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    Why do it often happens where multiple different schools share one building?

    I think it’s weird to have 3-4 different schools in one building, and not only that but there be fights that sometimes breakout between the students from different schools!!!!

    18:10 UTC


    Higher Education is Dead and effectively Worthless

    I retired early recently, and bored decided to study something I've always had a passion for... filmmaking, across two separate HE Institutions.

    Now I already have a couple of Degrees (BA, MA, MSC) from 30y ago plus I've worked 25 years in a field that requires constant updating of my skills and knowledge of my specialism. So I'm no stranger to academia and self directed research and study.

    My new studies required me to do some prerequisite (compulsory) modules in Media and Commications, followed by modules in Editing and Animation software, amongst others in Cimetography and Film Studies.

    I'm shocked at how badly taught these all (other than the last module) were taught. Everything is now Laptops, PCs, Smart Phones and scripted webpage lessons with procedual videos (some ripped strait from YouTube).

    The lectures read strait from the script and do everything possible to avoid debating points with students (no seminars or tutorials anymore). Having an original idea or perspective on a topic and they are nothing but negative... don't dare think of anything your lecturer hasn't been able to think of themselves (or maybe that was just me?).

    The courses preparation and marking is disorganised, baldy scheduled and frequently late.

    I've been a FE teacher and a software trainer in my career, and when a practioner is rushing through a complex software package (they probably know extremely well) without pause for breath or checking their class for feedback that they are following at the same speed....thats a bad instructor.

    I've got stuck on finding menus or the software has crash, and the lecturer is on the next chapter by the time I'm back on point. Glacing around the room I see I'm in the same boat as 80+% of the class. When 60% of you class walk out of an auditorium because their totaly lost and your not bother, there is something seriously wrong.

    'Oh well' they say, 'you can work though the exercises in your own time by following the videos'... well then l could do that at home for free watch YouTube at my own pace....so why am I paying them thousands $ for that?

    I don't feel that Higher Education as it currently stands, is usless and certainly not value for money. The 'lecturers' are just ticking boxes and pushing as many gullible youths through their doors as they can.

    The current crop of students' acquired 'learning' is not going to help them get a job in a related field, let alone a career. Its not just worthless ,its also going to burdens them with decades of debt at the same time.

    If i had children of my own i would strongly try dissuade them from going to HEdu, unless on a full scholarship in in a reputably technically program via an apprenticeship or other.

    Hell, I'd rather they be a plumber or an electrician rather than wast 3-4 years on this rubbish at an vitality important stage in their lives.

    The only purpose i can see for Higher Education these days is to keep lectures in employment as they unsuited to work in the fields they claim to teach.

    12:07 UTC


    Higher education

    Hi, I’m an undergrad with a decent cgpa in a decent college. I’m in electrical branch. I’m planning to go for higher studies(MTech) abroad (mostly USA). I want to apply for computer engineering related fields. Should I apply to top schools there and do you think it’s easy for someone to get accepted into top colleges considering the fact that you are migrating from electrical to computer related field?? Someone pls help me with this

    1 Comment
    09:01 UTC


    Instructional Coach / Linguistic Specialist

    To give context, I am a ELA teacher going into my 5th year of teaching and my 3rd year in middle school. I am also pursuing a master's degree in composition and rhetoric.

    After I graduate, I want to pursue a career in instructional coaching or linguistic specialization for K-12.

    Does anyone have experience working either of these roles and what does a typical day look like?

    23:15 UTC


    Can my school give me work without telling me?

    I found out I have a summer project recently, but my school didn’t say anything about it. They didn’t email any of my parents or me. I had to go to their website to find out. I don’t know the exact percent of how much the grade is, but I know it’s a lot. I just wanted to know if this is ok for them to do this.

    20:29 UTC



    I never had any dream about my career or anything. I choose commerce because i had no interest in science or humanities and i found commerce a bit interesting. I am going for bcom in 2 months, currently applying yo different college but i don't know what to do next. I am not aware about the market and career options if i research online it just shows the post but not like how to achieve it. Could you advice me about me further career like how to advance to know things and please share your experiences in this field if you have.

    1 Comment
    01:37 UTC


    Am I the only one that thinks that the Romanian grade system is to harsh?

    P.S: this is coming from a students perspective

    So I think the Romanian grade system is to harsh, the system grades from a 1-10 10 is the best grade you can get, and 1, is the worst grade you can get So, now, the Romanian grade system. 10- Foarte bine(very good) 9- bine (good) 8- suficient (sufficient) 7 or lower- insuficient (insufficient) And, I think they should change it to more like: 10-9 foarte bine (very good) 8-7 bine (good) 6-5 suficient (suficient) 4 or lower insuficient (insufficient)

    22:11 UTC


    How to study abroad being from 3rd world country?

    People who have done it or know how to do it , please share with us how can one study abroad (UK,US,Japan...) ?

    21:08 UTC


    Kindergarten teacher

    Everyone congratulates me with being accepted into schools to become a kindergarten teacher. It’s a stable job, not bad work hours and all. But I feel miserable. Like sure I find it interesting and all and I’ve been working in kindergarten for a few years now (I’m 23f) and thought I should start my uni education.

    I’ve tried so many professions already. And since I’m mentally ill (c-ptsd) I have such a hard time finding something that doesn’t make me suicidal after a short time and in the long run. Kindergarten is the only thing that hasn’t made me suicidal but I do feel miserable often now. I didn’t before but damn.. the only thing I do and have ever wanted to do is art. But the financial instability stresses me so much I feel paralysed. Everyone I meet are so positive when I tell them I’m becoming a kindergarten teacher, but when I open up about wanting to study art, folk lore or something like that they’re so negative.. and go on and on about how I’ll be poor and not have money to get a house but by being a kindergarten teacher I’ll at least have a chance.

    Just asking here for help. Has anyone any tips other than follow your heart? And are there any Scandinavians here with any tips since that’s where I live. And if anyone else here have mental health issues that makes work really difficult, I’m very open to advice on that front too.

    20:02 UTC


    While the school year in most states is September-June, why are other states August-May?

    19:13 UTC


    Nursing programs in Rhode Island

    I’m sorry If this post is in the wrong place.

    I’ve been a little stuck on whether I should get my nursing associates at CCRI nursing program or New England Tech nursing program…. I’ve heard good things about both as well as some cons. Both are competitive. I think CCRI is less money/more affordable. NET is shorter by 3 months. This would be my first year (freshman) at a college/university. I have not taken any prerequisites. If anyone has a recommendations or experiences at either or others not mentioned above, anything would be much appreciated. Some people are telling me CCRI. Others are saying NET. I don’t REALLY understand the difference of the two.

    1 Comment
    18:12 UTC


    Help me choose the course in college

    Im applying for linguistics, and there is a question i cannot answer myself. I must have 2 languages to study at this department, one is english, and the second one i have to choose between german, spanish and french. I have no idea which one i should pick. Any comments? What should i look at in these languages? For now im inclined to pick french but really unsure.

    14:56 UTC


    Countries to do my PGCE

    Hey guys. Im a prospective teacher who is looking to do my PGCE through Sunderland. Im looking to get into a Primary school with a bachelor's degree(in another field)and TEFL only. I got about 4 to 5 years teaching experience but mostly in kindergartens. What countries is the best to consider this now in terms of cost of living and quality of life for expats?

    04:44 UTC


    Video Essay about the Flaws of Past Education Reforms and What We Should Do Instead

    19-year-old here. Half a year ago, I made a post on this subreddit in which I shared the layout for an alternate education system I had devised. I conducted additional research using the suggestions I received, and decided to compile the lessons I learned and the thoughts I had in this video.

    19:33 UTC


    How to convince school to admit you if you're too late to take the entrance test

    I need to convince a school to let me in, or at least allow me to take the test to be admitted though I'm too late. I didn't see that they were having them at the time. It's still currently summer for the school, so how do I get them to let me in? It is a high school.

    18:44 UTC


    How Many Minutes in a Year?

    How many minutes are there in a year, and how is this calculation affected by leap years? Additionally, can you explain the steps to calculate the total number of minutes in both a regular year and a leap year, considering variations in the number of days in each month?

    13:00 UTC


    Unsure if I should do one year of pedagogy before studying to become a teacher..?

    I’m 21 now and I just want to get a job, at the same time I love being a student and learning. I’m gonna be 27 when start working and it makes me feel very stressed.

    Is it worth studying pedagogy? It seems relevant and I think it’s soo interesting. I’ve done one year of media studies and I did really well in media pedagogy which made me really motivated to study again lol.

    10:46 UTC


    What can colleges do to improve students gpa?

    05:38 UTC


    Alternative school

    Hi, so in my freshman year of high school I got expelled and sent to an alternative school (I return to public school in October) but my mom has plans to move us out of the state before then and I’m wondering if I would be able to do that with me being expelled, I live in Louisiana for context 👍

    00:15 UTC


    Presentation tools for Maths, Science and European languages

    Presentation tools for Maths, Science and European languages

    Guys please help me with this, I am an English teacher and I teach English online using ready made presetation tools from Oxford and Cambridge (super minds, kid's box, power up and so on)

    My friends ,who are Maths, Science ,French and German teachers, want to know if they can buy ready made curriculum to start tutoring like me

    16:45 UTC


    Eligibility for Master's Programs in the USA with UK Equivalent Qualifications

    Hello, I have a question. I completed a BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business Level 5, followed by a top-up year to Level 6. This program is equivalent to a bachelor's degree in the UK. Can I apply to a master's program in the USA with these qualifications?

    1 Comment
    16:14 UTC


    Why universities do malpractices in name of exam Back

    05:53 UTC


    Skills/Lessons everyone should know

    Hello! This will be cross posted

    What are some 'tangible' skills/lessons you think everyone should know to make their life easier? I'm asking for the purpose of putting together presentations, sort of a "___ for Dummies" situation. This is so I can practice public speaking and prepare myself for work related seminars.

    My ideas so far are: budgeting, time management (though this one is sort of less "tangible"), basic research/formatting, interview skills, communication skills, active listening.

    Wondering what other specifics this sub may have to offer.


    01:10 UTC


    Online school vs In person school?

    So I'm currently in the situation where I've been online for around 2 years, primarily due to me not being able to work well with other kids and thing in the past that I don't want to get into; I'm curious whether or not I should start re-attending standard high school. However, I'm already doing great online and getting great grades. My social skills may be lacking but I'm not sure/don't think so, as conversations go pretty smoothly I'd say. I have an offer to go attend a prestigious high school, and wanted to know if its better for me to attend a prestigious high school, potentially have grades suffer but build connections, Or stay online and take some clubs from schools around me? Which would look better for perhaps college applicatons or increase social interactions?

    20:48 UTC


    I need help finishing my assosciates

    I transferred between colleges a lot as I did dual enrollment, abroad programs, and then had to stop due to money.

    I should be very close to an associates degree. I was focused on psychology, but none of my advisors really helped me choose classes so, I have no idea what degree I'm close to but I have 58 credit hours.

    Can anyone help me figure out the next steps?

    18:16 UTC


    Young music teacher


    I am 17 years old and recently was given an opportunity to teach drums to a 7 year old. I have never taught anyone this young (or really taught anyone at all, other than my peers). Do you have any advice for a beginner teacher and someone who wants to enter the music education sphere? It does not have to be music related, just any tips for teaching, especially relating to young children. Thank you!

    17:26 UTC


    Need help with my Biology research.

    I've been pondering a question lately, How efficient is most molecular biology research? We all know that research can be a long and complex process, but I'm curious about your thoughts and experiences. Do you think there are areas where we could improve efficiency? Are there specific challenges you've faced in your own research projects?

    13:23 UTC


    Private HS sent info about student to public HS

    As the title states, a private high school sent a letter to a public high school revealing the student's grades and making what the parent considers derogatory statements about the student. This student attended a different PK-8 private school, in the 8th grade, and remotely taking freshman honors algebra through the private HS. The 'executive director' of the private HS sent this letter without contacting the parents and basically sent a transcript of the student's grades without having Parental permission.

    Looking for advice on what to tell this student's parents.

    23:08 UTC


    My professor wants to meet for a zoom meeting regarding my paper but I'd rather decline.

    My professor asked to go over my paper because of a citation issue. I didn't just not cite something rather I spoke about a book in my essay and chose to add the book in the bibliography without actually citing a quote from it. I made the mistake of thinking I needed to add the book in the bibliography if I spoke of the book. I fulfilled the citation requirement, so this was an added citation that I didn't need and I'm shooting myself in the foot for making this mistake. Anyway, I am due to have a scheduled c section in 2 days and she wants to meet tomorrow. I also have a 1.5 year old that I take care of myself and her only available hours are in the morning which doesnt exactly work for me with child care. Anyway, I think this can be an email and my grade is high enough that the mark down won't matter. I've never been in this situation before and I don't need the added stress over some points , plus I am rather busy and ill at this point in my pregnancy. Can I simply decline? I think I will at this point but I just wanted to post here and ask an opinion.

    20:56 UTC


    A Remarkable School-Choice Experiment

    Jerusalem Demsas: “In 2012, Los Angeles Unified School District set up an experiment. It offered parents in some parts of the city a new option: Instead of automatically sending their middle schoolers to their neighborhood high school, parents could instead pick between a few high schools in their area. https://theatln.tc/hMPFbj8U 

    “School choice is usually about providing parents an option outside the traditional public-school system. From 2010 to 2021, public charter-school enrollment in the U.S. more than doubled, even as states across the country have made it easier for parents to use public funding for homeschooling and private-school options.

    “But Los Angeles did something different. It recognized the growing appetite for choice and wondered whether the normal public-school system could help satisfy it. The experiment was the sort ripe for an economics paper and, thankfully, someone took notice. Economist Christopher Campos’s paper reveals that when public high schools were forced to compete for enrollment, achievement gaps narrowed, and college enrollment took off.

    “In today’s episode of Good on Paper, I talk with Campos about why students improved in this new system, and we grapple with tough questions about school segregation, the no-excuses model, and the role of principals in student outcomes.”

    Listen here: https://theatln.tc/hMPFbj8U

    19:38 UTC

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