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The housing I ordered a few weeks ago finally arrived, so now I can get to finally doing the swap hehe (this project has been a long one with just ordering the parts alone smh) But wish me luck, I'll show the before and after pics :3 ✨
Its possible get Pokemon rumble blast On the Nintendo 3ds??
I picked this up recently for £20 as i haven’t seen it before. the cover on the golden one is reversible with the same pattern as the one on the right. but I’ve never seen this cover art before wondering if it was some kind of special release or console bundle exclusive cover art.
Legendary find while on vacation! Bought it at a local game shop. I loved this game as a kid!
I take my 3ds everywhere and play Miitopia and and all that, and since it lasts a lot longer imo I can use it on long car rides! Does anyone else still use 3DS?
I have an old Nintendo 3DS XL about 10 years ago and now that im older and have more tools id like to upgrade and modify it, I'd like some suggestions, like if I should,(if i could) replace the charging port for a USB-C port, or replace the cartridge slot for a cleaner newer one. Any Ideas I would Really appreciate.
I remember playing a crane game when i was younger, where you could get pins for your home screen, but dont remember the name. Also, i know the servers for that game are closed, but is there some sorts of revival project for that? (PS: i know the mascot was a pink bunny)
ENGLISH: My Forwarder games have a white screen when I play
ENGLISH: My Forwarder games have a white screen when I play
hiya friends! I have a question. I just bought a refurbished New Nintendo 2DS XL and it didn't come with a serial number. The problem is that I also have a N3DS XL and it's broken and my NNID is attached to it. Will Nintendo support still be able to help me unlink the 3DS XL and link it to the N2DS even if it doesn't have a SN?
I bought a case a while ago but as you can see, it didn't last long and now I can't find any good quality ones, Any recommendation?
is it just me or do other people really miss the 3DS and its features? I still have one but you can’t use any of the features anymore.
like the badge grabber game, loved collecting those and then putting them on my Home Screen. I LOVED leaving my ds in sleep mode and taking it out with me and then finding I’d have like 10 new MiI friends with Jigsaw pieces for me. I miss playing those quests and the AR games. I have a Switch but it’s completely stripped back compared.
Asking on behalf of my fiance. She's been playing her old 3ds and wondering if she did all this walking for nothing
got these new wooden plates today very happy and basically mint i love it.
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I'm having SD card issues and support articles are not helping. Here's what happened, in order:
-Got a new microSD, put it into my main New 3DS XL to download games.
-Put this microSD into another New 3DS XL
-The system is not finding anything on the microSD card. The system works perfectly fine, there are no errors. It just doesn't say that there's anything to download.
When putting the microSD card back into my main New 3DS XL, it shows all the games I have downloaded. All I want to do is trade VC Gameboy Pokemon :'(
I just got an old messed up 3DS from my cousin and I've been having some issues with it. When I used my cousins charger and the charger light was doing a uneven flash of red. When I got the Charger I ordered because my cousin couldn't give me his, and it turned to a solid red light. I know it hadnt been plugged in in a while so I was just assuming the battery needed some time. Couple hours past and the light is still just a solid red. I heard that if you re-plug the battery that may help but nothing. Pretty soon the light starts turning off like 5 seconds after I plug it in. Now it's back to solid red. I've heald the power botton for a while now but this is my first DS so I don't know what to expect. Please if you know anything please tell me I really hope the motherboard isn't fried.
I have a 3DS XL that generally works perfectly fine. However, it has an issue where it shuts off randomly while I’m playing. When it happens, I can turn it back on, but it acts as though I’ve restarted it—it doesn’t go into sleep mode, it completely powers down. The shutdown can occur after just 5 minutes of playing or sometimes after 30 minutes.
I’ve tried testing for potential issues with the top screen, like moving it around, since I’ve read that damaged cables from the top screen can cause problems. However, moving or shaking the device doesn’t make it turn off, so it seems to happen entirely at random.
Does anyone know what might be causing this or have a possible solution?
I have two Miis and I want one of them to be my personal except I can't