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Unsure how I can be in breach of a resolution

I’m well over my naval cap but I’m still showing as in breach of Renegade Containment Doctrine. Any idea how that could be happening? Post-endgame crisis, no mods.

1 Comment
18:49 UTC


Best Genocidal Build for Tall/Virtual?

I’m looking to ho sll in on the Lathe as a virtual empire, meaning I wanna play tall and brain-hungry.

Any suggestions for the best build for these aims? I was thinking maybe Terravore?

18:37 UTC


How do I remove slavery without having any slaves?

18:32 UTC


Best game detail settings for a New Player?

Hi everyone. I want to apologize if this has been posted a handful of times in the past- the ones I found were a bit dated so I wanted to make a new post for this question.

Does anyone have a recommendations for a new player when setting up the “Game Details”- in relation to galaxy size, AI empires, and so on? So that I don’t get totally wiped and overwhelmed.

I ran my first game a few months ago and wasn’t doing too terrible- but got a bit overloaded and gave up on that play-through. Only logged about 20 hours or so.

Any other advice would be appreciated as well! I’ve watched a handful of sterllaris videos so I would like to think I have some of the basics understood; but always open to advice and suggestions.

18:09 UTC


"For my next game, I'll invest more in diplomacy"

Proceed to spawn between Fanatic Purifiers and a Federation of three who all rivalize me for some reason.

Then get declared war by both at the same time.


1 Comment
17:35 UTC


Thank you for your sacrifice

16:52 UTC


How do i prepare for endgame crisis?

Im a new player in this game ( 40 hr.) I need some advice about how to prepare myself for endgame crisis or i should count on friendly ai?

P.S. sorry for my bad english

15:50 UTC


What does this hexagon shape above a system on the galaxy map mean?

15:47 UTC


I've hated the new leader system since 3.10. Are there any good leader mods?

I think my biggest gripe is the complete randomness of the skills. Starting with an explorer with a +planetary skills is the single biggest trigger I have with this game. Or, what's even the point of the General veteran class if I'm trying to spec out an army leader, why even have a +damage to starbase skill?

15:45 UTC


Can a ship cloak without a cloaking device?

I'm running a More Traditions mod, and one of the Traditions (Enigmatic > Shrouded) provides +2 to Cloaking.

My question is: Do levels of Cloaking apply to every ship, even if they don't have a cloaking device installed? Do points in Cloaking that convey the ability to cloak in and of themselves?

15:43 UTC


Unable to play multiplayer since yesterday

Anyone having issues connecting with people? Been playing Stellaris for years and as of yesterday, can no longer do multiplayer with friends no matter what we tried. No one changed anything, checksum matches, when you try to join absolutely nothing happens. Cannot create a new server and get joins, can not host a save game. Anyone else experiencing problems? Fyi, no up change, router change, antivirus changes, we played earlier and attempted to later and ran into this.

1 Comment
14:41 UTC


What new orgins do you want?

I want a orgin that you have 2 planets in your system ( that is habitble ) it would be fun to have 2 planets, like some primitives have 2-3 planets in a system i do not know why they didnt add such a orgin

14:47 UTC


It’s 2614

I believe I am the crisis. I am a rogue defense system that has taken hold of over two sections of my 7 sector spoked galaxy. I demolished the chosen dimensional fleet of 650k power. I’m eradicating their existence.

But one thing scares me….

The galactic federation has taken over the other half of the galaxy. They have at least double the total fleets and I haven’t managed to count their power. The huddle mostly within the galactic leaders borders just gathering dust. I am soon to attack and go balls to the wall and see how things go.

Wish me luck my machine brethren.

(On the bright side I found a relic that lets me summon fallen empire fleets every now and then so I get like 100k free power fleets)

14:01 UTC


Can AI fleets stop taking point

for gods sake im watching as this federation,militarily,economically and technologically superior than purifier theyre attacking getting slaughtered because all their fleets are stuck on following a single fleet and selectively bombarding a planet with 40 pops and 2700 Armies,while not having a sufficent invasion force to take that out. Their colonies are falling and being bombarded so for gods sake dont allow ai to take point with fleets,it just makes them lose a obvious victory for no goddamn reason

13:53 UTC


Is the game bugged?

13:28 UTC


Wait, can Ai go cosmogenesis crisis route?

13:07 UTC


Under One Rule and Knight's of the Toxic Gods help

Hey guys, I have been playing this game for a ehile but there are a bunch of origins I haven't tried yet.

Now I want to try playing a game starting as either under one rule or knights of the toxic god and I wanted to ask for some ideas on how to build an empire for those origins and I also wanted to know if there is anything I should keep in mind while playing them (without delving too much into spoiler territory). Thanks!

13:01 UTC


Predetermined Species

Over the years I've made dozens of species. I want to do a run where it's me and all those species. How do I force the game to only use the ones I've made?

12:45 UTC


How far behind is XBox?

I got into the game about a month ago and absolutely love it, my favorite to do currently is going synthetic, and the wiki had me believing they are really fleshed (heh) out. Is xbox a year or so behind or?

10:58 UTC


Command to start the L-gate event chain

Got an L-gate under control in my system, but not getting the event trigger, presumably because I didn't explore it, does anyone know the right eventID? i can't seem to find it

1 Comment
08:03 UTC


Modding: Removing ships upkeep via mods.


I am trying to create a mod to remove the upkeep of all ships. So far, what I've done is set the upkeep of the ships themselves (file common/scripted_variables/03_scripted_variables_ships.txt), variables shipname_upkeep_[energy|alloys] = 0) and the upkeep of the components that make them up to 0 in the file common/scripted_variables/02_scripted_variables_component_cost.txt. While doing this decreases the upkeep considerably, there is still a small cost to pay monthly for each ship, which increases with fleet size and becomes considerable. I have been looking for the source of the remaining upkeep but cannot find it. Does anyone know anything?

Thank you very much.

07:56 UTC


doesn't mechanist let you pick your robot species traits?

what happened? i thought when you pick mechanist origin it allows you to design your robot secondary species during empire generation? it's been years and years i haven't touched this origin so i forget, but today i'm trying and it doesn't let me design the robots during empire creation?

05:50 UTC


Tomorrow I'll be playing a mp match with my friend who's never played before. How do I make sure she has fun?

Title. I've played the game off and on since initial launch, so I haven't been a new player in a while. What parts of the game should I be ready to explain and what parts should I gloss over? Should I help her a lot or minimally as she learns? I'm not good at being a teacher, and I want her to have fun so it isn't a one off thing lol

Edit to add: We're going to play console edition and (I believe) I have all DLCs that are out so far

05:44 UTC


Is there a Stellaris modding/scripting subreddit?

Just wondering.

04:39 UTC


Oh yeah this is gonna work great

04:13 UTC


Mod for empire wide ship buffs?

Is there a combat rebalance mod that isn’t a huge overhaul (eg adding ships/weapons etc) which differentiates between ship types? I’m thinking something which allows an empire to choose to buff a particular class of ship to the exclusion of others in order to favor that type of ship. Similar to how admirals can specialize in a ship type but empire wide instead of just at the fleet level.

I’d like the option to giga buff my destroyers or frigates to make them baseline more powerful than opposing empires destroyers or frigates of a similar tech level so that I can have smaller ships punch above their weight class and for bigger ships to be able to shred through their less specialized counterparts.

Something as simple as mutually exclusive rare techs which gives extra damage to a particular ship type would be similar to what I’m thinking of.

1 Comment
04:06 UTC


How would you guys build the 3 races from StarCraft in Stellaris?

I was checking the Workshop for some SC mods and there are some, but it looks like Ill be doing a lot of RP to make it work, so how would you build these races, regarding Civics, traits and all the jazz? Obv Hive mind for the Zerg, I was thinking fallen empire for the Protoss, but that depends on the timeline I use I guess.

1 Comment
02:52 UTC

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