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My mom is going to drive me insane

Every time she’s around, I’m walking and talking on eggshells. The thought of knowing I have to speak to her at all wracks my nerves so much that I’m either silent or aggressive toward her. If I say something about her she believes is untrue, she just denies and tells me “one moment you love me and the next you hate me”. When I told her that our dynamic and the way she treats me bothers me, she said “So it’s because you’re the child and I’m the parent?” I’m almost 24, I’m not a fucking child and everything she does just diminishes me to that.

I’m at my wits end. I dont know how to get her to respect me as more than just a fucking child. I financed and paid for my car for 2 years. I pay for my own food and bills. I’ve moved out three times trying to escape her. The only time she respects me mutually is when I’m working full time and paying a quarter of her rent. And even then, she says things that completely belittles all my efforts to just “You don’t try hard enough.”

I’m tired of being disrespected at work only to come home and feel like I have to diminish myself just to not cause an argument. She expects me to somehow repay her for all her time and money, but I literally have nothing. My car was repo’d. I’ve been virtually unemployed for the last 2 years due to various reasons. I can’t even talk about my mental illness without her trying to put me on pills (when I’ve already tried, and it made me feel worse).

I’m just so fucking tired. I literally drove half the country away, trying to build a better life with someone who sees me as a person…only for plans to fall through and now my bf is homeless. I don’t think I’ll live too long returning to her house, but I’ll be homeless too if I don’t go back in a week.

I’m tired of being tired…

1 Comment
20:49 UTC


Mom & Relationship Conflict

This is a long post but I would really appreciate some positive encouragement:

Hi everyone, I’m posting on here bc I’m currently dealing with issues with my mom and my relationship. Im 19 and me and my gf are in uni. We are high achieving students, with her going to law school already on a 71% scholarship and me on the path to med school. We are also both Christian and are both virgins who are in our first relationship. She’s the only girl I’ve ever taken out on a date. We’ve been together for 9 months, tho we are temporarily broken up so I can handle the situation and we can both take a step back from it and heal. We do plan on coming back together in not too long from now. We are a couple who have always been very supportive of one another and pushed each other to enjoy friendships, time with family, serving others, and working hard. We don’t argue, not bc we don’t agree, but bc we don’t see a need to fight when we can discuss. If we get sassy with one another, one of us always brings it to an end to avoid division. We are peacemakers. We also look out for each other. I look to keep her safe and she keeps check of my health. Making sure I’m taken care of since my mom sometimes brushes health things under the rug.

Now with that context there me and my mom began to have a lot of conflict. Upon getting a gf my mom seemed fine at first. Only one issue arose and that was the miles on my car. My car is a purchase but my parents had issues with the miles for some reason. It’s a brand new Tesla model 3 abt a year old almost with 12-13k miles. I know these cars can take 250k miles and we never planned on selling it. My gf lives 30 miles from me and in the beginning I would drive there 2 times on the weekend and 3 times during the week but only for class at uni. I adjusted to take less miles on my car but my mom was always mad at me for the miles I had put on. About 4k in 3-4 months. After this issue passed my mom wondered why my gf wasn’t coming anymore for abt 2 months. This was bc I wanted to honor a core value of hers she was raised with which is on the traditional side but is that I would drive to her and we would take her car back to my house. This was just a way she always wanted to be pursued, but she never meant it in a toxic way. She isn’t the “if he wanted to he would” girl. I told her I disliked that and she agreed with me, since it can come from a place of pride and not genuine love. Anyways I didn’t communicate this to my mom right away and we never implemented it bc I knew my mom wouldn’t like this.

June came around and my mom didn’t like that I was driving to her house 2 times a week and she wasn’t coming to ours. So I explained to my mom that it’s on me for not communicating and I explained what we wanted to try and she said no to it bc she didn’t really agree with it. She asked for my gf to come at least 1 time a month but my gf wanted to do more and come 1 time a week to show my mom she never meant harm. We did this till September. In the summer my conflict with my mom heated up. She came against me nearly every week for not being home enough, not helping around the house enough, and for the miles which I was already fixing in the summer(averaging 1K a month). I worked full time basically the whole summer and did online classes for Uni, so I was pretty tired. I worked downtown so driving exhausted me still. But she said I didn’t do enough at home. So again I adjusted. Spent more time with her, helped where I could, and saw my gf every Sunday while she saw me every Saturday at our house. My mom was always mad at me for some reason tho. Still can’t pinpoint why.

We brushed this off tho. I was the frustrated one and my gf told me to just be patient and keep loving them. My mom got more personal at times when she attacked me verbally. The whole summer she always said “you’re gonna be the one that abandons your family” and this hurt bc I love my family and always have. She also cursed me out a few times, threatened to kick me out, and considered disagreement with her as disrespectful. So I gave up. I just submitted to the discipline and conflict and tried my best to keep pushing. I got exhausted after a while. Felt defeated and my gf witnessed all of this. Eventually it came to involve her. My mom got more frustrated and began to threaten to be more strict with my relationship. I told her this would hurt me and more importantly my gf but she said she knew and didn’t really think twice abt it. So there the problems rlly started. In September my gf couldn’t make it a few weekends in a row due to health issues, her birthday which we all went too, and in the end she broke down in tears bc she couldn’t make it 3 times in a row. I calmed her down and asked my parents if I could go visit my gf on that Saturday bc she was feeling horrible. My dad said yea ofc, my mom got rlly mad and said she would sacrifice her body by cleaning after work on Fridays for my gf to come but that my gf cancelled on us last minute. I told my mom it’s ok and it’s no one’s fault that health issues arise. These issue came up last minute. My mom didn’t let me go saying the weekends were hers and not my gfs so I couldn’t go. My mom didn’t spend time with me that day anyways and my gf got rlly frustrated bc she needed me and my mom didn’t let me go only to keep me home and not spend time with me.

Yes I would see my gf after uni every Tuesday-Thursday from roughly 2/3pm till 8-8:30pm. But we wanted to have the chance to see each other Saturdays even if it was for like just a late night date, bc there isn’t much you can do during the weekday, when we have class the next day. Anyways my gf felt hurt bc my mom didn’t let me be there for her the one time she really asked for it. My gf was to there for me and my family at times when it got her sick, was not safe for her bc of period cramps that made her dizzy, and when it meant sacrificing her only day of the week she had with family. She felt hurt that my mom wouldn’t let me sacrifice in the same way for her. This is where the real conflict started. My mom began to say my gf wasn’t a real Christian bc she didn’t come to my mom to address this. My gf just didn’t want to overstep boundaries and wanted to make sure she cooled her emotions down. In the end we had a talk all 3 of us. My gf explained her distresses and my mom said it was disrespectful of her to want an apology from my mom, since my mom said she was only trying to discipline me. My mom said our relationship wasn’t of God, which is hurtful to her and me since we tried our best to always honor God as Christians who were leaders of other Christians at various points. In the end there relationship is pretty shattered and after that conversation my mom and dad said she was no longer welcome in our home for “disrespect”. This was really the final blow since my gf had felt hurt but never said they weren’t welcome anymore. They took away their blessing and eventually my mom made me choose between the two. To which I choose my girl. She went back on that word bc I guess she realized it was pretty harsh, but she still didn’t approve. This whole thing got pretty messy pretty fast and I wanted to see what you all thought or what advice/encouragement you had to share.

Thanks for reading and if you have the time, I’m proud of my girl for getting into law school on such a big scholarship and would really appreciate if she could get some thumbs up or congrats. Anything positive during this time would really help us lift our heads up high and feel more motivated!

1 Comment
16:01 UTC


Money Isn’t Everything 💭

Imagine waking up one day and learning that money no longer holds any value,no paper, no coins, no digital numbers. Gone. ❌💵 What would you do?

All your life, you've been taught to chase money: through work, hustles, and endless goals. But pause for a moment. Take time to truly enjoy life; breathe it in, love it, and live it.Yes, money can solve problems; that’s true. But what if one day it didn’t exist? 🤔

What would really matter then? Relationships? Peace of mind? Memories?

Focus on those things too, while you keep grinding for success. Balance is key. 🗝️

Keep pushing, pookie you’ve got this! 💪💖

15:50 UTC


I feel like I’m growing up too fast

I’m 22, I have my own apartment and I pay all of my bills. I don’t work crazy hours and I don’t have many friends. I don’t go out to do anything, most of my free time is spent on prepping stuff, like chores, planning groceries, bills. A couple times a week I get to do some of my hobbies but it’s mostly just keeping up with my life. Hell, I don’t even drink because I have to go to bed at like 10pm to get up for work.

I feel like I have so much pressure on me to be an adult and keep my life on track but I have this urge to throw it all away. I’m in my very early 20’s (just turned 22 in sept) I can’t help but feel like I’m supposed to be having fun, I’m supposed to be out partying, meeting people, taking spontaneous trips to anywhere.

I want to have fun. I’m grateful for my life and my apartment but life is so repetitive and boring. I keep having this urge to completely uproot my life and go to parties and get wild. Now is the time to do it but I have so much on my plate I’m afraid if I drop the ball one thing everything will come crashing down.

Is anyone else going through the same thing? Does anyone know how to fix this? What’s your 20’s like?

03:48 UTC


Gf finally had her period

5 days late!!!! But now i can breathe 😇😇😇😇 Jfc i alr felt like kms for a bit there woooo

03:35 UTC


teacher's presentation is giving saddam bro there is no way 😭😭

03:04 UTC


I’m 20 and idek what being in a relationship or even kissing someone feels like

I turned 20 a month ago, my mental health has taken a slow but steady and firm decline recently and one of the things that constantly run through my mind is “Damn, I’m 20 and I’ve never even kissed someone” or “Holy crap, I’m 20 and I’ve never been in a relationship”. I legit never have, not even with a friend to try it out (there have been 3 instances where a friend of mine tried to kiss me, I rejected her offer all 3 times because I had my mind on someone else and also severe social anxiety), I ended up being screwed over by this “someone else” and ever since then I’ve had massive trust issues regarding feelings, I even ended up pushing someone I was really into and really cared about away because of it. Also important is the fact that I don’t want my first kiss to be a random meaningless hookup, I want it to matter, I want a memory to cherish. Nowadays I don’t even contemplate striking up a conversation with someone I like because in my head I’m too short and skinny and average looking to ever be an option, and I don’t compensate with personality at all as a rock has more personality traits than I do, and there’s nothing I can do about it as I can’t push myself too much with physical exercise and you can’t just grow a personality out of nowhere. Does anyone else have this issue? Or did you have it in the past and if so how did you get over it?

02:20 UTC


Trading card game research

I’m conducting a research project as part of a university course, and I’d love your help! My study focuses on trading card games, exploring topics like competitive orientation, collecting/hoarding behavior, and cognitive flexibility.

If you’re interested in participating, please take a few minutes to fill out my questionnaire https://forms.gle/F8XXAoVqsHAqtuBD9 . Your input would mean a lot!

Thank you so much for your time and support.

1 Comment
18:47 UTC


If your american do this

Check any state you have live/worked in treasury for unclaimed assets. You might find that you have money you can claim on it, pretty easy to do.

01:34 UTC


Is it a common occurrence that women just don't like chivalry?

Last Monday, I went on a date with a girl I met through mutual friends. I was really excited for this because she was legitimately the most attractive girl I've even come close to dating, and I've been out of state for several months, so I haven't had the opportunity to try and date in a while. Anyways, I got some new cologne, put on good clothes, cleaned my car, picked her up from her house, and took her to a sushi restaurant and then boba. The whole time I was trying to be very respectful, very gentlemanly. I came to her door, walked her to the car, walked her back to the door when I dropped her off. Didn't curse. Opened doors. Ordered for both of us (which she specifically asked me to do) Paid for everything without question. Eye contact. Asking questions. Everything you'd think that you should do. I thought the date went well, she agreed. We talked on the phone for a few hours the following day and texted for the next couple days. Then comes Thursday, I asked if she wanted to go out again that weekend. No response all day until she said goodnight. The next day I brought it up again, and she said she's actually going to a different state for a few days, I believed it, but I told my buddy and he said she's probably lying and about to ghost me. A handful of texts over the weekend, nothing of substance. This Monday, her friend who introduced us came over to my apartment and said "My friend is being retarded. She don't want you any more." I said that I can tell because she's barely text me. I asked why. She said that she said I was being weird and it seemed like I was trying too hard. Then she listed all of the things I was doing that I mentioned before. I said that that's not trying too hard, those are just proper gentlemanly things to do. She said that she knows that, but her friend apparently thought that me coming up to her door was weird, and ordering for both of us at the restaurant (which again she specifically asked me to do) made her feel like I was doubting her intelligence, and that the restaurant itself was "too expensive for a first date." (It wasn't) She then said "Like I said, my friend is being retarded. She just wants another dumbass Mexican dude like her ex." If that is true, then I suppose there was no winning in the first place. But still, WTF? What am I supposed to do, pull up and honk the horn then drive to Taco Bell and make her pay half? While we were actually on the date and talking on the phone the next day, she had great manners compared to other girls I've met, and was vocal that she noticed these gestures and appreciated them, noting that most men do not do these things.

20:17 UTC


I am 21

I was wondering what is a good salary at 21 If I worked full time at my job I would make about $23,000 a year. I went through a sever tbi so I am working part time right now I will hopefully get to go back full time this december I went through TCAT for college for IT. is this okay for a 21 year old?

17:06 UTC


I don’t get people who “wish that they could back when they were kids”

I never got that kind of thought, or rather I couldn’t relate to it since I always hated my kid self, as he was a really weird with a ton of behavioral issues and that may or may not be on the spectrum (I never did any tests about it because I never thought it could be a possibility until looking back to it recently) who also did some decently vile things. Life as an only child with no friends or family members to actually form a connection with since you and your parents have nothing in common (dad was really into football which bored the hell out of me and sports and mom was into art but never pursued it even casually) is really lonely and lame, all I ever had to keep me company were toys and sometimes games but I would’ve given up every bit of that if it meant having some emotional connections or at least the ability to form them. At one point I remember even starting to bring food and candy to grab my peers’s attention just to feel like I mattered for a couple of minutes. Nowadays I’ve tried my best to get over that and I think I did a decent job, lost all my friends due to circumstances but found some common ground with my mom with cooking and art (in my own way with cinema and music) and with my dad by surprisingly starting to like football. I still can’t stand my kid self tho, I’d beat the crap out of old me if I could, that child/pre-teen me was really annoying, insufferable and really vile, I wish maturity came to me before 16 (context needed I just turned 20), I could never wish to go back to that as it wasn’t a good time for me, anyone else feel like that?

02:47 UTC


Think about it for a moment, It's incredible.

There are 8 billion people in the world right now. Each one of us is doing something; living, working, struggling, dreaming and juggling problems that are countless and unique. It’s wild when you stop and really think about it.

We’re all lost in our own little worlds, trying to make sense of things, and some of us are even brave enough to push through, to try and break free from the noise.

If no one’s told you this today: I’m proud of you.
For waking up. For showing up. For keeping up with the hassle, even when it feels endless.

Alright, that’s it. You can scroll now. 🌟

17:02 UTC


One thing you find so dumb nowadays

Can be anything! Please share

07:45 UTC


How do I deal with wasting my youth

Im 26 now, old enough to have had some experience w women but wasted it being fat and not taking care of skin(girls approached but I hated myself too much to even engage w them). Now im 26 NEETing w 0 social circle, I live in a second world at best country where meeting women outside university is very rare. They all already have their socail clique and stuff. I think ill be fit enough and groomed enough in 5 months or so but feel like I just wasted my prime due to not knowing how the world works (No one told me ). I have to get skin procedures and stuff cos of brutal sunburns and evan a few scar from picking, before all that is done Ill be 27 . I am not looking for pity or anything just curious is dating apps the only way or do you only really find them in workplace nowadays (I am interim NEET due to suffering from DSPD which is a sleep disorder im trying to fix)

17:42 UTC


My [F24] husband [M25] has a very low sex drive and I can’t relate to women with horny husbands

We actually aren't married quite yet but that's besides the point. Anyway we'll call him Man (I can't think of a good fake name and he's a man so...)

Anyway me and Man have been together for 4.5 years and before anyone in the comments says "break up with him" that's not going to happen. He's the love of my life and i'd love him even if he didn't have a penis.

So we have been together a while and our relationship has been awesome the whole time. Amazing communication, same outlook on life, in agreement on how to raise kids someday, same interests, we absolutely love eachothers company, work through problems in a healthy way, you get the point. Something unique about him though is a surprisingly low sex drive compared to what other women tell me their men are like.

I'm not particularly upset but I often wonder what it would be like to have a hyper sexual man. Basically I can't relate to videos online joking about how men never get sick of looking at boobs, mine did. He said when I am naked all the time every day he gets used to them and they aren't exciting anymore. Which I completely understand, but other women say their men wouldn't get bored of them in a million years.

The next obviously big one is initiating sex. Don't get me wrong once we're doing it he's fine but 99% of the time we have sex it's because I initiated it and the times he did were all in the morning after waking up together. He is also very...how should I put it, nice? I have been asking him to hit me for 4 years now and he just won't. I ask him to be more aggressive but he just can't get himself to or doesn't understand. It's fine though I like being aggressive so I just take on that role but I'd like the experience it in reverse sometime.

He has never smacked my ass once, never called me sexy (he calls me cute or pretty never hot or sexy), he's never looked at me like a piece of meat before. I have literally said to his face multiple times I want him to look at me like a piece of meat but he struggles to, it goes against his nature.

I do find it funny though that every single meme or video online I see making fun of how men act in a relationship, I can relate to but it's me to him. I'm the one smacking his ass, tryna fuck, dirty talking to him randomly, calling him sexy all the time, always tryna feel him up or sneak a peak when he's naked, all the things men are stereotypically thought of to do. I also fart louder and smellier, am much louder, I'm a bit of a disorganized mess and he is clean and detail oriented and thoughtful, like it truly feels like we are the reverse couple sometimes.

Please tell me i'm not alone? This isn't a complaint post as much of a sharing my story and wondering if I'm alone? I love him to death but it does feel like we are the only couple like this

01:22 UTC


Help to vote

I'm not asking who to vote but I'm asking how should I vote. In my country the elections are currently taking place. I'm 20f and I'm gonna be voting for the second time. The first time I voted, it was for a small scale election and I wasn't worried abt it much since I voted who my parents would vote. But seeing the US elections his year, in filled with worry. I suddenly have realised how important my vote truly is. But the things is, both the parties are bad. I don't believe in either of them. How should I vote? Should I vote lesser of the two evil or should I just not vote for either?

01:16 UTC


What is the most 'inmature' feature/behaviour you (still) have?

15:31 UTC


Romance novels are not real life (unfortunately🤣)

I have a bad habit of reading romance novels, convincing myself that I want to actively date again, and downloading apps only to remember why I deleted them in the first place. I really don’t want to be dating right now, but today I was reading a particularly cute little small town romance and kept getting swept up and downloading bumble only to immediately delete it once I opened the app. I actually did this a couple times before calling my best friend so we could laugh at my silliness together.

Why can’t book bfs be real??? 😭🤣

04:32 UTC


M/19. Looking to meet new people, M/F. DM me.

02:33 UTC


Odd communication behavior associated with mental illness

Long read…

Interested in people’s thoughts on this. Because it’s something I definitely don’t understand based on everything I grasp about healthy human behavior (41m). My adult son (20), experiences mental health problems and has for some time. He’s been to outpatient therapy, trials of many different medications, went inpatient for SI / emotional crisis, and hs gone through a month long substance abuse / mental health residential treatment program. I’m quite certain genetic influence plays a huge role in his mental health, given that his mother (my ex wife), my mother, and his grandfather (maternal side) all seem to struggle with anxiety, depressed mood, and most importantly - personality disorder features (predominantly borderline PD). Not diagnosed per se, but due to my profession, I am virtually certain about BPD and other PD symptoms in my son. We’ve always had a good relationship as father and son, until about a year ago. He started experimenting with drugs (although I don’t think heavily by any means), mostly to deal with emotional problems and anxiety (self medication). He also started to say very mean things to me, which he’d never done before. Things like “You never help me…you never cared about me…You created this problem, now you have a mentally ill son…you never got me help…you never got me help when it mattered…you’re terrible at your job (mental health)…no one cares about me…no one can help me.” He’s also called me names over the phone and over text. When this happens, I end the conversation and shut things down. He’s never done that to my face however, most likely due to a significant strength and size difference between us. He’s never physically attacked me, as that would not go over well for him at all and he knows it. But he does engage in mental and emotional abuse toward others - then when confronted, he plays the victim.

Anyway, he will tear into me relentlessly every once in a while, I ignore it…and after a lot of time passes, he will randomly send me a song link...like Spotify, YouTube, etc. But no accountability for his actions whatsoever. Rarely he’ll send the word “Sorry.” Or he’ll say something like, “It’s ok if you want nothing to do with me…no one else does so it doesn’t matter” or similar. When he sends a song…It’s as if that’s his way of moving on and pretending things are fine now. Or if talking about his emotions. Meanwhile he has said he hates when his mother does that exact thing, meaning he hates when she behaves poorly and then pretends nothing happened…which is exactly what he does. I just don’t entertain it anymore. No reinforcement, no reaction, no response.

Is this a generational thing? Just completely ineffective and terrible communication ability? Or is that straight mental illness along with all the other aspects of mental illness he has? Why would he think randomly sending a song after being mean is somehow meaningful or important? It’s nothing I’ve ever modeled, taught, or encouraged in any way. It’s funny how he used to be a lot like me and now he’s almost unrecognizable. To me, some of the behavior seems immature, like a much younger teenager trying to get negative attention.

20:56 UTC


Hey, whats your experience with self teaching & what lessons have you learned?

Personally, i started off having a lot od trouble learning after 4th grade untill just before finishing highschool, and i was always doing poorly in most subjects. So when i become 14 or so, i decided to learn how to learn, after i heard about it from a voleetering organisation and that activated my curiosity about things, and then in the next 10 or so, ive gotten into pretty much any feild that come in my way. The lesson i learned is that there are a lot of simular concepts from feild to feild, and that using the scientific method and formal logic works really well to smooth out any inconsistencies, and so it becomes really easy to learn a thing since you imediatelly have a basis.

Oh, and, trying to create something with the things you learned, is maybe the best way to solidify it in your mind.

1 Comment
14:48 UTC


Being kinda okay with doing nothing with my life atm.

Tldr: I am 23 I live at home, I dont work, I dont pay anything. I am just doing nothing, and I am kinda okay with that. I feel like a spoiled brat, I possible am, but I am gonna be working 40+ years anyway, why rush it, when I can for the first time in my life do something for me. Which is nothing other than endulge in hobbies.

Okay here goes. This might just be what a person of another generation would deem 'whats wrong with this generation' but I need to say something.

Truth is I for the first time maybe ever am doing something for myself by yeah not doing anything. I am in the very very fortunate position where I, 23, half a year after I finished my degree is doing, nothing. I live at home still, I dont pay much to be here, my mom doesnt want me to, and I dont work. There are alot of factors behind the above, but what I just almost realized myself is that I am taking time for me. I get to do what I love doing, my hobbies every day, I get to have days where I just want to binge a whole season of a show in a day. I am 23 and I am in the very priveleged position where I have never had a job before and I know thats not a good thing, but thats a whole other topic. I feel alot of guilt and shame maybe even pressure from others and myself that stems from not working in my 20. But truth is I have the next 40-50 years of working ahead of me and I am in no rush to get to that point when I am in a position where I dont have to. Now after 3 months and technically I gave myself until january so less than 2 months left to not do anything, I think I am finally able to be okay with the fact that this is how it is. I probably shouldnt I am a spoiled brat in a lot of peoples eyes.

But I am doing something for me. I have never done that before. I was miserable in school everyday from 7th grade, I went to HS because I had to, I was miserable everyday and questioning if I was at the right one but I pushed through. I started my teaching degree because it was something that peaked my interest and that is really scary to me but also really rewarding. I was miserable everyday for 4 years not because teaching isnt for me, I was just struggling with life, but I did it.

So why shouldnt I get to take some time for myself for once. I know what path I am supposed to hit, so is it really that bad that I am taking the little longer way to get there?

Now I am in no better position with everything than I was 3 months ago and I am not going to be in 2 months, a part of me feels like I am just waisting time but I am not. I am enjoying not feeling socially anxious everyday, of not feeling like I dont deserve to be a teaching student or a teacher, of not feeling good enough, worth anything, of not being physically ill everyday as I hit bedtime.

I dont know why I am writing this, maybe someone relates maybe everyone will think I am spoiled and entitled and I am just another gen z who is complaining, but I think I am getting to a point where I am okay with this being me.. for now. Is it really that wrong to put yourself first?

01:06 UTC


i feel like im running out of time

hi :) i (f18) recently graduated high school and im currently looking for my first job. i decided to not go to college this year and give myself time to think over some things, maybe plan a little for the future and what i want it to look like. however, i can't do that because i feel like im running out of time. i cant get rid of the idea that once i will start working im not gonna have anything to live for, no interest or goals, my life will be only about work work and work. i can't live like this. i wish i went to college this year instead of waiting

22:35 UTC


Do you live with your parents?

If so, do you work or study?

21:36 UTC


Why do women stare at men while cuddling after sex?

It's like a wide eyes reading your mind type of look and she would pretend to sleep or close her eyes when I saw her staring. Asked my gf why and she just said she was just looking at me but idk why it caused an alarm in me lol

13:06 UTC


Why is sleeping over at one’s romantic partners house so controversial?

For context, I’m f(20) and my partner is m(20)/ goes by he they pronouns. We’ve been dating for almost a year now and we respect and love each other very much, this is our first serious relationship out of high school as well. I come from a Hispanic household so my family is more traditional and conservative when it comes to gender roles and relationships, his is not. I currently live in an apartment with roommates and he still lives at home with his parents, sometimes I sleep over at his place a few times per month. It doesn’t happen that often but I enjoy spending time with him and his family, but I always have to ask my parents for permission to sleep over at his house. It’s always a bit of an argument every time I ask and me fighting for my dignity because my parents view it as a distasteful and inappropriate thing. They say that no self respecting daughter in law sleeps at her in laws house before marriage. It makes me feel gross and distrust my partner and their family because I feel like I’m doing something sinful or morally wrong. I don’t want to lie to my parents about where I am and where I sleep , and they also have my location at all times through an app called Life360 (it’s for safety reasons I suppose). But I don’t know why this happens so much for girls since my boyfriend does not share these feelings at all, since his parents let him sleepover at my apartment and my family home with no trouble( my parents make us sleep in different rooms at my house btw). I just think it’s a lot of precautions for something bad thats not even happening and probably will not happen. My partner and their family are good honest people and my parents and his have met each other etc. I’m a grown adult in college, it just feels a bit demeaning and childish to be sneaking around the subject with my parents. I’ve heard of a few female friends that also experience this, but idk? Is this like a normal thing? Am I in the wrong here for being confused and frustrated? And are my parents right about me sleeping over at my partners house as something wrong? Please and thank you!

06:10 UTC



This probably should not bother me, but it does. It feels like the older I get, the more I’m lucky if I even receive a “Happy Birthday!” text from family, friends, loved ones, etc. Just because I’m not 10 anymore doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear you stop in and send a nice text; hell, even a card would fucking do. Why is it that people think you don’t want to receive familial love after age 18??? You’ve known me my entire life AND have me added on Facebook, there should be no excuse to not ask how I’m doing I feel. I don’t even want gifts from people, just a damn “Happy Birthday!” to let me know at least someone gives a shit about me.

05:43 UTC


Has any of yall ever been completely ghosted/stopped being spoken to for absolutely no reason?

This has been happening to me ever since August, but it never had any actual long lasting effects until early October.
I used to hang out with some people from Uni (we're all first years but we're not all the same age), I had a blast with them as I could finally have a mature conversation with someone about the things we loved and life in general, people who had the same interests as me and someone that I could also play with as they re-awakened my will to play music. I talked to some of these people nearly every day from conversations to sending each other dumb reels on social media. Then one of us moved and it all went to shit, well for me at least. They all remained close, kept playing together and acting together (we were part of a theatre group too but most of us were just sort of a theatre band) and even went watching movies together while I was left behind for no apparent reason. I became lonely and if that wasn't enough I also fell ill from this (don't want to get into too much detail on this though), every time they get close to me now they just look at me weird and when someone forces me into the conversation they tend to be passive aggressive. I genuinely don't know what went wrong, it's gotten to the point where I've started to think that one of our classmates that knew me before university spilled the beans about what a dumb idiot I was in the past or about something that I did (keep in mind these 2 people knew me when I was 6 to 13 and haven't seen me since), but even I'm smart enough to realize that's just a dumb coping mechanism. This whole thing is so weird and it legit left me with no friends since I went NC with my old high school "friends" after meeting them, even though I would've done so anyways since they were jerks and were turning me into a jerk too.
Has this happened to anyone of yall before? And if it did how did you deal with it?

02:36 UTC

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