
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for the Total War strategy game series, made by Creative Assembly.

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Rome 2, Rome Remaster, or Pharaoh?

Basically i got bored of TW:WH and wanted to try a historical title, these are the ones that interest me and id like to hear the opinion of you guys in which one is the best purchase as a first historical tw.

22:49 UTC


1212 ad mod for attila wont load into battles

So i reninstalled twice now and checked if the mods are in order but every time i trie to load into battle it loads until its almost finished and then stops (i can losd into campaign but not battle in the campaign)

21:59 UTC


How would a total war game, but you get to conquer the entire Eurasian continent sound?

Think about it. It starts off at maybe 278 bc, and you get to choose ant faction of any culture that is known greatly in history. Imagine the Qin dynasty or Han fighting the parthians, or Modu Chan Yu walking through the gates of Rome. Or for the shogun 2 boys, ancient Japan for shits and giggles.

What would this type of total war game be called?

21:36 UTC


Loyalty in Attila

Hi. I went to the Attila Reddit but there were only three people online. I’m struggling with loyalty as the ERE. It says that a lot of my generals are mad because I gave an office to a subordinate but I genuinely can’t think what it is referring too. Is this just a standard generals are unhappy thing, or is there something I can do to stop it happening again? Thank you

20:41 UTC


With slightly over two years passed since Champions of Chaos' release, what are your thoughts on the DLC in hindsight?

Personally, I feel like it was a good DLC overall, but definitely had some issues. Ideally I would have liked CA to have gone farther with the hybrid nature of the LLs. Still, getting all the mortal unit variants was extremely important (at least in my opinion) so I am happy they focused on it. I still hope they will go back and slightly rework/update some of the LLs. In particular I am bothered by Azazel. He really feels like he should have been a fully Slaaneshi faction and Sigvald should have been the mortal WoC champion of Slaanesh. I understand that the decision was made due to the complex DLC history, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy with it. I also feel that Valkia in particular suffers from not being Khorny enough. Festus and Vilitch are kind of expendable nobodies in the eyes of their patron gods, but Valkia is the bride of Khorne. It just feels weird how half-assed her Khorne mechanics are.


20:32 UTC


Crashing Issue as of Last Patch

Since the most recent patch, I haven't been able to load in to an IE campaign. The bar fills up 99% then the game crashes to desktop with no error message, occasionally stopping Steam entirely as well. I tested the battle and campaign benchmarks, the battle works just fine but the campaign one causes the same crash.

This is definitely a new issue, as I have run this game just fine on the same computer since it came out. I tried verifying the files, reinstalling, and removing all mods.

Any suggestions or anyone seen a similar issue?

20:26 UTC


A few words about Bretonnia

I'm just approaching victory in a long campaign as Louen Leoncoeur and I have some thoughts about Bretonnia.

Bretonnia is a free race from Warhammer 1 and unfortunately it feels like it. Many of the mechanics are outdated and need updating. I don't expect any major dlc or rework but thankfully these are not required to fix Bretonnia. Still, this is a very strong faction with very satisfying campaigns. Especially now after the recent changes regarding ai on the highest difficulty levels.

I play on Vh/h and the Louen campaign is one of the best I've played recently. After a rough start and fierce battles with vampires, orcs, Skaven, Nkari and Belakor I finally secured all the provinces of Bretonnia, Tilea and Albion. And then the fun began. Louen went on a crusade to save the Empire, two of my best Lords moved to support the Repanse in Araby, and several newly recruited Lords moved on Albion where they have been fighting off endless hordes of Norca and Warriors of Chaos for several dozen turns. I played a lot of great battles, scored a lot of heroic victories, and for about the first 30 turns I was one mistake away from losing.

Bretonnia has a very good, if heavily specialised, cavalry-based roster. This makes it very unique and I hope Bretonnia never gets any foot knights or other strong infantry. It would ruin it. Apart from the cavalry, Bretonnia's strengths are its powerful lords, strong magic and excellent economy.

However, the mechanics need tweaking. Peasant economy and Chivalry are okayish, but do not have too much impact on the game. Peasants are used practically only in the first turns of a campaign and Chivarly is mainly for roleplay. Vows require the implementation of a reminder for unselected oaths and changes to the Questing Vow, which can be absurdly difficult to complete. Green Knight seems weak and should be summonable like Malakai's Spirit of Grungni.

Also, Bretonnia has by far one of the worst replenishment in the game and no option to replenish losses after battle.

20:10 UTC


Alluress- "You haven't happened to see a quartet of hellstriders around here, by chance?"

19:44 UTC


Is there a mod that removes the Balkan tribe cultural trait?

The increased upkeep for mercenaries sucks. I get that you're meant to buy mercs and disband them on the same turn, but I just don't like it. I like collecting cool mercs during my campaigns.

I tried searching google and the steam workshop to no avail :(

19:28 UTC


Community + Team players search


I wanted to have a post where we can share communities, or have players announce their names which are teamwork centred. I can edit the post to add the links to discord. I'm sure we all want to play the game in squads with voice communication! Specially me!

I will be posting in other games, I'm really looking forward to game more in multiplayer. You can DM me your steam/discord if you don't want it public.

Please write if you like battles, and/or campaigns, and what games!

As for me, Rome 2, and Warhammer 3 battles only.

18:48 UTC


Imagine having chaos corruption spread due to world events. For example, backstabbing an ally? Tzeentch corruption

I've been having this idea for a while and it might be fun to implement into the game.

A massive war took place with gigantic battles resulting in enormous casualties? Add a certain amount of Khorne corruption to the belligerent factions' lands for those rivers of blood.

Betrayed an ally and broke a diplomatic treaties dishonorably? (Would apply to AI even if they don't suffer from reputation lose) Tzeentch corruption would spread.

Have a region with high public order, relative stability and swimming in wealth? That excess would certainly start bringing in Slaanesh corruption.

And on the contrary, have a region constantly ravaged by plagues, wars and other disasters? The misery would get people to start asking for the grandfather's help.

I feel like this could add some great flavors to the campaign map since as my understanding of it, Chaos influence exists regardless if there are "chaos aligned factions" on the campaign map actively spreading it. Like rain and storm it's just part of the reality of the world of Warhammer.

18:44 UTC


My faction buildings give different religion

I have Eastern Christianity as my state religion from the beginning. But my cultural buildings (the ones that give public order "Auditorium, Amphitheatre, Theatre, Circus" they give Roman Paganism influence. How do i play with that? I'm already converting a lot of settlements to Christianity with my priests, but if i build more of these buildings it will probably cause problems. And public order buildings are kinda necessary. Why these buildings don't give Christianity influence, can someone explain?

I guess one solution would be to let paganism rise then switch to that religion but what if someone wan't to stay christian?

17:00 UTC


Batman creepily winks at you instead of blinking.

16:54 UTC


So you can actually prevent yourself from getting the Economic Victory by not having enough factions left for Trade Agreements

16:16 UTC


I've written a song about skaven and their ambitions-desires to conquer the world, yes-yes!

1 Comment
16:10 UTC


Is there a wait to play a Co-Op campaign with both players as Rome ?

Is there something to be able from me and my friend to play as Rome a mod or something ?

16:06 UTC


Dwarfs Mechanized Force: Total War Warhammer 3

15:30 UTC


Reddit goatfucks


1 Comment
15:32 UTC


Attacking armies should not regain morale inside settlement

As title says.

I always see the AI routing units conveniently regain morale close to capture points.

Their pathing should move AWAY from the settlement, not into.

The fact this is still a thing is beyond me.

15:21 UTC


I made a Guide for people Struggling with Early Game Ramesses!

1 Comment
15:19 UTC


Hold the Crossing!

15:12 UTC


Attila Total War ERE

Hi, I've read to destroy churches for ERE in Attila TW because they are a huge drain on the coffers. What do you build instead-- sanitation and something for food, or forums? What are the bread and butter troops early game-- comitatenses spears and legio? Scout Equites are fucking awesome I did a defesive siege and got like 800 kills with one, so I know how to inflict heavily losses on the Visigoths in Greece, but I'm new to Attila since I got it for like $6. I usually play WH3 on Legendary and Fall of the Samurai, my favorite total wars. I know this campaign is rough, not as bad as WRE, but I'm only playing normal to ease into Attila.

1 Comment
14:52 UTC


Am I missing something here? Shouldn't my spell mastery be more than 100% with the mastery of elemental winds hero buff?

1 Comment
14:43 UTC


Steam Tanks and Land Ships should only be able to be healed by Engineers, rather than Life magic.

Just like with Tomb Kings Constructs and Necrotechts, Empire Warmachines should only be able to be healed by Engineer Lord and Hero "repair" abilities rather than being able to be healed by Life Magic. This will make much more sense thematically, and will also help balance these units considering that their healing capabilities makes them overperform in Multiplayer.

14:40 UTC


[Mod Release] Buildings spawn ancillaries

Hey folks, just flagging another mod release for anyone who is interested.


I was getting fed up with how few items I was getting, so created a mod that allows buildings to spawn items.

So far it's just the bronzeworks spawning common items, but I'm hoping with some good ideas from Pharaoh players, I can find other appropriate building > item/follower combos to use!

14:07 UTC

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