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    494 Subscribers


    Is there somewhere that Project 2025 is being discussed?

    I'm interested in compiling or helping to compile a comprehensive list with references (like what has been circulating) with the main points of Project 2025 and I'd like to see what others have found as well. The image circulating with page numbers as references does not seem accurate to the .pdf found on the project2025 website. Anyway, overall, is there somewhere this is being discussed?

    1 Comment
    00:05 UTC


    Everything you need to know about Trump was on display during his first term

    From March 17, 2017:


    Remember when the President said he wasn't going to take a salary?

    He just accepted his second paycheck.

    Remember when he said Mexico was going to pay for the wall?

    He has asked Congress to appropriate the $25 billion of taxpayer money to cover costs.

    Remember when he said he wasn't going to go on vacation or play golf?

    5 of the last 7 weekends he went on vacation and played golf, costing taxpayers $11.1 million.

    Remember when he said he was going to use American steel to build these dangerous pipelines?

    Russian steel arrived last week for the Keystone Pipeline XL.

    Remember when he said he wasn't going to cut social security and Medicare?

    The Republican bill does just this.

    Remember when he said that nobody on his campaign had any communications with the Russian government?

    7 of his people have now admitted they spoke and/or met with Russian officials, after they lied and got caught.

    Remember when he said he was going to divest from his businesses?

    Changed his mind.

    Remember when he said he was going to release his tax returns?

    Changed his mind.

    Remember when he said he was going to drain the swamp of Washington insiders?

    His cabinet is filled with lobbyists, oil and Wall Street executives.

    1 Comment
    19:31 UTC


    This heatwave is a climate omen. But it’s not too late to change course | Michael E Mann and Susan Joy Hassol

    16:43 UTC


    Republican attacks on trans people smack of fascism

    1 Comment
    21:35 UTC

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