A subreddit about the Nintendo DS and all things DS related.
A subreddit about the Nintendo DS and all of things DS related.
Is my game real or fake? Find it out at /r/gameverifying/
Hey, I've essentially stripped 3/4 screws on the back of the New 2DS XL back plate. I tried rubber bands, super glue and larger screwdriver heads with no luck. Anyone here have recommendations for a screw extractor set on Amazon? A lot of the ones I've found seem to have low review scores and returned often.
Hey, I just got a modded DSi recently. It has twilight menu ++ on it, home brew. I was just curious, excuse me if this a dumb question. But what kinda games could I realistically run on here that arent DS games? From what I’ve gathered, I can’t play 3DS games. What about PS1? Stardew valley? Is it not powerful enough? How isn’t it? Can I only get games that are from older systems to run? Any info would be great. I’m new to the modded DS/ emulator club. Thanks!
It's been like this for years but everytime I turn it on it freezes after 3 seconds
It's been like this for years. Everytime I turn it on it freezes after 3 seconds.
I recently found my childhood DS lite although time wasn’t kind to it and apparently the slot 1 pins fought back. My copy of pokemon black was seemingly stuck within and after pushing and pulling when it got out some of the black lines to line up the pins were missing. Is there any good way of swapping the back of the cartridge? I know black uses a special ir cartridge so I imagine it’s harder compared to a normal one.
Ideally I’d like to keep the front half original and just swap the back.
Recently picked up at a yard sale for $10 as it was unknown whether it worked or turned on. It’s in great condition & plays just fine. I just need to know if I need to buy a whole screen replacement? Or just live with it as it’s not the biggest deal in the world.
Hello!! This is my first time doing a complete reshell following a youtube video guide by Retro Revolution, and found out that my top screen is super faded when I am setting it up :/ I got past the initial set up and triend playing a ds game, but it the top screen would appear super white and can barely make out what is going on. None of the ribbon cables have been torn after dling a double check, but the small/thin ribbon cable near the cartridge slot is pretty bent up, would that be the cause of it not working maybe?
I am aware that the majority of DS games use flash memory for save data. The transition from battery-powered RAM to flash was made around that time, mostly with GBA games. Are there any DS games that still used a battery?
Turn it on or off when in no use?
i turned it on and it was like this for maybe a millisecond then it immediately shut off. does anyone know what the problem might be?
Bonjour, je cherche un jeu ds auquel je jouais quand j'étais gamin, je n'ai plus le nom, mais je me souviens qu'il y avait une sorte de mystère à résoudre, c'était sur une île il me semble, on pouvait avoir sa maison et l'aménager, et sur l'île il y avait aussi un zoo et on pouvait s'occuper d'animaux. C'est tout ce dont je me souviens, c'était un jeu 3rd person un peu comme animal crossing en gros. Merci d'avance
im looking for fun games to put on my R4, any suggestions?
so...my ds lite takes 3 hours to charge (normal) and i can play for 4/5 hours or sometimes 3 hours, theres something to incrase the time of battery?
It freezes on a white screen