
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit dedicated to the ENTJ personality type, according to Western-based 16-type personality frameworks such as Myers-Briggs (MBTI) and Jungian Functions. The Socionics type ENTj also redirects here, albeit to a lesser extent.

ENTJs have a reputation for being task-centric strategic navigators that take things a little too seriously at times, but also appreciate art and serious conversations about emotions and personally held values.

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45,114 Subscribers


What would an ENTJ fantasy culture look like?

I’m working on a personal project. Trying to create fantasy cultures based off of each of the 16 personalities.

For ENTJ, your power is time manipulation and your animal counterparts are all fish.

This is not a modern society. What would you guys like a fantasy culture based on ENTJ to look like?

22:31 UTC


What's the practical thought process difference between TE-NI vs NI-TE?

basically, I want to know how you guys go think about this thought process differently. Let's say I wanted to lose 5 pounds in 1 month.

My thought process is: think about idea for a while > try to research the best and most effective weight loss tactics > break it down into actionable steps (walk 10k, eat healthier etc)

I always HAVE to dabble with the idea first, play with it a little then after a while, I do the research and when I think I have something really good planned, I execute.

There always has to be a grand vision which is broken down, thats how I think.

How would an ENTJ, as opposed to an INTJ go about it?

14:33 UTC


can an ENTJ seem like an ISFP in their teenage years?

although it sounds like a contradiction but i heard that it’s possible

12:52 UTC


How you went to act different from 20s 30s and 40s ?

I meant this ofc required improving functions so you improve.

11:29 UTC


ENTJs and Sterotypes

For a while now I believed I was an ISTP, but after a proper session I’ve been told I seem more ENTJ.

While it’s true I feel comfortable with goals in my life, I wouldn’t say I fit the “productive” mindset. I do what I agree with, but I don’t enjoy doing what other people want just for the sake of it and I’m pretty lazy with anything that isn’t actually important or takes a lot of effort. (I.e. I’ll spend hours to get my finances out of order but I’m not the type of person to go out seeking responsibilities)

Overall, I don’t connect with some of the stereotypes of an ENTJ (I.e. I hate leading others but will if that’s what’s required to get something done. I’m also horrendous at convincing people to do stuff)

Do yall think I fit closer to an ENTJ or ISTP?

04:33 UTC


Can "comfort" be a metric used by ENTJ?

Question for ENTJ's. I know money is an easy metric that a lot of you strive for, but can "comfort" be one? How about "comfort" for someone else like a parent?

15:58 UTC


Is your pattern recognition on point?

Does anybody else feel like their pattern recognition is so refined that it’s painful? I feel like so many people in my life are so predicable I spend a lot of time playing along knowing they have no intention of “absolutely doing that thing” that it makes me crazy.

Smile and wave boys… smile and wave.

03:47 UTC


Spelling errors - do you get annoyed?

Does it bother you when an email or text comes through with spelling errors? I find myself easily annoyed, especially combining words like high school, a lot, at least, etc as well as misuse of loose vs lose, defiantly vs definitively or misspelling of common names spelled differently.

I know it can come across pedantic. Just wondered if it bothers any other ENTJs.

00:19 UTC


How to stop discovering potential about a situation or a person and just follow your heart?

I want to stop mentally investing in people too, because I need my headspace to make my life.

21:27 UTC


Over simplifying? Yes but no

When thinking about complex ideas, it’s a good idea to use simple schema to work the idea around in your head. It’s not great to draw conclusions from as you need complexity to learn the “truer” things. No type is light or dark. No type is evil or good. That’s too simple. Simple draws us in, but it’s often a false friend. I like Myers Briggs but it ain’t word from on high.

By the way, I wouldn’t use the juxtaposition of light and dark to mean good and bad due to its history.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

19:04 UTC


ENTJs, how does your Fi manifests itself in real life?

I’m very wondered how’s it working in your case since it’s my dom, some examples would be good

15:09 UTC


How to be productive?

Hello guys! I know what you might be thinking...this is the most weirdest question to ask but, how can I just be productive? I hate procrastinating and wasting my time being lazy. But i can't get myself up to do anything. Just wanna know your thoughts and ways to do actually complete stuffs instead of wasting time. Thank you for your time :))

14:25 UTC


ENTP here, you guys really are just me if I wasn’t lazy. I really wish I had your hatred for stupidity. I find it more of a nuisance than anything but y’all are pretty alright. Ok bye 👋


00:53 UTC


I am waffling between ENTJ and INTJ

The thing is I love to lead but only when I know everyone. If I am not yet comfortable with everyone I prefer to feel everyone out before jumping in to lead people towards a plan.

I can jump directly into chaos and grab the reins and lead if others don’t interject. But I can also create and formulate during alone time. When I took the test I was equal parts both and so I cannot decide.

Can you be a hybrid given the situation??

00:22 UTC


Dealing with Bullshit Standards

I posted about being frustrated the other day and another ENTJ bro commented that we are judgemental based on standards we put ourselves into, and I wonder how that's working out for you.

I'm focusing on the negative aspects of our type bc I need more peace of mind hehe.

23:55 UTC


I don't like the answer "I don't know"

I realized recently that I dislike the answer "I don't know". I understand sometimes we don't have an opinion or fully formed thought on something, but to say "I don't know, couldn't tell you," can annoy me if someone said it a few days/weeks prior, and when asked again, gives the same response.

Any other ENTJs feel this way about it? Or is it just me?

21:10 UTC


Anger as a catalyst for change

I’ve seen a lot of discourse in the general wellbeing / societal place for anger suppression or channeling it “in healthy ways” and lately I find myself disagreeing with this.

I used to suppress my anger growing up as I grew up in an Eastern European household full of ESTJs (should tell you more than enough). In the last couple of years really it’s when I started being more comfortable expressing anger and it’s been healing.

I’ve been able to reinforce boundaries, be more confident, take up space without worry about what other people think, contribute and lead more efficiently, defend myself and others, stand up and call out injustices and be louder about things that aren’t right.

I’m very skeptical now of people who say anger is not a good emotion. Id go as far as saying anger is transformative. If something can be improved or I am not happy with something, if it is not fair, anger is a good indicator of this.

To clarify, I don’t mean a destructive kind of anger (shouting, abuse etc). What I mean is an anger that borders on stubborness and does not care about the sensitivities that are blocking the path to getting the problem solved. It’s a straight forwardness of “consequences be damned in pursuit of this - it’s my way or the highway”. It simply does not care about the opposition anymore.

23:53 UTC


I'm just grateful I'm an adult now.

Just imagining my childhood again, I grew up in a challenging childhood where people were too busy to spend time together most of the time. I spent my days being addicted to television and internet that I talked to several strangers online without knowing that they are harmful for my mental, emotional and spiritual health.

As I get offline usually, my family members would just easily lash out in on me anout everything and if I talk back, I get punished more until they're satisfied.

I'm grateful I am born an ENTJ, I never cowered to the adversities I faced. I conquered the sh*t out of the dragons I slayed, the monsters I faced and the monster I had to become to end the chaos in my life once and for all.

Nobody's perfect and I'm just grateful I'm stronger now, gone are the days when I can't have a peace of mind.

I don't have breakdowns because of my life now, I have tears of joy. Thank God

15:06 UTC


I took a test, and got identified as ENTJ but I took a test on another website, and I was ENFP.

So ask me some question, so I can identify something about myself.

Thank you for your valuable time, nonetheless.

Don't worry, I will make it fast, but I can give this type stuff attention no more than 3 or 4 hour. I got something to do, but knowing myself always benefits me in the long run.

I read alot of psychology, but I was not interested in this specfic personality type identification, but after reading that much, I thought to myself, "Well, why not?"

14:09 UTC


Impatient and underestemated infuriating right?

WARNING this is a rant. if u feel like that is a waste of ur time, dont type it just move on.

Guys, school. one teacher, 20 kids. "do u guys understand this?"

yes I do. i know what the teacher is saying, yet i need to hear her say what i already know three times before she shuts up and we can work in peace. That is just how school works right, not the teacher's fault, but daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, cant wait to get the hell away from that. Like i know alot abt writing, that is the thing that i do, and then this person is gonna stand there and tell me something that i know, and learnt many years ago????? dOeS sHe tHiNk I aM sTuPid?!

anyone else feel this way. This is where u can rant.

12:24 UTC


How to support my pregnant ENTJ sister?

Hello ENTJs, I (INFP, 25F) have an ENTJ sister is currently expecting. This will be her first child; she's only 6 weeks in her first trimester. She's the eldest in our family, so this is the first baby in our family. I'm beyond excited and still tear up about becoming an aunt and I'm so happy for her and proud of her. I'm currently living in another country, but will travel back home as soon as I can. She wants me to be there for when she'll break the news to our parents who are dying for a grandbaby.

Due to the distance between us right now, the most I can do is call her everyday, check in after every doctor's appointment, and help her plan things. What can I do to support her better? I try not to get too emotional outwardly because she's nervous about the whole thing and focus on talking things through with her. Her husband (INFJ) is beyond happy as well.

This pregnancy might be challenging, and I worry that her hyper-independence won't allow her to rest the way she should. How can I convince her to? This girl did not even rest during covid, whilst hooked onto an oxygen tank.

I'm terribly sorry for being overly verbose, but I was thinking of putting together a care package for her. What items do you think I should include?

Thank you in advance.

PS: I love you guys. I wish I was like you.

09:59 UTC


If someone were to trap you what would be the best bait?

Hello fascinating ENTJs I hope you are well. I’d like a little peak in your mind to understand what really attracts you. The human mind is very fascinating along with its dynamics with world and people I’m doing this with the other subs so I want to know how this is for ENTJs so if someone were to trap you what bait do you know you would very much fall for without a second thought?

03:40 UTC


How do you guys deal with STESS?

Hi friends,

How often do you feel stressed out? What do you do to cope? Do you have effective systems set in place to best deal with stress and its accompanying emotions? I'm currently going through a stressful time and may benefit from your perspectives/experiences.


23:02 UTC


Fellow ENTJs, do you withdraw socially and shutdown when you get bad news or are super bummed about something?

For me, if I get bad news or are super bummed out about something, I completely want to hide from the world. I become lackluster and want to be alone. My motivation and optimism becomes depleted. I withdraw socially.

How do you respond? Cope?

18:49 UTC


Kind reminder: some of you or your partners might not be ENTJ. Here is why

The answer is simple: I noticed some of you rely on test.

Test, sadly, isn't always accurate. For example, there are INFJs who were mistyped as INTJ (me). There is also INFJ who got mistyped as ENTJ. ENTJ mistyped as ENFJ. Or even Sensors who are mistyped as ENTJ (or vice versa, ENTJ mistyped as sensors, especially if they're young and using their Se too much).

It is also important to remember that being calm doesn't mean 'I' in MBTI. Some ENTJs are calm (not Fe users), so they could be mistaken as INTJ, but they are highly assertive (Te + Se).

INFJs who have developed good Ti might also be mistyped as INTJ or ENTJ. (Or ENFJ.)

I'm using INTJ, INFJ, ENFJ, ENTJ as examples because we have similar functions. But I know an ENFP who thought he was ENTJ because some online test. I brought him back to reality.

The key is still the cognitive functions, not the test. Just a kind reminder!

PS: ENTJ is actually quite rare!

08:15 UTC


A-Okay with 100% solitude

In HighSchool I had a lot of friends like most people, and l had very few people dislike me. 4 years of socializing and it only felt like I was learning how to be social rather than simply being social. I only talk to the two people in the house, I don’t even play games that are social because I get annoyed with social aspects easily and that gets exacerbated online (I play BF2042).

Also not a single person has called me an extravert ever. I am wondering if this level of asocial traits are in you guys as well.

05:13 UTC


Took the 16 Personalities Test, got ENTJ-T

What does this mean, specifically referring to the -T at the end. Is that just because of the test I took (I took whatever the most basic one is, literally first google search result)?

I’ve also found that ENTJ’s are the rarest? Why? I found that interesting.

01:10 UTC


How do you guys deal with burnout

Or any times when you feel like you have a lack of energy, motivation, or control. I know ENTJs are known for being assertive and strong in leadership so I wonder how do you guys deal or cope with times when you feel stressed?

14:31 UTC


75+ Famous ENTJs

Source: https://vultology.com/database/?type=TeNi&development=

The Te function approaches life with a mechanical mindset, seeking truth through understanding clockwork relationships. They thrive in domains with logical computation and interactions between variables, such as computer programming, physics and engineering. Their strategic approach often leads them into entrepreneurial ventures and politics. In professional settings, their result-oriented mindset and ability to tackle necessary tasks makes them able leaders, although navigating the social aspects of teamwork can be a challenge. Yet, despite their blunt communication, Te users bring a refreshing honesty and wit to discussions, cutting through ambiguity with forthrightness.

ENTJs (Standard)

  • Aaron Sorkin(American playwright and screenwriter)
  • Alok Kanojia(American psychiatrist)
  • Ann Romney*(Mitt Romney's wife)
  • Ashley Judd*(American actress)
  • Ben Shapiro*(American commentator)
  • Carly Fiorina*(Former CEO of Hewlett-Packard)
  • Cenk Uygur(Turkish-American journalist)
  • Christine Van Geyn(Canadian lawyer)
  • Codie Sanchez(Founder and CEO of Contrarian Thinking)
  • Jair Bolsonaro*(38th President of Brazil)
  • Jimmy Carr(British-Irish comedian and presenter)
  • Julian Gewirtz(Economist and historian)
  • Kate Winslet(English actress)
  • Kristen Hadeed(American entrepreneur)
  • Les Carter(Psychologist)
  • Liz Hernandez*(Radio host)
  • Lucille Ball(American actress and comedian)
  • Maria Shriver*(American journalist and former First Lady of California)
  • Mary Helen Bowers*(American fitness coach)
  • Matt Ridley(British science writer and member of the House of Lords)
  • Maureen O'Hara*(Irish-American actress)
  • Mike Huckabee*(44th Governor of Arkansas)
  • Monica Lewinsky*(American activist)
  • Nassim Nicholas Taleb(Lebanese-American mathematical statistician)
  • Norah O'Donnell*(American journalist)
  • Patrick Warburton(American actor and film producer)
  • Paul Williams(Buddhist studies scholar)
  • Robert Webb(Comedian and actor)
  • Sam Vaknin(Israeli writer)
  • Wendy Walsh*(Canadian radio host and television commentator)

ENTJs with developed Ni (Meritocrats)

  • Aušra Augustinavičiūtė(Lithuanian psychologist and economist)
  • Bill O'Reilly*(American commentator and journalist)
  • Donald Trump(45th U.S. President)
  • Garry Kasparov(Russian chess grandmaster)
  • Indira Gandhi(First Prime Minister of India)
  • L. Ron Hubbard*(Founder of the Church of Scientology)
  • Patricia Routledge*(English actress and comedian)
  • Richard Feynman*(American theoretical physicist)

ENTJs with developed Se (Realizers)

  • Amy Poehler*(American actress and comedian)
  • Brett Cooper(American commentator)
  • Brian Chesky(CEO of Airbnb, Inc.)
  • Camille Paglia*(American feminist academic and social critic)
  • Charlie Sheen*(American actor)
  • Eartha Kitt(American singer and actress)
  • Geoff Keighley*(Canadian video game journalist)
  • Gloria Borger*(American commentator and journalist)
  • Hugh Laurie*(Actor and comedian)
  • Irving Finkel(British philologist and assyriologist)
  • Jesse James West(Fitness influencer and entrepreneur)
  • Jude Law(English actor)
  • Katherine Heigl(American actress)
  • Ramani Durvasula(American clinical psychologist)
  • Raoul Pal(Co-founder and CEO of Real Vision)
  • ReviewTechUSA(Former American gaming journalist and YouTuber)
  • Robert Downey Jr.*(American actor)
  • Rosie O'Donnell*(American comedian and television producer)
  • Sandra Lee(American dermatologist and YouTuber)
  • Sorelle Amore(YouTuber: vlogging)
  • Susan Yara(Founder of Mixed Makeup)
  • Topher Grace*(American actor)
  • Vanessa Van Edwards(Behavioral investigator)

ENTJs with developed Fi (J Polarized)

  • Cathie Wood(CEO of Ark Invest)
  • Martha Nussbaum(American philosopher)
  • Olivia Wilde(American actress and director)
  • Dr Tara Swart(Neuroscientist)

ENTJs with developed Ni and Se (P Heavy)

  • Josh Homme*(American singer-songwriter)
  • Robert Sapolsky(American neuroendocrinologist)
  • Titus Welliver(American actor)
  • Wynonna Judd*(American singer)

ENTJs with developed Ni and Fi (Occultists)

  • Douglas Murray(British journalist and political commentator)
  • Ursula K. Le Guin(American novelist)

ENTJs with developed Se and Fi (Sensualists)

  • Carolyn Elliott(Self-empowerment coach)
  • Lena Headey(English actress)
  • Max Tegmark*(Swedish-American physicist)
  • Nina Hagen(German singer-songwriter)

ENTJs with developed Ni, Se, and Fi (Fully Conscious)

  • Javier Milei(President of Argentina)
10:01 UTC


If you could choose a personal development strategy for growth, what key areas should it focus on?

Hello ENTJ community,

I value the insights shared here! If you could choose a personal development strategy for growth, what key areas should it focus on? It doesn’t need to be a specific, well-known approach—just what you think would be most effective for long-term growth.

Thanks for your input!

09:25 UTC

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