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I bought a 3DS and was so happy bout it, but recently I noticed some scratches, I didn’t know what caused them bcoz I took care of it until my brother checked it and told me it was normal because the previous owner gave me the 3DS in a camera’s pocket. I’m so disappointed it was clean when i got it.. :(
Anyway to clean up these greasy looking marks on the side of the bottoms?
Not sure if 'slab' is the best way to reference the 2DS but I'm talking about the big one, not the XL version with a hinge.
Anyways, if you've used both of them, does the slightly lighter weight of the 2DS appeal to you more or do you like the 3DS for other reasons beyond the 3D effect or other ergonomic differences?
Recently got both and I'll be damned if I can figure out which one I want to use as my main handheld. I'll prob give the other to a family member.
When our doing laundry
This Humor ( It sucks 2 FPS )
I used to have a red 2ds I used to go on the eshop and watch the trailers for games
What is the best Pokemon game for first time player that you can play on 3DS?
Got a quick question about the Nintendo 3DS? Ask it here and get an answer from a fellow redditor! Remember to check the wiki to see if your question has already been answered.
Context: i have switch for 4 yrs now and i really like the Fire emblem 3 Houses and other tactical rpg games like Octopath traveler, unicorn overlord
While cleaning i found my 3ds. Originally, i only use my 3ds for pokemon games and didn't bother to look for rpg games.
Found out that there are also fire emblem in 3ds
Which games would you recommend? Games like Fire emblems, unicorn overlord, triangle strategy.
Ive been looking for better batteries for my glossy red original 3ds and ive seen that one 5000mAh battery over and over. i know it comes with its own battery cover but i really love the color of my 3ds. does anyone know a way where i can use the oirginal battery cover of my 3ds for the bettery extension or a way to paint a new cover the same glossy red? Thank you!
I sold my old 3ds a while ago when I needed some money, i had some games purchased from the eshop then. I recently repurchased another 3ds and was wondering if i could still re-download the games from my old one somehow?
Cant log into the eshop anymore so i'm not really sure. Anyone knows a fix?
I was rushing for work and put chips, a drink, some water, and my gen one 3DS into a plastic bag. On my way in I saw a homeless guy panhandling at the freeway exit with a cat in one of those bubble carrier backpacks. Without thinking I grabbed the snacks and passed it to him as i pulled up to him. Didn't make the connection as to why the bag was so heavy until my break when I tried to find my console. TL; DR Sometimes people really will hand you all that and a bag of chips.
I recently purchased a copy of Nintendogs + Cats and every time I try to play it, it starts the loading screen with the title, no matter how long I way, it remains stuck like this, does anyone know why this is happening?
😭it came in omg it’s in beautiful flare red what games should i get first for it
It’s been nearly 27 years since Ocarina of Time came to the N64. I decided it was time to revisit this unique version of Hyrule, this time in the form of the 3DS version.
I replayed Majora’s Mask last year, so the basic mechanics (targeting, fighting, movement) were already fresh in my mind.
It’s been so long since my first OoT play through that the puzzles all feel new to me. Occasionally I will remember a few things, like what those dirt holes are.
This is going to sound silly, but I’m unusually impressed by how wonderful the door open/close animation is when cutie-pie Link transitions in and out of houses. There’s something special about the smoothness of the animation, and the realism. 3D games of the time often “failed” in this scenario.
The ability to jump into first-person perspective and tilt the 3DS is surprisingly effective. I’ve found myself multiple times now spinning in my office chair to look around a room in 360 degrees. Silly but fun.
Speaking of the camera, I love how the angle is forced for some areas. So cool.
Story time: A little after this game first came out I was about 17 years old. I found a t-shirt for sale online (yeah, even back then) with young Link, BUT, it was a YOUTH t-shirt. I bought the largest size thinking skinny, teenage me could pull it off — it was so tight I could barely breathe.
I forgot how stark the contrast is between the “young” and “old” worlds. It’s such a fun take on the duel worlds that were established in LTTP.
If I could lodge any complaints about this game it would be that Hyrule field is pretty empty. I recall feeling this way when I first played as well. As an early 3D game it is acceptable, however, and it’s a risk in making what was then a large space.
Since you can only ride Epona as adult Link, it would have been cool if the “Young” field had more going on and then the “Old” field was scorched due to Ganon’s reign, which in turn would be why the trees would be removed in the future world.
I don’t recall a lot about this game but I definitely remember the Water Temple. While filled with interesting, individual puzzles, this dungeon has a lot of backtracking and confusing moments. The water changes occur linearly, so a small mistake requires a lengthy repeat of actions.
Combat is easy to overlook in an older game like this, but I'm reminded by how innovative it was for the time. Plus, it still holds up great! Sidestepping, thrusting, and backflipping are so much fun.
As for the music, it’s stunning. There’s so many incredible tracks including new songs and revisions of old. My personal favorites are Gerudo Valley and The Song of Storms. And music is at the center of this game — the ocarina mechanic is always fun, as you feel like you are there, playing the instrument in your hands.
In closing, I had a blast. It’s easily one of the best in the series.
New 3dsxl got submerged, is it over
I’ll try to keep it as short as possible, but a water bottle broke in my bag and basically submerged my 3ds in water. I don’t know much much but it’s oretty bad. Water under the top screen bad. I got home and dried it a bit and tried to turn it on, blue light turns on then turns off right away. No problem, I just have it out and drying now.
Is there an English patch for this game cuz it's a japan exclusive compilation of first 3 games with some extras. even if there isn't, someone must've tried translating it. if there's no translations for this game can anyone suggest me any community who actively engages in translating games so i can put this up there pls.