The INFP is known as the Idealist, the Mediator, and the Healer of the Myers Briggs theory. INFPs are deeply individualistic and walk to the beat of their own rhythm. They see the world through an imaginative lens, and live rich, personal inner lives. INFPs are guided by an unwavering desire to be authentic and stand firmly by their values. Through careful introspection, and attention to their own emotions, they become compassionate to the plights of others.
INFP (Fi-Ne-Si-Te) is is a personality type within the Jungian Cognitive Function Framework and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), often broadly referred to as the Dreamer, or Idealist.
INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glass world where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human qualities.
Added the "Polls" flair for when creating polls.
SJ | SP | NF | NT |
First, because I know you’re a little sensitive to being infantilized, I DON’T mean all of you easily illicit an “Aaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwewewewwwww.” With a possible “YOU’RE SO ADORABLE 🥰”
I’ll expound on what I really meant:
Tonight I was talking to my daughter and exerting some effort toward trying to get her ideas and thoughts pumping on a subject that didn’t matter much. So I asked her “so what do you think is your favorite thing about school?” I expected her to talk about some art, friendships, or even a crush. We were just chit chatting, small talk.
Her response: “I love it when people talk about me being kind.”
Me: “oh wow. Well you are kind.”
Her: “that’s why I have the friends I do. They think I’m kind.”
Me: “well, what’s your least favorite thing about school? When people aren’t kind?”
Her: “no, I’ll just ignore them if they can’t be kind. My least favorite thing is when people don’t notice when I’m being kind.”
Dude, what? (And I say this fully believing there are INFP’s reading this thinking “what? What did she say?”) I held onto her wording because it only kept my curiosity pumping more. She didn’t say “notice that I’m kind.” She said “notice that I’m being kind,” as if to say that she experiences moments where she’s allowing someone to be themselves and or she’s doing something helpful to someone else and doesn’t like it when they don’t see that that is what she is doing.
I know that’s how she meant it because I know her. I feel comfortable saying I’m not reading too much into it despite the dissection journey I’m on.
Yall are so in touch with your feelings it’s unreal (to me). Just like there are moments where I will share a piece of information I’ve dissected in my mind and not realize it’s going to make someone go “woah…,” there are times where I’ve experienced INFP’s in my life sharing pieces of info on their feelings they’ve come to terms with and it being something that exists so deep I would never say it to someone in casual conversation because I’m not in touch with my feelings at the depths that you are.
So my immediate reaction is “aww.” There’s an implied “aww, [you know that about yourself? Are we having a deep personal moment?]” And you’re still acting casual.
My, oh my, how fascinating you people are. Sorry for the length.
Thanks for reading!
Be honest. Do you typically make predictions that are accurate? I think INTJ’s are the type overall that tend to be best at making predictions.
How do you think being Fi dom impacts your thought process compared to other people? Are you surprised at how little people discuss/recognise their own feelings? How do you think your life would be different if your Fi wasn't dominant?
I just threw this list together off the top of my head, so there's probably many more characters I love from various things. I can already think of a few games/movies/shows/books I missed lol.
Ok I’m sorry for the problematic title and the biased viewpoint and probably hyperbolic language but I randomly thought of this question and it’s been like ten minutes and I’m probably being ignorant but I just can’t think of an answer!!! So I came to this subreddit because you probably know your strengths better than anyone. Do you just work less and feel… things… more? What kind of evolutionary advantage is that? I mean I guess just being a personality type doesn’t mean that they’re all innately balanced because personality formed naturally and is just being named and categorised, but I’m sure there has to be something. Maybe this is why they’re all depressed and the crying stereotype emerged lol. Anyone know?
Also the title is slightly wrong because I guess that anyone can learn to be better all I mean is is there an advantage in any way to being an infp over an enfp
Keanu Reeves 🤭🤤
I’m working on a personal project. Trying to create fantasy cultures based off of each of the 16 personalities.
For INFP, your power is fertility and growth. Your creature counterparts are all flowers (changed evolution forever on earth).
This is not a modern society. What would you guys like a fantasy culture based on INFP to look like?
ENFP seems to be better a friendship in long term as they’re quite similar
I’ve noticed in other threads that INFPs did not like school, I am definitely in this category. I’ve even thought about homeschooling my own kids, but not sure…
Some reasons I think it was hard for me (socially — academics weren’t so much the issue)
-hard to have a “thick skin” and let mean comments slide off you -rejection of trends, didn’t want to conform at all -very quiet and slow to warm up, so people are less likely to gravitate to you -around a lot of people all the time in bright rooms all day, no quiet time -sitting a lot
I’m so tired of this about myself, always going back and forth in my head, re-analyzing why particular people act strange or make me feel weird, feeling cringe about myself constantly, constantly feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated by social interactions and finding it hard now in my 30s to want to keep up with hardly anyone. I struggle to find the balance between protecting my peace & being a hermit, these days I feel like I hardly have the energy for anyone anymore … except for my very tight knit circle … Mostly lately the only people I have the energy for is my ENFJ boyfriend of 7 years who I live with, and my ISTP best friend… I also have a long distance INFJ friend and we check up on each other every now and then, talk about life…. but yeah for the most part, I struggle hard feeling content in any workplaces around most people crowds and downtown areas I avoid.. I do find most of the world to be loud, rude and arrogant… but am I closing myself off? am I building a wall? Is this healthy?
where is my fellow sufferers? please give me words of support. I mean its already hard being an infp that I also have to bear being a virgo. Was already introvert, sensitive, and perpetually sad but then my virgo side kicks in, making me hypercritical of myself and else. a procrastinator and a perfectionist. And, of course, I'm anxious and shy. a truly toxic combination I tell you.
I have a friend who seems to talk to ChatGPT more than anyone else in their life. They tell it everything and ask it for advice on all of their decisions. I find it a little unsettling because it seems like they prefer it over human connection.
It kind of breaks my heart for a fake relationship to be valued more than a real one. It seems like a preference to hear your own thoughts echoed back to you instead of dealing with a human who would expect reciprocation.
Often when establishing a friendship with someone, I eventually run into a situation that reveals a significant difference in values. And sometimes it troubles me so much I question the whole friendship.
For example, I might express outrage after witnessing someone being treated unfairly. And when I notice a friend doesn’t seem to care at all or they even continue to praise a person who just participated in tearing someone else down, I look at them differently. Even if they themself didn’t participate in it, it can get under my skin when they don’t condemn such behavior.
I’ve had friends who will even continue to be buddies with someone who has bullied me.
This is a huge part of why I usually retreat from friendships and go back to being a loner.