
Photograph via snooOG

Unique/interesting/ridiculous/fascinating cars that are for sale!

Check out PassionList
What makes a car cool/interesting?

  • rare/unique
  • amusing/interesting ad
  • it just is! look at it!
  • vintage/exotic/racecar

Please only link to cars (or trucks) currently for sale!
Each post should point to a particular car, not a site or collection.
Motorcycles are welcome too!
Don't mention if it's your car.
Participate, don't spam.
This is not a place to host/place an ad - link to an external site.
Please no mobile sites!
Looking to buy a particular cool car? Post up a WTB and let our enthusiasts scour the web for a good deal!

Wednesday is [Weird Wednesday] - post up zany and weird vehicles for sale.
Thursday is [Turbo Thursday].
Friday is [Fast Fridays]-post any cars that either are fast or look fast.
Sunday is for [Sunday Drivers].

Here's a (growing) list of sites to look for cars.

Auto-related friends

Marque/model friends


23,516 Subscribers

15:56 UTC


Automotive mechanic club??

So lately I've been trying to find a place that I could bring my car and work on it. Maybe rent a space for a couple hours or a day? It hasn't been easy because there aren't many available in or around Alpharetta ga. So... Who wants to partner up and rent a space/find investors/ run a possibly lucrative business in recreational auto repair???

12:07 UTC

15:36 UTC

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