
Photograph via snooOG

For those who know that capital, the patriarchy and the state are intertwined and that one cannot be overthrown without also overthrowing the others.

For those who know that capital, the patriarchy and the state are intertwined and that one cannot be overthrown without also overthrowing the others.

For those who don't, note that we are against male privilege and male supremacy here because we're against all supremacy. If it was possible to replace male supremacy with any other kind of supremacy, for example female supremacy... well, that's not what we're about. No gods, no masters!

Posting guidelines

  • This subreddit is for posting and discussion of issues where feminism and anarchism intersect.

  • We're not an Anarchafeminism 101 subreddit. If you ask a question it may get answered, but please don't insist.

  • The value of anarchafeminism isn't up for debate in r/@f and neither is the value of defending a safer space on reddit.

  • We enforce accessibility with Accessible Reddit. Please make sure to follow the accessibility guidelines when submitting or linking images, audio and video posts.

Safer Space

r/@f aims to be a safer space. Please don't behave in ways which uphold systems of oppression, such as those which operate against women, older people, people with non-normative and/or non-normatively beautiful bodies, disabled people, bi people, people of colour, trans people, lesbian people or gay people.

It's all of our responsibilities to fight oppression, so everybody gets to point it out. Please hit the 'report' button if you see it. But if there's any doubt, the last word goes to a person who experiences that oppression.

Please add trigger warnings to links as appropriate. If you see a post that you think needs one but is missing one, please flag it to the mods.

Sister Subreddits

r/@f is part of a larger network of progressive subreddits. If you like it here in r/@f, you might also like it in:

Feminist subreddits:

CyberFeminism EcoFeminism
GeekFeminists FemmeThoughtsFeminism
FeministTheory FeministWriting
SRSARmory SRSFeminism
ProChoice ReproductiveJustice
BodyAcceptance RazorFree
AskStrawFeminists FeministHumor


AtheismPlus GodlessWomen
SRSAnarachists TranArchism
AntiRA CriticalTheory
HipsterRacism KidsRights

Gender and sexuality:

Agender DualGender
GenderQueer TransAction
TransGender TransphobiaProject
Asexuality ActualLesbians
BiWomen KINK
LGBT NonMonogomy
Polyamory QueerTheory
SaferSex SexPositive

For a generally women's subreddit check out FemmeThoughts. For more related subreddits, check out this giant list.


6,751 Subscribers


The AF2C is looking for your favorites anarchists resources !!

We are currently in the process of making a well curated and organized bank of resources for all levels of understanding. Please share in comments all your best anarchists or otherwise anti-capitalism meme stash, visualization, websites, books, zines, music, or any other medium we might have forgot.

All the power to all the people !

20:05 UTC


International Women's Day

I have so many complicated feelings about International Women's Day. On one hand, yes, good idea to have a day to force people to think about the plight of women - and it was another anarchist invention. On the other hand, women's humanity is still contested across cultures, across all levels of public discourse, on a daily basis, all the time. But for today, a flower and some empty slogans...

04:35 UTC


New Anarchist Collective looking for more members

The Anarchist Federation of Cyber Communes is collective of anarchists and politically like-minded individuals looking to connect new and pre-existing anarchist organisations through the web.

The goal is to provide an independent collaborative platform to share resources, talent, skills and help. This can be done in any number of language, although we mostly use english to coordinate. Read our manifesto to learn more.

We're currently working on a podcast, a mass information initiative and some programming projects.

We're looking to grow this space, and would like more women to better balance our group demographics. If you are interested, you can find where to join us at af2c.org


1 Comment
19:52 UTC


How liberal feminism turns into fascism (by Alice Cappelle)

1 Comment
09:16 UTC


I refuse to date men.

The more radical I become, the more I can’t stand men as a demographic. I hardly even find them all that attractive anymore. I’m too feminist. I know the title is an indefinite statement but I’m honestly starting to feel like dating men would be “wrong.” Idk. I can’t separate them from their historical and current impact on the world. Literally every oppressive system, historical atrocity, all of it traces back to men’s selfishness and hunger for power.

23:14 UTC


What’s the difference between anarcha feminism and radical feminism ?

Hi I personally identify as a radical feminist (not a terf) and i wanted to see whether anarcha feminism is better. Can someone please list some main differences?

08:38 UTC


Question: views on sex work

Hey, I'm an anarchist and I've been hearing a lot about radical feminism and it's swerf and terf branches, but also a lot of liberal choice feminism.

I would love anarcha-feminist resource recommendations to compare with the radfem ones.

Also if you'd feel like summarizing some differences and illustrating some points (preferably on sex work and porn in general), I'd greatly appreciate it.

23:49 UTC

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