
Photograph via snooOG

This group is for anyone trying for a baby! Come discuss fertility, sex, conception, and learn all about how your body works!

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  • Users must be over the age of 18. No exceptions.

  • Posting a positive test result (BFP)? Our weekly BFP post is stickied on the main page of /r/TryingForABaby! No posts or comments about positive pregnancy tests are permitted outside the weekly post.

  • This group is for anyone trying to get pregnant and to ask/give advice on getting pregnant. Be supportive!

  • Report posts or comments that show suspicious or disrespectful behavior. Reports to the moderators are anonymous, and help keep the environment of the subreddit safe and supportive.

  • This subreddit contains scores of posts with detailed descriptions about completely natural bodily processes (of all people) on the topic of getting pregnant. When discussing fertility there is NO SUCH THING AS TMI!* (*exception; photos of your bodily fluids, that is too much)

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Helpful Acronyms!

(Acronyms are not mandatory, but are useful to know, and do help to shorten your own posts / replies)

A more extensive list is available here.

Acronym Term
AF Aunt Flow (your period)
BBT basal body temperature
BCP birth control pills
BD baby dance (sex)
BFP/BFN big fat positive / big fat negative (pregnancy test)
CD cycle day
CM cervical mucus
CP chemical pregnancy (an early miscarriage)
DevBio /u/DevelopmentalBiology - moderator extraordinaire and resident expert in developmental biology
DPO (cycle) day post ovulation
EOD every other day
EP ectopic pregnancy
EWCM eggwhite CM (the fertile stuff!)
FF FertilityFriend.com (popular website for temping/charting)
FMU first morning urine
FW fertile window/fertile week
FP follicular phase
FRER First Response Early Result pregnancy test
HBC hormonal birth control
HCG human chorionic gonadotropin (what's measured on an HPT)
HPT Home pregnancy test
HSG Hysterosalpingogram
IUI Intrauterine insemination
IVF In vitro fertilisation
LH luteinizing hormone (what's measured by an OPK)
LP luteal phase
MC miscarriage
MMC missed miscarriage
NTNP not trying, not preventing
O ovulation
O-1 O minus one; one day before ovulation (also O-2, O-3, etc.)
OPK ovulation predictor kit
POAS pee on a stick
PCOS Polycystic ovarian syndrome
RE Reproductive endocrinologist
SA semen analysis
SMEP Sperm Meets Egg Plan
TCOYF Taking Charge of Your Fertility (informative book by Toni Weschler)
TI timed intercourse
TTC trying to conceive
TW trigger warning (precedes a post/statement which may be triggering to some users)
TWW two-week wait (post-ovulation, pre-pregnancy test)
WTT waiting to try (for those pre-TTC)
WTO waiting to ovulate

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Bag of emotions today

Tonight I had a rather large community event at my business. My family used my business as a meet- up spot before going to the other businesses… everything was going great. Until I see a random envelope given to my step mom from my step brother… I immediately look at his wife and ask her if she pregnant. She said confirmed and I made a very questionable statements (kinda feel bad for that lol) told her I was happy for her but had to excuse myself rather quickly before I bursted into tears infront of the 500 people coming through my door. My sister is also newly expecting… I’m the only one in the family trying like hell and literally the only one not pregnant. That’s one side- the other side of my emotional distress is I’m pissed because that was not the time or place feel as though they were just very inconsiderate of how that would make me feel as I have had many many conversations with them about my state of mind with TTC, I’m frustrated. But maybe that’s selfish of me? We literally are having our thanksgiving dinner tomorrow… and come to find out- she’s not even confirmed yet and decided to do this whole big thing. I am happy for them, but that side of the family has always been shitty to me and my husband.. always. So maybe this is another instance I just need to let roll off my back like I do everything else? Is a combination of my frustration and circumstance it happened is why I’m feeling so mad about the whole thing? Am I being crazy? I also want to add when my sister told me, she did it in a manner where she was conscious about my feelings and that made it a lot easier for me to feel that excitement for her and give me that spark to get excited about everything again because like how fun it would be to be kinda close in pregnancies. My husband and I have been TTC hard for 6-7 months since a loss- we are supposed to be spending the holidays as a family of 3 this year.. and now all this. Ugh, I’m sad.

04:47 UTC


TTC for 1 year

Hi all, my partner 28M and I 27F have been TTC for 1 year. This month I started letrozole 2.5mg, and I’ve just gotten my period. I feel very overwhelmed and honestly I feel very tried. Month after month I get a negative pregnancy test. I’m sick of people telling me - “stop stressing, it’ll happen.”

My questions are: how many months should I try letrozole for? I’m going to start it again now, but my dr has recommended we start IVF in January 2025. He suggested skipping the IUI due to the fact that it’s an 18% success rate.

For some background about myself and my partner. Both our blood tests, genetic tests are all normal. My progesterone is low. My AMH is 5.9 which is considered low for my age. My partner and I are non smokers, non drinkers. We eat healthy, we exercise several times per week. Both have normal weights. So I’m just confused honestly. I don’t understand why I have a low egg count. I’ve been tested for endo and PCOS, I don’t have either. My period comes once a month, but I am spotting for the first 3-5 days, then normal flow for 1-2 days, then back to spotting.

I’m currently taking folic acid and iron. Basically I just want to know if you think I’m missing anything or doing something wrong. I use ovulation sticks during my ovulation week and they’re always positive. We try every day during that week. Thanks for your help in advance.

01:53 UTC


How would you tell your spouse when you’re finally pregnant again after a loss?

TW: Miscarriage

Hubby and I stopped using protection right after our wedding and we conceived during our honeymoon. We were so happy about this, but unfortunately during my first appointment with my OB, we found out it was a blighted ovum. It took more than a couple months for my hormones to normalize back to me having a period.

My cycle has been very regular and now that we’re putting forth a good faith effort to TTC, I wonder how I would tell hubby once I have a positive home pregnancy test one day. During my first pregnancy, I was able to surprise him with the pregnancy test in a gift box with a cute little onesie. This was before we found out from my OB that it was a blighted ovum and that I’d miscarry. Hubby once mentioned changing my OB, which was surprising to me because we both really liked him and his team. He later revealed that he just brought that up because he didn’t have a good association with the ultrasound room where we found out the bad news. We’ve since both agreed to keep the same OB and we would look at the room as a space where we could still get good news.

I can’t imagine hubby not being at my first ultrasound, but I’m also hesitant about telling him about a positive pregnancy test before confirming viability at the OB office. He has shifted his perspective about the OB office, but now maybe I’m the one who needs a shift in perspective. Ladies, should I be more positive and hopeful and give him a cute surprise again once it happens? Or should I go and confirm viability at the doctor’s office by myself before I tell him? I tend to over analyze things, so I don’t know if I’m thinking too much into it.

00:17 UTC


Anyone develop anemia or worse iron deficiency after chemical pregnancy?

I had a chemical pregnancy (very very early on miscarriage) a few weeks back.

My iron levels have always been a bit low. Since then though I’m feeling a bit off balanced, not dizzy per se, but like a rocking on the boat sensation, and some slight odd vision- like slightly blurry shaky, wavy vision. Almost like looking through a heat haze when I’m staring at still objects. Just feels off.

To me these seem to point to some anemia symptoms if I remember correctly? Anyone else?

I wonder if bleeding a bit heavier than a regular period would be enough to make me iron deficient or anemic again from the early MC?

I’m getting labs in a few weeks but thought I’d see if anyone else felt very physical effects like this after their chemical or early MC?

23:45 UTC


TTC and upcoming MRI- I would be barely pregnant, is it safe?

So we’re trying to conceive right now (and last week.)

I have an upcoming MRI for my lower back (lumbar spine) in just over two weeks.

If I am positive by then, I would be about 3 weeks pregnant, basically “barely pregnant”?

The first day of my last period was November 18th.

Anyhow, I have mixed feelings about getting an MRI during early pregnancy, however this might be the exception as I’d be EXTREMELY early on, barely after implantation even.

Would this be absolutely safe and fine to get an MRI (no contrast) so early on in pregnancy, and possibly during the implantation process?

Has anyone done this and went on to have healthy babies and felt fine about it?

Yes, I know I can ask my doctor but unfortunately she’s on holiday for another few weeks, so asking you fine Redditors until then.

I also understand I do not have the positive test yet. This is more so a “what if” situation to see if it will be safe during this procedure, incase I am pregnant by then.

Thank you! ❤️

22:37 UTC


Back Issues & How to Cope While TFAB

I have a congenital spinal issue that has caused my lower back (L2-S1) discs to bulge/herniate over the last 8 or so years. I’ve lost weight, had gastric sleeve surgery, and still have had inflammation and some nerve symptoms. The doctors have me doing PT and I’m working with a dietician, also just good old fashioned therapy.

The doctors suggested a cortisone shot, which from light research doesn’t affect fertility. We’ve been trying for four cycles now and I just have this feeling it’s not going to happen until my back is somewhat figured out. I’m not in pain really, just discomfort and some random symptoms and soreness occasionally. Of course, life is also crazy during the holidays. I’m trying to see things realistically and not get sad about not being able to tell our family we’re pregnant for Christmas.

I’m curious if anyone else has had back concerns and how they’re dealing with it? Obviously I’m working with my docs to make sure I’m making sound decisions I’m just curious how people are coping and what they’re considering for their back and fertility wellness. Any encouragement is also cool lol.

Ty 💕

19:09 UTC


Would you consider this a letrozole success?

Hey everyone!

I’m unsure if I should tell my doctor if the letrozole worked or not. I had my first cycle of just taking letrozole only at 2.5 mg.

I do ovulate on my own but I have PCOS so it’s very inconsistent. My last cycle I ovulated naturally on CD 23. This cycle I am currently on cycle day 23 again my the Premom test is dark but not as dark as the test line and the clear blue advance test is now a solid smile so I think I’ll be ovulating in the next day or 2.

The doctor told me I should have a positive ovulation test 5-12 days after finishing my last dose of letrozole. This would have been cycle day 19 at the latest according to her instructions. So I’m probably ovulating 5 or 6 days later than her instructions. So because of that am I correct in assuming the letrozole didn’t work and I just ovulated on my own?

Also wanted to add it’s really rare that I ovulated around the same time the past 2 cycles. Usually it’s like cycle day 34, then 65, then 20, it’s all over the place.

19:02 UTC


Wondering Weekend

That question you've been wanting to ask, but just didn't want to feel silly. Now's your chance! No question is too big or too small. This thread will be checked all weekend, so feel free to chime in on Saturday or Sunday!

11:00 UTC


General Chat November 30

Anything, within the rules, goes.

Don't forget to check out our themed threads! If the links below don't take you to the most recent thread, check back in a couple of hours.

Moody Monday, Temping Tuesday, Giveaway Tuesday, Waiting Wednesday, Wondering Wednesday, Trying Again Thursday, Thankful Thursday, Health and Wellness Thursday, Looking Forward Friday, Wondering Weekend, 35 and Ova, COVID-19 Discussion.

There's also the Weekly Introductions and Read Me Thread, which contains links to all sorts of handy bits of info, like popular wiki posts and acronyms.

09:00 UTC


12 days of EWCM, a positive OPK, and no temp rise

Hi everyone, I’m hoping someone can give me some insight into wtf is going on with my cycle. I had a mc at 8.5 weeks on Nov 7. I know it’s normal for the first cycle after to be off, but this is definitely outside what I expected.

As is normal for me, I started seeing substantial EWCM on CD12. I usually ovulate CD15/16. On day 16, I went dry, so I thought I ovulated, but I hadn’t had a positive OPK yet. EWCM came back the next day and has been consistent for 7 more days (now CD23). I had a positive OPK on CD20, but three days later and no temp rise and still producing EWCM. I’ve never seen my fertile window drag on like this. Usually my cycle is 27-30 days and reasonably consistent.

Any thoughts on what’s happening or what I might expect? Anyone experience a long period of EWCM like this? Is it likely my body will try to ovulate again? Would love to hear others experiences.

Thank you!

05:43 UTC


IUI-I need some help thinking about this

Hi y’all. Im sure there have been 100 posts like this. But I’m too burned out to look through it all. I don’t know what to do. We have been trying for 2 years now. I had a chemical pregnancy from a medicated and monitored cycle a few months ago. Unexplained infertility. Husband had 2 normal SAs and one abnormal (progression). I need Letrozole to ovulate regularly but since I’ve been on it (about a year) I’m pretty consistent. Without it my cycles are long and irregular. But I’ve never been diagnosed with anything. Our first round of IUI just failed and I’m more depressed than I knew was possible. I need a plan. I don’t know how much more to try this. Our doctor just keeps saying it’s “up to us.” And of course reminding us of better chances with IVF. But we really can’t afford it- it’s 20,000. Our insurance covers nothing. I guess I’m looking for encouragement- that maybe we are doing the right thing by trying IUI again, or that we have a chance. IUI is $3000 per cycle so it’s no small investment either. I don’t want to do IVF unless I have to. But am I wasting my time with IUI? I don’t know how much more of this I have in me you guys. I’m so tired. Trying to be strong but coming up towards another holiday season is just hurting me so badly. Let me know what you think.

04:00 UTC


Looking for resources on pregnancy planning that are social Justice / reproductive justice minded?

I am looking for resources (books, podcasts, websites, influencers, etc) that are from a reproductive justice perspective or social justice perspective. I am imagining resources that discuss planning pregnancy by considering your whole health, using a holistic approach to healthcare, recognizing the disparities in maternal health outcomes for marginalized communities, and/or discussing healthcare outside the traditional medical system (ex: relying on doulas in addition to ob/gyns during pregnancy).

Anything you may have will be helpful:)

For context: Reproductive justice is the framework that says everyone has the right to bodily autonomy, to raise a child, not raise a child, and raise the children they have in safe and sustainable communities.

03:17 UTC


NSAIDs vs ovulation

So I took antibiotics and a pretty hefty daily dose of NSAIDs (ponstan, a mefenamic acid) from days 7 through 17 of my cycle. We've decided to start ttc on my next cycle so we had unprotected sex on CD 28 (obviously understanding that's not my fertile window, but if we're going to try next month anyway, why bother with BC)

It's now day 35 and no period to see. My cycles are super regular, always 28-30 days. I'm only just realising that the painkillers could have delayed or prevented ovulation.

Basically... is it more likely they suppressed ovulation completely such that I should assume I'm on day 7 of the next cycle? Or could they have delayed ovulation such that our day 28 sex was actually during a fertile window?

I'm freaking out because I'm so used to it all being like clockwork!

21:22 UTC


Ovulating early?

Been ttc for five cycles now, partner is 27 yr old male and I’m 38 year old female. Got pregnant very easily two years ago with our son. Been trying to track periods and monitoring cervical mucus etc. My periods seem to be fairly regular — at least, I usually get my periods around the time the apps predict, give or take a day or two. Have tried the cheap ovulation test strips for three cycles but never gotten a true positive. Tried a ClearBlue digital for the first time this cycle and got my first :) positive yesterday — But I got it on CD 11. This seems early to me. Like, my fertile window would have started only a few days after my period ended. Baby danced last night and this morning, 🤞🤞 but wondering if the reason we’re not getting pregnant is maybe I’m ovulating too early each cycle? Not only would we be missing the fertile window but maybe the egg doesn’t have enough time to mature properly. Any insight? 🙏

11:23 UTC


High dose of estrace and progesterone after IUI is making me drowsy

35F. I had my first IUI on Monday and this my second cycle with the clinic.

I was asked to take 2mg of estrace since Tuesday and 600mg (200mg 3 times a day) since Thursday . The fertility clinic gave me a printout with these instructions.

Now for some reason when I picked up the RX from pharmacy, it says to take 8mg of estrace (4 times a day) instead. I went back to the pharmacy to check and the pharmacist said that this clinic messes up the dosage all the time. They tell their patients one thing but send a different RX to the pharmacy. Pharmacist asked me to take just 2 mg of estrace.

Now I have a question about progesterone, does 600mg seem very high for anyone? I have never been tested for progesterone on day 21. Have always had regular periods. Unexplained infertility. Partners SA was great.

I have been feeling really sleepy and tired all day, and I have a pretty demanding job that requires me to be sharp.

I will try to call the clinic but the NPs there are not that helpful, the doctor is great though and that's why it's a popular clinic.

Post IUI/TI what has been your typical estrace and progesterone dose?

11:17 UTC


Looking Forward Friday

There’s so much that’s difficult about TTC, so this is a thread for looking to the future and thinking about life after TTC.

This week’s theme: It’s Black Friday! Have you seen any great deals out there that you just couldn’t resist?

11:00 UTC


General Chat November 29

Anything, within the rules, goes.

Don't forget to check out our themed threads! If the links below don't take you to the most recent thread, check back in a couple of hours.

Moody Monday, Temping Tuesday, Giveaway Tuesday, Waiting Wednesday, Wondering Wednesday, Trying Again Thursday, Thankful Thursday, Health and Wellness Thursday, Looking Forward Friday, Wondering Weekend, 35 and Ova, COVID-19 Discussion.

There's also the Weekly Introductions and Read Me Thread, which contains links to all sorts of handy bits of info, like popular wiki posts and acronyms.

09:00 UTC


trying again after a chemical pregnancy

so i had a chemical pregnancy a little over a week ago. i found out on the 18th, started bleeding and also had a blood test that confirmed it on the 21st. i’m pretty sure it’s over now, there’s still a little blood but it’s not fresh. me and my fiancé want to try again, but i’m not sure if anything will come out of this cycle (should i even consider it a period?).

i’m treating it as if it’s a regular cycle, i’m OPK testing again to hopefully catch my peak. i tested today and logged it with the PreMom app, my levels were .61 which i think is super good and is giving me a lot of hope.

i’m nervous about another chemical pregnancy, but i’m still hopeful that i will have a successful pregnancy. is there anything i should do prior to conception? i’m already taking multivitamins + folic acid. i just keep telling myself “if it sticks it sticks, if it doesn’t it doesn’t” but it is very deterring at some points.

03:49 UTC


Not sad after miscarriage

Hey all, I found out i was pregnant on the Saturday 21st of November. It was a shock, we were trying but i had a “period” (implantation bleed) so we didnt expect a pregnancy. I was about 5 weeks pregnant. I had my first beta on monday the 25th and it was 260, then on Wendesday 27th i had my second beta taken but then had a bleed. The 2nd Beta was 289 and then i went to hospital because i was bleeding, felt nauseous and really clammy. They did a beta there and it was 241.

I initially had a big cry when i saw the blood but then i was okay. I know 1 in 4 pregnancies (in australia where i am) have a miscarriage and i am one of them.

Im more sad seeing peoples reactions, than how sad i am about the loss of the pregnancy.

Is this normal? I feel so weird about not being sad.

-edit to update statistic

03:01 UTC


testing out my trigger shot

this is my second medicated cycle, first iui, after six years of infertility. i stopped taking pregnancy tests years ago because it was too painful to see negative after negative.

in the last six years i’ve had lots of therapy, emdr, etc. i’ve worked with a pelvic floor pt, and i am five months post my very successful endometriosis excision.

seeing a positive test for the first time (from my hcg trigger not from actual pregnancy) was so cool. 😂 i’m so grateful it wasn’t painful and that there hadn’t been any weird or complicated feelings with them. it’s just been really interesting. and i’ve taken them four days in a row now and watched it get fainter and fainter. i think tomorrow it’ll only have the one line and then it’s essentially waiting for that second line to hopefully come back.

anyway, i just wanted to share this experience with yall!

01:25 UTC


Husband and weed?

My husband and I have been discussing trying for our next these past few months. As I have been focusing on how best to prepare my body for another pregnancy, I had completely forgotten about the fact that he has smoked weed a handful of times since we’ve had the discussion.

We wanted to start next month, but now I am totally freaked out that weed may have had an impact on his sperm morphology.

It’s truly only been a handful of times, so maybe like 5? Over the past couple of months or so but still, I want us to be starting off from the healthiest place possible. I’ve read that after smoking you should wait about 70 days or 2-3 months before TTC.

Anyone have thoughts or opinions on this? Would you wait the few months or just go ahead and start trying?

16:46 UTC


DHEA-S & 17 OH Progesterone Lab Results

Hi everyone! | (24F) and my husband (25M) have been trying for a baby for 2 years. We had a CP a year ago and since then, nothing.

I went to a new OB-GYN and I was finally able to get some bloodwork done. They only tested for DHEA-s and 17 OH progesterone. The tests were done on CD4. I have a history of PCOS but when I saw the results for my DHEA-S I became concerned because of how high it was. I have a CD12 transvaginal ultrasound next week and hopefully my doctor will explain my results to me and tell me what the next steps are.

The results are the following: DHEA-S: >1000 (reference interval: 110.0-431.7, unit: ug/ dl) 17-OH Progesterone LCMS: 41 unit ng/dl. (Since I was in my follicular phase the reference is 15-70).

I'm just looking to see if anyone has had similar results? I know my doctor will explain everything next week, but I was just wondering if anyone can give any advice or tips or share their story.

I feel like this is the first step (or next step after understanding LH, ovulation, BBT, etc) into understating my hormones and what they do and how they affect my inability to have a baby. So it's a bit confusing understanding some of these things that are being tested. So anything helps and I would be really appreciative!

16:23 UTC


Can I not take folic acid?

Hello all! First time posting here, but need advice.

I’m 35 years old and me and my husband decided to start trying for a baby soon.

I tried taking prenatal vitamins and later two different brands of only folic acid, but all of them is giving me stiff neck and horrible headaches. Each time I stop them, it goes away after a few days.

I tried to push through, but now I’m sitting at home with terrible headache, anxiety, heart palpitations and neck pain. Tomorrow I’m definitely stopping the pills, because it makes me miserable.

Is it possible to have healthy pregnancy without taking folic acid? I have a very healthy diet, but I wonder if it’s enough..

Thank you in advance for your advice.

13:01 UTC


WWYD - start clomid or wait?

To make a long story short - • went off BC in January 2024 • only had 4 periods this year (April, May, September, August) • TTC since June when I thought after my April and May periods my cycle was back to normal, then went on to not have a period until September. • chemical pregnancy prior to October period, as a result of ovulation in September • now on CD 45 after period in October (which was following the chemical) - have not ovulated • my biggest fear is taking another 120 days to ovulate - after being crushed over the chemical, I just don’t have the patience • we’ve only had 1 to 2 real chances to try since deciding to start - and it’s been 6 months • yesterday doctor prescribed progesterone (to start period) and clomid, but warned about risks with multiples, etc

I started the progesterone last night to cause a withdrawal bleed. Should I also start the clomid (when it’s time) so that I can (hopefully) have a chance to try every month? That was my plan going into my doctor’s appointment, but her warnings about the risks shook my confidence about my own plan. WWYD?

12:53 UTC


Thankful Thursday

TTC can be a very difficult time, but all of us have someone (or many someones) or something that helps keep us sane. Share what you're grateful for this week!

1 Comment
11:00 UTC


Trying Again Thursday

Are you trying to conceive baby number 2/3/n+1? Have questions about TTC while breastfeeding, or bedsharing, or just being plain exhausted? This is your place!

11:00 UTC


How can I support my wife during our IVF journey

Hi everyone,

I could really use some advice. To give you a bit of context, due to having had cancer, I can’t conceive naturally. My wife and I have been pursuing the sperm donor route. She’s in her early 30s, and earlier this year, we had a chance with the donor in May, but unfortunately, it ended in a miscarriage.

Recently, she’s started IVF again. We had a follicle check today, but there wasn’t sufficient growth, which has really brought her down. We’re going in for another check tomorrow, but she’s struggling emotionally, and I don’t know how to lift her spirits.

She would make an amazing mum—there’s no doubt in my mind—but as we head into another Christmas without starting our family, it’s been tough for both of us. I feel like I’ve run out of ways to make her happy, and it breaks my heart to see her this way.

For those of you who’ve been through something similar, what would you suggest? How can I be there for her in the best way possible?

09:52 UTC


General Chat November 28

Anything, within the rules, goes.

Don't forget to check out our themed threads! If the links below don't take you to the most recent thread, check back in a couple of hours.

Moody Monday, Temping Tuesday, Giveaway Tuesday, Waiting Wednesday, Wondering Wednesday, Trying Again Thursday, Thankful Thursday, Health and Wellness Thursday, Looking Forward Friday, Wondering Weekend, 35 and Ova, COVID-19 Discussion.

There's also the Weekly Introductions and Read Me Thread, which contains links to all sorts of handy bits of info, like popular wiki posts and acronyms.

09:00 UTC


Advice Needed TTC medicated cycle

Hi. Just hoping to get some advice. I am currently on my last medicated cycle until next steps but as of right now, i am on metformin 500mg twice daily (my insulin was a bit high but my RE and fertility nurse seem to think I do not have PCOS as I have suspected I may have, cabergoline once weekly (my prolactin was high but since I've begun this medication it has regulated), letrozole cycle days 3-7, trigger on November 18th, timed intercourse 19th, 20th and 21st, and progesterone starting on Nov 20th. I've felt no symptoms other than period like cramps. I tested for fun today lol (silly me) and it was stark white.

I know they say trigger stays in your system and that's why you shouldn't test till 14 days pass. So I'm confused. In my opinion, I am SO out lol. And I don't know.. maybe I'm extremely overwhelmed but I cannot for the life of me calculate ovulation lol. So I don't even what days pass ovulation I am.. I think I can't think straight. Just want to cry lol.

Any insight or advice would be appreciated!

01:09 UTC


Wife not in the mood although excited to try for a baby.

My wife (36F) and I (40M) started trying for a baby. We spent some time together leaning as much as possible and we were super excited.

Last month was the first ovulation cycle we tried to conceave and we had sex once during the day she said was the optimal day. A couple days later I felt like we should maybe do it more often (every other day) to raise our chances and we talked about it and while she agreed she said its just hard to get in the mood on most days. I get it and I backed off.

Side note: Its nothing new for us, It has always been difficult for her to be in the mood for sex and sometime we spend months without doing it. I learned to get her in the mood over time and when we do its very passionate and sometime it is so good we'd do it twice in the same day. But to get there, Its a lot of work for me the majority of the time and I pray that nothing happen to screw it up.

We are now on our second cycle, and a couple days in and I dont want to pressure her whats so ever. But I feel like we'll end up doing it once again and cross our fingers, and it drives me crazy.

Am i over reacting here? Is doing it once more then enough and Im just freakin out over nothing?

00:14 UTC

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