Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here!
Please read all rules for the subreddit before participating or posting. Thank you!
1. Speak and behave respectfully
2. HPT posts must include CD and/or DPO/DPT + correct test brand(s) in the post title
3. OPK posts must include CD + correct test brand(s) in the post title
4. OPK and HPT progressions must include CD and/or DPO/DPT range + correct test brand(s) in the post title
5. No Edited Photos
6. No Test Manipulation/Invalidated Tests
7. No Photos of Bodily Fluids
8. No Soliciting or Giving Medical Advice
9. Limit of 2 Posts Per 24-Hour Period
10. No Posts That Belong On Another Subreddit
11. No Spam
This is a sub where we can share our OPK and HPT results. Need another opinion? We are here to help! Another place to get a second opinion is countdowntopregnancy.com
(Acronyms are not mandatory, but are useful to know as they are commonly used in posts here)
A more extensive list is available over on TryingForABaby’s wiki
Acronym | Term |
AF | Aunt Flow (your period) |
BBT | basal body temperature |
BCP | birth control pills |
BD | baby dance (sex) |
BFP/BFN | big fat positive / big fat negative |
CD | cycle day |
CM | cervical mucus |
CP | chemical pregnancy (an early miscarriage) |
DPO | # of day(s) post ovulation |
DPT | # of days post trigger or # of days post transfer |
E@H | easy@home test brand |
EOD | every other day |
EP | ectopic pregnancy |
EWCM | eggwhite CM (the fertile stuff!) |
FF | FertilityFriend.com (popular website for temping/charting) |
FMU | first morning urine |
FW | fertile window/fertile week |
FP | follicular phase |
FRER | First Response Early Result pregnancy test |
HBC | hormonal birth control |
HCG | human chorionic gonadotropin (what's measured on an HPT) |
HPT | Home pregnancy test |
HSG | Hysterosalpingogram |
IUI | Intrauterine Insemination |
IVF | In Vitro Fertilisation |
LH | luteinizing hormone (what's measured by an OPK) |
LP | luteal phase |
MC | miscarriage |
MMC | missed miscarriage |
NTNP | not trying, not preventing |
O | ovulation |
O-1 | O minus one; one day before ovulation (also O-2, O-3, etc.) |
OPK | ovulation predictor kit |
POAS | pee on a stick |
PCOS | Polycystic ovarian syndrome |
RE | Reproductive endocrinologist |
SA | semen analysis |
SMEP | Sperm Meets Egg Plan |
SMU | second morning urine |
TCOYF | Taking Charge of Your Fertility (informative book by Toni Weschler) |
TI | timed intercourse |
TTC | trying to conceive |
TW | trigger warning (precedes a post/statement which may be triggering to some users) |
TWW | two-week wait (post-ovulation, pre-pregnancy test) |
WTT | waiting to try (for those pre-TTC) |
WTO | waiting to ovulate |
Pregnancy loss/support:
For partners:
Sarcasm and humor:
Got worried about (lack of) progression around 13 dpo, wanted to share an update. The tests started getting noticeably darker the morning after I got worried, and are nice and solid by 18 dpo today. First ultrasound in 3 weeks, hoping for a boring pregnancy!
I know this could be my body trolling me! Tested out a MMC have been negative the last 2 days. Todays test have had a vv faint line again at 8DPO. First 2 in pictures are the negatives and bottom 2 are FMU and diluted urine today
I tested this evening on CD21 and I have got what I think is a faint positive, can anyone else see it? Unknown DPO due to not using ovulation sticks consistently this month x
Can’t tell if evap line or not. Pic taken about 3 minutes after dipped in urine.
Am I losing my mind 🥴 TTC for 1.5 yrs, chemical last April.
I’m unfamiliar with pregmate hcg tests but use their ovulation strips and have no issues. I’ve heard the hcg ones can have indent and evap lines easily. This was right at the 5min mark.
I swear I always see somethin 🤦🏼♀️
Cycle day 31. 11DPO. Temp/BBT spiked already. Had a lot of cramping, stomach issues and headaches, could be PMS but not something I normally get. Last 4 days or so have been near positive / positive. But HCG tests normal. All easy@home HCG tests stark white negatives.
I’m so confused at this point someone help please!
Hi all, tracking my ovulation and I finally got a test result that seemed to match the control line! Took another test this afternoon (I do drink a lot of water through the day) and it looks like the control too to me.
Think my peak was this AM or still going?
This is my first time using the Premom app.
Also side note I’m scheduled to have a polyp removed next Wednesday and I left a voicemail with my dr about possibly rescheduling. Haven’t gotten pregnant in so long so idk if I will this cycle but worth a shot.
Started testing on what I believe is 9/10 DPO. I haven’t heard great things about pregmate. The bottom ones are Walgreens Early Results. I’m worries about the line progression. Has anyone had lines like this with success ?
Second blue line showed up about a hour later is that a evap?
Third urine of the day, I think i see something super faint! What do you all think?
My 10 dpo test is already darker than when I experienced a chemical last year 🤞🤞🤞 Any tips on how to calm the nerves?
I have wildly irregular and long cylces. Is this confirmed ovulation even on day 38? I'm also using kegg to track cervical mucus to track my fertile window better and it's indicating I'm in my fertile valley
I have never had a dye stealer on an ovulation test befor. Is this it?
I ended up getting AF day it was supposed to come but it only lasted one day so i took a test to see and this is the result. I am v confused. Picture taken within timeframe
Its literally black 😆