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Imperator 2 ideas

Hi guys,

I've never played this game but I've always had an idea for an ancient historical crusader kings type game. But this can be a forum for any of your suggestions for this game you can think of.

Instead of being a single ruler with domains, you are an entire clan. You have extended family members and your clan head. with that, your goal is to get your family members elected/appointed into government. And only when they are, can you influence the state as you play it in any other game.

While your not in government, you maintain your estates, which kinda run like vassals in CK3 but attacking your fellow countrymen is illegal and you'll be taken to court. But its more like a business.

This is where my idea of Patronage come in. You can have many people/clans as clients. This is like a hook for favors in ck3 but much more broadly applied. Such as bribing/influencing court decisions, or influencing laws or gaining political appointments.

And the stronger the empire, the more competition you'll have in politics. Others will be threatened by your power and you can try to deal with them within or outside the law.

Anyway lemme know what you think and if you think it'll actually work in this game or is it just impossible.

01:56 UTC


self promoting of youtube channel :)

hey yall! if yall wanna watch some imperator rome content i am currently starting a Boiheamia campain (invictus mod) and i just finished a Rome campain not long ago so yeah please check it out!

link of part 1 boiheamia campain: https://youtu.be/yHkXzCdGTlY

link of part 1 roman campain (done) : https://youtu.be/LMk09p8uxnE

(btw the roman campain was my 1st video so the editing wasnt on point lol (in the boiheamia i do have voiceover but in roman one i only have text)

link of youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClH4rUbDfJRtmEeWp2gGG4w

20:25 UTC


Primary and secondary cohorts in the army


Question relating army composition. Should I place Heavy Infantry in front and archers/light back since this is how the game crates the legion/army as default. Or light units go as first line as per history?

14:00 UTC


First time playing

Holy shit this game is not what i expected from its reviews. Theres plenty of things I would like added but they made something great I think.

00:03 UTC


DLCs Worth Buying/Game Worth Playing ?

What DLCs Are Worth Buying ? Is The Game Worth Playing ? The Game Goes From 304-27 BC, but there's a huge gap between the end game and the start date of CK3 (867/1066 AC) that kinda bums me out, i wanted to make a mega campaign I tried it but the mechanics are a bit confusing, even harder than EU4

20:15 UTC


General Tips and Advice + AMA

Note: I'm open to talking about the Invictus mod, and everything I talk about should in theory be viable in it, but almost all of my playtime has been without it so keep that in mind.

Hey, I've been playing imperator since day 1 (took a break for 2-3 years shortly after 2.0), and have around 600 hours logged, which I'm sure plenty of people have much more, but for people more new to the game I would like to give some advice on general gameplay, or on specific achievements if necessary. I have almost every achievement in the game including 7/7 very hard achievements, so I can help if anyone is struggling with any of those. My most notable achievement would probably be getting "The Spice Must Flow" in only 97 years.

For the most part, I'm self taught and haven't looked up any guides online, so I'm curious to discuss with people and see where my strategies and approaches are similar vs different.

As for tips, I won't go too detailed, perhaps I may make some detailed guides later if people are interested, but I will mention just a few things here.

* Use high wages - the -0.1 corruption a month is actually incredible useful. Just 20 corruption alone is enough to give the same 50% modifier to wages, and character often gain flat amounts of corruption from various character events, or syphon funds scheme. Also pairs very nicely with sanctioned privileges oratory idea, for a total of -0.2 (a very good number and you will see why). Republics also have a law for -0.05 corruption however I hate playing republics.

* Political influence is generated by the loyalty of people in offices. Even as a small country, you can instantly bump a 1/month to around 1.8/month. Give free hands to everyone in all 8 offices, and with the -0.2 corruption from above, their corruption doesn't go up at all, meaning it's a free 20 loyalty. Also useful for keeping governors in check without population happiness going down from corruption. Also remember to keep your ruler on Scheme: Influence for the free 20% boost to influence, and with all that you should be at 1.8/month

* Delete most of your forts - funnily enough, these are almost entirely useless. I will occasionally leave a few bordering a major power, but in most situations, I won't have a single fort in my empire except my capital, which costs no upkeep. Doing this saves a significant amount of income, especially forts which go over the fort limit that you don't really think about. Plus you gain around 40 gold for each fort deleted, which is very good money for early game.

* Use mercenaries - the smaller the country, the better, you even start with 100 gold to help do so. I'll give an example. As megalopolis, your only option is basically to conquer sparta, but allies are often useless, they have a ruler with 3-5 more martial on average, and around 2-3x the units. But you can hire a mercenary stack of around 3-4k units, enough to barely outnumber them, and one with higher martial too. This means it should be easy to win the battle, siege their capital and peace out before running out of money. From here, don't be afraid to loot cities! This is a stupidly broken mechanic early game, at the cost of killing 4 pops and temporary unhappiness you often get 80-120 or so gold from doing so, plus 40 gold from deleting the fort when you peace out. This means you suddenly have more money from when you hired the mercenaries, more income to help keep them hired, and then it just snowballs from there. Maybe you hire some better mercenaries that cost more, to win better wars. This is basically the free method to get out of almost any early game. I often find that late game, I will end up with 10 mercenary stacks during big wars by bribing the enemy ones whenever they get hired. (I often end up profiting by sacking the major cities for thousands of gold anyway)

* Abuse civil wars - this is probably my most unorthodox technique that I imagine not many people are aware of. Honestly, these things are not to be afraid of, especially when playing wide. Most of my tips have been for early game but this is more a mid to late game tip. Just remember to remove admirals from your navy, keep it at sea, and possibly split it into several stacks - this should guarantee you keep the navy. Now, the reason civil wars are so good, is rebellions. Depending of the run this may not be necessary, thanks to the invention that lets you destroy holy sites for stability. But before you get that, or on runs where you may not want to thanks to it's bad -90% omen power, this is great for managing unhappiness caused by low stability, caused by aggressive expansion. Whenever I see rebellions starting to form in a large amount of provinces, I will quickly lower loyalty of characters that I find annoying and want to get rid of. It's also a good time to remove holdings from characters that you wish to lower powerbase of. The moment the civil war starts, all your problems are solved - provinces are back up to 100% loyalty again. Then it's just a matter of winning the civil war in short notice, and with my playstyle, I tend to have a few thousand gold and can easily afford plenty of mercenaries. It's rare to have a civil war go for more than 5 years. I found that in my Pax Aeterna run, even with Militant Euphenism invention for the free stability, I still had to do this technique twice in the run, with the last time being when I owned 40% of the world. For those curious, I ended the run with about 250 aggressive expansion, in 163 years.

05:58 UTC


Should I get colonies with Carthage ?

What are the pros and cons to get colonies with Carthage.

Until now I always prefer to direct control all my territories.

04:33 UTC


Guess which country I am playing (Terra Indomita)

22:57 UTC


Any help for a Eumenid Kingdom playthrough?

Just attempted a run as the Eumenid Kingdom (Invictus): I won the initial war just fine, but when I selected the mission to deal with the Ariathrids I ended up getting flattened by 35,000 Armenians. As such, I would be grateful for any advice on handling the first few decades as this tag!

21:34 UTC


Damn this is one hella persuasive baby

17:36 UTC


Is my legion good?

As Carthage I've made a legion that have the followings:

2 archers 1 engineers 2 heavy cavalry 6 heavy infantry 4 light cavalry 4 light infantry 1 war elephant

14:49 UTC


Unlocking the 'Ktistes' achievement

I am struggling with even enabling the conditions for the Ktistes achievement, as it still appears "locked" in the achievement screen, even on Ironman. I searched the subreddit and found that people fixed this problem by switching to the 2.0.4 beta, but I do not have this version available as an option when I go to Imperator: Rome properties on Steam. The latest available that I have is 2.0.3. Anyone else encounter this and know how to solve it? Thanks!

2.0.4 Beta missing

1 Comment
11:24 UTC


The roads of carthage

Im willing to spend up to 800gold to build roads in Carthage in order to centralize the merchant republican, the problem is I don't know where to build them

I've expanded a lot, I've conquered all of western Africa and all of Numidia,Sicily and sardinia

08:09 UTC



From the latest Crusader Kings 3 Dev Diary, concerning Roman Restoration content.

Of course it doesn't mean anything, it's just nice to see Paradox pushing for the game, here and there.

12:38 UTC


Am I doomed?


I'm playing as Veneto, trying to reform the tribe in a republic. When Rome will be knocking on my door can I win or it's better to start from the scratch?

21:23 UTC


Best way to get tyranny fast

Playing Rome rn what’s the best way to get tyranny without completely crippling the republic, trying to reform into the empire without a civil war, but the republic is literally too stable to fall into civil war, I have plenty of popular support just need the 50 tyranny, any tips?

(Only using Invictus mod, not the historical pack)

19:45 UTC


Is there an achievement guide or list of starting provinces?

EDIT: Hey never mind the first Google result looked like it was just the game page on Steam but it was actually the thing I was asking about.

I've decided I want to get all 72 achievements for the game, without using mods (even though you can now). I'm going down the list of achievements and writing down which starting provinces are needed to get them. There are a bunch, I'd say about 40, that don't require a specific province but rather a specific culture group or religion, and I don't know the religions and culture groups, so each time I see one of those I check if any of the 25 or so provinces I already have are a match.

So my question is, is there some kind of guide buried somewhere deep in the Reddit or on Google that I'm just not finding? Like, not even a guide to getting all achievements, just a guide to which starting provinces you should do to get all of the achievements. Or do I need to do 29 different starts?

I have accounted for all of the achievements, and these are the provinces I have: Arvernia, Macedon, Carthage, Antigonid Empire, Rome, Thrace, Epirus, Egypt, Boi, Seleukid Empire, Armenia, Kios, Maurya, Megalopolis, Sparta, Bactria, Athens, Syracusae, Massilia, Grania, Cappadocia, Heraclea Pontia, Brigantia, Mosylon, Coporia, Byzantion, Mauretania, Lugia, Arados

1 Comment
17:57 UTC


Hey guys I messed up

I was playing peacefully playing Carthage, and while trying to complete the mission where Carthage had to secure all western Africa which speeds up integration time, I accidentally integrated all of my subjects while having half of my senate against me which hugely increasedy tyranny up to 80 and Im only loosing 0.21 tyranny a month. And all of this tyranny caused a lot of instability toy empire which had all of it's now unloyal provinces revolting against me, and ial unable to build any building to make the pops happier since all my provinces are unloyal

What do I do to rapidly decreaseu tyranny or Ami just supposed to wait it to drain

Btw I'm playing the Invictus mod

05:39 UTC


Why don’t people enslave every culture they conquer?

When I play, I moving pops around a lot. I move many pops to the capital region, and to the cities. When I enslave a culture, I can move all of the pops. Plus, as soon as a slave assimilates to your primary culture, it promotes. This helps keep your research efficiency high as you primary pops will generally be higher tiered pops.

I just don’t see a use for non primarily cultured freeman, citizens, or nobles.

I don’t see other players doing this, but it seems optimal.

18:37 UTC


Thessaly Country ID

Hey i try to find the ID Number in the Wiki on reddit and in the Debug Mode i cant find it please help i need it because my sparten Mission to liberate thessaly as inependet country is bug't thx :)

15:36 UTC


What can I do to improve the health of my characters?

Ave! Is there anything I can do to affect the health of my characters? All of them buggers get all kind of infections and is a miracle if they don't get cancer, dementia and whatnot. Also, depressed, left and right. Treatments on the other hand, end up suspiciously often in medical accidents nomatter how skilled is the physician and in my conspirationist world the only thing important seems to be the pacient's stats.

I mean my 17yo heir is ailing because he has 1 inflamation, -0,05 health. Which I don't have the courage to treat with a physician 6/10 (so +0,03 health), because guess what, office holders usually die before reaching 100 statemanship and their own stats are affected by diseases. If I treat it, I bet he gets blind or brain damaged. If I don't treat it, the inflamation gonna progress probably and die in his 30s. Because, ta-dam, first time I managed to steal Roman bloodlines for my ruler.

Also, it's almost impossible to deify somebody with 8-10 in a given stat and it does take some 70 years to take the techs which to make monarchs' stats almost irrelevant.

I thought to import fruits, vegetables, wine, capital is the most civilized place on map, nothing seem to have any impact except random arbitrary events.

17:35 UTC


About Invictus mod

Hey everybody, I'm planning on starting playing Imperator and I heard that Invictus mod is a must.

Should I really use it for my first playthrough or start vanilla?
And are there any other mods that only improves the game in your opinion?

Thanks in advance!

13:52 UTC

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