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SRSPoC is a community for discussions centered around people of color. People of all races are welcome.

Post articles of PoC interest, international/non-Western interest, intersectionality interest (women of color, QUILTBAGs of color, etc). Post questions for PoC or self-posts to start discussions of PoC issues.

While this can function as a 201 space on issues of color for Fempire-friendly folk, the usual shit that will get you banned in the Fempire will get you banned here as well. If you're here to dismiss and erase the lived experiences of other people, this isn't the subreddit for you.


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Black ancestry, white passing, was taught that my 'black genes made me violent and stupid' by my father

I thought this might be a good place to get some thoughts and generally put my experience out there. I'm 1/8 black, rest white, from two parents who each had a paternal great grandfather who was black. Both my parents and I 'pass' for white, and both my grandfathers look black. Early in school I had a lot of issues with hitting people, throwing things, and self-harm. This was explained to me by my dad as our black genes making us more violent, and I had to make a special effort not to be as angry. Recently he explicitly said to me, after I kicked a washboard because my boyfriend was having an allergic reaction and I couldn't find my keys, "we've just got bad genes, we're violent and dumb and we have a harder time than anybody else." Regretfully I just smile and nod along with all this. On the topic of attributing negative traits to my ancestry, he regularly berates me for my skinny arms, and says my (now deceased) grandfather had skinny arms and that's why I do. Weirdly, before he knew I was gay, he wanted me to have a black girlfriend, he openly made fun of any white girls I went out with in school, but took the couple relationships I had with black girls very seriously, and acted like he was proud. This complex of beliefs is overlaid with what I would call a popularly progressive mindset, he argues publicly for the rights of gay and trans people, member of the ACLU and so on. Recently I've gotten really frustrated about all these comments, and I'm finding hard to be proud of any part of my ancestry. All comments are welcome, especially critical ones.

1 Comment
19:56 UTC


White people need to hear the cold hard truth. They are in denial of their innate racism, and that's why they can't squash the demons among their own brethren.

06:50 UTC


Overwatch players try to argue there is nothing wrong with a white guy voicing a Nigerian character

22:25 UTC


Naima Lowe sets the record straight to white supremacists.

01:41 UTC


Disgusting public Islamophobia. Muslims peacefully gather to protest hate group, and is met with vitriol hate speech, all on public television. Australia has no shame with their hate for Muslims.

1 Comment
04:13 UTC


Racist pizza owners refuse to serve a black woman. You can see them handing out pizza to everyone except her.

1 Comment
01:33 UTC


Looking for a critical essay/theory on the demonisation of black sexuality

Hey everyone,

I'm writing an essay on the way drug censorship in the USA is used to demonise African American sexuality, particularly cis male. I was wondering if anyone knew of any essays or theory that examines the demonisation of black sexuality (or that of POC generally), and better still, if anyone knows of any articles etc. examining the relationship between black sexuality and drug censorship. Any help would be really appreciated! Have a great day!

10:40 UTC


Affirmative Action Debate: Tim Wise - Intelligence Squared U.S.

20:50 UTC


I'm fucking done.

I could handle the president being a bigot, a hateful racist, and a disgusting misogynist. I could handle an old, fat, blonde German white man being our president. I could handle the corporate cronyism, the rampant capitalism, the prioritization of America over every other country... Until today.

Today I realized how it's not just thean pretending to be president. It's half of America. I'm looking over my Facebook and seeing people supporting this hateful and xenophobic ban on immigrants... I see my friends and family acting as if it's reasonable and not the racist destruction of our national ideal. They act as if they're afraid that immigrants will hurt them somehow, when realistically the only people who will hurt them are white men and boys, who shoot up their schools and workplaces so often.

I've stayed strong since the election, but today was the first day where I couldn't help but to cry. Not only is our country becoming known as racist on the world stage, poor Muslims who've done nothing wrong are now going to have real reason to dislike us. Where the once could have been peace and acceptance, we now have fear and resentment. All because the whites want to stop letting Brown people in.

1 Comment
03:11 UTC

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