
Photograph via //r/infp

The INFP is known as the Idealist, the Mediator, and the Healer of the Myers Briggs theory. INFPs are deeply individualistic and walk to the beat of their own rhythm. They see the world through an imaginative lens, and live rich, personal inner lives. INFPs are guided by an unwavering desire to be authentic and stand firmly by their values. Through careful introspection, and attention to their own emotions, they become compassionate to the plights of others.


INFP (Fi-Ne-Si-Te) is is a personality type within the Jungian Cognitive Function Framework and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), often broadly referred to as the Dreamer, or Idealist.

INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glass world where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human qualities.


Added the "Polls" flair for when creating polls.



  • This subreddit is dedicated to the discussion of MBTI and specifically the INFP paradigm. Make sure your post has something to do with these few items before posting.
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  • When submitting non-OC image-based content such as memes, webcomics, or inspirational quotes it is recommended that you offer a sentence or two of how it relates to being an INFP to ensure that content remains relevant to the subreddit.
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Does anyone still play games on their phone? If so, pull em out!

20:53 UTC


Understanding the cognitive stacks


I am a bit confused about how the stacks line up with the preferences

As I understand INFP

  1. the first letter refers to where you focus attention
  2. how you learn
  3. how you make decisions
  4. how you present yourself to the world / how you are perceived by others

The cognitive stacks of INFP Fi-Ne-Si-Te

I'm struggling to understand how they sort of choose these cognitive functions and order them? As the cognitive stacks doesn't match the order 1-4 I listed ? I don't understand it all ?

I don't know if that made in any sense, just hoping someone can recommend me some good resources they may have found , so I can understand the stuff behind those simple four letters

20:47 UTC


Random question that just popped in my mind

Has any other INFP gone through that stage where they started thinking that they have ADHD or ADD?

20:45 UTC



19:33 UTC



I've heard before that infps love to leave things open and up to interpretation; however, I feel like I do this in a slightly different way for some reason. One thing that's always made me doubt if I was an infp is my tendency to come to direct conclusions about something I feel strongly about. For example, if I made story, and I really enjoyed the way I made it end, I really hate it when someone comes along and says "I don't like this thing here." For me, it feels like my story is perfect and I don't wanna hear anyone else's opinions on it. I guess another example is when I come up with an idea about something and it just sort of sticks with me. Usually I'm a pretty open person when it comes to ideas, but if its something that I feel like I know or I don't wanna alter my perception on, I won't back down until I prove to myself that I was right about it. Then, I come back to confusion about how I'm probably wrong..

19:24 UTC


$1 Book, this made my day a lot better

As usual in my country, another power outage occurred. To avoid becoming even more depressed, I decided to go buy an ice cream. On the way, I found a small garage sale and bought this book for $1

P.d. I hope it's a good book 😂

19:22 UTC



Hi guys,

I'm curious, what's your opinion about Björk? To me, she feels like a perfect embodiment of what INFPs is like. Even back when I was a metalhead, I've always had a sweet spot for her. She's just something else.

18:19 UTC


I am like 99% sure my younger cousin is an INFP and I want to help her

So my younger cousin who lives with me and is 14 years old is going through the exact same stages of life that I went though (I hate even recalling that time in my life).

She gets depressive episodes, has a negative thought pattern, hates her school and her classmates. She gets this burst of motivation in every new grade yet is unable to stay consistent, is unable to focus. She gets lost in thoughts, she procrastinates and she never lives up to her expectations. She gives her emotions too much value. Furthermore, her father wants her to do computer sciences and I'm pretty sure that would not be a good fit for her but she doesn't know what she wants to do.

It's like watching an old version of me and it sort of makes me feel frustrated. What can I do to help her? Something that would actually work? I think it's hard for us INFPs to grow unless it comes from within. Do I just let her go through life, waiting for her to figure it all out on her own?

18:11 UTC


They’re not lying… right?

Why am I so convinced that everyone is lying to me all the time???? I hate it and I know the vast majority of the time they’re probably being real with me. Ha, even now I still doubt them though just by saying ‘probably’… It’s not just when I get good feedback or compliments or anything positive, but also when it’s the opposite. It’s like I’m not convinced someone’s telling the truth until they’ve grounded and spited on me or my work till nothings left. Aaggsgsfafafaggahhhh how can I work on getting out of this mindset?????

18:10 UTC


Are You Totally Mad? Dark Story of Stupidity and Love

The young man was walking along the road when he spotted the silhouette of a car in the distance. He switched on a popular pop song and began running towards it. The car, noticing the pedestrian and seemingly accepting his challenge, sped up! It collided with him, hurling his lifeless body aside and painting the road red, while bones sang loudly until deep silence fell.

Meanwhile, the man at the wheel of the car was mumbling through a smile, pointing at the injured man and laughing loudly. His children were hysterically laughing like little devils, filled with pride for their dad. The body was totally broken, and the rain started falling.

A little mushroom gnome, hesitant at first, emerged from the bushes alongside the road. He cautiously approached the body, poking it to check for danger, then retreated in fear. Suddenly, with unbelievable strength for his size, he grabbed the body and sprinted through the forest at an astonishing speed, heading towards the past as a young boy appeared to be alive again.

"What happened to you? Are you totally mad?" asked the gnome. The boy didn't answer. There was music in the background - a classic romance. The boy turned his face towards the gnome, a rose in his teeth. He took the gnome's mushroom arm - the gnome blushed, and they began spinning in a dance. The end.

17:45 UTC


Was this good advice?

I’m 21 Me and my dad were having a conversation last night kinda opening up emotionally spilling ours guts Which is good, healthy.

One of the things I touched on was my loneliness and limerence and also my motivations for working on myself

Cause I have been I’ve lost some weight, trying to get healthy changed diet, portion sizes etc.

And I’ve tried this before but it was with the motivation to be more attractive to find love.

But I always failed

So this time I keep telling myself I’m doing this for me myself and my health

But deep down I unwrap a few layers it’s also cause I want friends and romance. Companionship and intimacy.

I don’t just want sex, I don’t think I could preform unless it was for someone I truly loved.

Like im really looking for companionship and the lil things, the hand holding, the cuddles, the walks in the park, dinner.

Im trying to think of the chances of that are a bonus rather than the goal of me working on myself

But anyway I was taking about that with my dad and he gave me two pieces of advice

  1. I fully agree with this, be a good guy not a nice guy. Obviously this is an anonymous online post, and actions speak louder than words. But I do try to be my genuine self with everyone when I do things I do it to be kind or cause it’s the right thing to do. I don’t hold favors over peoples head. Nice guys are just sad.

  2. Is something I’ve got mixed feelings on and this is what he said pretty much word for word.

“Son you’ve got a beautiful mind in that you see people, men and woman as people, especially with woman you see them as a person not just a sexual object, you’ve got better head on your shoulder than most men your age. But, at the same time you’ve got to have some sort of Machismo, be a bit more masculine about yourself, have something woman will go crazy for”

Where I feel conflicted and I wonder if he just meant be more confident which I agree is something I need to work on be more confident in all social situations

But whenever I hear someone say like you need to be s man or this is what a man is I just wanna say fuck you im being my own man.

The reason I’m even writing this is that whenever someone gives me advice or says something much like how I read the news I try to take into account for biases.

And for my dad, he says he’s over it but I still think apart of him is still really butthurt about the fact that him and my mom got divorced, and he got cheated and on and he feels guilty he cheated In retaliation.

And look I get it if I was ever cheated on and I’m lucky I’ve never had it happen to me and I would never do it to someone else it really irks me to and me cheating is a cardinal sin in my book.

And divorce sucks for everyone involved I remember everything that happened.

It’s not that I don’t love my dad or appreciate him or value his opinion, it’s just that he definitely will have his divorced dad moments and so does my mom “men/woman are are etc”

I dunno am I just over thinking it?

Also like sometimes he will use caveman analogy’s and look I partially agree from an objective scientific,/cultural historical context standpoint

But at the same time, that shit and dynamics change all the time though our history and culture

Like I love history the example I’ll use is Classical Greek Athens.

An I’m not justifying (specifically the Pediastry not the consenting adult men I don’t care about anyone being gay or bi) it but between Pediastry and consenting adult men in elite circles in Athens it was seen as masculine to be pleasuring a man, and being the dominant one in a homosexual relationship, yet if you were the submissive male, you were seen as basically the dominant ones bitch, you were seen as feminine.

My point is what is seen as masculine or feminine changes over time.

But I’d really appreciate your thoughts

Am I just over thinking this?

17:35 UTC


Photoshopped stuff at my lowest

A long while ago, When I felt low, I had an Image in my head of a person, than can land a hand without any questions, just knowing what you feel without you yourself explaining it. I have a hard time asking for support, so.. yeah. Found this photoshop work of mine in the gallery, and had a feeling that I might as well share it with y'all. Stay strong, fellas.

16:57 UTC


Feeling inferior around friends and classmates

I'm traveling to Korea with two of my absolute perfectionist friends literally tomorrow and I'm kinda worried about it. I'm excited to be spending time with them after so long AND exploring a whole different country but omg they plan and do everything so thoroughly and meticulously. They just KNOW how things are done. Complete opposite of me. I tend to be careless, forgetful of crucial details, or just NOT know how something is done. I don't wanna do something that holds us all back, I don't want them to feel sick of traveling with me. This is the first time I'm traveling without my parents, usually they handle everything.

I’m also going into my final year of uni after the trip, after 7 months of internship. One thing I liked about internship was that there were NO other interns there so no one to compare myself with, I could learn and do things at my own pace. I felt at peace and like I was growing into a better person. Now I feel the bad emotions coming back. Like I’m lacking and I’m inferior. I’m aware that I’m not very academically intelligent and also not that street smart but ugh I just hate how my mind brings up all these thoughts when I really DON’T wanna feel like this. I know these emotions will never let me perform better (in terms of academics, socializing, just taking initiative in general) because so much of my energy is used up in simply thinking about it

16:23 UTC


I got a question.

Why are u INFPs some of the hottest/cutest lil shts alive but put ur self down???this is not just with looks: any arts, singing etc etc like to me that sht looks 10/10 but y’all are like “I’m so bad at this” ngl makes me mad. feels like a personal attack on me cause I like it but y’all talkin sht about it

16:12 UTC

16:07 UTC


A Crises filled life

Good mourning from San diego. Intp,infp,entp have been my results and I relate with alot from each one. Mid life crises + identity crises + random anxiety + ocd/adhd +crippling addictions = fun life of sorts

 Seems like it's always a crises with me. 
                                  I really hope this prozac helps
15:49 UTC


Identity crises

Good mourning from San diego. Intp,infp,enfp have been my results and I relate with alot from each one. Mid life crises + identity crises + random anxiety + ocd/adhd +crippling addictions = fun life of sorts

Am I a addict ? Am I a alien? Get out of the way old man, life is coming no matter what.

15:42 UTC


Anyone Else Prone To Having OTPs?:

Ever since I was little, I was always obssessed with romantic ships. AladdinxJasmine (of the original "Aladdin") and MowglixShanti (of the "Jungle Book 2") were my all time favorites. Now, as an adult, my love for romantic pairings hasn't stopped. Especially since I do creative writing. For my current favs, they're mostly rarepairs and crossover pairs a la--

-Severus SnapexConstance Hardbroom (Harry Potter/1998 Worst Witch).

-SitkaxElsa (Brother Bear/Frozen).

-LegolasxNenselde (LOTR/LOTR Trading Cards...hear me out...).

-UhuraxScotty (Star Trek: TOS).

-Luke SkywalkerxSaavik (Star Wars/Star Trek: TOS...again, hear me out...).

-SybokxCharal (Star Trek: TOS/Star Wars...long story...)

Anyway, with these and more of my pairings, it makes me toy with the idea of working as a matchmaker. But then I remember how introverted I am...Still, if this constant shipping normal for INFPs?

1 Comment
15:40 UTC


How is your life going as an INFP adult?

Just a random question that came to my mind as I was thinking about my future. Would love to hear the goods/bads, and ups/downs!

15:34 UTC


Stuck in traffic

On the one hand, the guy in front of us was having g a full conversation in the middle of the street. On the other, look at that!

14:07 UTC


What do you think of ENTJs? (like brutally honest)

Y'all have the dreamy worlds/vision/possibilities I try to synthesise but can't figure out and so a lot of times I end up with things that don't even seem like how I would want them to be sort of?

I also feel like we're types that kind of just walk by/like we aren't *drawn* to each other like other type combinations.

But what do you think? I'm really curious.. 💕

12:45 UTC


I have no ambition.

I'm 34 own a house with my sibling who's family also lives here, and am financially stable without having a traditional job. In general my life feels good and nothing really happens to rock the boat too much but I have nothing I want to do with my life. I never finished college but have no desire to go back and get a job regardless of the fact that it would allow for some more freedom in my life both financially and to meet more people(which I do want). I have no major goals that I am working toward beyond just continuing to slowly get into better shape and keep up daily chores. I would love to find other people who enjoy the things I enjoy to experience life with and maybe even find someone who I could fall in love with but I lack the will to get out and interact with people.

Is this weird? should I be putting more effort into finding something that I could use to drive me beyond the day to day? what do you guys think of all this? I would love to get other perspectives and to know if others have similar problems.

12:42 UTC



Do you believe life has some kind of destiny for you or do you just go with the flow?

12:11 UTC


What kind of dreams do you see?

  1. Are you the main character or are they a POV of a character?

  2. Are the environments based on reality or made up?

  3. Are there made up fantasy characters like creatures?

  4. Are the people made up or real?

I’m just interested to see if there’s any differences between the styles and structures of dreams based on MBTI. I’m asking this on other MBTI subreddits too.

12:03 UTC


INFPs if we are being honest with ourselves, what are the qualities of an INFP that you absolutely dislike about yourself and wish you were any better?

I just find that sometimes we are too stuck up with our values and morals and what we believe in that sometimes I wish I am more flixible with my Fi but because Fi is a base function and not secondary, its not flexible and easily maneuvered like ENFPs and ESFPs with Fi as their secondary function. I do really wish to be able to tone down or sometimes disable my Fi and just for a moment not be too intense and not be too serious about the things I believe and uphold. It can get really lonely and almost suffocating that I just cant let go and would go through the ends of the earth to defend and keep those values and morals intact even to the detriment of my own sanity and happiness. Sometimes, isolating myself as a result from others just to uphold those standards and values

12:03 UTC


whats the most common insult or maybe negative description about INFP that you have heard countless times? for me its INFPs being easily offended? are we really? is there something wrong with us?

For me I think is when they call INFP, easily offended. I have tried my best to be aware of this tagline of my type and so I try to listen with an objective lens when people are talking and not to get offended as much as I can. But I do still find some things offensive and I wonder, is it me? is it a me problem? an INFP problem? are we not capable of being objective? are we always subjective and find things offensive?

11:50 UTC


''A place to think'', This is a small oil painting, I did it last week, I was having a hard few days, I didn't feel like painting, I was unmotivated, but I managed to get something out of it, and I was happy because painting is what I really love, I hope we have a better week now, :)

11:46 UTC


Help your fellow ENFP: Why am I easily irritated and picky?

I have heard that INFP is kinda like our sibling from another dimensions, so I just want to see the situation from the other perspective.

  1. I typically have a hard time adjusting myself to the external environment. This is noticeable when somehow people just like giving me responsibility that I didn't asked for.
  2. I can sometimes be very impatient, and especially when I'm giving my time to someone else. I try my best not to be rude to them and sounding too much of a bully, but I can have a few tongue slips that makes other people mad at me.
  3. I like things to be predictable and straighforward, but doing this means i'm sacrificing other things as well (like my attitude, moods, or ego). For example, I like to go into Do Not Disturb mode irl, which means I just idle without doing any meaningful acts, but this somehow can irritate people near me.

Am I just basically being too egoistical or I focused too much on self preserving my inner peace rather than complying with a group I am in?

1 Comment
11:35 UTC


It sucks living in a world that is set up by and for SJ types.

Not to sound bitter i want all types to have their best life, it just feels like a few MBTI are outliers and don't fit in. This sub has been a god send. Thank you all just for being you. It's been great learning to accept yourself.

11:31 UTC

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