
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit dedicated to Environmental Action - petitions, fundraisers, events and other actions related to education about and protection of the environment.


This is a subreddit dedicated to actions people can take or are taking to preserve the environment - petitions, fundraisers, events, infographics, images and videos of events are welcome. Emphasis should be on actions users can take or images they can share elsewhere.

Environmental news and information should still be posted to our Mothership, /r/Environment.



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  • Provide essential information in the title. Make it easy for readers to determine if they want to click on your submission.

  • Where is it happening? If the event, protest, meeting, petition or fundraiser is for something localized, put the city and/or state involved at the beginning of your title.

  • Provide any essential date in the title Meeting dates and time, Petition deadlines, etc..

  • For videos and images be sure your title tells us what it is about and how it relates to the environment.

  • Add the flair After you have saved your submission, be sure to add the appropriate link flair to the title. You do have to save first, then look for the flair link under your title.


  • [EVENT Flair][San Diego, CA] Tues. March 12, 2012 Meeting of the local Sierra Club Group. Details inside.

  • [PETITION Flair][Denver, Colorado] Petition to Denver City Council Requesting Monitoring of XXX Plant Emissions - Deadline March 31, 2013


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12,530 Subscribers


Fighting Back Against the Corrupt "Forever Chemicals" Industry

03:26 UTC


RECRUITING: all skill-sets (volunteers at first) to build The Projecteer.

16:23 UTC


Stone paper is not as "eco friendly" as it seems. Stone paper producers use plastic resins as binders which can be harmful for the environment. Let's help replace them.

16:00 UTC


How to minimize environmental impact of mowing my lawn? (I must mow; it's in renter's contract.)

I rent a place with about 1.5 acres of lawn that I am in charge of mowing with a riding mower provided by the landlord. I know it's better for the environment NOT to mow, but I have no choice.

To minimize the environmental damage I mow at the highest setting and wait until the grass gets quite high . I also leave the cuttings so they act as a natural fertilizer.

I don't water the lawn or use pesticides or chemicals. Is there anything else I can do/not do?

15:29 UTC


Nurdle Hunt! Help stop this plastic pollution at the source

Hi everyone! I am new to this group, but am passionate about making our planet and the communities we call home more habitable. I am currently working on spreading awareness of the pollution problem of nurdles.

PROBLEM: Nurdles are lentil-sized plastic pellets that are used as the building block for the plastic industry. I.e. they are melted down and molded to form everyday plastic products like bottles, bags, toothbrushes, etc. Millions of these pellets are regularly dumped down the drain or spilled into our water ways by the facilities that make, use, package, and/or transport them. 10 billion are estimated to make their way to the ocean each year, making them the second largest source of marine microplastic pollution by weight.

SOLUTION (in part): There is a bill going through the US Congress titled

The Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act which will effectively ban the discharge of these poisonous plastic pellets from the facilities that make, use, package, and/or transport them.


  1. Hold your own Nurdle Hunt. Use the Nurdle Patrol Map to see where nurdles have been found in your state, find a friend and a waterway near you, and go searching!

Nurdle Patrol Map: https://nurdlepatrol.org/app/map

Environment America's Nurdle Hunt Toolkit: https://environmentamerica.org/pennsylvania/articles/how-to-find-nurdles-in-your-local-waterway/

  1. Call and write to your US Representatives and Senators to support this bill!

House Reps: https://pirg.org/take-action/tell-your-u-s-house-representative-support-the-plastic-pellet-free-waters-act/

Senate: https://environmentamerica.org/take-action/tell-your-u-s-senators-support-the-plastic-pellet-free-waters-act/

1 Comment
20:44 UTC


Taxing great wealth to finance the ecological and social transition. (European Citizens' Initiative)

11:15 UTC


Environmental startup feedback

So, basically, I am currently in a startup catalyst program, and our team is testing viability for some environmental startups. If any of you guys are company owners, have business experience, or have any opinion to voice, specifically for the food industry, please leave your thoughts to the following questions or PM me!

Our startup basically reflects upon the circular economy. We are specifically looking to use textile waste to turn into TPA (precursor for PET) by using processes known as mercerization and enzyme hydrolysis. With this method, it seems like a 800mL capacity plastic container (used in food delivery services) would cost around $0.89 per one container, economically quite competitive. 

  1. Why is it hard for your company to adopt environmentally friendly packaging or any other products along that line?

  2. What is your biggest burden while running your business? 

  3. What qualities do you look for in food packaging and utensils? Why did you choose plastics?

  4. What design(container)-related hardships have you experienced while delivering food? (design)

  5. What types of food packaging (seal-top boxes, containers, folding boxes, etc.) do you use the most? What is the capacity? (100mL/200mL…)

  6. How effective do you believe our solution would be, and would you be willing to substitute it for conventional plastic packaging?

Thank you for your time and your feedback :) Any thoughts are appreciated. 

09:35 UTC


🇳🇴 [Legacy] industrial pollution: a century of coal mining, Svalbard—mitigation, an example of good practices

08:17 UTC


🇹🇭 Industrial pollution: hazardous industrial waste illegally buried on farmland by waste plant, Thailand

08:38 UTC


Homefolk: Community-owned, tiny-house villages for eco-health!

Hi everyone,

I'm Amy from homefolk. I thought I would make a post about the non-profit that I volunteer for in this subreddit in case anyone was interested in what we're doing.

Homefolk is a UK-based community-interest-company pioneering our new 'homefolk' model of housing that is sustainable, affordable, and eco-friendly.

We believe that the current British (and Western) approach to housing is inappropriate and unsustainable in light of the climate crisis. Our plan is to build eco-friendly tiny-house villages on disused, paved areas of urban land which are also moveable. Eco-design features such as low-water design sinks, renewable-electric utilities, and onsite composting enable our villages to be environmentally-sustainable; whilst the nomadic quality of the houses ensures ecological impermanence and true sustainability. And we are currently in the process of developing a pilot-site of this model in London!

If this sounds appealing to you, or you would like to find out more about our housing vision, I would encourage having a look at our website and following us on socials to keep up with our project.

13:31 UTC


How to make climate a priority in the U.S. House

There are several congressional districts in play this election cycle, and several of them are also EVP states. Turning out climate voters in these states can help make climate a priority, since lawmaker priorities tend to mirror voter priorities.

Looking just at the competitive districts (the toss-ups and leans), the following EVP states have at least one congressional district that could decide control of the House:

Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia

^((those in italics have) ^(more than one congressional district in play)^(. Those in bold are also) ^(Presidential tipping point states)^(.))

EVP has a proven track record for turning out climate/environment-first voters. As an EVP volunteer, you are helping climate and environment-first voters get their voices heard. Consider signing up now for one of the opportunities linked above, or find additional volunteer opportunities at https://www.environmentalvoter.org/get-involved

^(If you live in one of the above states and would rather register young people to vote, check out) ^(https://www.rockthevote.org/get-involved/)

1 Comment
15:22 UTC


You Are Drinking Plastic

15:12 UTC


Water Is Climate, Water is Love

01:00 UTC


Recruiting for a Study Focused on Understanding Eco-Anxiety in Australian Children

Hi everyone, Monash University is currently undertaking a study looking at eco-anxiety in Australian children following the effects of climate change.

More and more young people are becoming distressed about climate change. We want to understand your children's thoughts and feelings about the environmental crisis!

We are recruiting children aged between 9-12 years old to complete online surveys, for the Eco-Anxiety Assessment Project!

You will receive a personalised report about your child's eco-anxiety, as a token of our appreciation.

For more information and to express your interest, follow this link:


12:08 UTC


Environmentalists are a Threat to Everyone | World Environment Day 2024 | Environmentalism

1 Comment
16:36 UTC


🇫🇷 Sargassum pollution: unbreathable air due to sargassum inundation event, La Désirade, French West Indies

11:29 UTC


Training Announcement - Intermediate Webinar: Applications of Carbon Dioxide Measurements for Climate-Related Studies

Training sessions will be available in English and Spanish (disponible en español).

English: https://go.nasa.gov/3V0Geav

Spanish: https://go.nasa.gov/44Hw6qe

19:10 UTC


Feedback on my climate prototype?

Hi everyone -

I'm working on app to help people take action on climate change and hold companies accountable for their behavior. I'm looking for some people to take a look through an early prototype and give me their honest feedback / reactions. If you're open to a quick (15-30min) convo where I show you the prototype could you respond to this message or DM me? Thanks!

16:09 UTC


My neighbor nuked the bugs out of their lawn a month ago and are posting this now. I kind of want to tell them, they likely poisoned and/or starved their friend.

Sorry. Just shouting into the void. Saying anything would mean our daughters can’t play anymore. I’m angry. I don’t know where else to put this. Western culture is at war with nature.

01:49 UTC


Groups that work on human relationship with Environment

If we made a development that includes a group that was responsible for changing our relationship to earth by changing businesses and neighborhoods. regulating businesses/products cleaning water sources, Making food forest ect. how would you structure this? How can we structure things so this organization eventually replaces the EPA? I want to normalize high School graduates matriculating into these groups/guilds/ect. I'd appreciate thoughts, opinions, hate mail

1 Comment
23:56 UTC


Is teaching Environmental Science enough? Considering career change...

I'm an AP Environmental Science Teacher at a private school in a red state. I have previously felt like I was fighting the good fight, trying to educate these mostly white children of privilege who are likely to have some impact in the future. Heck, I even taught the son of a Republican US Senator in the past few years! At the end of this year, however, it has started to feel like it's just not enough. We are running out of time, and the high school seniors I teach this year won't be entering the job market for another four years at least. I gave them a day after the AP Exam in which I talked about the power of young Republican voices, introduced some conservative-based climate groups (like republicEN.org ), helped them identify their state and US Congress members, and shared with them the importance of writing personal letters. I offered them time in class to write their congressperson, and only TWO of the 43 students I teach actually followed through. They were much more interested in pulling out their phone to distract themselves with mindless media as soon as I gave them the option to write a letter. Perhaps children of privilege are less likely to advocate for change?

I joined Citizen's Climate Lobby and lobbied my Senator and US Representative through them, but given the red state I live in, it did not feel like it accomplished much. I'm going to apply for an EarthKeepers program with the United Methodist Church to develop "an environmental project in [my] community," possibly something for my church, but it still doesn't feel like enough when my day-to-day is teaching high school seniors.

I have two young daughters (8 and 6), so there's not a lot of free time outside of teaching. Should I consider switching jobs? How can I have more of an impact? I want to do everything I can for my daughters to not come of age in a climate nightmare, and we have sooooo run out of time. I have a degree in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology from an Ivy League institution, a work history of teaching high school and some lab work (M.S. in Neuroscience), and a wealth of knowledge about Environmental Science through teaching it for a decade. What should I be looking in to instead? Or is teaching really one of the best things I could be doing, just not seeing the impact of it in the short term? I just want to hear what some of you all think... Thanks.

16:21 UTC


Survey for an environmental project

Hello to all reading this! I’m in a club for my school where we research, experiment, and design ways to help the community. I really want to do an environment themed project for next year.

Please complete the attached survey!


(If it is not accessible, asks for a name, or advises using an email account, do NOT take the survey and let me know so that I may look into the settings. Unfortunately, I am not used to Google Forms, so please pardon any mistakes.)

06:27 UTC


Are there any communities out there trying to stop global warming ? If not, think about reaching out to local communities

15:51 UTC


Register for the ClientEarth Summit 2024! 4 - 6 June.

Thriving together: creating a just world for all life on earth.

Sign up for this live and online event happening 4 to 6 June 2024!

Creating a just world for all life on earth is possible - and it's essential. At this year’s summit, we’ll be addressing the challenges we face in achieving environmental justice and looking at the solutions that can help us overcome them.

Register today to join this series of thought-provoking sessions, with experts from all over the world, discussing a range of topics from greenwashing to plastic and human health.

  • Please register to watch any of the sessions and access the recordings after the live-stream.
  • Registration is free.

For more information on ClientEarth and using the law to fight for people and planet, click here.

10:22 UTC

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