
Photograph via snooOG

For redditors interested in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), specifically those identifying as or interested in Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving persons (ISFP).

What is ISFP and MBTI?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a test that attempts to meaningfully divide people into 16 psychological types, using personal preferences and theory developed by Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung, and Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers.

There are four dimensions of preference:

Introversion (I) / Extroversion (E)

Intuition (N) / Sensing (S)

Thinking (T) / Feeling (F)

Judging (J) / Perceiving (P)

We are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling and Perceiving. Henceforth, ISFP.

You can take a test to find out which of the 16 personalities you are by taking online tests or figuring it out yourself. A mixture of both is recommended.


  1. Subreddit content must be related to ISFP, MBTI or personality in someway. What counts as not related is done via mods discretion.

  2. Respect all users, be nice.

  3. Don't self advertise your discord or chat room.

MBTI Subreddits

MBTI Subreddit MBTI Multi-reddit

SJ, Guardians


SP, Realists


NF, Idealists


NT, Rationalists


All MBTI subreddits in one

MBTI Multi-reddit

Suggested Links

Portrait of an ISFP

Famous ISFP's

ISFP's in 5 minutes

EJArendee's ISFP video

ISFPs on Personality Database

ISFj (ISFP) Socionics article


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what is your job and hobbies?

can I ask what is your job and hobbies?

11:05 UTC


need help with an 18M isfp!

so basically me 18F and this guy 18M have been friends since august/sep of last year. he's the sweetest guy ive ever met like he'll go above and beyond to make people feel nice (much of a people pleaser too) . the sad bit here is, im an ENTP-A. im more of an ambivert, can be a homebody at times too. so me and him get along really well, very similar values in life, we end up saying the same things too anddd ive a huge ass crush on him. BUT I DON'T KNOW IF HE LIKES ME BACK!

yes i know lack of communication in ISFPs is something very common but honestly im ready to wait and let him grow his trust and bond with me (if that's what he wants lol)

he plays piano and whenever he wants to learn a new piece, he'll ask me to send in whatever I want him to learn, he would send me couple related content and say "i can't be alone getting tortured" but when asked he doesn't send it to anyone else (just me), very cute texts at times of how grateful he is to have me as his friend etc. still unsure if he's into me or just being really nice. he lives an hour and half away from me and i don't know what to do! fellow ISFPs, please help a girl out because ive never really dealt with ISFPs before.

point to note: he hasnt talked much about relationships, just a person who's really really kind is his type. also no mention of any previous partners.

03:19 UTC


ENTP here conducting a survey!

Ayyo ISFPs. I want to survey something over here(if that's a correct choice of words for my case) getting bored & by that I mean super fucking bored. So I thought I should make some digital template or something of that sort that can be used as a baseline to further make it into an enhanced digital art, some kind of an organizer's template, a customisable print on demand kind of thingy, YOU NAME IT. Now the problem is that it's just a vague thing that popped up in my head during vacations just like that but a bug in me says it should spring to action or I might waste my time away in procrastination. So tell me ISFPs, what is the digital thingy that you preferably would have for yourself that'd serve you in some way or the other!

21:14 UTC


Do yall not like it when someone you’re not really close to talks to yall?

I feel like this isfp is not really comfortable with me talking to him.Im not really close to this guy but i want to try to get to know him but he seems like he’s always shy and feels uncomfortable

07:48 UTC


INTJ who is in love with an ISFP

Male INTJ here. I have been friends with an ISFP woman for about 6 months now, and we have just recently started becoming romantic and intimate with one another. We have great chemistry both mentally and physically, and I can really see a future with this girl. She has such a beautiful soul, and I feel comfortable being myself around her which is so difficult for me to do with most women I meet. I’m just wondering what I should expect when dating an ISFP woman. I know not all of you are exactly the same, but I’m just curious as to how you are in relationships. Any kind of insight will help, thanks :)

05:53 UTC


cognitive function quiz i like & prefer ♥


i still see a lot of people relying on 16p test and i thought of sharing a quiz i do like and has been accurate for me!

i recommend initially taking the above quiz just to get an idea of where you stand and then reading about functions to confirm your result and also get a clear understanding. 🩷

16p is quite inaccurate to me in terms of cognitive functions and ( especially with the fact that there is no T/A in functions)

my experience with 16p has been just getting diff kinds of results starting with infp for many years, then isfp, infj, esfj etc 😭

20:19 UTC


I can't explain what I mean with "I don't feel emotionally connected"

Hello fellow ISFP

I was in a relationship with a wonderful ESTP for almost 9 years. We met in university but I wouldn't say it was love on the first sight, not even on the second, even though he's a very attractive guy. Today I would say there was no sexual chemistry between us (get back to this later).

Anyways we've become really good friends and a couple then. We have definitely a lot in common. Since we both have S and P, we share our sense for adventure (we traveled the world in the last 8 years), we are very adaptable and spontaneous. We share same values and a similar dry humour. Above these similarities he would have done EVERYTHING for me. If I wanted ice cream on a Saturday night he would immediately jump into his shoes and should buy me ice cream at the net petrol station. I could also always rely on him and trusted him 100%.

Sounds like the perfect relationship and often I thought this IS the perfect relationship but I couldn't help myself, I was never 100% happy. It took me maaaaany years to figure out what I'm missing: emotional connection.

Since he approaches everything from a more logical and rational point of view and me from an emotional point (even though in certain situations I definitely think and act rational) he never really met my emotional needs.

And now I need you help. I broke up with him because I couldn't have sex with him anymore and I know by now it's because of the emotional connection that I don't feel (Se was never very emotional for me with him tbh). After I broke up with him he wanted to know what I exactly mean, because he was really trying to be more emotional, but he said, he just never feels sad, depressed, confused, stressed,.. he also has no trauma from the past or anything. So he just don't know what I want him to share.

And I find myself unable to explain what I mean?

When I am sad, he was always there for me, took me into his arms, bought me things that make me smile.. typical acts of service person. I don't know how to verbalise what I mean and missed?

Can someone eventually relate or verbalise what I mean?

17:39 UTC


What do you think of INTJs?

Like as friends/love/or maybe just what you think of them from a distance- like, brutally honest.

16:03 UTC


How to deal with it?

I would love to ask all of you about fear of conversations(with strangers).

Do you guys also have it? If so, how to deal with it?

2 days ago i had job interview and i could feel that i'm shaking. I don't wan't to mention phone calls, because it's probably even more embarrassing.

12:59 UTC


I’m an ENFP how do I connect more with my ISFP friend?

I (19F) wanna connect more with my (19F) friend. She’s very introverted and quiet but attentive and listens to what i have to say. But because i feel more connected to people who can get with my energy and talk about theories and deep things, I may struggle this with her as she might get bored of it. I always try to make random fun conversations like spilling tea about my life and talking about what’s happened to me. But I’m scared that she might feel burdened by my rambles and prefers to have more humorous conversations. I would say we have different humors so it’s harder to make a connection but i adore her regardless. I just want to be and feel closer to her yet i struggle with this. What do you isfps think i should talk about or do?

I don’t want her to feel like im ranting to her all the time when Im trying to make a conversation to at least have something going.

00:08 UTC


What does it mean when an ISFP male tells you that “You are very special to me”?

I don’t understand introverts that much. You baffle me and that’s ok. You all are the beautiful mysteries of the human race and I do try to respect your boundaries.

I am an ENFP female and I was told today by someone I care for that I was special to him. We are friends and I know he loves me as a forever thing. Unfortunately nothing can ever happen between us because of severe complications with him and I am ok with it. I know he’s struggling with it all. For god’s sakes this emotional extrovert struggled hard. But I also know he doesn’t want to let me go. He looks for me online everyday because he never wants to lose our connection. He didn’t tell me but it’s obvious. Even if I decided to be with someone he says he’d understand but I know he’d be crushed. He’d dwell in sadness. I disappeared on him for a week to try to deal with these emotions and when I decided to deal with him again he told me in one small sentence that he dwelled in sadness because he thought I was gone forever.

So what does this mean? I thought I was already special to him? Can someone please help define this for me?

20:15 UTC


Can you tell me about ISFP

I have consistently been typed as an INFP and some of the description on particular aspects were spot on that I never really put much thought into looking at other types. But as life has happened to me and lessons have been harshly learned I have noticed a shifting in particular aspects of myself. So I took the test yet again but this time the site I chose told me how much of a percentage I was of one or the other and on the N vs S it was 51 vs 49. After googling and reading a bit about ISFP I definitely resonate with the living in the moment, quietly helpful to others, get along with most everyone, to name a few. I am not adventurous or artistic though. But the best way to learn about the ins and outs and quirks of a type is at its source. So if all of you would be so kind, tell me about your type and the aspects that generalized MBTI websites dont tell.

13:11 UTC


Dietary Supplements for Mood

Let's face it...our type is probably the most common to not be in the mood. Not in the mood to exercise, socialize, work, or play. This always is on my mind and is always something I try to break. Here's what I've done:. Let me know what things you do also.

(Not medical advice)

YERBA MATE: read about it in "Tools of the Titans" by Tim Ferris. Started brewing it the traditional way, and it was a nice, clear headed feeling. It's like an evergreen spruce version of a tea leaf. Id research this

ALPHA GPC: the potent neotropic in many energy drinks isolated out. Stack with L-taurine. Like an energy drink without the bullshit.

NIACIN: a b-vitamin that increases blood flow. It makes you feel like you have a sunburn for 20 minutes. You're body adapts after about a week so no flush. I kind of like it for the flash because I'm sensory like that. Makes you feel alive. About 4-6g per day helps with anxiety.

FASTING: sweet spot is the 40 hour mark for supreme mental clarity. I used to do this often. I miss setting this goal. I think ISFPs like myself like to challenge themselves and then feel a tangible outcome. From my knowledge, your body starts to generate massive ketones, an alternate fuel source to sugar, at around 18 hours, Autophagy @ 24 hours (your skin will look great), Max HGH at 48 hours, Stem cell regeneration at 72 hours.

L. Tryptophan: An amino acid that you can use to have a really kickass night of sleep. Good sleep leads to better mornings.

23:44 UTC


What are your thoughts about dating ISTP'S

I'm a 43 year old male ISTP. My personality is pretty developed and balanced although do to some stress issues I can get pretty out of sorts and look less confident than I am. I recently contacted an old friend I had known back in my 20s. She is an ISFP. We hit it off but I had some of my stress issues kick in for an unrelated reason and kinda came on really strong just trying to be upfront and I read into the situation probably more than I should have.

Have any of you guys dated us and what are problems we run into?

23:21 UTC


For ISFPs: When messaging do you prefer to receive voice messages or text messages?

Can you give more detail into why you chose your option? Do you hate the unchosen option(s) ? What about video calls? If it was an option would you have rather picked it?

How do you think these preferences relates to your personality type?
note: I am an INTP

View Poll

22:01 UTC


How do you ISFPs deal with the current state of the world ?

With the catastrophic consequences of climate change, with all the wars and humanitarian crises around the world and with the rise of xenophobia (Europe) I can’t help but feel a sense of impending doom.

I used to find relief in social media but lately it’s as if all I see is hate speech (especially in comment sections) and it is really starting to weigh down on me.

I feel like the whole world is embracing dangerous and extreme ideologies (whether it be climate change denial or hatred of minorities) and that there is no escape.

Do you relate with this sentiment ? If so, how do you deal with it ?

16:44 UTC


sensitive to toxic/negative environments and vibes ?

roommate situations that arent Ideal, if you still live with famiy, etc. do you find that u are sensitive to an environment thats negative or just argumentative or drama filled? sensitive meaning like.. you become angry also due to the environment or you want to get away from it, etc.

14:20 UTC


Career procrastination

I have to write a job application and I just get anxiety when I try to write it. It’s already overdue and I was stuck because I didn’t have a template. Now I have a template and it’s better, but it became «too real». Anybody have tips on how I can not feel awful while doing things I find difficult?

#impostor syndrome #overwhelmed , #too much information to even process # unknown territory and # Do I even want to work? Saying that I want to feels off.

10:39 UTC


Why do isfp become serial daters/don’t commit?

I’m finding it difficult to understand. Any perspectives?

22:52 UTC


What does your relationship with nostalgia look like?

I’m very curious about this, because I tend to associate nostalgia with Si, but also believe in the 6th function concept and think that ISxP’s should therefore have decent Si.

How often do you find yourself missing the way things once were, reminiscing over the good old times?

17:22 UTC


I got out of a miserable relationship of 8 years

cw: mentions of abuse

I was completely taken advantage of and manipulated for the longest time by this ENTP. Someone who I thought loved me, I thought treated me well, was just a horrible person. It took me to get some friends that saw from their perspective what I was going through. I couldn't see it from where I was. I thought nobody else would love me and I thought this is all I deserved. I was constantly put down for the things I liked, forced to do things I didn't want to do, was in charge of everything in our living situation and was talked over just to name a few things.

I met this person when I was at a very depressed and vulnerable state in high school. They convinced me I was broken and they could help fix me. That nobody else loved me. I forgave so many of their actions because I thought they were a good person. I always wanted to believe people couldn't just be bad. But sometimes it's not true. I was put through so much at a young age and forced to do things I wasn't ready for. Because if I didn't, I didn't love them.

I'm now about to graduate college (a little late at 23) and I made some really valuable friends that made me realize I deserve to be happy. When I hung out with them, I felt like they listened to me and I could be myself. When I was at home, I felt frustrated, scared, annoyed. My partner had fomo and it felt impossible to do anything with friends without them. My friends met my partner eventually and didn't like them at all. Saw I was getting talked over, ignored, pestered, etc.

In the friend group, there's an ENFP, ESFP, and an INFJ. A few months ago, I realized I was developing feelings for the INFJ. I felt like I never met someone so insightful and interesting. I wanted to talk to her for hours. I was still in a relationship though, so it would have been weird to do that. I did my best to hide my feelings and ignore them because I knew it was wrong. But once I said enough was enough with my ENTP, the feelings for the other couldn't stay hidden very long.

It was a messy break up. I felt guilty and felt it was hard to explain why. This person constantly clung to me, had no personal goals in life, and just was leaching off me for the past 3 years when we were living on our own. I tried to explain how I was treated and felt and all I got in return was "well what about the good times?" or when I mentioned how much stress and sacrifice I went through to help them, "I didn't ask you to do any of that." I was done. I didn't even want to be friends but we still lived together. Once they realized I was never at home anymore and I didn't want to be friends, they moved back home to their parents.

I now feel so free from all the judgement, abuse, and control. I didn't go into much detail because it's upsetting stuff and that's not the point of this post. This is mostly for me to rant but also to show people you deserve to be treated right. This person was a narcissistic manipulator. They told me about so many of their horrible, cruel ideas about what they wanted to do to society and I just let it slide because I thought I loved them.

Now I've actually been dating the INFJ for a short amount of time now, but I've never felt so understood before and apparently same goes for her. Not only do we share a lot of interests, but we can talk deeply about so many things. Besides the deep topics, we also both just enjoy simple things like food, animals, grocery stores. I actually feel listened to and loved by her. And everyone around us is happy for us too. It's crazy that we actually can spend hours and hours talking to each other and never run out of things to say. We are also both people pleasers which can be a problem but it just means we know how to be kind to each other.

And besides that, this sounds crazy, but so many coincidences have seemingly led us to each other. We both are from a few hours out of state, but we actually live about 2 hours from each other. At one point, she lived in my hometown and remembers some of it. We both have a deep interest in the same language and language learning. We met through (reluctantly) becoming officers to save a club. We currently live in buildings next to each other. And she's two years younger than me and I'm only still in college because I took a year off and transfered. All of these things combined just freak me out because I love her so much and I'm glad all these things led us to each other.

Anyways thanks for reading y'all. Don't settle for awful people and don't forgive too many times.

12:42 UTC


ISFP, help me understand please.

Ok so I dated an ISFP for a while, things were amazing at the start, then it ended quite abruptly with the infamous ISFP cut n run. I was told it was all the little things that built up over time. I keep reading that ISFP are all about live and let live. But at the same time, they also have the propensity to remember all the times they've let you live and then hold them against you when they have had enough? I read that your actions are guided by your feelings, but do the feelings of others matter to you at all? Please help me understand this contradiction. I'm an INTJ by the way if it helps you make sense of my perplexity. Also, why is it that you can't sit down and work things out rather than switch off your emotions completely? It is quite jarring your behaviour from one day to the next.

11:12 UTC


What types are good for us?

I realize looking back over the years, I’ve dated COMPLETELY different people - their personalities were all wildly different and they all looked different too, so I guess I don’t really have a “type.” Maybe it’s more just the individual. But I’m wondering if there are types whoa match well with us in terms of compatibility?

14:35 UTC

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