
Photograph via snooOG

For those dedicated to reproductive rights.

A sub for pro-choice redditors who care about preserving reproductive rights for girls, women, and all pregnant people.

Abortion bans are reproductive abuse and sex based violence on people afab. We are united in our cause to end reproductive abuse for all people who can experience pregnancy. We welcome others of opposing views when they're expressed with respect in discussions, but if you are only here to criticize, change minds, or tell people they are wrong you will be instantly banned.


  1. No anti-choice spam or propaganda Anti-choice spam and propaganda will be removed and the poster will be banned.

  2. Non pro-choice expectations If you are non pro-choice, you're welcome to come here and ask respectful questions. Pleading with us to change our minds is not a respectful question. Calling us murderers is not respectful. If you are genuinely interested in engaging in dialogue with us, you are expected to remain civil. This includes accepting answers you are given instead of pressing a point that has been explained. If you are not here to learn but to debate, you will be banned. Brigading will result in an automatic ban.

  3. Screenshots, direct links, & brigading If sharing conversations from elsewhere on Reddit, take a screenshot and block out the usernames. No direct links, no brigading. Avoid making too many of these posts; if there are a lot of them, they may get removed.

  4. Anti-choice article/video post requirements Anti-choice-leaning arguments and/or articles should have a descriptive title & be made as text posts, with links within the post. If it's a video, you should describe the argument sufficiently that watching the video is not necessary for a response to be made. Make it clear why you hope to get a pro-choice perspective on it. It should remain clear that a topic is being opened for discussion. It's a subjective call and moderators may still remove content if they feel it is dominating the sub.

  5. "Pro-Choice Only" post flair The "Pro-Choice Only" post flair is meant as a way to distinguish topics meant for just fellow pro-choicers to interact on. Not every pro-choicer wishes to engage with or hear from anti-choice views on this sub. If you are anti-choice, please refrain from commenting on these posts, else your comment will be removed and you will be banned.

  6. Be civil to pro-choice users We are all a team with a goal in common. Therefore, please act accordingly. If you have a problem with another user, work it out privately. Name calling and personal attacks are also not tolerated. Let's keep this subreddit related to gaining abortion rights. You're also expected to behave in a way that won't embarrass our sub in a screenshot and cause more brigading. Don't start a brigade.

  7. Civility towards non-pro-choice users There are people who genuinely want to engage in dialogue with us. Non-pro-choice users are expected to remain respectful & civil, & in return, we expect pro-choicers to return the civility. If a non-pro-choice user breaks the rule, users are allowed to enact 'Thunderdome' where pro-choicers can decide if they wish to continue to remain civil or not. This can be used ONLY regarding non-pro-choice users who decide to be hostile. Do not call 'Thunderdome' solely because a user is non-pro-choice.

  8. Banned words/comparisons for non pro-choicers Non pro-choicers are banned from using the following words and comparisons: murder, Nazi, Holocaust, genocide, slavery, Hitler, slut, whore, selfish, evil, etc. as well as iterations &/or coupled words to be suggestive of the aforementioned words and comparisons. This list is not exhaustive. Any such usage will result in an immediate ban. Words found to be within the spirit of this rule may result in a ban & is up to moderator discretion.

  9. Polls must have a "show results" option Or some iteration thereof. We get lots of prolifers who lurk the sub and like to see poll results. Please provide an option for our lurkers and those that do not wish to participate or are not the target participants.

  10. Gender Inclusive Please be mindful of the presence of all genders on this sub, whether cis, trans, non-binary, etc. We are here to advocate for the abortion rights of all people with a uterus & as such disrespect towards a person's gender identity will not be tolerated.

  11. No "paper abortion" type posts Abortion is a medical procedure. Child support is a parental rights issue. Conflating the two is insulting to bodily rights. Likewise, rights for the non-pregnant partner to stop or force an abortion do not coincide with bodily rights. And "having a say" is a relationship issue. Neither topic will be tolerated here.

  12. No Unsafe/Unreliable Abortion Suggestions We do not allow suggestions that people abort using herbs, folk remedies, or DIY methods. This does not include safe and reliable self managed methods like medication abortion. Additionally, though we do not recommend menstrual extraction or manual vacuum aspiration without a doctor’s supervision, we do not ban references to these options as they have a low risk of infection and perforation.

  13. Discussion of later abortions should be well-informed Somehow the rarest abortions get the most discussion. If you want to share your thoughts on abortion later in pregnancy, we expect that you you read and understand this post, and show that you're making a good faith effort to understand it. It's a long post, because it's a complex issue!

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Pro lifers dirty tricks

13:09 UTC


My crush isn’t pro choice

I’ve been crushing on a coworker for many months. The first time we worked together, we clicked instantly, and that NEVER happens to me. Last week we had a second date and we kissed. I was thinking, have I finally found someone??

Yesterday I made the mistake of asking his political preference. Ours do not align. I asked him if he was pro choice and he said, “Not really.” My heart sank. It felt like someone ripped my abdomen open and my guts fell all over the floor. I can bend on most things, but not this. He said he can see some situations where abortion is necessary, but doesn’t think that people should be able to get serial abortions. I told him that’s a very small percentage of people who get abortions and it’s a woman’s right to choose regardless.

He doesn’t seem super locked into his beliefs and I feel like I could present my case to him and possibly get him to see things my way. But maybe not. I’m so fucking sad. I thought he might be the one, but I don’t know if I could fall in love with someone who doesn’t believe in full bodily autonomy.

02:50 UTC


17 states have laws that protect abortion. It's barely been 2 years. We CAN bring back Roe

00:54 UTC


Christian nationalists Steve Cruz and Ben Zeisloft agree that any woman who gets an abortion "should be killed": "She should be tried and convicted; dig a hole and put her down."

22:38 UTC


Make no mistake: Scott Perry supports a nationwide abortion ban

19:10 UTC


Women were abused less when they didn't have rights -prolife Catholic

As if the mass raping of "comfort women" didn't happen in the 1930s

As if black women and men weren't raped repeatedly by they're masters for both pleaser or breeding for more slaves

As if the indigenous women weren't raped and murdered

As if child brides and white women weren't raped by their husbands because "martial rape doesn't exist"

My braincells are dying from this level of uneducatedness

There wasn't less rape there was less things considered rape because rape didn't apply to married women and children or women and children of races considered less human. By today's standards violence against women was way more common, accepted and expected then it is now

05:41 UTC


Blessed be the fruit, my ass. If a woman doesn't "know her place," then she's demonized.

01:46 UTC


Am I a bad person?

So I want to start this by saying that I do not think abortion should be illegal at all, I understand the multiple reasons people would want to have an abortion and I am all for people having that right for themselves.

But I still cant bring myself to like it, it just feels wrong to me and it always will but that doesn’t mean I think the people who are for it are stupid or wrong, but does that make me a bad person for not liking it?

I’m not religious or conservative it’s just this one thing that I don’t agree with… all of my friends are pro choice and I just don’t want this opinion of mine to ruin our friendships, and I don’t tell them this opinion but it scares me that they will find out and stop liking me.

I don’t want to be seen as a bad person to others but I just can’t get rid of this opinion what do you guys think?

17:07 UTC


people who sign anti-abortion petitions arent doing as much as they think they are

if you sign petitions to make abortions illegal or anything similar you're not stopping women from getting abortions you're stopping women from getting safe abortions, without safe abortions pregnant women will die trying to terminate a pregnancy. you cant say you're pro life and then do things that will lead to people ending their lives because of you. whether you like it or not people will always find a way to have an abortion all you're doing is making it impossible to safely get one. you're not helping anyone. you’re making things worse.

yes i copy and pasted one of my tweets but its seriously ridiculous how they are ‘saving a life’ when in reality they’re just ending more

22:54 UTC


Everyone should be able to access abortion and “prolife” laws cause humans to become commodities to be used and/or discarded

It’s not a moral failing to be unable to care for any expectant child. It is, however, a moral failing to sit on the sidelines and issue orders to others that they do.

20:53 UTC


Mifepristone is safe and effective. Republicans still want to ban it.

20:46 UTC


Expansion of SCOTUS seats (for repro & other rights)?

This article claims POTUS & some Dems oppose adding seats to SCOTUS. I don't get it at all. What's the downside?

SCOTUS is vulnerable to unqualified, unethical justices even when appointments had to be done in uncustomary ways, in an effort to move SCOTUS further right.

From my understanding, there's no downside to adding more seats, it makes sense with population increases, and it will make SCOTUS more representative of The People. What am I missing? Why aren't Dems shouting this from the rooftops in unison?

19:51 UTC


"Abortion is banned except to save the mother's life." --> "Yes, your miscarried fetus failed to pass, but we can't operate until you're on death's door."

18:29 UTC


They're Coming for Contraception Next ( 30 mins)

15:04 UTC


Religious anti-choice brainwashing is strong.

Came across a YouTube video, the ones where an AI reads a Reddit post with Minecraft playing, where an OOP posted about how her daughter who got an abortion while attending an Ivy League school and getting knocked up by cheating bf.

The things OOP says is bat shit crazy thanks to deeply ingrained Catholicism.



14:49 UTC


You know what I've missed? Those posts from pro birthers who told their girlfriend's that they'd raise the child, only to then realise how much harder it actually is.

Anyone got the link for them?

00:21 UTC


Don Bacon (R) is an anti-choice extremist who wants to imprison doctors who provide healthcare

23:04 UTC


Christians are murdering women. It's time we stop pussy-footing around the facts.

22:24 UTC

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