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Martin Luther King Jr said “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world [is the US] Government”
A simplistic response to the above might be “I wish it was broken up and lost the ability to do the above”
The civil war was the closest we came to that outcome. So how would history unfold if that happened, to the present day?
Ignore the domestic aspects.
John C. Calhoun proposed constitutional amendments that would require an equal amount of slave states and free states; creating two co-Presidents from the North and South to concur on all legislation.
Would it have been possible for it to be approved and how would this impact the United States as a whole and their history if the amendments had been ratified?
Disclaimer:One should respond from the perspective of someone who live in a world where Prussia was defeated by France/Austria/Russia instead of emerging victorious.
In our world,Frederick the brave decision to ally with Great Britain provocked the end of Prussia rise. .Prussia constantly lost due to facing 3 to 1 engagement at best,was stripped of Silesia and bankrupted.Make Frederic the brave victorious instead of completely defeated.
Now, obviously there’s no feasible way all of Egypt would continue worshipping the old gods without numerous massive historical changes. But is it possible for it to have survived as a small minority religion? Perhaps during the Christianization and subsequent Islamization of Egypt there remains a small group that continues the ancient traditions. Would they eventually need to emigrate out of Egypt to survive? And what effects could this have on global history?
So according to Wikipedia, during the 16th century alone there were 250,000 setters sent to New Spain which included Mexico, the Carribean, and Spanish Florida. However Spanish East and West Florida by 1816 had a measly total population of only 10,000 people. So in this what if scenario, Spanish Florida recieves an addition 83,000 people during the 16th century, as well as a further 1/3 during the 17th and 18th century.
With there probably being even more during the 17th and 18th centuries. What kind of impact would this influx of settlers have on both the French and British Colonial Empire? And would this bigger Spanish Florida (Which spans from West Tennessee to Southern Florida, as well as all of Mississippi, Alabama, a sliver of Georgia, and the Republic of West Florida) have had a chance of being an independent country during the independence wars that Spain fought during the 1800's or would it have still ended up part of the US?
Where will the capital of this union be? What will be the currency of this union (Atlantic Dollar for example). Will this union be more united than the EU (for example, it will be a confederation). And when will it be created? Here I will extract this: The USA decides to create a union to control the countries of Europe and prevent wars between them, immediately after the Second World War (instead of the European Coal and Steel Community, the American-European Coal and Steel Community will be created). How long will this union exist?
What would that mean for Egypt ? Lots of foreign investments, closer relations to the US ? A quick war to bring "Democracy" (TM) to the land of the pharaoh ? Or just a blip on the global radar and not much changing ?
In this scenario, in 1956 instead of Egypt and Britain agreeing to grant Sudan independence, a referendum was held in which people voted for Sudan and Egypt to remain united under the new Republican government.
Russia is one of the coldest countries in the world. So cold that in most of the waters are unnavigable for months and it is impossible to go to Vladistok and Murmansk, and this is one reason why they occupied the Crimea, or at least they think that this is true. What if we tried to change that.
In this timeline, ice-breaking ships were invented as early as the time of the Principality of Moscow, and later improved the Russian Empire and Empire, and thus trade was not as safe as trade in the Atlantic, and the Russians could present their military army with the fastest possible time.
How would it affect Russia?
What will the British and France, who are competing for the Northwest passage , do?
How will it revolutionize ships?
Venue exists in goldilocks zone and it's atmosphere is the only thing preventing complex life form. What if it didn't have such a dense atmosphere? Life would have emerged there and an off chance an intelligent life similar to humans
And humans discovers it in 1950s. How would world have reacted?
I can't really find a proper answer for this, so I'll ask it here.
What if, after the central powers collapse one by one, with Germany being the only one left standing, manage to come out on top of world war 1, or at least have a favorable peace with the allies and keep their Brest litovsk assets and perhaps even more?
Is there a possibility that the UK and USA might have had right wing takeovers like had happened in Italy and Germany?
I've seen a lot of "what if Rome discovered the New World," but one idea that would be interesting is if about a thousand soldiers got massively lost at sea in the first century. They washed up on the east coast and started to conquer the natives. By 1492, all of North America, probably named something else, has long been under their control. How does Europe react to the fact that the Roman Empire still exists and is not Christian? Also, what is the New Roman Empire's reaction to the fall of the old one?
Regarded as one of the greatest military commanders in history, Gustavus Adolphus tragically died young in 1632 at the age of 38 in battle. He helped turned the tides of war in Europe against the Catholic powers of the HRE and the Catholic League.
Here's the scenario: Gustavus Adolphus does not die in November 1632 at the Battle of Lutzen. Furthermore, he had won the battle of Nuremberg, which preceded this fight, so he now occupies most modern Germany.
Can the Austrian Habsburg Army defeat the Swedish army of 45,000 men and 175 guns with various horses and wagons? Can the Habsburg Spanish forces be marshaled to defend their ancestral homeland and cousins? Will the Catholic league sue for peace at this point?
They would roughly be the same age Trump and Biden were in 2020-2024.
OTL Spring 1944: The Anti-Wallace Democrats settle on Senator Harry Truman and persuade Roosevelt to select him after persuading FDR of Truman's devotion to the principles of the New Deal.
ATL 1944: The DNC, remembering how FDR was stung by Truman's criticism and investigation of his son, decide that William Douglas will be the better alternative to Henry Wallace owing to Douglas' longstanding (10 year +) professional relationship with FDR. William Douglas will accept, and resign from his post as Supreme Court Justice.
In our timeline, William Douglas was the longest-serving justice on the US Supreme Court, and developed a reputation as the greatest champion and advocate of personal civil rights, writing such key decisions as Griswold v. Connecticut
Historical William Douglas was an ardent advocate of civil liberties and also a key jurist in the development of environmental law. How does he fare as President of the United States from 1945 to... 1948? 1952?
Title, it's very unlikely but I'm curious about what would happen. What if the Bulgarian monarchy bartered with Stalin to keep power, maybe Boris III or Simeon II would've been king of a monarcho-socialist Bulgaria?
So, we all know that the August Coup was an utter failure, with Vladimir Kryuchkov betraying the conspirators, resulting in the MVD arresting the participants, and the successful signing of the New Union Treaty. The Union of Sovereign States is still the third largest economy in the world and has retained the USSR’s UN seat.
Though it did see some later minor crisis in the late 90’s when the Baltic republics seceded and later Armenia and Georgia rebelled, which was put down, it has remained very prominent, surprisingly, supporting the United States during the 2002 Invasion of Pakistan after Al-Qaeda sank of the USS Cole, and a joint American-Union intervention in Iraq, which resulted in Kurdistan seceding.
It was also one of the only countries in the world to see economic growth during the Great Recession and allowed East Germany to leave the Warsaw Pact, resulting in another Switzerland with a reunified Germany being one of the world’s largest neutral states.
But what if the August Coup had failed and the Soviet Union fragmented? The proposed Union States were already not very popular and without Gorbachev providing additional reassurances after the coup failed to the various republics, it may not have succeeded.
As you know, on June 1st, Robert E Lee having been caught with only poor Cavalrymen as escorts during an inspection of an outpost surrendered to Bufords Cavalry, brought to Washington and charged with Treason; later executed under the same charge.
In his stead, James Longstreet used his seniority to assume command and employ a Fabian Campaign against the Army of the Potomac, luring them into Battle at a good defensive position in middle of July the same year. With Meades Command shattered, the Union and the Confederacy made terms with British mediation; forming a treaty that ensured the continuation of Slavery but preserving the Union - a treaty that would last less than two years until President George B. McClellan granted the Confederacy independence in 1865.
But what would happened if Robert E Lee was retained in command of the Army of North Virginia? Would he had managed better than Longstreet? Worse?
Idea's from a New Campaign Mod, called 1972d, where you play as Hall and get to pick a VP to hopefully get a few electoral votes and over 5%. Background of it is that the Democrats nominate a conservative, so the communists take their place as the leading progressive force in the election. Nixon still wins, by the way. Tom Hayden is the easiest to do it in my experience.
In my playthrough, I got 5.2% of the vote and 11 electoral votes. So, I come here to ask the question, what if a scenario like this had occurred in our timeline? What would've changed?
For example, Teddy Roosevelt would have wanted to expand the US sphere of influence far beyond America. How would the US presence in such a huge territory affect Africa? What would the purchase of Congo give the US, and what would American-Belgian relations be like (for example, Leopold II would have sold Congo for n dollars and for the US to protect Belgium (something like Article 5 of NATO). What would be the consequences for WW1, WW2, and the Cold War.
Hi there! First post here, please tell me if I unknowingly break any unwritten rules!
To the question:
What if, not Ieyasu, not Hideyoshi, and not Nobunaga, nobody, no warlord emerged as the dominant force after the Japanese warring states period? What if none of them acquired enough of an advantage to convert into an ultimate victory in the battle for hegemony?
Would it merely be a delay of the inevitable? Would Japan end up unified anyway in the face of external pressures (e.g. Black Ships)? Or would a different fate be in store for Japan, such as opportunistic colonization by China or America or something?
If Japan were not unified during the Sengoku period, would it be a prolonged state of violence, or would it be a tense and uneasy stalemate until whatever form of centralized Japanese government comes into being for the timeline?
Would a Japan that did not unify in the Sengoku be more or less isolationist than Edo period Japan as we know it? Would it be a case by case thing for each territory depending on each of daimyo’s policies, or might a national policy against foreign interference be mutually agreed upon?
Please give me your thoughts on matter! Thank you in advance for answering!
Bassel al-Assad, the eldest son of Syrian president Hafez al-Assad, initially was supposed to succeed his father, but in 1994 he died in car accident, which let his little brother, Bashar, to become Syrian president in 2000(and stay in power up to late 2024). But what if Bassel al-Assad didn't die in 1994, thus becoming Syrian president in 2000? What would be his international policy-would he had been pro-Western president or he'd have continued his father's pro-Russian policy? (Russian was one of two foreign languages, Bassel al-Assad had spoken, alongside with French) Would he had been less or more brutal, than his brother in OTL? How he'd have dealt with the Arab Spring of 2011? (let's say, Bassel al-Assad stays in power by 2011) And how nowadays Syria would have looked like, if Bashar al-Assad would have never been Syrian president? (I guess, in a case of Bassel's presidency, Bashar, likely, would have been Minister of Healthcare of Syria)