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Cancun Ted on Fox News, this is what Pathetic looks like.

19:45 UTC


"How can I make myself appear younger to voters?"

"How about this (nearly 30 years old reference), Sir? That would be so fetch!"

y'all, trump is really not coping well that HE is now the old dude running 😏

19:19 UTC


AMA with Georgia Democrat Maura Keller today at r/politics!

If you're interested in helping out a swing State Congressional candidate running against a Trump-endorsed MAGA insider, please join me over at r/politics today. Ask me anything you'd like, upvote, share, and help spread my platform while it's out there.

I'm both excited and nervous to be hosting an AMA with the biggest political subreddit; my campaign would really appreciate any support from dedicated Democrats here. Visit r/maurakeller to learn more about me!

All the best, Maura Keller Democratic Nominee Georgia's 3rd Congressional District

16:15 UTC


Kamala Harris- A Career Working For You

1 Comment
15:31 UTC


Dr. Biden’s Thank You note

14:15 UTC


"nO oNe vOtEd fOr hArRiS" I DID.

"nO oNe VoTeD fOr HaRrIs" I DID. I was registered for the Democratic primary in my state, I checked the box for Joe Biden, I was informed enough to know that was short hand for the Biden/Harris ticket. With the President's advanced age I was aware that there was a greater than average chance that Harris would step up into that role, and I was comfortable with that ticket. I voted for the ticket with Harris on it in the primary, I'll vote for the ticket with Harris on it for the election. No problem seen.

I know that the 'no one voted for Harris' argument isn't legitimate, it's just the other side of the aisle trying to invent a wedge issue to break down Democratic support. They're all pointless, bad faith arguments, this one just gets under my skin. No matter how many tactics the GOP try, I will be in that voting booth on election day, and I will be voting for any Democrat, and if that Democrat is Kamala Harris, it will be pleasure vote, and not only a necessity.

13:52 UTC

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