
Photograph via snooOG

A community for discussing free distribution of surplus food (vegan or vegetarian) that would otherwise go to waste. Discuss how your local FNB chapter runs, what successes you've had, what you could improve on, recipes, strategies, etc.


5,366 Subscribers


help needed in saarbrucken

German FNB, please respond! we're a forest defenders camp and we're running out of food!!

12:11 UTC


PBJ sandwiches wrapping

I'm thinking about making a bunch of sandwiches to bring. What would be a good cost effective, environmentally friendly way to wrap them?

16:24 UTC


I'm in a Moscow FNB chapter. AMA I guess

21:42 UTC


Deviating from FNB core principles. (Help me understand, vent with me)

Does your chapter share meat and/or animal products?

Does your chapter go shopping at grocery stores?

Does your chapter offer a tax ID number to stores so their donations can be written off?

I’m really struggling with the number of chapters that have chosen to disregard core Food Not Bombs principles.

So far the most common response to asking why is something along the lines of, “we need to feed as many people as possible any way we can.”

If we don’t have principles what are we really even doing?

02:41 UTC


In a coffee shop in Lawrence Kansas.

1 Comment
00:35 UTC


I’m new, advice?

Hi I'm going to a FnB later today to see how I can get involved, is there anything I need to know before I go? And is there anything I should bring?

14:04 UTC


Does your chapter mask up?

Wondering how different chapters are handling masking up (respirators / n95s / kn95s) these days and why or why not?

18:50 UTC


Upstate SC (specifically Anderson)

I’ve had very little luck looking for a ride to the Greenville one and I was wondering if there is one in Anderson? It’s been a tough past 2 months and I’m just looking for non religious resources due to religious trauma from my past and just food insecurity help. If this is not allowed I’m sorry.

18:09 UTC


Movie for fundraiser for local FnB Chapter

Hi! I am writing to ask if anybody has some suggestions some FnB related movies / interviews / clips.

The local chapter in my city is thinking of fundraiser ideas and we think a movie screening would be great, just have to get some ideas. The title of the movie would be great, a link to download / stream it from is awesome.

Edited the post to add our socials, if anyone wants to check it out: Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/food.not.bombs.cluj?igsh=MzNlZDhjaTVuMzlm ( Romanian )

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/piata.autonoma.cluj/ ( Romanian )

Any recommendation is welcome! 161 1312

19:56 UTC


San Antonio FNB!

Hi comrades far and wide, we have just restarted the FNB chapter here in San Antonio tx!

Does anybody have any insight, tips and tricks for gathering resources to feed the community?

I’ve got a list of local grocers and small cafes and restaurants ready to go. Would love any and all comments, thank you in advance 🙏🏽 blessings

17:29 UTC


Raleigh, NC, USA chapter still going strong and needs volunteers!

Just putting it out there for any interested people in the area, the Raleigh, NC, USA chapter of FNB is still going strong and could use more volunteers! We have a lot of different groups as well that aren't just food (we affectionately like to call it "FNB+") so even if cooking and distribution don't work for you I'm sure we have a spot!

Food status - All things purchased are vegan with no honey though we occasionally accept vegetarian donations like pastries.

Linktree - https://linktr.ee/FNBRaleigh

Some other projects (besides cooking and distribution) -

  • Diaper delivery through partnership with The Diaper Train
  • Clothes distribution
  • Weekday distribution (Tuesday evenings, small scale)
  • Holiday program in December
  • Grocery delivery
  • Social media posts (sharing FNB wide needs, community member needs, etc)
  • And many others
21:07 UTC


Uncle Sam’s Sandwich Board

11:09 UTC


Video I Made Advocating For a More Philosophically Robust Definition of Veganism

10:11 UTC


Mysophobia and FNB

Hi all, I have mysophobia and avoid any type of potluck or buffet style event. I only eat food that is prepared my myself, my husband, or if it someone I do not know - I make sure I know the kitchen is clean, they have washed their hands, they are healthy, and do not have pets in the space. I am sure FNB is a clean space but the idea of a bunch of people I know nothing about making my food absolutely terrifies me. I think about potential coughing, sneezing, breathing, and touching the food. I know this is an irrational fear I live with. Can anyone calm my brain with information on the space and cleanliness? Is the food made in a specific kitchen or in volunteers’ homes? Do they wear masks? Any information is helpful, thank you.

18:25 UTC


Is the Ann Arbor or Ypsilanti Michigan Food Not Bombs Still Running?

There is a listing and even a phone number for the Ypsilanti Food Not Bombs on the Food Not Bombs website, but I've called several times and tried to meet in person and nothing. How to I get in contact with, well preferably the Ypsilanti one since that's where I live, but either one them, or how would I go about starting 1 back up if they are actually inactive now?

1 Comment
18:56 UTC


Locally (NC)

Just moved to north eastern NC (near OBX) Was wondering if there is anyone doing anything I know there are some on the otherside of the state but on this end there isn't much of anything. I work at the local foodbank and they have a kitchen available for use so was hoping to link up with some folks.

17:38 UTC


Salem, OR FNB?

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knew if the FNB branch in Salem Oregon is still active? I tried reaching out and went to the location posted on the FNB website and didn’t get a response or find the set up. Instead I’ve been commuting to Portland to learn the ropes. If there is still a branch in Salem are there any members in this community that I could speak to about doing more stuff locally?

22:40 UTC


LA food not bombs where are you?!

i called and waited at pershing square for 4 hours. ghosted since then and that was 3 weeks ago

22:36 UTC


Hind's hall

01:46 UTC


Large-Scale Meal Planning Application (free)

A friend and I run a weekly soup kitchen in our area. We both work in a kitchen and put together recipes every week. We do 150 portions of the same meal every week, where we hit all of the major nutritional boxes (protein, whole grain, dairy, fruit/vegetable). I'm looking at writing up a program where we could basically input our recipes, with ingredient ratios and a database of approximate ingredient costs that could easily be scaled up or down for x amount of people. The idea would be that people who are looking to do something similar, and give out food that is a little bit more time-consuming to make (but all the tastier for it) could save time in planning a meal and calculating out recipe amounts and such, with our own database of recipes included. We're heavily inspired by Food Not Bombs, and I'm coming to this subreddit for two things:

  1. Does something like this already exist? I can't seem to find any applications online that fill this particular niche, but I very well could've missed something.

  2. If an application like this doesn't already exist, would this be something useful to anybody here?

Feel free to ask any questions, I'll do my best to answer. If you know anything about API use (and particularly in regards to the Ragic online database website) I would really appreciate some help. I'm not the greatest programmer. Thank you, and stay safe out there.

22:51 UTC


Sustainable food packaging

Hi all, I’m donating a lot of baked goods for an upcoming fundraiser(?). I’m not too involved with the organization myself but want to assist a very involved friend where I can. I hate the idea of using single use plastic wrap to package individual baked goods (sourdough loaves, cookies, rolls, etc) and know it also doesn’t jive with the organizations goal of sustainability. Does anyone have any recommendations for packaging? I’ve looked at beeswax paper and while sustainable and multi use it would be pretty expensive to procure for this use. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

18:03 UTC


does anybody know if the joliet chapter is still active?

08:55 UTC


Starting chapter in Lorain Ohio

Hey guys my girlfriend (23F) and I(23F) are starting a chapter of Food Not Bombs in Lorain Ohio and I was wondering if anyone has any advice on what to expect? I live in a suburban slightly conservative area. For reference I am , black, and Muslim so I’m concerned people won’t want to take food from bc of their beliefs, is this a problem other people have faced? I’m also concerned about starting this chapter while being visibly Muslim given the current bombardment in Palestine that I will get a lot of anti-Palestine people coming up to me wanting to argue. How do I avoid this? And if I can’t what should I do? Should I argue with them bc Food not Bombs is explicitly political and taking stands on political/ human rights issues is important? Or is that like antagonizing the community and bad for the movement?

I also wanted to know what I should put out in regards to readings/political material. should I full send it and leave out like anti capitalist literature ( anarchist/communist stuff)? Maybe something in between, just general anti war stuff? Environmentalism? I have been wanting to start a local paper where I just report on local issues with my own political lens ( so like local tenants rights issues, public park funding, right to grow initiatives etc.), is this good to put out?

I just don’t really know where to start or what the standard is for you guys? I found out about food not bombs online so I’ve never actually seen a stand in person and I don’t rlly know what I should be replicating.

Another thing is the vegetarian/vegan meals. I agree with the principle and plan to cook vegan/vegetarian meals to serve people at the stand but I also have started multiple food exchanges where in people in my apartment complex have like a mutual pantry in each building and those are not vegan/vegetarian, is it bad to distribute food not bombs stuff there? What about food donations from other groups like churches/restaurants that aren’t vegan/vegetarian? Should I politely turn them down? Or I could also distribute the cans of stuff as like “food packages to families”, is it okay to put food not bombs on those?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

00:58 UTC



hi, im a young anarchist thinking about starting a fnb chapter. i want to do more for my community, especially since all the organizations around here are aggressively christian. my city isn't exactly rich, but according to poverty rates less than 10% of the population are in "poverty". of course, this doesnt mean much to me (especially since i grew up "above the poverty line" yet still poor), but theres still a small part of me that's like. its not worth it. i know this is just the capitalist brainwashing speaking and that any person who is hungry deserves food. i want to help the community im in, but it just kinda feels shitty knowing theres more people i could help in other places. im not even sure if there's a good central place to serve-- there's no public transportation so people rely on their vehicles while a minority walk everywhere. does anyone else feel like this? advice would be appreciated :)

1 Comment
06:55 UTC


Increase In Meat At FnB Chapters?

I've noticed that every FnB chapter in my state (that I know of at least) serves some meat. Is this a growing trend? The last time I did FnB was over a decade ago (I'm involved in a non-vegetarian mutual aid group these days) and this would be unheard of back then. We would always thank people who brought non-veggie dishes, serve it, and ask them to bring a veggie dish next time and explain that FnB is a vegetarian project.

I understand the reasons people serve meat (we mainly serve homeless folks, and many of them like meat, don't wanna turn away food, etc), but to me it feels disrespectful to the legacy of FnB to call your group FnB and break one the few core principles. Why organizer under the banner of FnB if you don't agree with the principles? To me it's like starting an Anarchist Black Cross chapter and doing prisoner support for incarcerated cops, it's a fundamental contradiction. I've met some homeless vegetarians/vegans who sought out FnB here and were disappointed it wasn't "really FnB." I would have felt the same way when I homeless.

I'm curious what other people's thoughts are and how it looks in your region.

22:01 UTC


New food not bombs chapter in Homer, Alaska

Hey everyone, we have started a group here in Homer, Alaska. I am looking for advise on how to build structure in our meetings and how to stray away from a leadership role. I think it would be great to have a rotating schedule for leading meetings but I'm wondering if any of yall have tried that. Thanks!

1 Comment
16:52 UTC


I am reviving a chapter here in Oklahoma! Super excited!!

I saw the FNB in Houston on my TikTok fyp and I realized my city had one, but it’s inactive. I decided to see if I could get it running again! Any encouragement would be welcome!

01:34 UTC

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