
Photograph via snooOG

This Subreddit is no longer active. Please visit r/ESTJ, as it is now public again!

Thank you. :)

ESTJ - Te Si Ne Fi

The Myers-Briggs Test is an introspective personality test, indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.

The ESTJ type is one of the 16 possible personality types you can test as. Often called the Executive type or the Supervisor type, ESTJs have a pattern of affirming order, a strong work ethic, tradition, and responsibility. ESTJs also hold great value in indicative facets of good character, such as honesty, dedication, and dignity. ESTJs are able to take charge and get tasks done, sometimes at the expense of tactfulness and open-mindedness.

ESTJs are excellent community organizers and take pride in being able to bring people together. Through having similar personality types, or a mutual interest in the MBTI test, we hope the ESTJ subreddit can be a hub for discussion and camaraderie. Have Fun!


1,582 Subscribers


ESTJ and ENTP relationship

Hey! ENTP male here, I’m talking to an ESTJ girl, it’s going great better than another girl I’ve talked too, is this usual match? / as anyone talked to an ENTP?

05:04 UTC


r/ESTJ is coming back.

Hi there, everyone, David here.

Today, the current head moderator of r/ESTJ messaged me and told me he would like to give me the position of head moderator over there.

It appears that he's currently removing all posts regarding the drama from last year, and after that, I assume he will be transferring ownership. The option to use r/ESTJ will be available, now.

So, feedback time!

I am willing to X-post all posts from the past year to r/ESTJ in chronological order, so we don't lose content. I am also willing to keep r/ESTJ locked and leave it a relic from a year past, and move forward on r/ESTJ2. Those are the two extreme options, I feel, and I'm prepared to do both once I have access to my laptop tonight.

While this is a bit of a curveball, I'm hoping we can work together and find the way to best handle this "two subreddits" situation.

Please comment below with suggestions!

20:34 UTC


How similar/different are you guys from ENTJs?

I know that these types can be similar, but they actually only share two functions: Te and Fi. ENTJs actually have more in common with INTJs, with whom they share all the same functions but in a different order. Having said that, they are still pretty similar. I would personally say that the biggest difference between ENTJs and ESTJs is intuition. Introverted intuition is different from extraverted intuition and ENTJs are more intuitive than ESTJs because it is their auxiliary function. Despite them being more intuitive, how else would you differentiate the two types? Here are some things to consider:

  • Funnier: Which is more/less funny?
  • Way of talking/ way they come across: How do they differ in how they come across to other people?
  • Talkative: How do they differ in their talkativeness?
  • Interests: How do they differ in their interests?
  • Materialism: Which one is more materialistic?
  • Ambition: How do they differ in ambition?
  • Values: How do they differ in what they value?
  • Seriousness: Which one is more serious?
  • Masculine: Which type is more stereotypically masculine?
  • Friends and family: How do they differ or act around their friends or family?
22:17 UTC


Do you guys smile a lot or not?

20:05 UTC


How to get out of Fi grip and feel healthy again?

Any pointers? What has worked for you?

22:24 UTC


Becoming a healthier ESTJ?

Hello all.

After experiencing a personal event that necessitated a lot of introspection and taking complete inventory of myself by laying all of my traits and quirks and habits out in front of me to critically assess them one by one and pinpoint where I have room to grow and better myself: It can be said that I am an unhealthy ESTJ.

Have any of you gone from being an unhealthy ESTJ to a more healthy ESTJ, or recognizing that aspects of yourself are unhealthy and you have successfully improved upon them? How did that journey go? What bumps did you encounter along the way? What were there indicators of your progress/improvement?

I've been working with a counsellor to learn the skills and acquire tools that I previously did not have and it's been going fantastic and I've been feeling more capable of handling life in a better and healthier fashion than I have before. Also, I've been making changes like becoming more patient when interacting with people, thinking before I speak, and not being so black-and-white in my judgements and understandings of situations. Aka practicing my mindfulness and trying not to spiral downwards when I sense that I'm losing control of a situation/things aren't going how I had planned them to. So I feel like I'm definitely improving, albeit slowly. I'm curious to read other ESTJ's journeys and self-realizations.

19:18 UTC


are you afraid of the unknown?

18:02 UTC


ESTJ Explained: What It Means to be the Executive Personality Type

23:34 UTC


ESTJ protagonist

I'm tired of the ridiculous slander against ESTJs and how they're always depicted as controlling villains, so I decided to make the main protagonist of my story one

So, do you have any advice on how to make a healthy, good-willed ESTJ? Like what traits or characteristics do you think they'd have, or what good examples do you have of good ESTJs

17:38 UTC


ESTJ man, do you have long hair? ESTJ women, do you have short hair?

18:18 UTC


Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction, and why?

I prefer to read fiction, and more preferably science fiction. I think it's because I don't have a great imagination, so I need the fiction to boost it. My INFJ husband on the other hand has a great imagination and prefers to read non-fiction.

15:12 UTC


Do you have a vivid imagination?

07:04 UTC


Group Chat

Are any ESTJs looking to join a group chat on Reddit, to study how each personality interacts? This sms includes 1 of each type, we are halfway with this goal. Yet only one of you can join.

1 Comment
03:50 UTC


I Made A Dwarf Fortress Inspired Ethics Table of Analysts Because Other Types Take Too Much Space And I'm Lazy

12:36 UTC


Socionics suggests ESTJ and INFP are a good match?

On MBTI, I am an INFP. On socionics it looks like INFP (or at least I) convert to INFj under socionics which is a good match for ESTJ.

MBTI matches INFP with either ENFJ or ESFJ. And based on MBTI descriptions, I think I would be a good match with ESFJ or ESTJ.

At least from socionics perspective, they suggest that INFP and ESTJ have compatible romantic styles since the former is supposed to take an "infantile" approach where they try to act cute to seduce their partner and want their partner to take on a nurturing/guardian role; conversely, the ESTJ is supposed to have a "caregiver" approach where they are charmed by the antics of their partner and often like to take control of the relationship or to guide their partner.

I also think that socionics pairs INFP with ESTJ because while they are on the same footing in terms of viewing life, both challenge the other: the INFP challenges the ESTJ to be more attuned with the internal and feelings while the ESTJ might help the INFP be more concerned with the present here and now as well as help them come up with ways to make their physical environment more efficient.

Any thoughts on this?

00:38 UTC


Are there ESTJ's that hate rules, and don't respect any except their own ones?

I absolutely hate anyone telling me what to do, I will never conform, most people are stupid and rules limit me.

There is no such thing as normal, even rules I make for myself can be broken if they don't make sense, doesn't matter what circumstances.

I only have a few rules, or really guiding principles in life.

  1. Patience.
  2. Courage favors the bold.
  3. Never give up.

Can I be an ESTJ, or is this more the anti-thesis of an ESTJ?

Also tradition and cultural norms have some value, but my approach to those is: Rules for thee, not for me.

Everyone else should follow them, but I know when it is correct to follow the good parts about tradition and norms, and when I am exempt from them, because I am me.

23:48 UTC


Do you ever move on from a crush?

Like does the attraction disappear? Do you forget about them?

20:19 UTC


What makes ESTJ's bad

I am an ESTJ also and I never thought we were considered bad until was looking it up online. I know I can be very rulesy but to yall what is the "bad" traits of estjs

18:43 UTC


Goal for 2021

Internalize and evaluate every opinion I come across. What's your goal for 2021?

21:37 UTC


Crushing on an ESTJ that I’ve been friends with for 4 years

I’m (INFJ Female) starting to have a crush on my ESTJ male friend who I met 4 years ago. I wouldn’t say we’re the closest of friends, we met through university and never really hung out outside of class but only recently I started hanging out with him with mutual friends.

Throughout university I had a boyfriend so I never looked at him in that way. I’ve been single for a while now and hanging out with him outside of class made me see a different side of him. He is pretty close with all the girls in our friend group so I know that him being friendly doesn’t mean that he would be interested in me - if anything he approaches me less since I’m more new to the friend group. We also don’t really have long conversations and only talk about things we find funny and nothing personal, which makes me think he isn’t really interested in me in that way?

Would you guys ever start having interest in someone you’ve been friends with for years? And if so would you make it obvious to the person? What does ESTJ flirting look like?? Should I tell him that I like him or would that destroy our friendship?? So many questions hahah any advice would be appreciated!

00:04 UTC


Do you feel like you can’t function in an unclean environment?

I’m very curious :)

20:58 UTC


We're still looking for more ESTJs to be interviewed : ) -- Ne Child (Extroverted Intuition)

23:33 UTC


Why are there so few of us in Reddit? :(

18:40 UTC


What is your favorite music genre?

I like listening to pop, pop rock and indie rock music :)

18:15 UTC


what is your best friend's MBTI?

10:03 UTC


ESTJ it's your turn. What does it look like to you?

08:19 UTC


Help me understand ESTJs better

Hey guys,

Your type has often intrigued me and I'd like to know a little bit more about you guys. I know a couple of ESTJs and haven't always had great experiences with them to tell you the truth. Here are some things I've noticed about them or stereotypes that are often associated with ESTJs:

  • Orderly and Efficient: Their greatest attribute. I always get the impression that their mind is incredibly organized. They seem to enjoy creating order out of chaos. They are great at organizing information and their environment for maximum efficiency. I greatly appreciate this about them and would like to learn this better as well.
  • Very practical: As an intuitve, I'm not always the most practical person. ESTJs are extremely practical and are very much admirable in that. Sometimes they can get on my nerves because they're more to just the practical stuff, but if you want the practical stuff sorted out, it's always best to have an ESTJ on your side.
  • Fun: As much as ESTJs get a lot of flack, they are great friends and people in general. They have their problems in this domain as well, but on the whole they make great friends and people. They are usually a lot of fun and like to laugh. It's a lot of fun hanging out with the ESTJs that I know.
  • Honesty: They way that ESTJs give their honesty isn't always my preferred way, but it's a great skill to have and I value them for it.
  • Committed to their friends and loved ones: While ESTJs may come across as strong willed people, there is nothing more important to them than family and friends. ESTJs that I know are incredibly devoted to their partners. It can be quite challenging to get there, but once you're in you're in for a long time. They don't let go easily. They also go above and beyond the call of duty.
  • Not very sensitive: This is a trait that I struggle with. I am a very sensitive and emotional person. I'm very communicative and a great orator. Most ESTJs I know aren't great communicators and tend to overlook the sensitivity part. They don't like to beat around the bush, which has its advantages, but they don't always understand that feelings are important too. They see life in many ways as attempting to organize the world in the most efficient manner. Emotions aren't always efficient and so they may have a hard time organizing these things.
  • Judgemental: ESTJs can be very judgemental. Some of the ones I know can be even self righteous. They also tend to have a hard time understanding the perspectives of others and believe they're right. I used to think ESTJs were assholes and narrow minded because of this, but in recent years I've come to the conclusion that that isn't true at all. From what I gather, ESTJs are incredibly principled and have strong values that often are set in stone. They want to be seen as hard working, principled, responsible, and morally upright members of their community. That is also admirable. But sometimes it's also good to listen to different perspectives. I have found that if you are close to them and they trust you, they will more than listen.
  • Lack of creativity: They can have a hard time doing something new. I do tend to find them more creative than ISTJs.
  • Intimidating: This has do with the sensitive part but ESTJs can be a little intimidating for more sensitive personalities.

So, what do you guys think? Do you agree with me? Is there anything that I missed or you think I should know?

20:21 UTC


Help with Estj crush?

Hi guys,

I hope everyone is doing well. I have a crush on this guy and I think he's an Estj. He's like completely my type in every possible way. I went on a date with one a couple of years back and it didn't go so well. I think I was overly emotional and came across as kind of rambling. I have grown up and I've learned a lot and to be less emotional. But I still have a lot of things to work on and I could use your guys' help with trying to understand Estjs.

He's a very good looking guy. He studied finance in college, likes sports, cars, and is pretty materialistic overall. He also told me that he is very picky and doesn't enter a relationship easily. We have pretty good conversations but haven't met yet in person because of Covid. I really want to make it work and I'm worried I might come across as a loser and can't meet his standards. I took a little longer to find a career and am worried that he might judge me for that.

Here are some things about me: I am an ENFJ. Due to my childhood, I'm only now starting to build a work ethic (in fact, one of my new year's resolutions is to become more practical and conscientious). I have a problem sometimes with communicating my thoughts linearly and have a very active mind. I love learning and basically just talking with people. I can come across as kind of strange sometimes and I would say I'm definitely unique and individualistic. I'm also pretty emotional, but I've learned not to open up about the emotional stuff with people immediately.

How do I manage this guys? How do I make sure I make a first good impression and don't screw up like last time? What attracts you guys? What should I avoid doing? How would you approach this?


Edit: Guys, please tell me if I'm not being concrete enough or if I need to add anything.

15:46 UTC

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