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A sub dedicated to reproductive rights.
We stand against any laws which seek to give 3rd party & government power over other people's conception and pregnancy outcomes.
A sub for pro-choice redditors who care about preserving reproductive rights for girls, women, and all pregnant people.
Abortion bans are reproductive abuse and sex based violence on people afab. We are united in our cause to end reproductive abuse for all people who can experience pregnancy. We welcome others of opposing views when they're expressed with respect in discussions, but if you are only here to criticize, change minds, or tell people they are wrong you will be instantly banned.
No anti-choice spam or propaganda Anti-choice spam and propaganda will be removed and the poster will be banned.
Non pro-choice expectations If you are non pro-choice, you're welcome to come here and ask respectful questions. Pleading with us to change our minds is not a respectful question. Calling us murderers is not respectful. If you are genuinely interested in engaging in dialogue with us, you are expected to remain civil. This includes accepting answers you are given instead of pressing a point that has been explained. If you are not here to learn but to debate, you will be banned. Brigading will result in an automatic ban.
Screenshots, direct links, & brigading If sharing conversations from elsewhere on Reddit, take a screenshot and block out the usernames. No direct links, no brigading. Avoid making too many of these posts; if there are a lot of them, they may get removed.
Anti-choice article/video post requirements Anti-choice-leaning arguments and/or articles should have a descriptive title & be made as text posts, with links within the post. If it's a video, you should describe the argument sufficiently that watching the video is not necessary for a response to be made. Make it clear why you hope to get a pro-choice perspective on it. It should remain clear that a topic is being opened for discussion. It's a subjective call and moderators may still remove content if they feel it is dominating the sub.
"Pro-Choice Only" post flair The "Pro-Choice Only" post flair is meant as a way to distinguish topics meant for just fellow pro-choicers to interact on. Not every pro-choicer wishes to engage with or hear from anti-choice views on this sub. If you are anti-choice, please refrain from commenting on these posts, else your comment will be removed and you will be banned.
Be civil to pro-choice users We are all a team with a goal in common. Therefore, please act accordingly. If you have a problem with another user, work it out privately. Name calling and personal attacks are also not tolerated. Let's keep this subreddit related to gaining abortion rights. You're also expected to behave in a way that won't embarrass our sub in a screenshot and cause more brigading. Don't start a brigade.
Civility towards non-pro-choice users There are people who genuinely want to engage in dialogue with us. Non-pro-choice users are expected to remain respectful & civil, & in return, we expect pro-choicers to return the civility. If a non-pro-choice user breaks the rule, users are allowed to enact 'Thunderdome' where pro-choicers can decide if they wish to continue to remain civil or not. This can be used ONLY regarding non-pro-choice users who decide to be hostile. Do not call 'Thunderdome' solely because a user is non-pro-choice.
Banned words/comparisons for non pro-choicers Non pro-choicers are banned from using the following words and comparisons: murder, Nazi, Holocaust, genocide, slavery, Hitler, slut, whore, selfish, evil, etc. as well as iterations &/or coupled words to be suggestive of the aforementioned words and comparisons. This list is not exhaustive. Any such usage will result in an immediate ban. Words found to be within the spirit of this rule may result in a ban & is up to moderator discretion.
Polls must have a "show results" option Or some iteration thereof. We get lots of prolifers who lurk the sub and like to see poll results. Please provide an option for our lurkers and those that do not wish to participate or are not the target participants.
Gender Inclusive Please be mindful of the presence of all genders on this sub, whether cis, trans, non-binary, etc. We are here to advocate for the abortion rights of all people with a uterus & as such disrespect towards a person's gender identity will not be tolerated.
No "paper abortion" type posts Abortion is a medical procedure. Child support is a parental rights issue. Conflating the two is insulting to bodily rights. Likewise, rights for the non-pregnant partner to stop or force an abortion do not coincide with bodily rights. And "having a say" is a relationship issue. Neither topic will be tolerated here.
No Unsafe/Unreliable Abortion Suggestions We do not allow suggestions that people abort using herbs, folk remedies, or DIY methods. This does not include safe and reliable self managed methods like medication abortion. Additionally, though we do not recommend menstrual extraction or manual vacuum aspiration without a doctor’s supervision, we do not ban references to these options as they have a low risk of infection and perforation.
Discussion of later abortions should be well-informed Somehow the rarest abortions get the most discussion. If you want to share your thoughts on abortion later in pregnancy, we expect that you you read and understand this post, and show that you're making a good faith effort to understand it. It's a long post, because it's a complex issue!
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“Your body, my Choice”!!! Bring it on! I’ll be Thrilled to use My Choice on your body!!! This is a two way street!! DRK!!!
Hi all! I'm doing a project at my college where we need to find and validate an unmet need. My group has decided to focus on reproductive healthcare, and we wanted to include the perspective of professionals in the field, including advocates, providers, educators, and more. If you work in the field please consider filling out our survey. Its completely anonymous and should only take about 5 minutes. Thanks!
Now that Trump is elected, I saw many women are afraid of nation wide abortion ban but can Trump really able to do such thing, especially in very liberal states like California or Illinois?
There are already deaths and tragedies from a lack of urgent medical care happening as is. Imagine if there were a federal ban.
Right now- traveling out of state is an inconvenient option but still an option. Imagine taking that option away. It would mean certain death for A LOT of people. Ectopic pregnancies happen in the thousands every year. Women would be forced to carry with nowhere to go. Their tubes will burst and it’s highly likely they will die. This bullshit is unacceptable and I can’t believe it’s now on the table as a possibility. That scares the hell out of me.
I don’t think conservatives realize why no one should want a federal ban on abortion. It would mean the death of their sisters, daughters, wives. Children having babies, domestic violence, rapists forcing women to have their babies.
I don’t think conservatives can even grasp the magnitude of how bad it could possibly get. Wake the hell up.
got this ad for a shitty rip off version of bit life but what in the pro life propaganda is this 🫠🫠🫠
In this time in America's history, it's more important than ever to support the health care workers on the front lines!
Costco sells generic Plan B for $5.99 limit two pills per person per day. Just ask at the pharmacy counter.
If abortion and contraception become inaccessible, then I expect luxury pregnancy living centers, epidurals, well trained doctors, and post partum care all paid for by the politician's salaries and pockets. We also need hefty grants for stay at home mothers raising the next generation of workers for large corporations in the USA.
OH, but wait. None of that will happen. It was all about taking away the welfare and punishing women and teen girls. Making them slave property of the states
From abuzz, it meant a lot to me when making a tough decision.
We need many people contacting Biden daily to push him to stop illegally blocking the ERA before he leaves office. One 5-minute phone call from him to the National Archives and our rights are embedded in the US Constitution.
Text President Biden daily until the ERA is published. (302) 404-0880
You will get a reply back that you need to enroll in texting POTUS. It’s legit; you can Google it to confirm.
iPhone can do this automatically for you: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254860705?sortBy=rank
Phone: 202-456-1111
Social media: @ POTUS
Mail: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20500
Mass mail drop 12/10/2024: VoteEquality.us
American College of OB/GYNs (ACOG) press release: https://www.acog.org/news/news-releases/2024/10/statement-on-the-equal-rights-amendment
American Medical Women's Assoc (AMWA) Reproductive Health Coalition press release: https://8fdaf192-a63f-4cc1-ba48-30c5727fb699.usrfiles.com/ugd/8fdaf1_1a647c98a98a4934b60ed7293f12f7ad.pdf
2024 Democratic National Convention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzlQCmrkaHU
American Bar Association: https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/news/2024/am-res/601.pdf
I recognize that as a man I fully expect this post will be under scrutiny but this is based off of my personal observations and I recognize that the world outside said observations may be different.
What I've noticed a lot of it comes down to with pro life heterosexual women is generally the full confidence that they will never need an abortion.
Sometimes, they share the same massive fear of pregnancy women on our side have. But they are exceptionally, exceptionally confident that they will never get pregnant.
I will admit, I don't know where this confidence comes from, given that birth control can fail at any time. But, these women have full trust in it either which way.
Another thing is that a lot of women outright choose to believe DJT when he says he won't ban abortion nationally. Given the massive plethora of broken promises the first time, I can't understand believing him but a lot of women do.
So, essentially, there's a lot of confidence among pro life women that they'll be able to go to Cali or Illinois for one if needed.
The theme here is just generally a lot of confidence that they'll either not need access or that they'll have the right to travel for them.
That being said, I don't think an actual national ban would change many minds because warped perceptions of the economy take precedence with both men and women.
Figured we all might be needing this right now…
Like I actually get so fucking angry and upset to the point of a panic attack when I think about it.
The thought of getting pregnant again as someone who went through it once before and being forced to carry that pregnancy makes me sick. I actually can’t.
There’s so many tik tok lives with pro lifers saying the most disgusting things about women who want abortion to stay legal and safe.
I HAVE THE RIGHT TO NOT CONSENT TO ANY BODILY PROCESS IM UNCOMFORTABLE WITH. I don’t fucking CARE if it’s a human life. It’s my body, and if I don’t want to host that body inside of my own, I don’t fucking have to.
Abortion abolitionists make me like actually homocidal. Saying to a pregnant 11 year old girl who’s pregnant from incest or rape “sorry, you have to give birth because that’s a human inside you, even though you’re a kid and this will traumatize you and end your childhood” is fucking insane.
Forced pregnancy is sick. Do they know what it will do to women mentally to make someone carry a pregnancy against their will? I cannot imagine looking in the mirror every day and dealing with the horrors of pregnancy against my will.
Just a vent. But we can’t let them do this.
Ok for context I (16F) have a friend (also 16F) who has a friend that sits with us at lunch and is incredibly rude. I could be talking or saying something and she (this rude person, not my friend) won't even LET me finish my sentence or anything and shut down anything I say immediately. Apparently this girl (the rude one, not my friend) is also incredibly Republican, and even tho me and 2 of the others in that table of 6 are queer, 4 are of immigrant families, and 2 are neurodivergent . she says stuff like "I'm so glad trump won!!" Or "we gotta get those illegals out" like... My sister in Christ.... IM GONNA LOSE ONE OF MY UNCLES because of this deportation shit and my cousin is gonna be in an even WORSE position since she'll be on her own. Well today, she started yapping and asking me if I'm part of the 4b movement (which means no dating, flirting, marriage, or s3x w/ men) which I AM by definition a part of because I'm aro/ace and just don't engage in those things no matter the gender. I don't want a husband, boyfriend, or kids at all, and I don't flirt either, and I'm top of that, I support women's CHOICE on the matter of if they want those things or not. So I say yeah I support it but before I even finish my sentence she's like "DO U SUPPORT WOMEN SHAVING THEMSELVES BALD" or something so I'm just like ??? I mean it's their choice and I respect it??? so she starts saying "THERES KIDS WITH CANCER WISHING FOR HAIR HOW COULD YOU SUPPORT THAT" and not even letting me reply. And then she starts talking about abortion, so as politely as I could, I said I support women's choices to the matter and she's like "YOU SUPPORT KILLING BABIES" so I'm about to go "THOSE ARENT BABIES THOSE ARE EMBRYOS AND I SUPPORT THE MOM'S DECISION TO PUT HERSELF THROUGH HELL FOR THEIR SAKE OR NOT" but before I can finish she starts talking even more about how I'm "one of those" and starts to paint completely unrelated things into the picture, including how "everyone feels romantic/sexual attraction" to the point in which made me very unsafe.
The entire conversation left me TERRIFIED. I was visibly uncomfortable and wanted out of there, too. One of my friends asked me if I was doing alright after I got yelled at for almost a full hour, but I'm really not. I'm in the class right after lunch as I type this, and I feel like I want to cry. The fact that women are choosing to take other women's rights away makes me so terrified, and even if I already felt unsafe in this school, this probably took the bait. I didn't even have the chance to say anything, and while I tried to say everything as politely as I could, I still got yelled at. I'm sorry if this doesn't belong here, but I really needed to get this off of me, and my heart goes out to other women in these situations right now due to the gravity of recent events. I'm scared for my own safety right now as many other women are, especially in red states. Has anyone else ever been in an experience like this?
i’m too scared to go on the pro life subreddit and ask so i figured id ask here where i know ill get actual constructive conversation
do they propose exceptions for birth defects? all i see when researching is that they provide exception if the mothers death is absolute certainty but have they considered how common birth defects actually are??
things such as missing limbs, deformed limbs, organs that grow out with the proper places, hydrocephalus,
and so so so many more, i was just wondering if anyone who proposes an abortion ban even has the brain cells to talk about this lmao, thank you in advance!
edit: the reason i’m asking is bc im scottish and not too well versed in american laws! just adding to avoid coming off as ignorant
This just infuriates me (31F).
In late September I published an article about getting raped while I was unconscious in an alleyway. I wrote it pleading with people why abortion rights are important. I told my story, talked about my bipolar, and had I got pregnant from my rapists' baby and not had the option to abort, I would have absolutely killed myself. I linked TONs of stats for sexual assault & a post Roe world) and even more stories of the women around the country suffering and dying because of denied care. But this isn't the point of this post.
My family all knew about getting raped but nobody knew the extent of it nor the long term things I still struggle with 7 years after. Unfortunately nobody in my immediate family acknowledged it (I sent it directly to them more than once, and I learned later that they all read it together).
A couple weeks after I published it my Aunt who I have stayed *close-ish* with called me. She said everything I wanted to hear from my own parents. She cried and I cried, she told me how she would respect my body and always ask from now on if she could give me a hug, etc. She told me that she will finally start calling me by Kay (full name - Kayla) because she knows now that 'kayla' died that night because of my rapist. I finally had someone I hold so closely validate EVERYTHING.
I talked to my Aunt last Wednesday after the election results were clear. She revealed she voted for Trump - because she grew up republican and has & will always vote red.
In that same phone call she told me she knows NOTHING about what's going on regarding abortion in the US (which like HOW).
The last and hardest to hear:
I'm so glad I'm past reproductive age because I just can't imagine being put in that position.
I'm not going to lie, I wanted to punch her. Thankfully we were talking on the phone. I couldn't believe my ears though. I am 31 and have always been set on no kids. Even worse, SHE HAS A 21 YO DAUGHTER. She's putting us in that position and it just enrages me.
I told her that I would teach her all about the abortion rights fight. I respect the fact that she was super receptive and asked if we could set up a zoom meeting to go over stuff. I told her that her first homework assignment was to go back to my article and click through every single link and read the stories. She was excited and said to continue to send her articles to educate her.
I'm thankful that she's eager to learn but I am so mad that she's lived this 'we don't talk politics' and is now learning too late.