
Photograph via snooOG

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Texas history 12 US president Zachary Taylor station in Brownsville

Ulysses S. Grant and Abner Doubleday (inventor of baseball) were two notable officers that served under Zachary Taylor during the Mexican war 1846. They saw action in the first two battles of the war at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma in Brownsville. Brownsville got a lot of history more than any book can hold also the civil war ended in Texas South Texas. First female pilot got her license here as well Amelia Earhart so much more.

02:16 UTC


Opinion: The Right Wing Is Attacking Queer & Trans Americans to Distract From Their Bigger Agenda


Opinion: The Right Wing Is Attacking Queer & Trans Americans to Distract From Their Bigger Agenda

Congressman Greg Casar on taking the fight for LGBTQIA+ Texans to the national level


Austin and Washington, D.C., share many things in common. They both have stellar drag entertainers and queer nightlife, but they’re also home to the worst drag shows I’ve ever seen: The Texas Legislature and the Republican-led Congress. In the halls of power, right-wingers put on their worst government-style drag, and attack queer and trans Americans in an attempt to distract people from the rest of their agenda: tax breaks for billionaires, gutting the civil rights and power of working people, and undermining our very democracy.

Right now, it’s only getting worse. The extremists aren’t letting up their attacks on gender-affirming care, queer spaces, and caring for all our kids in school. And the only way to stop them is to organize and beat them, while protecting our community from harm.

When I was on the Austin City Council, we worked as a movement to make the city a welcoming place for every Texan. We added protections for queer and trans Austinites through the city’s Office of Civil Rights, and we banned public funds from being used on harmful practices like conversion therapy. Now, as your congressman, I know we need to win this fight at the national level, once and for all.

I confront these cartoon villains daily in the U.S. Capitol. And here’s what I’ve seen up close and personal: Plenty of these right-wing stunt-queens (as RuPaul may call them) are hypocrites and cowards more than they are true believers. I’ve seen Republican lawmakers who voted in favor of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation later that night at a Billy Porter show singing Elton John. They vote to hurt people because they think it’s in their political interest, not because they fully buy into the trash (although some do).

That’s disgusting and disturbing, but we can’t be discouraged. Through your hope, and your advocacy, we can vote out the bigots, the cowards, and the bullies. If the next generation of Texas activists shows the powers that be that hate has no place in our state, then the whole country will change.

That change is coming. In my first term as your congressman, I have co-sponsored the Equality Act and the Transgender Bill of Rights, which have more support among Democrats than ever before. The Equality Caucus is growing, and everyone has their eyes on Texas. This Pride Month, I’m reminded that my job isn’t just to write and sponsor bills on Capitol Hill. My job is also to march with you, protest with you, and raise up the voices of those who are being targeted by these extremist lawmakers. We can build a coalition to help pass protections for all people, and while we’re at it, pass Medicare for All, restore abortion rights, guarantee everyone union rights and a wage that pays the bills, and stop putting our public money toward endless wars and instead tackle our big challenges like the climate crisis.

In that spirit, this is what I’ve heard from you:

“You are not alone. People feel threatened by your existence because they were taught to fear your uniqueness. Don’t give up your hope. Together, we are stronger,” said Rae.

“Don’t stop advocating for our community. As soon as we let our guard down, that’s when we open the door for bigots to take us backward,” said Jared.

“Don’t give up on Texas so that Texas won’t give up on you!” said Skyler.

We are way tougher, smarter, and more authentic and loving than these homophobes in bad drag. Let’s celebrate the true Texas this Pride Month, y’all, and keep up the fight!

U.S. Rep. Greg Casar represents Texas’s 35th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives, which runs down I-35 from East Austin to Hays County to the west side of San Antonio. A labor organizer and son of Mexican immigrants, Casar was sworn into office in January 2023 and serves as the whip of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Prior to being elected to Congress, he served on the Austin City Council for seven years.

02:01 UTC


Citation for expired insurance.

I received a citation for my insurance being expired. I immediately renewed my insurance.

The lady at the court house gave me these options.

  1. plead guilty and pay $260 which will be on my record and effect my insurance
  2. ask for a dismissal and pay $250 and come back in 6 months to show proof of insurance
  3. plead not guilty and go to court and possibly get everything waived
01:20 UTC


What are your favorite Texas history facts

23:51 UTC


Why no major cities in this area of Texas?

21:53 UTC


Dude ranch for a childless couple

Hi My wife and I are visiting texas and I've been looking into spending a couple of nights at a dude ranch. The thing is we don't have any kids, so is visiting a dude ranch not worth it if you aren't a kid / don't have kids? TIA

21:29 UTC


What's the best movie about Texas?

I'm curious what Texans think is the best movie about Texas ever made. My favorite is No Country for Old Men. It's a masterpiece. The film is drenched in dread and tension. The action scenes are astounding and brutal. Tommy Lee Jones gives an iconic performance as the law man. Anton is one of the scariest villains ever on screen. I'm also a fan of The Last Picture Show. Stellar cast with groundbreaking acting. Fantastic camerawork.

17:46 UTC


Ercot says Texas Power Demand to Double by 1030 with Bitcoin to blame


Cryptomining power demands will double the entire grid's capacity requirement.

Building power plants is expensive and we all get a piece of that cost, on our bills. This is why some electric companies give rebates and credits for energy efficient AC, insulation, etc -- it helps reduce the need to build more power plants. Essentially, it's cheaper to pay for conservation than to build a generating plant.

None of that conservation matters, however, if crypto miners will use more energy than all homeowners combined.

We even pay them not to operate:

"Texas energy is not the only thing crypto mining operations consume at an outsized rate. Last fall, it came to light that in August 2023 ERCOT had paid bitcoin miner Riot nearly $32 million to conserve power during times of peak strain on the grid."

TLDR: Texas grid, ERCOT, again outmaneuvered resulting in higher costs for Texas families.

16:08 UTC


Texans, what are your thoughts on the movie "No Country for Old Men"?

No spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet, but the movie largely takes place in Texas, and I'm impressed by the production designs and the time capsule of 1980, even though I wasn't born yet. Really love the hot, chilling and silent vibe and atmosphere of the settings.

What are your thoughts on the movie? Do you feel it accurately captures the vibe of Texas? Do you think it painted the state in a negative light? Do you feel proud and honoured by it?

14:00 UTC


Ted Cruz leads Colin Allred by double digits in latest UT poll

I know it’s a poll, so it should be taken with a grain of salt. But is anyone else feeling really pessimistic? All this talk of turning Texas blue or purple, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon. Conservatives vote. Moderates and liberals either don’t vote or don’t pay attention. Things are going to get much worse before they get better.


12:35 UTC


On this day in Texas History, June 20, 2001: Andrea Yates drowns her five children, John, Paul, Luke, Mary, and Noah. Initially convicted of capital murder she was later found not guilty by reason of insanity, and sent to the low security Kerrville State Hospital.

12:00 UTC


Having an injury lawyer investigated by the Texas state bar

I was injured in a car crash nearly two years ago. The injury lawyer has been telling me for months now that my awards will be finalized within a couple of weeks. This has been going on for months and months. Would it be safe for me to have my case investigated by the texas state bar? Or would that just make things worse? Should I inform my lawyer that I am going to have him investigated?

08:57 UTC


Repo'd vehicle laws

In Texas, when a vehicle is repossessed, are they required to notify the police? 🚔

Long story short, my good friend's ex thought his car was stolen a few weeks ago. He went through the whole process and filed a police report. This week she got a letter in the mail for him, saying it had been repossessed.

Wouldn't the police have been able to notify him at the time of filing the report, or at least shortly thereafter that it had been repo'd? Or do they not bother to tell anyone and just yoink it 🙃

00:58 UTC


What black ants are in Central Texas and bite?

They keep biting me and my now 2 year old, but I swear they are black and not red like fire ants! My husband and eldest never get bit, but I can literally feel them biting me and then the bites swell up. Can fire ants be black?

04:04 UTC

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