
Photograph via snooOG

Sustainability is the ability of system to endure. While most people associate the term with the environment, true longevity requires social and economical sustainability as well as ecological sustainability.

Sustainability is the ability of system to endure. While most people associate the term with the environment, true longevity requires social and economical sustainability as well as ecological sustainability.


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Compostable - not biodegradable - trash bags

The municipal I live in now has separate trash bin for compostable materials such as kitchen scraps. We're supposed to use compostable trash bags to put our stuff into it, or carry our kitchen scrap container to the trash bin, dump it in, then take our container home to wash. So far we have been using brown paper bags since that's also brown material (see vermicompost). However brown paper bags are puzzlingly more expensive here even on Amazon, than where I used to live. Brown paper bags are also nowhere to be seen in any of the supermarkets I have visited. I don't know what's with this country, and I can't change that. I want to know which brand of compostable trash bags are authentically compostable, instead of that biodegradable lie. Has anyone here already looked into this and have found web pages that have done testing on which brand is truly compostable? If they are cheaper than brown paper bags here I hope to switch to save my crying household budget. Thank you!

14:34 UTC


Questions about AC

I am very new to sustainability and I have some questions about the AC and how to use it responsibly. My mother insists on keeping it running all day but I heard that It is not good to use all the time and is bad for the environment. She says it takes a lot of energy for it to cool down a hot room if I don't keep it on and it turns off on its own anyway. Which sounds fine but I am skeptical. What sources can I learn from to reassure me?

19:50 UTC


Dish Soap Alternatives EU

I've been looking for a dish washing soap alternative - either refills or bars - but struggling to find non-US products. While I use my dishwasher for most things some things are unavoidably hand-wash.

Does anyone know any products that ship affordably or are easy to find in the EU, specifically Belgium or Germany?

14:54 UTC


Where do I find jobs for federal contractor positions with either DOE, DOT, or EPA?

Applying for positions in renewable energy, climate change, and environmental stuff in general

23:06 UTC


Youtube video for 7-11 year olds

I'm looking to do a little movie screening (around 20 min) at the end of an environmental camp summarizing human impacts on the environment and actions that can be taken, after they will craft and sign their own sustainability pledge. I'm looking for something in the vein of "The story of stuff" but more engaging for young eyes. Let me know if you have any ideas!

1 Comment
19:50 UTC


The 1940s and 1950s ad industry destroyed the environment

23:33 UTC


Google’s greenhouse gas emissions climbed nearly 50 percent in five years due to AI

18:35 UTC


finding ways to reduce textile waste?

i’m a high school graduate who’ preparing to go to college and i’m clearing through my wardrobe at the moment, i’ve sold, donated, practically anything other than throwing my clothes away but i still can’t help but wonder how much textile waste is still building up especially with the surge of fast fashion. can anyone educate me further on the issue?

1 Comment
11:12 UTC


I don't like asking this question because it makes me feel stupid, but what is it about animals (esp. ruminant cows/sheep) that make them particularly unsustainable in ag.? Aren't they carbon neutral? Is the problem because we keep breeding more cows every year?

plants absorb CO2, plants/CO2 go into cows, cows 'convert' that CO2 into methane (so, so far it's gotten worse), the methane is emited, but then within a couple decades degrades into CO2, and that is eventually back into the ground/sea, and the cycle repeats (back to where we started).

I've been writing my thesis which works with UK farmers. They're very dissatisfied with the governments recent sustainability changes, and I find their arguments about animals being carbon neutral because of the 'carbon cycle' make me unsure in myself/the endless scientific consensus on the negative envionmental impact of animals.

Where does the problem come in with farmed animals? Is it because generally, every year there are more farmed animals than before, thus continually adding more methane, instead of keeping it at constant levels? I suppose because of increasing consumption globally, there's more cows and so more methane replacing the old methane that gets sequestered. But within 1 country, where populations and wealth stay more stagnat, there wont be more cows added, so then it becomes constant?

I have searched for this question before and did find answers but still felt a bit confused. I'm already plant based and don't really want to defend animal ag anyway, but I should still understand it.

17:37 UTC


I am curious how these useless stickers impact the composting chain. Can anyone shed some light? Or if anyone has knowledge on how big the problem is and what is the current solution

04:04 UTC


Exxon’s Imperial Backtracks On Carbon Capture Claims After Anti Greenwashing Law

1 Comment
19:58 UTC


What are some examples of sustainable tours or activities?

I love traveling and want to make sure I choose activities that are environmentally friendly. So far, I've only thought of walking tours or educational workshops.

What other kinds of tours or activities would be considered sustainable? Any recommendations or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated!

07:19 UTC


are virtual cards transparent and providing any impact to our life-style?

Mostly I prefer online payments more than having 5-7 different plastic cards, which I need to reissue every few years. My friend shared with me that I can use this Karma Wallet as they provide virtual cards and can help me cut back on plastic-intensive and ecologically harmful stuff. It sounded interesting, so I gave it a try.

I like the bit of gamification and the engaging process it has, but transparency matters more to me. I was wondering how transparent the back-end process of a company like this would be. Moreover, Could brand collaboration be a part of it? Can these cards create a real, long-term impact?

05:50 UTC

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