A place for INTP personality types to share music of any genre or pedigree.
A place for INTPs to share music.
Follow sitewide rules, do not post other people's personal information.
Post songs/albums/playlists worth sharing, and as for music anything goes. Post with a [Genre] or relative category with your submission due to the wide variety of music if you want to. Enjoy!
To listen to all songs on the front page, use Reddit Playlister.
Join the INTP Last.fm group here: Link
Link into the INTP network on reddit! If you would like to link up with our community please message the mods.
Meta MBTI subreddit: /r/introvert , /r/MBTIRadioStation
Other MBTI Music Subreddits:
If your post doesn't show up after a few minutes, please message the mod. It probably just got caught in the spam filter.
Humans are a parasite on the animal kingdom.
The USA is a parasite on the world.
Washington D.C. is a parasite on the USA.
Somewhere in Washington D.C. there is an INFP who is the biggest parasite of them all.
Moderators - You guys up for adding tags in here?
New music from my upcoming vaporhop project titled "Unreleased".
I did a song with Devon Hendryx aka JPEGMAFIA too btw on my last project
Thanks for listening: