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Is friendship always so hard?

I am a high schooler (11th grade). Friendship has always been a sensitive topic in my life so far. In the beginning of my school life, I used to find it extremely difficult to make new friends. It was mostly because of a bully but also because I was comfortable in my own little sphere of a few friends. I was invisible, but I liked it. It was later on, that my teachers started to persuade me to start making new and better friends (my old friends weren't exactly the brightest in my class, while I was the topper). My teachers thought that they would be a bad influence for me and kept introducing me to other students. I, on my teachers' continued effort, started to make new friends. Even when I entered a friend group, I was always the one who was left out. Later on, I started becoming friends with everyone in my grade, hoping to find a friend group which would accept me and not make me feel left out. People thought of me as the friendly girl, but it was just me trying to fit in. After a few more years, I stopped trying to enter a friend group and started keeping not more than 1-2 people close to me. Some people tried to call me their "best friend", but I just deny them by saying that I will leave them someday. Since I did not keep people close, i just kind of became invisible again. Seeing others go out, watch a movie with their friends, visit each other's house, etc. always makes me feel more lonely. I also do these things, but the difference is that, I do it alone. I have become an introvert now, and thought that it would be better to ask fellow introverts.

I don't know if people will read this or not. But I just want to say that if you have advice or something like that, please do share.

09:38 UTC


Does anyone else feel like extroverts like to talk to everyone BUT you?

I sometimes feel like this. I feel like as soon as I enter a new environment I try and make eye contact with people, and it’s usually the more introverted people who notice and open things up to engage with one another. In contrast I often find extroverts are the ones who don’t make eye contact and then also seem to loudly talk to everyone around me, with a weird perimeter around me.

I understand that in their world they’re used to just boldly going up and introducing yourself but surely they must know not everyone’s like that, right? Why not use those extrovert powers (and they do seem like special powers) to engage with those who seem introverted?

Of course there are wonderful extroverts who do that too but I guess I’m just venting because it happened recently and I recall this happening a few times throughout my life. Can anyone relate?

08:46 UTC


A small questionnaire for my thesis regarding introversion

Hey everyone, I'm digital designer college student and I'm currently designing a mobile app for my thesis. The app is aimed towards introverts who have trouble finding people who share their hobbies, so i thought posting here would be appropriate. I would appreciate if you could take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire :)

Edit: I forgot to clarify, ages must be 18-30.


08:20 UTC


No puedo seguir.

Por favor, solo nesecito a alguien, soy tan egoista?, tengo a mi familia. Me apoyan en "todo", entiendo que sus intenciones son buenas pero no es lo quw nesecito soy una mala persona por no apreciar eso, por sentir este vacio?. No veo sentido a seguir viviendo pero soy muy cobarde para hacer algo, solo tengo 19, que me depara en el futuro, si es que hay uno.

08:12 UTC


Graduating High School Sucks.

I've been graduated for quite some time now and as time have moved on the more me and my friends have went separate ways. I know this is normal but I've been pretty alone for so long now in terms of irl, it was basically me, my girlfriend, and a friend or two, then me and her broke up and i don't talk with my best friends anymore. I'm an extremely extroverted person but I feel like I've been losing my mind the more and more time ive spent isolated, i try to be sociable when i can be (and i sadly do not get too many opportunities) but when i try i fail because ive almost forgotten what it's like to be me.

I'm not looking for advice im just posting this to see if im alone on this and if i am then that's alright too.

Thank you.

01:49 UTC


Graduating High School Sucks.

I've been graduated for quite some time now and as time have moved on the more me and my friends have went separate ways. I know this is normal but I've been pretty alone for so long now in terms of irl, it was basically me, my girlfriend, and a friend or two, then me and her broke up and i don't talk with my best friends anymore. I'm an extremely extroverted person but I feel like I've been losing my mind the more and more time ive spent isolated, i try to be sociable when i can be (and i sadly do not get too many opportunities) but when i try i fail because ive almost forgotten what it's like to be me.

I'm not looking for advice im just posting this to see if im alone on this and if i am then that's alright too.

Thank you.

02:14 UTC


I can't talk properly. I never dated anyone. I look ugly. But I really want someone in my life. Any tips for me?

04:52 UTC



I (17M) had a solo 1-day excursion planned for a while. Recently, during a conversation with a coworker (18M), the topic came up, and he asked to join me. Without much thought, I agreed. I see this as a great chance to make a new friend (currently, I only have two), but I'm unsure what we could talk about. Given that my coworker is also shy, I anticipate our 3-hour drive to the destination might involve us just listening to the radio in silence, which could be incredibly awkward and potentially ruin any future chances of hanging out again. However, on the way back, I'm hopeful we'll be able to discuss the trip and future plans, but I'm at a loss for how to break the ice during the drive there.

05:08 UTC


Anyone else just rather be alone?

Over the years I become much less forgiving, noticed more of the bad than good. I can't shake it off anymore. I find it hard to trust people more and more. I expect people to screw me over at some point. Work you go unappreciate and often taken advantage of. Being too nice and caring gets you taken advantage, dating is not intriguing anymore. Just reached a point where I like my own company more than the outside world. Its no drama, unless I conjure up something in my head. Other than that I am at peace alone.

I get tons of people get lonely and want friends and dates, I don't care enough to pursue those thing after past experiences. Its easier to be a loner.

04:53 UTC


How extrovert annoys you?

Callinf all introvert ppl! Just wanna knooow,.

04:19 UTC


Social fatigue and introvert burnout

I’ve had family staying with me for a while and I’m so exhausted from the constant socialising that I’m starting to lose the ability to function. My work is slipping, I’m staying up all night to get time alone, I’m feeling depressed and anxious all the time. I’m starting to feel desperate and obviously it’s nobody else’s fault. I’m not trying to be a victim; just explaining what I’m experiencing. It’s so suffocating I feel like I’m going to implode. They are leaving in two days and I feel so guilty for feeling this way.

Does anyone else get this? I hate it so much. I wish I could just be a normal human being.

04:13 UTC


Why dont I want to hang out with my friend?

So yesterday my friend asked if I wanted to hang out Thursday (today) or Friday and I said idk maybe Friday. I forgot about it until they called me today, like 15 minutes ago, and asked if I was still good to hang out. I just stayed silent, not answering the question, I eventually answered I could from 3-6. They asked if I really wanted to hang out because I was acting weird and I said I did, not wanting to hurt their feelings. They even asked to make sure I wasnt going to cancel on them (I've only done this once but ig they were still worried abt it) and I said I wasnt. Now I have a pit in my throat after the call because I dont really want to hang out. Like I do but I dont. Maybe it's because I only have 3 days left of spring break but I just dont wanna. It might also be because hanging out with them is a gamble honestly, like it could be a super fun time, a super bad time, or a mix of both a lot of the time. I dont want to cancel now because I said I wasnt going to but they also went on a rant on how much they got done since the last time we hung out which made me even more guilty. If I do cancel I going to feel so guilty. I dont really know what to do.

04:13 UTC


I will ghost everyone to see who cares


Im always the first to initiate convos with my coworkers and even my girlfriend. My gf is busy at the moment but she has plenty of time to just text me atleast “goodmorning”… but doesnt.

Im tired of smiling to people and being nice. I just want to be appreciated as well. So I am going to ghost all of them - not talk to them unless they talk first. Also I will focus on my weight loss during the moment as looks matter these days as well. I will become unavailable and improve what I can.

This type of treatment is just annoying now.

03:09 UTC


Why is my guy friend still interested in me after I kind of rejected him?

This guy, “Mike”, was kind of hitting on me after a mutual friend introduced us. I got super drunk, and I was really embarrassed about everything. I was apologizing and Mike kissed me on the cheek and told me not to worry about it. The next morning, I found out from Mike and our other friends that the guy who introduced us told them that he had a crush on me. I liked him too, but it turns out, he was taken. I quite literally chased after him, and Mike saw it. And I accidentally caused some drama between my then-crush and Mike’s cousin.

Later that day, I hung out with Mike and our other friends. I was really embarrassed about the whole thing, and I was more quiet than usual. Mike asked me why I was so quiet, and after, he asked me what I liked to do for fun. So he was still talking to me, but I felt so bad about what happened earlier. He quite literally saw me chase another guy, and I caused drama with his cousin, to boot. For the next month and a half, he was always one of the first people to watch my Instagram and Snapchat stories.

01:59 UTC


Introversion is like a desease

I classified myself as an introvert, and I hate it and never understand this part of myself I want to change but it’s who I am. Sometimes I want to enjoy the things extroverts do, but I always have this miserable feeling and become so distant from everyone. I never understood why is introversion a gift everyone saying while extroverts like to socialize and be out in the open introverts prefer to be staying at home and reading a book, please can you just listen yourself. I try to be more social and friendly with everyone but when I do it too much it feels wrong I can’t even explain it, I don’t want to be alone but I prefer to be alone but I dislike it people when people know I’m alone but having too much superficial friendships makes me feel isolated.

01:39 UTC


I found the introvert positive anthem https://youtu.be/JSMVpzPlSNs?si=e1zufK0qqmh9dI9R

23:48 UTC


Any introverts more of a dog person than a cat person?

I’ve always loved dogs. I don’t know, it’s like they always gravitated toward me. I read something on the internet that introverts gravitate toward cats. How true is this? Why? I don’t know..cats are cute but I find them a bit boring. It’s like once you meet two cats with different personalities you’ve met them all. You either got the mean bitchy one or the really sweet chill one. With dogs, every single one my family has owned all acted different. I actually prefer an animal that’s active and wants to go outside and walk and play. If I wanted a pet that stayed inside all day, id just get a roommate. I actually love the outdoors..it’s the people and human interactions I don’t like.

22:31 UTC


I am an introvert, have social anxiety, no social life, no interests, not driven. What career is out there for me?

I am 27, and have struggled with social anxiety for my whole life and aside from making no friends in university, landing a job is about the hardest thing for me, being an adult in my experience. I was never smart and always struggled in school with exams. I did a useless Art degree and now I’m working remotely in tech, but making no money. And now the tech industry is oversaturated and it’s been impossible to get a better paying job. The future of tech isn’t looking so great either especially with AI, so now I’m considering a brand new career. I want to choose a career where there is no shortage of work because I’m tired of spending 6-12 months looking for a job in a non promising field. But I dread being around people too long due to my mental health and I am not super smart and have struggled with short term memory loss. Is anyone in a similar bit or was and have found a career you enjoy?

21:21 UTC


I hate it how my parents always try to force me to be social and make a lot of friends.

I am really good at getting to know people and small talk. People tend to like me because I am a good listener, but it usually doesn’t go deeper than that.

I am a pretty aloof person when it comes to being vulnerable and showing my emotions. I don’t trust easily and it takes time. It is extremely rare if I immediately feel I can trust you. For the most part I keep only one to two friends.

My parents see this as unhealthy and LOVE to point it out when they can. They always go on and on how I would do so much better if I just made more friends and I’d be “happier”. They said introversion is something I need to push past even though it comes naturally to me. They don’t realize they just make me hate being around people more.

One of their reasons for kicking me out during the day is “to make more friends”. Funny thing is I just go out and spend my time alone, it pisses them off. The amount they try to have control over every little thing I do drives me nuts. Always trying to “fix” me. I don’t need fixing, I am completely fine the way I am dammit!

21:21 UTC


How Can I Make Friend?

I’m 19F and I go to a community college in my town. My friends ( who I’m only close with one ) are all at four years out of state. So since I’m still home, I have no friends. I spend all my time alone, in class, out of class, and at work I have fun with my co-workers, but I don’t necessarily consider them my friends. I’m so lonely and have nobody. I look around my school and see that everyone has their own friend group, and I’m just alone.

I’ve never not had friends at school. I’m so antisocial, and have always been an introvert, so it’s extremely hard for me to put myself out there.

If anyone reads this, do you have any ideas on how I can make friends?

20:26 UTC


Ask me if I’m okay one more time…

I’m a generally outgoing person even though I am an introvert. But on days when I’m less social, my coworkers are constantly asking me “are you okay?” “Youve been quiet today.” “Whats wrong?” Because I’m not acting the way that I act sometimes. Its infuriating!! Cant I just sit on my phone in silence like everyone else? I just want to do my job ans go home but everyone thinks they can be my therapist.

20:18 UTC


Question for you guys

So the guy I like is quite shy and introverted and he texts me fine and everything but I asked him if he wanted to hang out sometime since I find in person talking a lot easier for me than texting, however, I haven’t managed to get anything sorted with him yet and according to his friend it’s that he genuinely wants to but is really nervous for it. I don’t really outright want to tell him his friend told me this since I know he’d feel embarrassed over it so I was wondering if any of yous would suggest anything I can do or say that would help him feel better about it or does he just need time?

19:34 UTC


Is it easier to date as introverted female than introverted male?

I do not want to start a gender war, just curious. Since typically it's the guy that pursues the girl I would like to think introverted women have a higher chance at a successful date life. Plus introversion is seen as a nice quality for women to have, typically. Introverted men typically don't have the greatest P.R. They're typically seen as nerdy and wierd therefore hurting their chances a bit I would presume. Of course outliers exist for both. This is a thought I had(while listening to In Rainbows) and thought I would bring here since I no one to talk to currently.

18:19 UTC


My best friend’s birthday is coming up and I may not make it at hers.

Me and her have known eachother for over 10 years, and she is one of my most treasured person. Her birthday is coming up in few days, I was excited to finally meet her. We both go to different schools and I don’t have any friends besides her and 2 others, maybe I do have more friends I canʼt lie, but these 3 are my everything and were there for my highs and lows. I really love them. Anyways, fast forward to today. My parents are going out of town and leaving me with their older child (I cannot truly refer her as my sister anymore, because I donʼt see her as one anymore and before anyone jumps into conclusion, that is story for another time) and I mentioned that I will be going to my friend’s birthday party and she suddenly became enraged and went off how I suppose to study for entrance exams, and not go all over places. I became enraged, and thought about how unfair it was. Ever since we switched schools, which was 2 years ago and before that COVID happened, we have only met 4 times all over that 4 years and she, herself is aware of that. Mind you, she only lives 15 minutes away from my house so I don’t think long distance should matter. I finished my final year ( high school ) exams in March 2024, and it has been only few weeks since that. I knew all of us would get separated once again and I wanted to savour the moments as much as I could, am I being AH for getting mad at this? I just don’t like how controlling they are all the time. If they are being like this now, then they wouldn’t let me enjoy my college life as well. This sounds childish, I am aware but atp I am desperate because I know after 15th of April, we would not be able to meet eachother anymore. I find it unfair because all of my schoolmates used to go out during school days and enjoyed themselves while I always stayed at home. I just don’t understand why it was shocker for them when I said that I will be going out, the reason doesnʼt make sense. I placed a situation, what if they would come here then we would celebrate it here she instantly agreed. How is it any different between me and her??????????? I just need advice on what to do on this situation, because I don’t understand why not? why so controlling? or is it just me who is thinking like that?

18:15 UTC


Summer is coming around again to bully us all into depression.

Get ready, mosquitos, half-naked in the house sweating, loud people outside, friends of family coming over, people asking you to hang out, tossing and turning on a sleepless night while you hear the music of a nearby festival or a party in your street. Is anyone else genuinely depressed thinking about summer and what will come with it? I hate it so much.
How can we coping with this? I can't be the only one, how do you survive summer?

17:35 UTC


Satisfying emotional needs

How do you satisfy your emotional needs on your own? I have been terribly hurt in my social circle.I lost my bestfriend two yrs back because of my toxicity and possessiveness.I have stopped making friends after that loss.Most of the time I feel numb.Its my nature that once l get close to someone, I start to become obsessed with them.Eventually I hurt them and myself.So I am not up for friendship.

17:28 UTC


Introverts here who loves watching?

Hi my fellow introverts! Just wondering if anyone of you loves binge watching movies or Netflix? Or maybe TV series? I know for sure we have our own genre favourites but maybe we can all watch together via Discord or something? I love watching during my free time and offs. We can create a Discord maybe?

16:09 UTC


Introvert for a long time, but recently something switched

I (31M) have been a shut-in and introvert for most of my life. Recently, something in my mind switched and now all I want to do is get out there and meet new people, talk to people, all that. Has anyone else had this happen to them? For further detail, I think that what I'm going through is one part nicotine withdrawal and one part exhausted by the monotony that I've been experiencing for years of working then sitting at home for the rest of the day. This switch is both good and bad, good because I want to try new things, and bad because, right now it's such an extreme switch that I can't enjoy my relaxation at home to the fullest at the moment, not until everything gets sorted out in my mind.

16:04 UTC


Is it OK to feel alone when you are surrounded by many people

I usually feel alone among a lot of people surrounded near me. I am an high school student and now all my friends are in different class so I feel very lonely in the classroom cause no one talks to me cause they think I am rude. So I don't know what to do.

15:53 UTC

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