Photograph via snooOG

This is a supportive community for people trying to conceive with PCOS. Everyone is welcome here, you do not have to be actively trying to conceive in order to post. Partners of people with PCOS are also welcome.

As well as emotional support, this subreddit will also be a resource to learn about PCOS and what you can do to improve your odds of conceiving.

Welcome to TTC_PCOS!

This is a supportive community for people trying to conceive with PCOS. Everyone is welcome here, you do not have to be actively trying to conceive in order to post. Partners of women with PCOS are also welcome.

As well as emotional support, this subreddit will also be a resource to learn about PCOS and what you can do to improve your odds of conceiving. This information will be posted on our wiki page.

All types of posts are welcome but try to keep it TTC related. Also there's no such thing as TMI on this board. Having a baby is ultra-intimate and personal.

Rule #1:

No BFP posts outside of the monthly 'Success Stories' thread. Offenders will be removed with prejudice. Please click here to search for previous months.

You are welcome to make a post asking if a specific treatment resulted in success for others but we require that you make this explicitly clear in the post title so that people can choose to avoid reading. If your post does not meet this criteria it will be removed.

The majority of people here are still trying to conceive and you may receive more responses by asking on a different sub.

Daily Chat Themes:

  • Beta Hell Monday
  • Temping Chart Sharing Tuesday
  • Motivating Wednesday

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*BBT | basal body temperature
*CD | cycle day
*CM | cervical mucus
*DPO | days post ovulation
*EWCM | egg white (fertile) cervical mucus
*FF | fertility friend
*FW | fertile window
*HSG | hysterosalpingogram - used to check for tubal patency
*LH | luteinsing hormone - peaks just prior to ovulation, testing for by OPKs
*LP | luteal phase
*MC | miscarriage
*O | ovulation
*OPK | ovulation predictor kit
*PCOS | polycystic ovarian syndrome
*RE | reproductive endocrinologist
*SA | semen analysis
*TI | timed intercourse
*TWW | two week wait (to take a pregnancy test after ovulation)


19,925 Subscribers


Nervous about getting pregnant

TW: MC Anyone else that’s ttc super nervous about actually getting pregnant? I’m sure this is common. But my friend (without PCOS) got pregnant super easily and was to the moon and then had a miscarriage and her world shattered (understandably). Now going forward she’s so worried about miscarrying. I feel like I’ve always had the “what if’s” in the back of my head bc of PCOS. Not that MC are more common with pcos, but just bc I feel like there’s always something that prevents me from getting pregnant, so why wouldn’t something pop up during pregnancy if I ever do get there? I’m sure I’m not the only one? Can we bitch a little 😅

13:29 UTC


What else should I be taking or should eating/not eating?

We have been TTC for 8 months. I've drastically cut down on gluten, I take a prenatal, and also magnesium. I try to eat whole foods as much as possible, am not really overweight, and do strength training 4x/week.

What else should I be doing? I made a doc appt as well but just want to do everything I can in the meantime. Thanks!

13:17 UTC


Happy Mother’s Day !

I know how badly want to be moms. We’re in this pursuit together. God bless y’all. & happy Mother’s Day if no one told y’all ❤️

1 Comment
12:51 UTC


CD 30- think I’m 14 DPO (unconfirmed)

First round of Clomid. I’m supposed to get my period today… every test I’ve taken has been very negative. Is it still possible to get a positive?

I had spotting, nipples have been hurting for a week straight, and some nausea. All symptoms I never have before my period. I usually have to take provera every month to bleed but I want to make sure I’m not pregnant before I start it.

11:32 UTC


Can we ovulate later in cycle

Can we like ovulate on day 18 19(ewcm present)of cycle when your cycle length is 30 31 days??? Is that possible??

08:48 UTC


Daily Chat - May 12, 2024

08:00 UTC


Cramping and spotting after/during a run

Has anyone ever experienced this or have any idea what it may be? Every time I go for my 5k run towards the end, I get these intense cramps like a knife twisting inside my uterus. It’s so bad I get nauseous from it. Sometimes I have to finish the run earlier. But then 15 mins later it fully goes away! But then 3 hours I get mild spotting from it and it’s only ever around my ovulation or within the 5 days fertile window. It isn’t actual ovulation though. Any other time I go for a run outside of the fertile window. It never happens!

04:35 UTC


Pregnant post IVF egg retrieval?

So I had my IVF egg retrieval last month in April and my period came on April 22. We did not do a fresh embryo transfer because I had hyperstimulated ovaries.

Last week I was at my grandmother’s funeral and started getting bad cramps in the center of my abdomen. Since I’ve been pregnant twice before (one pregnancy resulted in twin loss from preterm labor at 22 weeks) I’m very familiar with initial pregnancy cramping. I know my grandmother always prayed for us to have more children as it’s always been hard for us to conceive. I feel like this was a way for her life to end while a new began.

The center of abdomen cramps have continued and I’m getting the egg white like discharge and pressure in my uterus area.

I don’t want to get excited but I’m wondering if I’m pregnant? Anyone else have this?

04:11 UTC


18 days post trigger shot - is it for sure negative?

We did a trigger shot with timed intercourse. Clinic instructed me to test around May 9 (16 days post shot). Test was negative yesterday and today and I’m getting anxious. Should I consider this a failed cycle? No period yet but also I’m normally pretty irregular. This is our second cycle, the first one I had a faint line and a week later got my period.

1 Comment
02:36 UTC


What would you do?

TTC four months after MMC. Ovulated once in those four months (using Inito and LH strips).

Surprisingly my periods were 28 days on the dot following the MMC despite being anovulatory. I’ve been on prenatals forever and started CoQ10 and Brazil nuts in January. A couple days before my period was due to arrive last week I started taking Ovasitol. And I think it is delaying my period start. CD35 now.

Here’s the kicker. My OB prescribed me Provera and Letrozole to finally see if I can ovulate next cycle, but my period just won’t start!

Should I keep waiting or go ahead and do the Provera? Stop the Ovasitol or keep it up? I wanted to let my body start the cycle naturally since it’s been so predictable but of course now it’s acting up.

02:00 UTC


AF 9/10 days early?

Hi, my last flow date was 20 April. I had 2 letrozole 2.5mg cycles previously with good follicle growth but no success.

This cycle I couldn't be on letrozole so we tried without it. But I started AF yesterday, CD22.

Its sad and frustrating. My cycles are regular with 1-2 days late or 1 day early. My partner had bad SA reports but with meds he got it improved and doc said we are good to start trying.

During letrozole cycles I got trigger shot and doc put me on Dydrogesterone tablets post confirmed ovulation for next 14 days.

This time I was not on these meds. Only took coq10, vit D, vit B12, and folic acid.

Any thoughts? Anyone had similar experience?

01:34 UTC


Last IUI

Hey everyone! Just wanted to vent, had my last IUI today before we move on to IVF. Everything seems to be aligning for us but I’m trying not to get my hopes up. Also three friends on Facebook announced their pregnancies today which is just the cherry on top. This is our third IUI and I’m hoping with all of my being that this is the one. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻

This is all just so emotionally exhausting and isolating.

01:17 UTC


Provera help??

I took Provera for 7 days to stop a 17 day long cycle. It has now been 11 days since I stopped taking Provera. I’m supposed to get labs done on day 3 of my cycle but I’m barely getting any spotting. Don’t count this as day 1?? Anyone have advice? I have all the cramps and bloating of a period. My cervix is super low, soft, and open but no bleeding.

01:08 UTC


What happens if you take clomid while you’re ovulating?

I’ve tried to Google but it’s not understanding my question. I am on CD 50 with no period so my dr prescribed clomid. She said no need for a period before and I started taking it. Based on my temps I may have ovulated while taking the clomid 😬 is there any harm in this?

1 Comment
20:32 UTC


Need Advice - feeling discouraged

Hi there!

I’m 32 F and this was month 11 TTC (but only cycle 8) and I was diagnosed with PCOS a couple weeks ago. I had regular periods June-December and positive OPK’s, but never got pregnant. January my cycle was 41 days and I did not get a positive OPK that month, then I didn’t have a period for 68 days. Finally got my period naturally on day 69 and got a positive OPK test CD 22.

I saw a fertility doc 3 weeks ago (day of my positive OPK) and she saw a follicle ready to drop an egg (CD 22) but I’m 15 DPO with a BFN. I was so hopeful it would happen this time.

So now once I get my next bleed I’ll start all of the fertility testing. It’s so hard to stay positive and part of me wants to give up before even trying.

Any advice on naturally regulating your cycle and how to stay positive during the fertility testing process? It’s hard because I don’t totally know what’s wrong yet so I’m worried it’s more than just an irregular period. The waiting for my period to start is also killing me.

My husband is already frustrated and thinks I’m over reacting and doesn’t really understand that something is wrong.

15:57 UTC


First IUI - Follicles not Growing :(

Hi all! It's my first cycle of IUI, and I'm on 5 mg letrozole, and it's just not working for me.

When I went in for my first appointment a few days ago, I had 40 follicles total (I usually have 28), and 4 larger ones, measuring between 10-11mm.

Now, 3 days later, I have ~50 follicles total, and again, 4 larger ones, measuring between 10-11mm.

My doctor wants to wait and see what happens in another 3 days, but I'm wondering if I should advocate for 7.5 mg letrozole, or gonal-F. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, what did you do to make them grow? Thanks!

15:12 UTC



Hello! Long story short. I have PCOS and just got married. My husband and I would like to start trying right away. My entire medical practice shut down and it’s been a nightmare getting a new primary and obgyn. The last appointment I had I was told to start taking prenatal and folic acid when we start trying. However I already take a ton of vitamins for various deficiencies.

I currently take a multi, probiotic, b12, 2 doses of iron and vitamin d

I do not have an appointment for another 2 months 😵‍💫. But I am assuming I should not take prenatal and the multi? Just swap those out and take the folic acid?

13:31 UTC


Daily Chat - May 11, 2024

1 Comment
08:00 UTC


Anyone ever tempted to take more than the prescribed dosage?

Absolutely do not disobey doctors orders, and definitely follow all directions regarding medications.

But.... Anyone ever feel so frustrated with the slow, slow dosage increments and seeing no results? I'm going on two years and haven't ovulated, tried letrozole up to 7.5mg, ovidrel and pergoveris and my hormones are not budging. Tired of being told over and over it didn't work.

There's been times Ive looked the syringe and thought what if I just do a little more to speed things up...?

07:05 UTC


Cycle length and timed BD

My last fee cycles were 34, 38, 85 then 32. I’ve just ovulated so looking like this cycle looking to be 52. I’ve been ttc for 2 cycles. Although due to one cycle being 85 days long. It feels like it been a long time even though there wasn’t many chancing of ttc.

This cycle we caught my fertile window and had sex one day before ovulation. Is that enough? I know many say to BD many times in the week but that’s not always possible for us. Is only once in the 2 days before ovulation enough?

Thanks in advance!

1 Comment
06:12 UTC


Chemical Pregnancy after first IUI 😭

And on Mother’s Day weekend. :( HCG levels went from 15 to 6, 4.5 weeks. Doctor said it’s a biochemical pregnancy but to test again in two weeks. Why? So I can see a negative test again? And she also said if my period doesn’t come for over 6 weeks to call! 6 weeks?! So I just hang out with these cells for 6 weeks? Just an emotional whiplash of a week. 😭

05:40 UTC


Does PCOS cause ovulation of immature follicles? Is there a link between immature follicles and trisomies?

TW: MMC. I am trying to decide the next steps. I have had 2 MMCs due to 2 different trisomies. I got pregnant both times due to OPKs and BBT tracking.

Our insurance does not cover any fertility related procedures (OI, IUI, nor IVF). All choices would be self-pay. I am wondering if I would be more successful in starting with Ovulation Induction, because the clinic can monitor on the ultrasound if my follicles would be mature enough to sustain the proper growth and development. I can't get myself to shell out the cost for IVF yet without trying at first a medicated cycle/s.

05:26 UTC


Follicles at 1.1cm (11mm) on CD10 after Letrozole

I was on 5mg Letrozole from CD 3-7 and just had my first follicle monitoring yesterday during my CD 10.

I have 5 developing follicles, but sadly all 5 only measured 1.1cm (11mm) each. Endometrium thickness is at .5cm (5mm). My doctor told me to come back after 3 days to check if any have grown to at least 1.8cm (18mm), but honestly I am so worried it might not.

Has anyone experienced the same thing and had big enough follicles when they went back to the doctor? This is my first cycle and was feeling really hopeful at first, but now I’m starting to get worried.

05:02 UTC


clomid vs letrozole?!

i started my first dose of letrozole HOWEVER my doctor did a poor job at her job. (long story) my LH level usually is around a 0.33 and spiked up to 3.5 even without a medically induced cycle, and not being prescribed properly. and i’m worried if i even have a chance. i just want good news😭. i’ve made a follow up appointment with a different dr and hopefully i’ll start seeing them throughout the rest of this process, but someone please give me some good news.

03:05 UTC


currently ttc and on my first cycle can’t tell if it’s period pains or us w child

whether i’m pregnant or not it’s soooo odd feelings cramps again. almost gives me health anxiety like something is wrong with me lmao… but like cramps have been so foreign to me especially after not having a normal period for the past 8 months….

hoping for happy results but expecting and understanding if it’s not happy ones…

1 Comment
02:37 UTC


Letrozole combined with Dexamethason?

Hello! My first IUI was assisted with 2.5mg of Letrozole and an HCG trigger shot which ended in a chemical at week 4 and 1 day. This time around (IUI attempt #2) my doctor prescribed me 5mg of Letrozole on CD3; went in for my scan at CD11 and found out that my follicles aren’t responding as well to the medication like the first attempt :( So my doctor prescribed me with another round of Letrozole 5mg and a steroid called Dexamethason. Has anyone ever been prescribed Letrozole and a steroid at the same time? How was your experience while taking it and is there any symptoms I should keep a lookout for? Thanks in advance!🤍

02:13 UTC


Recurrent Miscarriage- Any Ideas/ Stories?

Hello Community,

I'm wondering if anyone has insight on TTC with PCOS following recurrent early miscarriages. We, 34F and 33M, are trying for our second (my first was born in 2021, conceived on 500Mg metformin). We began trying last summer with no luck so went back on Metformin 1000mg and within two cycles we managed to get pregnant. Miscarried at around the 6 week mark in January and waited a cycle then had the exact same thing a late 5 week/ early 6 week MC in April.

I'm trying to take steps to get my diet in better order and I'm going to try acupuncture. My cycles range from 29-36 days and in the cycles where I've used OPKs I've gotten a positive on Day 15, 19, and 21. I'm wondering if my luteal phase might be short? Or maybe a progesterone issue? I'm trying to set myself to better advocate for any tests or other ideas that might help as well as take any steps I can on my own.

I'd also love if anyone is willing to share similar stories, success or otherwise so I might not feel so alone in all this.

00:11 UTC


Help me interpret my CD3 labs!

I’ve been off Metformin since February (my doc doesn’t want to give me a refill before my next follow up) and now my period have been strange again. They asked me to get blood work done before my appointment soon. My results are in from my CD3 bloodwork and my HSG results form 2 months ago. I'm just as impatient as everyone else here, so help me interpret my results! I’m still pending my AMH but my previous one showed 4.86 in October.

HSG showed both tubes are open (yay!) but that I definitely have a retroverted uterus.

Bloodwork: all results are in the "normal" range according to the reference range given (I'll put what the lab references as normal in parentheses), but online searches suggest otherwise...

Progesterone: <0.1 (0.1-0.9)

FSH: 5.0 (3.5-12.5)

Prolactin: 4.9 (4.8-23.3)

Insulin: 5.0 (2.6-24.9)

Testosterone: 28 (8-60)

Estradiol: 41.3 (13-166)

LH: 4.9 (2.4-12.6)

DHEA: 98.9 (84.8-378.0)

18:54 UTC


Comparing my ER records to my period app over the past few years and realizing that I always ended up at the ER exactly 12 days before my period (Thanks TTC for teaching me about functional cysts)

I have PCOS and insanely variable cycle lengths, anywhere from 35ish-200+ days. I’d say my average is 60 days. Ruptured cysts are easily the most painful thing I have experienced - they trump my brain surgery and migraines. I always thought they were random, but the last 3x I’ve gone to the ER over the years, it’s been exactly 12 days before my period started. Before TTC tracking, I had 0 awareness of the different types of cysts and never would have put it together. One of CT scan reports says, “recently ruptured right ovarian follicle and small amount of free fluid within the posterior cul-de-sac and right adnexa”. At the time, I didn’t even know that ruptured follicle = ovulation. 🙃 Health class in the US on fleek! Anyway, that’s my cool story bro rant of the day. Does this mean my luteal phase is likely 12 days long?

1 Comment
21:09 UTC


Letrozole - period on day 22

I have just confirmed with at home OPK that my LH surge was likely on day 18 but now I have started to have my period on day 22. It is not just spotting as I am experiencing other menstrual symptoms (cramps, lower back pain, clotting).

Has anyone experienced this? It’s my first medicated cycle. I have reached out to my clinic but I am bit anxious and would love to hear some anecdotal experience :)

20:54 UTC

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