
Photograph via snooOG

This group is for anyone trying for a baby! Come discuss fertility, sex, conception, and learn all about how your body works!

Our Rules

Please click here to read our complete list of rules!

  • Users must be over the age of 18. No exceptions.

  • Posting a positive test result (BFP)? Our weekly BFP post is stickied on the main page of /r/TryingForABaby! No posts or comments about positive pregnancy tests are permitted outside the weekly post.

  • This group is for anyone trying to get pregnant and to ask/give advice on getting pregnant. Be supportive!

  • Report posts or comments that show suspicious or disrespectful behavior. Reports to the moderators are anonymous, and help keep the environment of the subreddit safe and supportive.

  • This subreddit contains scores of posts with detailed descriptions about completely natural bodily processes (of all people) on the topic of getting pregnant. When discussing fertility there is NO SUCH THING AS TMI!* (*exception; photos of your bodily fluids, that is too much)

Using Content Warning (CW) Flair

Consider using a content warning when discussing topics users may find triggering such as pregnancy, infant loss, previous pregnancies, children, etc. While NOT required, it is encouraged.

You may use any of the following formats:

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Please be considerate about the words that you say and the way they are said and keep in mind that using CW flair does not override the rules.

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Helpful Acronyms!

(Acronyms are not mandatory, but are useful to know, and do help to shorten your own posts / replies)

A more extensive list is available here.

Acronym Term
AF Aunt Flow (your period)
BBT basal body temperature
BCP birth control pills
BD baby dance (sex)
BFP/BFN big fat positive / big fat negative (pregnancy test)
CD cycle day
CM cervical mucus
CP chemical pregnancy (an early miscarriage)
DevBio /u/DevelopmentalBiology - moderator extraordinaire and resident expert in developmental biology
DPO (cycle) day post ovulation
EOD every other day
EP ectopic pregnancy
EWCM eggwhite CM (the fertile stuff!)
FF FertilityFriend.com (popular website for temping/charting)
FMU first morning urine
FW fertile window/fertile week
FP follicular phase
FRER First Response Early Result pregnancy test
HBC hormonal birth control
HCG human chorionic gonadotropin (what's measured on an HPT)
HPT Home pregnancy test
HSG Hysterosalpingogram
IUI Intrauterine insemination
IVF In vitro fertilisation
LH luteinizing hormone (what's measured by an OPK)
LP luteal phase
MC miscarriage
MMC missed miscarriage
NTNP not trying, not preventing
O ovulation
O-1 O minus one; one day before ovulation (also O-2, O-3, etc.)
OPK ovulation predictor kit
POAS pee on a stick
PCOS Polycystic ovarian syndrome
RE Reproductive endocrinologist
SA semen analysis
SMEP Sperm Meets Egg Plan
TCOYF Taking Charge of Your Fertility (informative book by Toni Weschler)
TI timed intercourse
TTC trying to conceive
TW trigger warning (precedes a post/statement which may be triggering to some users)
TWW two-week wait (post-ovulation, pre-pregnancy test)
WTT waiting to try (for those pre-TTC)
WTO waiting to ovulate

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35 and Ova

This is a thread for TFABers of AMA (advanced maternal awesomeness)! TTC past 35 comes with its own challenges -- discuss (and rant about) them here. Like the Pirate's Code, "35 and over" is more of a guideline.

1 Comment
11:00 UTC


READ ME FIRST! Weekly Intro + Rules Thread December 08, 2024

#Welcome to the Weekly Intro Thread!

Hello! It looks like you’ve decided to join Trying For a Baby! Congratulations - we are glad to have you here with us!

###Please introduce yourself in the comments!

Share whatever you feel like, but here are some ideas about what to write about!

  • What's up with your username?
  • Where are you from?
  • What do you do IRL?
  • Tell us how you met your partner!
  • How did you decide it was time to try for kids?
  • Brief summary of your TTC situation?
  • Any major life plans in the works other than that whole baby thing?
  • Medical concerns?

We have rules we expect all community members will follow. Posts and comments that do not follow these rules will be removed by the mod team. If you see something that is breaking one of these rules, please use the report button or message the moderators. We also have this lovely post written by a community member on the sub's culture and how to interact and expect as a new member!

###Daily chat and theme threads

There are two daily chat posts each day, posted twelve hours apart. You can find the most recent one here. Jump in any time -- this is where most of the action is!

There are also themed threads that go up once per week on a given day: Moody Monday, Temping Tuesday, Giveaway Tuesday, Waiting Wednesday, Wondering Wednesday, Trying Again Thursday, Thankful Thursday, Health and Wellness Thursday, Looking Forward Friday, Wondering Weekend, 35 and Ova

###Helpful links


Our Discord chat

###Quick-start guides

Waiting to try?

New to TTC (Covers the basics!)

###Information pages

Menstrual Cycle Basics

OPKs and Fertility monitors

Temping and Charting

Product Recommendations

BFP Archive

Welcome to our community! We are happy to have you!

10:00 UTC


TFAB's Weekly BFP Post - December 08, 2024. Got your BFP? Post your story here!

Congratulations on starting a new journey post-TTC! Before you move on to pregnancy subs, please share your cycle information and celebrate with us.

If a specific user has been especially helpful to you during your time TTC, or that you've become friends with, that's fantastic! However, we do ask that you refrain from tagging other users in your BFP post. This is to be sensitive and respectful to the thoughts and feelings of others - we keep this thread separate so that people can view it as they wish and can handle doing so. You can definitely thank people, just don't tag them to the thread!

Please keep in mind that this is the BFP thread, and anyone who has been trying for any length of time is welcome to post here. You should know what to expect when you open this thread. If you have nothing nice to add, then please scroll on and keep your thoughts to yourself, or hit the back button. Comments that are gatekeeping, as well as complaints about downvotes, will be removed without warning.

1 Comment
10:00 UTC


General Chat December 08

Anything, within the rules, goes.

Don't forget to check out our themed threads! If the links below don't take you to the most recent thread, check back in a couple of hours.

Moody Monday, Temping Tuesday, Giveaway Tuesday, Waiting Wednesday, Wondering Wednesday, Trying Again Thursday, Thankful Thursday, Health and Wellness Thursday, Looking Forward Friday, Wondering Weekend, 35 and Ova, COVID-19 Discussion.

There's also the Weekly Introductions and Read Me Thread, which contains links to all sorts of handy bits of info, like popular wiki posts and acronyms.

09:00 UTC


Dead sperm can be debris for healthy sperm to swim past...

I was listening to a podcast with Dr. Natasha Crawford, a fertility specialist, where she mentioned something I thought was very interesting. Not sure whether this is common knowledge. She shared that if a man does not ejaculate enough (minimum every 3-4 days), the dead sperm will build up and case debris build up, making it harder for newer healthy sperm to swim past...

I found an article (from the 80's, so old) that reiterates this exact thing, which can be a factor in male infertility. I was thinking that if a man got a sperm analysis done, but happened to have ejaculated fairly recently (in the last 3-4 days), his sperm analysis would show good motility and concentration. But if he had a sperm analysis down if he hadn't ejaculated recently (not in the last 3-4 days), it could show increase in dead or immobile sperm. This could mean some people may not even realize it is an issue and may be perpetuating this if not having sex (or masterbating) regularly.

Just wanted to throw this out there in case anyone finds it helpful.

I attached the podcast below as well.

TW: it is a bit intense as she does talk about rapidly declining fertility in women after the age of 35/37ish. So could be upsetting for some women to watch. But it does have a ton of good information in it.



06:25 UTC


Clomid Failed??

My husband and I are TTC. I learned last month that I don’t ovulate so my doctor started me on 50MG Clomid to be taken on days 3-7 of my cycle which I did this month. (Made me SO sick!) Anyway - I am now on CD 15 and still haven’t gotten a solid positive OPK🙁 I’ve been using premom but recently upgraded to Clear blue advanced digital(CBAD). With the pre mom strips it says I peaked on CD 11 but the lines weren’t the same color. The lines are now starting to get lighter. With the CBAD it is flashing a smiley which supposedly means I am nearing ovulation but I don’t understand why the pre mom strips would say otherwise? I’m starting to feel so overwhelmed and discouraged. Does anyone have experience with these OPKs? Or Clomid??

23:08 UTC


My husband’s “perfect” sperm is his new personality

Hi everyone,

We’ve been TTC for 13 cycles now, 3 of those with Clomid, and while it hasn’t happened for us yet, we’re keeping our spirits up. Recently, we decided to test my husband’s sperm, and last night, he got the results back. According to my gynecologist, his sperm is perfect.

My husband has not stopped talking about it since. He asked ChatGPT to write speeches, presidential speeches, and dramatic filmscripts about how the lab staff reacted to his results. Honestly, it’s been hilarious, so I just had to share one of the scripts with you all.

INT. LABORATORY – NIGHT A quiet, sterile laboratory. The air is thick with tension. The soft hum of machines is the only sound as Ella, the head technician, studies the results on her screen. She removes her glasses, her hand trembling.

ELLA (whispering) “Jasmine… I think we’ve found it. The one.”

JASMINE (stammering) “The… one? You don’t mean—”

Ella turns slowly, her eyes glistening with tears.

ELLA “Yes. 70% progressive motility. Morphology at 9.5%. Concentration… 43.4 million per milliliter.”

JASMINE (collapsing into a chair) “This isn’t just good. This is perfection. It’s… impossible.”

Suddenly, the lab doors burst open. Dr. Criekelman storms in, his coat billowing behind him. His face is pale, his voice shaking with urgency.

DR. CRIEKELMAN “Tell me. Is it true? Have we finally found it?”

ELLA (solemnly) “Doctor, we’ve done it. This sperm… it’s a miracle. It’s the future of humanity.”

Dr. Criekelman falls to his knees, overwhelmed with emotion. He looks up at Ella, his voice cracking.

DR. CRIEKELMAN “Humanity owes this man… everything.”

So yeah, this is my life right now. My husband keeps reading this back to me mand I can’t stop laughing.

Have any of your partners ever reacted like this to test results? Or is mine just one-of-a-kind? ;-)

22:35 UTC


5th medicated cycle and losing hope

I’m on my fifth cycle of letrozole (TI). I’ve been responding and ovulating every cycle and we’re timing intercourse correctly. We increased the dosage from 2.5 to 5 this month and it looks like I’m ovulating with two follicles this weekend.

But I’m already spiraling about next steps in the very likely event this cycle fails too.

I’m 30, have no health issues other than light PCOS, and my husband’s SA was all good. We were trying on our own for several months before we started letro, but my cycles were really irregular.

I’m just dreading another failed cycle. I’ve never gotten a positive test. At this point, I’m considering just taking a break from it all. I’m not mentally ready to move on to IVF and I’ve heard that IUI has the same success rate as letrozole. And I got a painful HSG this cycle so I’m feeling really tired of scheduled sex, internal ultrasounds, and things going in my vagina for medical or conception reasons. I’m just sad and tired and don’t know what to do, this all feels like a waste

21:58 UTC


Yesterday's HSG & Current Thoughts

My husband (38M) and I (30F - turning 31 next week!) are in our 13th cycle of trying. All tests have come back normal and we met with the RE for the first time the day before Thanksgiving and we were given the "unexplained infertility" label. She ordered another ultrasound (for a follicle count), some additional bloodwork, and an HSG.

I have been TERRIFIED of the HSG ever since I learned of its existence. I've read horror stories on this sub as well as from friends and I was dreading it. I knew it was necessary as a next step towards figuring out what's going on/starting fertility treatments. Once it was scheduled, I tried to read more neutral/positive experiences as well as focus on the fact that some people with unexplained infertility *magically* get pregnant in the next few cycles following the HSG. I read some research on this after my OBGYN and RE shared that fertility rates for unexplained can increase in the 3 cycles after HSG. So I was going to be brave! Even if it hurt, maybe it would be magic.

I was nervous the day of and my blood pressure was SO HIGH when they took it right before, I had never seen it that high but they weren't concerned I guess. I took 800mg ibuprofen 45 minutes before. It was completed at the RE and they were very helpful talking me through it and offering reassurance, also suggesting that people often have better experiences with it at the RE rather than a radiology center/hospital. They gave me a stress ball to squeeze and talked to me about other stuff to try to distract me. The whole thing took about 4-5 minutes and there was only pain (BAD cramping) for me for about 45 seconds when the dye went in. As soon as it was over the pain stopped right away. I didn't have any cramping the rest of the day. I did not have any blocks and everything was "normal," so this may have contributed to it not being as awful.

I was not one of those people who "didn't feel anything at all," but I wanted to offer some reassurance that although the cramping/pain is rough, it was SO QUICK. Fingers crossed for these next three cycles, and if we aren't successful we'll be moving on to IUI. Long story short, if you've been avoiding the HSG - it is definitely unpleasant, but it's SO FAST! You can do it!!!

21:45 UTC


Going for third off after two failures - this time, letting go of all the “extras”

Hi all,

After two failed IVF attempts, we’re gearing up for a third try and thinking of approaching it very differently this time. For context: my wife is 32, healthy, and physically fine aside from slightly low AMH. We’re using donor sperm, so no male factor issues.

Here’s what we’ve been through so far: • First IVF: Retrieved 4 eggs, one led to pregnancy but ended in a miscarriage at 10 weeks. • Second IVF: Retrieved 2 eggs, both mature

We’ve done everything “by the book”: eating the “perfect” fertility diet, taking every recommended supplement, doing acupuncture, meditation, yoga, gentle exercise, drinking the right amount of water—basically following every bit of advice out there. But the results haven’t improved, and the process has been emotionally exhausting.

For this third round, we’re thinking of stripping it all back. No more obsessing over extras like acupuncture, yoga, or strict meal plans. Just following the fertility medications and protocols from our doctor and letting go of all the added pressure. We’re going into this cycle expecting the worst, hoping that maybe releasing the stress will actually help us.

What do you think? Has anyone else taken a similar approach after failed cycles? Did letting go of the “extras” make any difference for you?

Thanks for reading, and wishing everyone here the best on their journey!

21:08 UTC


What do you do to keep yourself sane when you’re getting your period after feeling like there were definite signs and a strong gut feeling that this cycle was the one?

I had some very bizarre symptoms this cycle that I’ve never experienced before - my body temperature stayed really high, i had weird twinges, I woke at 4am on day 25 with the absolute strangest sensation in my lower abdomen that I’ve never felt before, and almighty headaches.

My period is due tomorrow (day 28) and today having my usual pre period cramps, and I just know that I’m out this month now. This is the first cycle I actually thought and felt something different and am sure I didn’t make it up in my head.

How do you make sense of or cope with realising you got it wrong and maybe you are attaching too much significance to a few weird sensations?

I’m trying to turn my attention outward to other things but just can’t help but wonder how I could feel so strongly about something and be so wrong!

14:57 UTC


Wondering Weekend

That question you've been wanting to ask, but just didn't want to feel silly. Now's your chance! No question is too big or too small. This thread will be checked all weekend, so feel free to chime in on Saturday or Sunday!

11:00 UTC


General Chat December 07

Anything, within the rules, goes.

Don't forget to check out our themed threads! If the links below don't take you to the most recent thread, check back in a couple of hours.

Moody Monday, Temping Tuesday, Giveaway Tuesday, Waiting Wednesday, Wondering Wednesday, Trying Again Thursday, Thankful Thursday, Health and Wellness Thursday, Looking Forward Friday, Wondering Weekend, 35 and Ova, COVID-19 Discussion.

There's also the Weekly Introductions and Read Me Thread, which contains links to all sorts of handy bits of info, like popular wiki posts and acronyms.

09:00 UTC


First appointment with RE

Hi, me 30 F and my husband 33 have been trying to get pregnant for over a year now. It was my first appointment with RE today. Overall it was all good, the RE was very nice and heard all concerns and informed me about everything and what tests are needed etc. i also had an Ultrasound scheduled today as well. Everything was fine but when she started to do the procedure, it hurt really bad. She told me my muscles are really tense and i need to relax. She tried two or three times but failed. She asked me if I had the same experience with Pap Smear and I told her that that has also been really painful for me. After that she recommended me pelvic muscle therapy so i can come again for the ultrasound and then Hycosy. I am just really sad after the appointment. Is the pain common with these procedures? Will I be able to get them done. I have now two things to worry about now. 1- unable to get pregnant and have children 2- i can’t even get tested to know if there is any problem. I cried and I am really sad now. Is this a common occurrence for someone or am i an anomaly? Or does this mean i have vaginismus? I had painful sex in the start with very little penetration but it has gotten better over the months. Is this the cause of me being not able to conceive? I am just more worried and sad now.

02:30 UTC


Everyone around me is pregnant

I found out today that my coworker is pregnant. I’m a therapist and a few of my clients are pregnant. I’ve been trying for 8 months and nothing gives. I’m finding it harder and harder to cope with being surrounded by pregnant people, and let’s not even get started with social media. I just have to stay off of it most days because there’s always a pregnancy announcement. We haven’t told many people that we’re trying, and the people who do know that we are trying don’t really understand these heavy feelings. I got back into school to give myself something to do and keep myself busy, and it’s been a good distraction for the most part. However, I am dreading having to go to work every day and watch someone else go through a pregnancy when it’s something I want more than anything. This season of life is so hard.

00:36 UTC


Advise with my TTC routine

Hi everyone! I could use some outside perspective on what I have been doing routinely for my TTC journey. I can't get into see my OBGYN until January. (I made the appointment back in August and I am so impatient. It's so hard not having luck conceiving when all of my peers seem to be getting positive tests results). I'm hoping to be referred to a Fertility Specialist then, because we have been TTC since Feb 2024.

  • I aim to eat low-carb 80-90% of my diet. For months I was extremely strict with my diet, but my sanity needs some balance with eating more freely.
  • I lost 20 lbs this year
  • I eliminated caffeine and alcohol from my life, with the occasional exception maybe once a month
  • I'm relatively active, occasionally working out weekly (I could be better), but my job keeps me on my feet so I regularly get 10,000 steps per day
  • I take the following supplements each morning: Ritual Prenatal | Vitamin C | Vitamin D | Fish Oil | Proov Pro Progesterone Support Supplement | Wholesome Story Myo-Inositol & D-Chiro Inositol | CoQ10
  • I measure my temperature each morning using Natural Cycles
  • I have used the Proov Complete Kit to measure my hormones for 4 months now, in addition to cheap LH strips to also monitor
  • My cycles range from 36-46 days long, with ovulation occurring later and a 14 day luteal cycle

If you resonate with my experience, could you share a bit about your story?

  • Am I just impatient and we need to keep positive and trying naturally?
  • Should I push to see a fertility specialist or see an endocrinologist first?
  • I reached out to my local Fertility Specialist office out of curiosity just in case they're booking months out and they said they can only accept an appointment if I'm ready for IVF and that feels like a lot without seeing my OBGYN in January.

I know this post is a lot, but would really appreciate anything you may have to share! I feel so isolated in this journey and even just typing out this post was therapeutic. So thank you. 

00:10 UTC


Feeling upset and defeated

I’ve been going to a fertility specialist for a year now and was originally greenlit for 4 IUI cycles because on paper everything looked great for me. Before we start cycle one I’m informed I have PCOS and Hypothyroidism and am put on medication to control my thyroid. 2 cycles in, I ask my doctor to look at my protocol and see if we need to adjust. At that point t I was on a low dose of letrozole and going through a monitored cycle with trigger shots and just felt in my gut that it was off. I was shrugged off and two more cycles go by for my doctor to sit me down and say “I’m usually signing off on pregnancies at this point, you are just unlucky” verbatim… I have gone through a chemical early on with trying at home with my wife. So this just really upset me. We took a break from IUI because my cycle became very long (like 40-60 days) and finally decided to go with another round. They bring me in for baseline and annual bloodwork the same day and prescribe me a double dose of letrozole. I SUFFERED through 5 days of the upped dosage and when I went to call to order our specimen, I get through the whole call to be told “oh wait, I just looked at your chart and you tested positive for cmv, I’ll call you back” I get a call a bit later and am told the cycle is cancelled. This clinic has grossly mishandled my process from the get go but I’ve overlooked it because they are the professionals but I’m at my breaking point. They should have brought me in for bloodwork before trying to start my cycle and putting me on the meds. They should have told me the day the results came in and instead waited 5 days and didn’t give me the chance to see if I have an ongoing cmv infection or not. Im scared to try to go to another clinic because I don’t want to start from scratch, I fiscally am unable. I’m really sad.

1 Comment
22:38 UTC


TTC during tragedy

My husband and I have started trying recently, after coming off the fence. We are on cycle 3.

My mom has been poorly for the last 3 weeks. I got my last period when she was in the hospital after going into septic shock. I ended up telling her I was TTC then and she was so happy.

A few days ago we found our she has terminal cancer. We dont know how long she has, could be months, could be years. I am devastated.

I'm ovulating tomorrow and I can't imagine having sex right now wtf. I also cant imagine my husband being able to do the deed when I'm a crying mess.

But I feel so scared about delaying. I can't imagine having a child without my mom around, and I dont know how long she will be around.

This is messing me up so much. I am in therapy but I thought I would see if anyone else has been in a similar situation.

22:01 UTC


Advice around spotting/cervical ectropion and ttc

Hi everyone!

I am a 29yr old female and I am currently ttc. Me and my husband have been off birth control for over a year and were using the withdrawal method but have been ttc for the last 4 cycles. I am tracking my bbt and ovulation using opks.

In early 2023 I was diagnosed with a cervical ectropion through a colposcopy I had and a nurse confirmed this is still there when I had my smear/pap test early this year. This causes me to get spotting throughout my cycle but it is usually worse in my luteal phase or just after my period.

Although I know that a cervical ectropion doesn’t impact ttc, I was wondering if anyone else had any experience with this?

I am also concerned as my period is around 8 days bang on and apparently this is abnormal - however my cycle is regular and my luteal phase is around 11/12 days. Again - has anyone managed to conceive with slightly longer periods?

Any advice/thoughts would be really appreciated!

21:00 UTC


Extremely painful HSG with open tubes

Ok so I had my HSG yesterday and it was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life. I don’t write this to scare anyone- I think the majority of people have a mild to moderate pain experience. I have horribly painful periods (usually vomit each month from pain), and this was way worse. It was short-lived, but truly nothing could have prepared me for how painful it was. It felt like a water balloon full of cement was expanding inside me lol. So thankful it is OVER and I did get good news that my tubes are open and the dye easily flowed bilaterally.

My question is this- if my tubes are open then why the heck was it so painful? I understand a painful exam with blocked tubes… Anyone else have a similar experience with open tubes and does it indicate anything?

19:52 UTC


How much does lube affect TTC?

Looking for advice regarding using lube and how different types might impact fertility!

My husband and I recently started using coconut oil as lube and both really enjoy it far better than other lubes, especially the fertility ones (which I previously used for about 1.5 years). Reading online says basically anything will negatively impact fertility unless it specifically states it is fertility safe, even spit, so I’m trying to gauge how much we are actually hurting our chances by continuing to use the coconut oil?

I haven’t noticed any changes that would signify it’s affecting my ph or causing my body to react negatively to it! Also, TMI but are we suppose to be getting wet enough to have intercourse without any lubrication or saliva??? Because that sounds literally impossible, which might be my issue considering I don’t get cervical mucus lol


16:46 UTC


Follicle sizes and IUI

I had another monitoring appointment this morning before my IUI. I did 1 round of letrozole from CD 3-7 and at my first monitoring appointment there was no growth. So after waiting a few more days and having no change, I did a second round of letrozole at 7.5mg. I just left my last monitoring ultrasound and I got the go-ahead to do the IUI tomorrow. We triggered before leaving the appointment. The ultrasound showed 1 mature follicle on my left ovary that measures 26.1mm and another smaller follicle on my right ovary that measures 14.5mm. Is there a chance that both ovaries release an egg? I feel like the left ovary is almost too large now but the right ovary is still a little small. Please let me know your thoughts on this

15:31 UTC


Panic attacks after ovidrel

Hi everyone, after 10 months of trying for a baby, my obygn suggested ovidrel shot and timed intercourse. On Wednesday evening, about 5-10mins after the shot I (33f) experienced the worst panic attack ever. I had trouble breathing, couldn't see due to black spots, felt like I was going to faint, I was sweating like I was running a marathon. I was lucky that nurse who finished her shift in nearby hospital was in the same bus as me and she helped me A LOT to go through the attack. I told my Dr what happened, I asked if that happened because of ovidrel, but she said that it's got nothing to do with it and that I just got scared. Yesterday I was bloated like a balloon, and today it's better but I felt ovary pain for a short time and panic attack started again. Only this time I took 0.25mg of Clonazepam to calm down. I feel ok now, but I am still anxious as I don't know if Ovidrel caused this. I get very intrusive thoughts and I'm scared that ovidrel even triggered heart attack 😭 any advice would be appreciated and thank you 🙏🏼

13:33 UTC


3 mature follicles on IUI with smaller ones. Should we miss this cycle or move with TI?

Hi my husband (36) me (31) have been trying for over 1 and a half year. All tests including sperm analysis were normal but I had uterine polyps with were removed recently with surgery and we tried after that for 2 months before we decided to move on with IUI. I have normal ovulation but I was told to do a medicated cycle the first time on clomid where I got 5 mature follicles. Our IUI was cancelled by our RE which made sense to us. Our RE is traveling so another RE has been assigned to us. This cycle Our dose was decreased to 25mg for three days but I still got 3 mature follicles and one that looks like a cyst that is regressing. We were told that it was our decision to move forward or not. I m worried about multiples where I am finally okay with twins incase it happens but triplets scare me. I know the possibility of not even conceiving is still there but we cancelled the iui procedure and I won't be taking the trigger shot but I was also given the option of timed intercourse. That is something we might be interested in but I wanted to come here and see if anyone has similar stories they could share their experiences. My follicles at CD9 are 19, 17, 18, 13 and 19, 11, 8, 11. One mature one on one side I was told was a cyst. Please I m really confused and I ve talked to the RE but she has completely left it on us to decide so would really appreciate if someone who has been in this situation just tell their experience.

12:55 UTC


Looking Forward Friday

There’s so much that’s difficult about TTC, so this is a thread for looking to the future and thinking about life after TTC.

This week’s theme: Holiday traditions! What holiday traditions do you have in your household, or in your wider family/circle of friends, that you'll incorporate baby into? What traditions do you plan to start with your new family?

11:00 UTC


General Chat December 06

Anything, within the rules, goes.

Don't forget to check out our themed threads! If the links below don't take you to the most recent thread, check back in a couple of hours.

Moody Monday, Temping Tuesday, Giveaway Tuesday, Waiting Wednesday, Wondering Wednesday, Trying Again Thursday, Thankful Thursday, Health and Wellness Thursday, Looking Forward Friday, Wondering Weekend, 35 and Ova, COVID-19 Discussion.

There's also the Weekly Introductions and Read Me Thread, which contains links to all sorts of handy bits of info, like popular wiki posts and acronyms.

09:00 UTC


Infertility after accidental pregnancy?

Hello. Not sure if this is a rant or a question, but I’ll just get right into it.

In Feb. 2023 I had a miscarriage at around 8 weeks. I didn’t realize I was even pregnant until I was miscarrying, because I was on the pill and so my husband and I weren’t actively trying. Regardless, it left me devastated, and people around me would just respond with “at least you know you can get pregnant”.

Well here I am, 10 months TTC, zero success. My husband and I were able to get our tests done and everything looked normal. I learned that I have a vitamin D deficiency but have been taking supplements for 4 months. Both my husband and I are in my mid 20s, don’t smoke, drink, nor do drugs. I prioritize my sleep. I am of a healthy weight, and I do my best to eat properly. The only thing is, is that I have suspected endo. I am getting a laparoscopy next month.

The thing is, WTH is going on??? How is it that I was able to get pregnant, ON THE PILL, and now nothing. Has anyone else had this? Is there something I’m missing, or anything I haven’t thought about that I should see my doctor about? Ugh.

05:58 UTC


AMH test results delayed?

Hopefully I'm just panicking unnecessarily but wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience -- I've been waiting for over a week for blood test results. Everything just came back and was uploaded into my chart, but the AMH test results aren't there. This was being tested because my RE thinks I have PCOS, so I'm wondering if my AMH results are being held until a doctor can call me, or if this is typical...? When my husband had his SA last month, the morphology was uploaded a couple days after everything else so I'm not sure. My testosterone and insulin levels look great and were way lower than last month so I'm feeling hopeful, but I don't want to have to keep waiting through the weekend for more info. Any ideas?

03:01 UTC


Losing weight messing up ovulation?

To clarify I took the estrogen after the letrozole, not at the same time.

I've lost 10 lbs in the last month. I also took 10mg of letrozole. I have been showing high LH the last couple days with no peak (it is trying to consider the highest of them at a .67 as peak.) I don't know if it's because of losing weight but I know losing weight gets rid of fat that holds onto estrogen and I think my estrogen is usually a little lower even with PCOS. I also took some estrogen to help with lining. This is an unmonitored cycle. Apparently if your estrogen is low your LH surge might be smaller? I know estrogen influences CM and I didn't have much even with mucinex. We are on our break from IVF after an 8 week miscarriage in October and trying naturally until we do it again.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is if anyone has had this type of problem from losing weight? I know they say people with PCOS should lose weight but it seems to also not help.

01:27 UTC


Positive HSG Experience After Weeks Of Anxiety

If you’re reading this then you’re probably like me and are doom scrolling in preparation for your HSG. Let me just tell you first hand, it’s not worth it and won’t change the outcome or the experience.

I was absolutely terrified and spent hours reading Reddit, watching TikToks and talking to friends about it. I was miserable and felt sick leading up to my appointment. In fact, I almost cancelled because I was so scared.

I think the important thing to remember is that no two experiences will be the same. It’s going to be different for you and there’s no point in worrying. I say this now after the fact knowing very well I was exactly where you are.

Anyways on to the actual day. I took 1000mg of ibuprofen and 400mg of Tylenol. I didn’t eat a ton except for goldfish prior to the apt just because the medicine was making my stomach upset. I also took some pepto because I was so anxious and feeling nauseous.

My husband drove me and tried to help calm my nerves. I went to an imaging center to have the procedure done. It was done by a tech with an assistant. They were honestly incredible and I think helped the experience. He really took his time to draw a diagram and explain everything that was happening. He warned me before he did anything. He stopped for questions and didn’t rush me. He also made sure to mention that he will never understand the experience or what this feels like which I really appreciated.

He inserted the catheter and warned me that I would feel pressure when the balloon opened. The balloon was the worst part for me. It was like a sharp 1 second cramp but immediately went away. Just a super uncomfortable feeling. Then he explained the fact that he was going to inject the dye and he asked if I wanted to watch at which point I declined because I was too nervous. I did a lot of deep breathing. He asked me how I was feeling and I said good and he mentioned we were almost done. I couldn’t believe the dye was in there because I didn’t feel a thing. He had me tilt a little and then it was over. It honestly was so smooth I was in shock afterwards.

My tubes were open so I know I got lucky there and that not everyone has a good experience. Hopefully reading this will help you realize it’s not all bad. It truly was less then 5 minutes and never hurt worse then my period. Try your best to not work yourself up because you never know what will happen.

23:05 UTC

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