
Photograph via snooOG

Subreddit dedicated to Surviving the Aftermath by Paradox Interactive. Let's ride out the end of the world, together.


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Frozen embassies - Affect bonuses?

Do you have to heat embassies for them to actually grant you whatever it is that they grant? I just casually noticed that they have the frozen symbol above them, which usually only pertains to actual functionality and it being halted; usually I will see this on top of things like non-icefishing piers or water pumps that are temporarily frozen.

18:38 UTC


Deleting the blight lab

This may be a dumb question but once I've reached level 7 in the blight lab, can I safely delete it? Or will it undo research/disable building unlocks/etc? TIA

03:08 UTC


Meat from nowhere?

I am sitting with a fairly large colony that is constantly producing raw meat and venison. I have like a meat packers district with food storages overflowing with meat and boxes on the side. And this while none of my trapping huts have any workers whatsoever. Tried just plowing them under and I am still getting meat from somewhere. XD Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, I just want to know where it's coming from.

One thing which I am suspecting could be the culprit; I have two ranches which are more or less overcrowded with cows, and I assumed they were mostly for milk production. But now I just want to confirm, am I right in assuming that the ranch hands periodically automatically slaughter the cows for beef when their groups grow too large? I thought it was a manual feature only.

15:39 UTC


Let’s play a game

Can you spot all 16 bodies on this terrible photo of my colony

17:20 UTC


Production buildings ignoring nearby raw material storage

I have a grand tailor with a general storage across the street accepting metal from a nearby scrapper. The storage is just accepting metal, not requesting. The employees at the tailor appear to be ignoring it and walking all the way to my colony headquarters to pick up metal there.

What could be the reason? Why did I build all these schools for these idiots?

22:03 UTC


Content dissappeard

So I'm on ps5 and yesterday I signed into my paradox account and linked them and I got the platypus content ( platty the specialist , the platypus flag ) and everything was working great then today I hoped on and all the content is just gone and I checked to make sure I was still logged in and linked and yep but still no dice . Was this stuff supposed to be temporary? Or did I like idk miss read something perchance I'm confused at to why the content is gone

17:23 UTC


I cannot find wasteland biome, hep

as its wrote I cannot find wasteland biome, is it possible for biome to not spawn? I just cant complete the "tommorow" mission

20:38 UTC


What does this mean? Also is this game still in early access?

00:51 UTC


What does this mean? Also is this game still in early access?

00:51 UTC


Rate the deficit

05:16 UTC


Yes, it's an OCD issue... but come on?? Really?

Is anybody else annoyed by this??


Like, why couldn't the animators have made the food storage model fill in the two levels of crates; like, either filling up the second level with crates to completion or just not having the second level there in the first place?

That vexes me greatly. XD

01:37 UTC


"No free workers" with free workers available...? wtf

So I just ran into a weird situation. My cookhouses have that symbol with the circular arrows and workers inside, signifying that it is currently looking for free workers.

The weird thing is, I have 21 carriers running around and the cookhouses don't seem to want to pick any of them. I click on the spot with the rotating arrows in the cookhouse in order to have the building stop searching for workers, then I click it again, and lo and behold, a worker takes the spot.
However, a minute later, the same building will still say that it is searching for workers and as I check it out, the cookhouse seems to have arbitrarily fired that new worker on it's own, and is now looking for a new worker. I mean, is Gordon Ramsay running around my colony and costing me my kitchen staff?

Jokes aside, this is a very strange occurence. And it's not limited to one building, the problem happens with two out of my seven food processing buildings. I tried unassigning all cooks in these buildsings and reassigned new people, but that didn't resolve the issue, they still say that they are looking for workers a while later. I also tried restarting the game completely, thinking it was one of those usual visual glitches that come with this game, but nope.

15:06 UTC


Is this game bugged on PS5?

I survived the first Winter Storm without problem and as the next one started, nothing worked anymore. My Burners refused to work although I have plenty of Wood, my workers just disappeared and then everyone died of hypothermia and now the winter is gone and my workers still won't show up. It says I have free workers but they are nowhere to bee seen. I really started to like the game but this is just Bullshit.

08:15 UTC


Moving the colony centre??

Firstly, I know you can't just pick up and move buildings - but i've been having a re-jig of some of the layout of my settlement by destroying and rebuilding certain buildings, and I'm wondering if this is possible to do with the colony centre? I'm currently researching the last upgrade for it, the Governance upgrade, but I don't want to move it if there'll be a penalty or anything?

21:01 UTC


Starting a new game and I have a question...


I picked Platy and Gloriosa for my first game and got to 365 days. Just now went to start a new game and I do not have Platy as a starting specialist. It says I am successfully logged in and my account is linked. Any ideas?

1 Comment
00:29 UTC


Electrically heated housing vs. Burners

Is there a benefit to heating from electricity instead of just burning infinite, free firewood? Those components are expensive.

04:21 UTC


How do I trigger the quest "Written In The Stars"?

The description of the radio tower says it should trigger when I build it, but nothing happened. I have all DLCs downloaded. Is something conflicting with it maybe?

1 Comment
17:19 UTC


Does the alarm actually do anything?

I have to ask, what is the point of the alarm function? I can't speak for others, but I have played a lot of STA, and not even once throughout many sessions have my civies gotten hurt by intruding bandits or by creatures attacking from the open plain. Once I discovered this, I just never even bothered with the alarm at all, because it feels like the only purpose the alarm serves is to decrease happiness, that's about it.

Something I personally would like to see added as usage for the alarm would be to have it matter to have your citizens run for cover when things like nuclear fallout or meteor strikes occur, with the mechanic benefitting your colony in an optional way to simply stocking up on iodine; it would shelter them from the catastrophe at the cost of happiness and a momentary loss in production. Then the alarm would at least be immersive and functional.

But as of right now, I really don't see the point.

21:01 UTC


Guards are still using crossbows

So, I have a secure storage with stacks of rifles and shotguns... yet my guards are still running around with crossbows. This has been going on for a while, certainly longer than it would take for them to naturally run and re-arm themselves. I noticed this when my guards on the fortress walls were defending with nothing but crossbows. Is there something you have to do in order for them to upgrade their gear? Maybe the secure storage is the wrong place to store the weapons?

21:29 UTC


In which order do I do the Main+DLC quest lines?

I have all the DLC and am curious about what the preferred order of going through the various questlines is; these being the main vanilla questline and the separate DLC questlines. Though I understand this is somewhat down to personal preference, I have read about people being softlocked from completeing certain things, like for instance, someone progressing Shattered Moon having their quest progression demolished by starting the Beyond Tomorrow quest line, as the map supposedly does something which screws up quest points for Shattered Hope.

As this is my first serious attempt at going through the game and all it's DLCs in one fell swoop, I would like to ask you which order you recommend players do these quests:

* Beyond Tomorrow
* Rebirth
* Shattered Moon
* Written In The Stars

Preferably as spoiler free as possible. ^^

1 Comment
01:35 UTC


Saves won't stay saved, progress resets all the time

I just started this game a few days ago for the first time.

At first I thought I just didn't save correctly, but when I stopped playing earlier, I saved 3 different saves to be sure it'll stay.

Sadly it didn't, all the progress gone again and I don't know what I'm doing wrong or if it's a bug or wtv.

Anybody else experiencing this?

03:09 UTC


There is always so many pollution deposits around the starting area everytime i start a game

04:59 UTC


Disabled by disaster

Hi! Haven't played that much but got the basic but saw now that over a building a purple triangle with like a white "funnel" on it & it says "disabled by disaster". What can I do & what disaster affects 1 building ? =P

Thanks in advance!


14:32 UTC


All of my people starve during Winter Storms. What am I doing wrong?

I spent a ton of research on the upgraded fishing huts which are supposed to still work well in winter. I have 3 fully outfitted trappers with 100% efficiency. I have a cookhouse making food. I have 2 small fields with cabbage and corn.. and yet everytime a Winter storm hits. EVERYONE STARVES TO DEATH!? I'm about to quit playing, because I set everything on the easiest it could be. If this is how hard Easy is, I'm done.

00:36 UTC


Forever winter scenarii endgame wood problem.

Hi i have 4 questions.

1.are societies on forever winter scenario random?

  1. if they are not random like on normal map, is there any way to make sure that they will be selling wood, i mean can i just buy everything x times and someday they will decide to sell wood, or some societis just do not sell wood?

  2. If they are random, Do any society relaiably sells wood?

4 if some societies are selling wood mist of the time, do someone know which ones?

Because i discovered all societies on the map and noone sells wood. One sell this special "burn me" wood that i do not need, but no construction wood. I think it is very stupid to make something like forever winter without endgame super greenhouse to replant trees. Because now i cant build most things, or repair anymore. I am at day 161 with all forests cur down and 100% energy base heating, but if game force me to replay untill i find a wood trading society i will just quit because this is stupid.

00:11 UTC


Can't afford specialist

If I have the "+" in my specialist tab to recruit a specialist but I don't have enough money can I just leave it for now? Will the timer for the next recruitment continue or does it pause until I recruit this one?

So when you recruit one it shows a four day countdown for the next one. If I hold off on hitting the "+" for three days will the next one show up after another one day or the full four days? And if I don't use it at all will a second "+" show up allowing me to recruit two at once?


21:10 UTC


Cycling Guard Towers

Anyone figure out how to cycle tower posts fairly reliably?

Need guards for 200% only old age death playthroughs but since the guards don't heal unless they are 'injured' it's very easy to get one infected/irradiated at low hp and die before making it to a doctor.

That, or eventually they'll be at half hp and 20 beetles or 2 ranged queens show up...

I just lost a playthrough because I had 2 queens AND a beetle raid at the same time...micro'd the already half hp guards to safety and won...only to have one get infected at 5 hp and died.

03:24 UTC


Any way to exile a colonist?

Let's say I had a colonist who looks like mummy and daddy were also brother and sister and she has a hook for a hand and eats twice as much food as everyone else. Can you evict them? If not, is there another way of sealing with them like sending them to a fight they can't win? Or forcing them to stand in pollution or something? Thanks.

03:09 UTC


Clearing pollution

Where on earth do I find the environmental station and the hazmat research? I’ve literally scrolled through every single part of every single research category and can’t find it. my survivors keep complaining about the pollution and getting a radiated.

21:12 UTC


Blight flower seed

Has anyone else had the bug where they can’t grow blight flowers? I’ve bought the seeds multiple times but still can’t grow it in greenhouses. Kinda frustrating

1 Comment
22:32 UTC

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