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251,548 Subscribers


Why am I here - just to suffer?

12:44 UTC


What laptop should I get so that I can run all latest paradox games including project Caesar


Edit: my budget is around ₹70000(around 850 USD).

08:48 UTC


Stellaris - Machine 1 (Commodore) #52

08:20 UTC


How to get more piety?

I am a new player and thinking of starting a new campaign from Bassa, but to go to feudal age, I'll need to reform my religion or join other, I really want to reform it, but it takes ABSOLUTE INHUMANE amount of piety. I want my religion to blend with Islam.

03:14 UTC


3 MORONS Lose The First World War | Hearts of Iron 4 (The Great War Redux)

18:02 UTC


Does anyone know if there is a way to Modify the Imperator map to pass or emulate a finished game in the Bronze Age mod?

1 Comment
22:15 UTC


Kingdom of Lotharingia and its two surviving vassals, 1575

22:07 UTC


Little help needed

Hi guys, can you write me small review please about the game? It’s 7 euros right now in steam, it is worth it? Thanks for the answers in advance.

20:52 UTC


The magna mundi rabbit hole

So today I was watching a vid form a youtuber called spudgun, where he talked about project I hadn't heard about in like 9 years, magna mundi. I only knew that it was a darkest hour-like game that was canceled because it wasn't playable by the time of the deadline. However, spud says that the game was canceled because the portugese man who led the development had mental problems and even joked with him ending up in a mental asylum. I have tried researching for myself but I can't find anything related to what spud says. If anyone knows someyhing about this rabbit hole please tell me.

20:43 UTC


50 Player MP

19:20 UTC


WWI Era HOI4 Game?

I know HOI4 has WWI mods with alt history but I had a question, is there a game that is set during WWI but plays like Hearts of Iron?

19:09 UTC


New Victoria 3 MP Game

My server will be hosting a 1.7 game on July 6th, at 6pm MST. If you are interested we have signups opened on my discord server, currently we have 15+ signups.

Discord: https://discord.gg/9H8p4PWSfw

15:52 UTC


Neighbors threatening me, constant war, drowning in debt.

I was playing as Byzantium. After many restarts, much savescumming and writing down an entire list of instructions from a video by Ludi et Historia on a piece of paper, and organizing everything step by step, I finally won a war against the turks and took a few provinces from them. They were besieging Constantinople, so continuing the war would mean my certain defeat, and thus, I took advantage of my 20 or so war score.

After that, they completely collapsed to the Mamluks. Also, in the coming years, Hungary managed to conquer all of Wallachia, and almost all of the area that would much later be known as Yugoslavia, only except Vardarska and Kosovo, which were controlled by me. I had released Bulgaria as a vassal back in early game, but later integrated them in my country.

Then the Mamluks declared war on me, I hired an Independent army and the Wandering Knights of Rhodes, and with Bohemia as my ally, I barely managed to win the war. I couldn't take any land, so I took 700 ducats or so and asked for war reparations, which was still not enough to fix my economy, as I was drowning in debt.

And then, after all of that, Hungary declared war on my, allied to France, and France has Naples under PU. I tried to load my older save, bring my army to their border, hiring mercenaries to scare them into not declaring war, nothing... And if this was the first war, it would be OK. But I am already bad economically. And they are allied to France, that's the problem. And Naples, under the crown of France, is also coming to their aid. Genoa aswell, although (thanks to me) they are a minor nation. What should I do?

14:42 UTC


Can you explain EU4 for a paradox enjoyer?

I saw It has like an offer for summer sales and i was wondering if I should buy It. My other experiencies with paradox games are:

HOI4: Love It, probably my favourite game. Vic3: I like the game and all the things you can do but i dont really get to understand It, I know the basics and I can play it and do more or less well but just to a certain point (I have around 30 hours maybe) CK2: Its interesting but I often get bored after a while because its like just waiting for your councellor to get a fake claim on a state and then conquer It only for your empire to split in 3 after your dead. (As well as Vic3 I haven't really try to get into it and force myself to learn new mechanics and stuff)

Knowing all this, you people Who have tried all this games think I should buy It or not? Maybe someone could give me a few lines about how the game is? I would really apreciate It. Thanks!!!

11:01 UTC


Is it possible to catch enemy convoy-riding subs?

Is it possible to even catch enemy subs?

In my first HoI 3 game, I ignored developing Destroyers because of their weaker stats, didnt research their technologies etc. I mostly went with light cruisers for screening and occasional raiding.

I decided to conquer a bunch of colonies across the sea and after some time, enemy submarines emptied the stock of my convoy vessels, no matter if I sent built-in escorts with them.

It was very annoying because if I had automated routes, the AI was automatically making convoys to far-away, endangered places and it depleted the amount I needed for some inner-sea safe shipments resulting in not enough of convoys avaible for regular supply shipments. I had to eventually put them on a permament manual mode which was annoying.

Next game, I decided to focus on a more safe, in-land empire and let my faction allies deal with far-away places xD

I aided them with conquest but since they had claim on these provinces, most of it went for them and if not, I manually gave them provinces I captured through a console command.

But knowing about the subs problem, I decided to kinda ignore light cruisers this time and focus on getting Destroyers and submarines myself for raiding. I constructed only a few license-produced high tech Light Cruisers for the screening of my main fleet and ignored the tech.

Soo, I've noticed some subs are raiding my safe inner routes that shouldn't be touched.

I've sent these Destroyers but enemy subs were still passing by them without initiating any combat like through all other ships xD i put them across enemy subs' path, I put some on the "intercept" mode and they even seemed to follow them but still it didnt seem to work.

Sooo, I've also noticed that all the destroyer technology I research only boost their surface combat power I think, both technological and doctrinal research.

The only thing I saw that is boosting detection is Warship Radar which Im currently researching..because Surface detection from other techs is about surface vessels I quess. As I remember there are two categories, one for subs and one for normal detection and things like Spotting research improves the surface one.

Idk, maybe its a coincidence but my subs that got caught mostly fell to a full fleet that had a carrier in the stack. So Im not sure if carriers are good at detecting subs or its just a full stack that worked here and just there was usually a carrier in these bigger stacks. I don't have carrier technology rn so I would have to start to develop them from scratch.

I also remember placing my main fleet as the route's protection but my main stack disnt seem to catch enemy subs aswell.

Also, I didnt have that much Destroyers to begin with so if I wanted to block some subs' path there were at most 1-2 in stack placed across their path but as I said there werent succesful so I mostly redirected them to the main fleet for a normal combat duty xd I didnt test if for example a fleet of 5 to 10 Destro in one unit will be better at catching them.

1 Comment
01:11 UTC


7600 vs 7800x3d

Should i get a 7600 or a 7800x3d for a mainly strategy game build? To give you some context,I would want to enjoy games like hoi iv,vic 3 and new releases such as EuV and not be limited by my cpu.Currenly in my country i can get ryzen 7600 cpu with stock cooler for €197 or 7800x3d for €350+€50 euro for a cooler.I will also pair either of them with 32gb ddr5 ram . Thanks for reading

08:04 UTC


Angry Junior Partner in a Personal Union Wants Independence: Why Can't I Grant It?

Hello! I'm finally at Europa IV in my Megacampaign. Following my adventures in CK3 where my House ended up ruling Scandinavia, I decided to follow their story in Europa IV.

Unfortunately, I'm experiencing a problem. I entered a personal union with Britannia and now I'm suddenly their overlord. They're mad I'm their overlord, I'm mad I'm their overlord, I'm part of a stupid war on the other side of the continent. Why can I not just give them independence? There's no reason for either of us to have drawn out war where I get my butt kicked for no reason.

I think I'm gonna abandon my run and start over again. In the event that nonsense happens again, are there any suggestions?

01:42 UTC


Thanks a lot, Paradox Crash Reporter

22:17 UTC


I'm starting to think that Paradox is run by a bean counter who does not understand or give a shit about videogames

I'm starting to think Fredrik Wester is a bean counter.

He may have built up paradox to be a large company but the fact is, the guy does not have any experience as an engineer, or a programmer, or as an artist, or as a writer, designer, literally anything else. His education is a degree in business. Before paradox he worked in sales.

My point is that this guy has never done any hands on videogame work himself a day in his life. And it really shows. He has made numerous terrible decisions regarding paradox lately. Namely the cluster fuck of cs2 and the cancellation of a hyped up game 2 weeks before launch which blindsided the studio making it.

When are people going to realize that bean counters cannot be trusted with art? He is not an artist and he doesn't give a shit. MBAs care about one thing - dollar in, dollar out. I mean Fredrick wester has shown pretty conclusively lately that his business degree and complete lack of any videogame making experience has actually made him really fucking awful at what he's CURRENTLY doing, which is attempting to manage an existing large videogame publisher that is already built up.

I mean look I can understand that his business degree gave him the management skills needed to built the company up from nothing to where it is now. But it should be really obvious to everyone that his work is finished - once built, the very last thing a company like this needs is a bean counter calling all the shots and making decisions that piss off all their employees and all their customers at the same time, all in the name of saving a few dollars and lowering costs.

21:28 UTC


Steam Deck - which Version?


I'm thinking of buying a Steam Deck to play CK 3, Stellaris, Vic 3 and HoI 4 (my PC sucks and the console Versions are so much behind, no modding,...). Is the OLED Version worth the premium price? And how much storage do I need? Thanks for the help :)

19:41 UTC


Since Release | Millennia

14:04 UTC


Avoid management of navy and airforce?

Hi everyone... I'm quite new to the paradox game, and I find them both incredibly interesting and complex... So I was wondering: in order to make the game a little easier and to focus just on a few issues in the first games, is there any way ti avoid the management of navy and airforce? Is it possible to let AI move planes or ships while I only manage production? Thank you for your kind help!

07:49 UTC


Should I buy?

Just got a Dell Workstation 3591 with an Intel Ultra 7 and Nvidia RTX 2000A, 8GB of RAM. I loved ck3 and have about 300 hrs in the console. Where should I go next, between hoi4, vic3, and eu4? Not really looking to get into dlc, but one or two of the base games. I see the steam summer sale on right now and want to take advantage. I’m open to something more complex than ck3, but I don’t want to buy something I can’t run. Thanks in advance

03:09 UTC


What do you think of my progress?

02:47 UTC


Majesty 3?

I am reviving this old question.

I loved the first and the second one, each had their appeal, especially the second which allowed to play with monsters. I finished everything...I am still hungry for more, so is there any followups coming for this franchise?

I know only the 1st one was made by Paradox, but 2nd one was published by them and the studio bought by Paradox...so basically, both are still fully owned by Paradox.

00:10 UTC


Help downloading Victoria 2 and original Victoria

I own both of these games and would originally download them through the old paradox plaza. My paradox account shows that I own these games but when I click them I don’t see anywhere to download them, and they don’t show up on the paradox launcher. I’m at a loss, does anyone know where I can download my games without buying them again?

Thank you for the help in advance.

02:36 UTC


EU4 Modder

I will make you a mod for EU4, just tell me what you want me to make, we will negotiate a price and I'll make it

18:09 UTC

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