idk if theres some actual reason.
Supergirl finds out that Lena was working with harun-el in secret and starts getting self righteous and judgmental about it. A mind wiped Alex jumps in an defends Lena’s work, doesn’t seem to have an issue with Lena’s research into it. And I have to say, idk why SG felt like she had the authority to dictate what lena can and cannot work on. Lena is an independent scientist and businesswoman and the “recipe” for making harun-el isn’t something Lena stole or got from someone else. It’s Lena’s. She developed it because SG herself asked her too. Just made it seem like it’s all good if Lena works on the it when SG asked, otherwise it’s a big problem. Now I’m not saying SG didn’t have a right to be concerned about it. Because as much good as the harun-el does (saves James and Eve’s cousin) it also causes problems (Lex and Lockwood get powers). But James, Alex and Brainy all know about the harun-el and none of them tell Kara/Supergirl.
So, I started watching the series again and the end of their friendship began, and I started looking for opinions on the internet about the relationship and most people blamed Kara a lot for hiding her secret identity for two years.
I'ma be honest, I don't really remember season 4 and 5, only that Lena go into a villain plot and some Lex stuff, but as I'm progressing into rewatching the series gonna have a better idea on all of that.
But I ended up noticing (until end of season 3) how Lena lied several times about important things, like her being able to make Kryptonite, keep harun-el to her when it should have gave all to Kara's mother, Reign/Sam being in her custody for almost tree weeks.
For me it feels like Lena keep lying multiple times, about several things that put her as not a trust worth it persont. And Kara also lied for two years about who she was and Lena has all of trust issues.
Who do you think was in the wrong?
Screenshot of the kiss that was cut from the show
I never liked the changes they made to his character post season one and his insufferable self righteous just compounded further and further. Vigilantes have secret identities for a reason and part of it is because what they do isn’t exactly legal and their involvement can also mess up the justice process. Why did he ever think he’d be able to beat it on his own?
wait wait WAIT. I just saw online that there was an actual kiss in the season finale during Kara's "coming out" moment?? Is this real or fan made? I saw somewhere that it is real and just cut from the show. REELING from this.