While it is possible for someone to use your information to tell you realistically how likely it is for you to be or not be pregnant, no one, not even a doctor, can tell you definitively. If you want to know if you or your partner is pregnant,
Please read the FAQs before posting.
Include in your post all relevant information to help others gauge the likelihood that you may be pregnant.
For the best answers, please include:
-The date of the incident you believe may have resulted in pregnancy
-The start and end dates of you or your partner's most recent period
-Any methods of contraception attempted and, if known to have failed, how. (eg: pulled out but not in time, condom but slipped off etc.)
-Whether or not ejaculation occurred and how
Ultimately, the only way to know FOR SURE whether or not you're pregnant is to take a test. Cost does not correlate to accuracy; cheap tests are as accurate as expensive tests.
There are many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy
I know this will sound ridiculous, but me and my boyfriend didn't have sex. But he came near my vagina, like on the side but I m not sure if he did on the opening. After that i immediately peed. But I m soo scared. Is there chance of me getting pregnant, we didn't have sex at all.
So since October I’ve lost around 30lbs and I also have not gotten my period since October 30th - Nov 3rd (my last cycle). I haven’t been sexually active until last night and had unprotected sex. I had plan b around 6-8 hours after. However, I’m scared because I don’t know about my ovulation schedule and what is going on with my hormones and how plan B will impact it. I’m also scared I’m pregnant. Please help me.
Partner and i had unprotected sex in the 19th of december, dont know if she's ovulating or not that time but app said she's not (but apps really arent accurate). Did the pull out method. The next day, i told her to do the yuzpe method as emergency contraceptive which is the 4-12-4 (where i reside, plan B is unavailable).
According to the app, she's supposed to have her period six days ago, but the last four days she has been experiencing period cramps but only has white discharge up until now. Is it a sign of pregnancy or is her period arriving? Thank you
Edit (forgot to include): Days after doing the yuzpe method, she had a bleeding
FUCK tiktok creators, ive been having the worst scare this month even tho nothing happened (he fingered me n his fingers had his dry cum in them) and deep down i knew that this was almost impossible to make me pregnant but after searching the internet n especially tiktok i found some dumb ass people saying that yes that can make you pregnant!! i literally had multiple panic attacks back to back. took plan b. fucked up my hormons. all for absolutely nothing. why do these people even have a platform?
Hi guys! I'm sorry in advance if this is long-winded or confusing. I just would love to hear others' opinions/thoughts/experiences.
My husband and I are finally TTC and we are so excited, and I came off birth control after 9 years (the pill) on January 8th of this year so we could being our journey of trying. On January 11th, I started bleeding (a week before my usual birth control scheduled period) so l assumed this was withdrawal bleeding. The bleeding lasted about 5-6 days. My typical scheduled BC period date came and went... and during this time, I was taking ovulation tests daily. During this time the LH strips were VERY positive and my CM was very obviously showing signs of being fertile.
We baby-danced each day the LH strips were +, which was about 3 days. I am now 7 DPO (if this ovulation was accurate and actually happened).
The past couple days I have had bad pelvic pain-typically at night. I have never been a period cramper so this is new to me. The cramping is dull at most times but has been sharp randomly.
TMI- I'm also so gassy and constipated it's driving me crazy. My nipples have been sore now for a ' days but I know that's normal post ovulation...
I guess what I'm asking is— thoughts on if we could I don't want to get my hopes up but l've never had symptoms like this before a period.
But keeping the hopes low because maybe this is just all because it's post-birth control?
However, it's been over 3 weeks since I stopped the pill and I thought it was strange if I am JUST now having symptoms from it.
Would love to hear others' experiences. TIA!
I recently started spotting. I started on a Sunday and it ended on the following Saturday, so about a week. (19th-25th). After the bleeding stopped, I've experienced a dull pressure like cramp, that eventually turned into mild cramps and l've been nauseous everyday since the 25th. Google told me to wait a week after the bleeding stopped to confirm it as implantation bleeding and that I'm pregnant.
Today marks a week after and I got a negative test this morning. I have extremely irregular periods, so I have no idea where I'm at in my cycle, which makes it hard to determine if this is just hormones or not. Was I just too early, is it all in my head ?
I am one to make myself believe and hang onto false hope.
so i will get straight to the point i am currently 11 days late and experiencing lots of clear discharge other then that sometimes i am experiencing “cramping” like feelings but still no period. The last time I was sexually active was at December 27th I don’t remember any incident that might have caused this expect maybe the tip going unprotected or fingering? I haven’t taken a test yet will be taking one tomorrow but honestly i am so confused because its not like i actually did something to be worried that i am actually pregnant i wasn’t worried at all until the one week mark reached and then i was like confused on why is this happening? I haven’t had the most regular cycle before i used to even miss a whole entire period so could just be an hormonal issue or could be due to stress since January was a very stressful month for me! I am just confused and don’t know what to think atm !
I’m 20F. My last intercourse was on Dec. 18, 2024. I was bleeding Jan. 4 - 7 and right now i’m currently on my 30th day of my cycle and I still haven’t got my period. Could it be that the bleeding on Jan 4-7 can be implantation bleeding? I’m worried, Can someone enlighten me? My period consistently arrives at my 28th day cycle. Right now I’m experiencing mild cramping, tender breast and sometimes I’m a bit nauseous and my discharge is watery.
(Note: I’ve been so stressed this past weeks)
Hi, I took the pill on day 8 of my period, and had unprotected sex on day 30 of my period, and I thought I was post-ovulation, but my period still hasn't come! My period is 15 days late now!!
I'm now conting the day from my last unprotected sex, and im planning to keep testing weekly until i reach 21 days/ 3 weeks
Im now in day 8 and i have got nothing but negative tests, could this mean i have a good chance im not pregnant ??
My bf and I had did not have any PIV nor he did not ejaculate. First, I played with his P (with my right hand) for about 5 mins (but he did not cum tho) then I went to bathroom to pee and wash my V (I used my left hand to wash my V). After 3 minutes he went to the bathroom with me and he ate my V (just licked my C) and I used both left and right hand to open the part of C so he can access it properly. Now I am 2 months delayed and scared that there might be a semen or pre-cum on my hand when I used my right to open my C part. (I know that in order to be pregnant, you need to have PIV and need to have a visible semen.) I am overthinking right now and assurance might help me to ease and calm my mind. I do gain some weight during the holiday season and I am super stressed rn.
me and my bf were doing the deed for the 2nd time, he was wearing a condom prior. after that we cuddle for awhile and noticed that the condom slipped off. my boyfriend is not sure if he came inside of me with a condom or not but the condom was dry and my vagina was wet but i didnt cum. however, it looked like one. im worried it was his cum and based on flo, i am ovulating tomorrow. i did the yuzpe method as a precaution, did i do the right thing? is our situation something to be worried about?
Pregnancy is not yet confirmed. It has been 7 days since we did it, and based on my last period, I would be 2 weeks and 6 days 'pregnant.'
I haven’t taken a pregnancy test yet since I’m not sure if it would be able to detect it this early. Based on my research, I should wait at least 3 days after my expected period for a confirmed result to avoid a false negative.
So, while waiting for my next period and before taking a pregnancy test for confirmation—whether I turn out to be positive or negative—I’m considering consuming alcohol, coffee, doing extreme workouts (fatigue), and taking naproxen (not yet sure bout this). Would this be dangerous?
Additional: If I am confirmed to be pregnant, I plan to take MA and purchase pills from trusted sources (WoW). For now, I just want to do something to prevent this 'pregnancy.'
I need your advice please. Thank you!
this is a throwaway account so idk if I have enough karma to post but still so I'm 17, and I had sex with my boyfriend (now ex). every time was protected, we've never done it unprotected, always checked later if the condom was broken(it wasnt) and I always washed up later just incase. the most recent was around 6th jan, and I had my periods after it around 19th. now lately, I've been experiencing some spotting(brown coloured) for about 5 days now. I don't know why. I am on ovulation according to flo but even if i ever spotted before around this rime its never been this long. I've also been experiencing a lot of stress from my breakup if that's a factor? I've searched up a lot and most sites say its implantation bleeding. so am i pregnant?
I know it is really early but I am hoping I get my rainbow baby after losing one in 2023.
My HR was high 2 days prior to what my watch thinks was my ovulation day and so was my breathing. These readings being overnight.
My temp spiked 2 days ago and it dipped only a tiny bit last night. Not sure what it will do today.
I am cramping a bit and I kinda feel like these cramps were similar but I can’t really remember cause my memory is horrible and that was so long ago. I do remember that my boobs did hurt like HORRIBLY but this time zero pain (so far).
I am emo like usual and the rest of my symptoms remind me of just normal PMS. We have been trying every other day since I ended my period. So it is very likely I could be. I hope so.
Readings: https://imgur.com/a/qUPqcvM
Is this just my literal phase or could it be early pregnancy?
Edit: just started having heartburn and nausea and realized I forgot about the nausea I had all day yesterday and for a few hours today. None of that usually happens for me.
My insomnia has been so bad since around the 23rd. Last period was Jan 8. I want to sleep and I am tired but I can’t sleep. I also can’t stay asleep.
Hi! So I am a little worried and I just need someone to help me out . I’m currently 7 days late my period is usually around the same time every month (varies from 20-24th) this month it never came I keep track and my app states it’s 7 days late. I’ve taken 4 pregnancy test to 2 when I was 2 days late ,1 when I was 4 days late and 1 today 7 days late… and they have all been negative. I’ve also noticed that I have cramps ,nausea and fatigue. I’m a little confused so has anyone had this happen??
could sperm drip down from chest into vagina and get you pregnant? sorry if this is a stupid question
1/15 my fiancé and I had sex. The condom broke, we noticed as soon as it happened. I was five days finished with an abnormally long period (10 days, my period is usually 5). I take birth control but I was five days late to starting my new packet at that point because I couldn’t find it. My fiancé found it that night (bless him) and I took one right away(2am), and then I took a second one later that day on my normal time (4:30pm). I am currently 3 days late for starting my upcoming period. I took a test on Tuesday (1/27) and that came up negative… I am experiencing PMS symptoms and I spotted a tiny bit today but I missed a pill yesterday because of how stressed out I’ve been about this, so that also may have caused the spotting. I’ve done extensive googling and nothing is conclusive which is adding to the stress on top of college classes… I finally resorted to Reddit and the information on this subreddit was so much more conclusive and informative than a lot of my google searches which made me feel better, but I’d still like more input on my situation… Thank you for helping, sorry about how long winded this is, I just need some voices that aren’t mine…
Hi! I posted a story a few weeks ago about how I had two periods, but I was worried that I was still pregnant. Well I got my third period and took a pregnancy test afterwards which came out negative. That should be enough for me but I’ve been searching about cryptic pregnancies and now I’m paranoid that I am experiencing one even though they’re very uncommon. My stomach has started pulsing and I can tell if it’s just my heart or not. If I was pregnant, I would be 8-9 weeks right now. I’m freaked out because I have back pain in my middle and lower back. I feel like I’ve gained weight but I can’t be sure. And I’m gassy most of the time. I don’t know what to do and I’m only 19 years old.
Hello, this incident happened a week ago, day 15 of my cycle likely around the time of ovulation. To cut it short, no condom used, the tip of penis went through my labia lips and vulva but never penetrating my vaginal canal nor do I believe it ever went in my hole (I was tight so felt like a blockage), he never was close to finishing hence no ejaculation at all, but I’m worried of pre cum lingering around or even in the vulva/ labia lips. Should I be worried ? It’s been a week and I don’t feel any symptoms. Looking for reassurance or insight.
No piv sex but with direct genital rubbing. Already had her period after but late for second period.
Last month, my gf and I engaged in several sexual activities including kissing, oral, and fingering. All throughout, we were both wearing underwear. However for a brief period, i was on top of her and took my underwear off and so did she. We directly grinded for about 5 seconds and then we put on our underwear back. I did not ejaculate prior or during this action but there may be precum.
We continued with oral and humping until i finished on her face and body. At no point did i insert my penis inside of her. I understand that this sub generally believes no piv=no pregnancy but sites like scarleteen says its still a risk. Her periods usually ranges from 31-34 days and we were so anxious until she had her period on the 35th day that lasted for 5 days with a strong flow and red colour.
But now, she is currently late for her second period after the encounter. She is now on day 39th for this cycle but we have not done anything ever since the last encounter. She was however sick for a majority of this month including flu, fever, nausea, and fatigue and had a lot of medication. We want to believe this is the cause of her delay but we are still very concerned as she does not feel any pre-period symptoms and have never been this late before.
And no, we havent done a pregnancy test because she already had her period once and honestly, we’re too scared to check. I read a lot about vaginal bleeding (implantation or spotting) that can be mistaken for true periods.
I understand that medically, its impossible to have periods if pregnancy occured, however we can’t stop feeling anxious over this. Hoping someone can shed more truth over this. Thank you
Update : 01/02/2025
Now 42 days into her cycle (typically 31-35). Beginning to become very anxious. Yes, she had her period after the encounter and we have not done anything ever since. However she has never been this late before.
Is it possible that this delay is not due to her sickness, but the other way around, as in her sickness was actually due to a pregnancy? Is there any way she could have mistakened her period as spotting? She described it as strong but normal flow for the first 4 days, bright red colour, used multiple pads per day, with cramping and lasted 6-7 days at-least.
Does anyone have any insight please?
So me and my lover decided to dry hump, and after i came i let the tissue absorb the cum on my penis till its dry, then after about minutes or more have passed, i took it off without washing my hands afterwards, i took it off but my hands didnt feel wet or anything like that, after about 5 minutes after i touched that tissue, i decided to finger my lover, at first i realized what i have done and quickly washed my fingers with soap, and after that i went back to fingering her.
What im worried about is some sperm probably got on my fingers(again, it felt dry), and i fingered my lover afterwards and it can somehow cause pregnancy.
Her expected period is this month (we did it on the 12th of january) and today is feb 1, im rlly worried, she has some sort of PMS symptoms by now (headaches, bloating, cramping) but im still worried that its the pregancy taking place. Need reassurance and education ASAP.
Had intercourse 1/24 where the condom slipped off and he finished, I took plan b 1/25. Today, 1/31 I am noticing some spotting of a dark red blood, not transferring onto clothing or pads but only appearing when i w*pe myself. Is this implantation bleeding or a side effect of plan b? I’m confused bc this is a week later, I am ovulating, I should be starting my period Feb 12th-14th. I am also experiencing some cramping. This started today.
I am getting a Mirena IUD inserted possibly sometime this week, or the week of my period (hopefully) will this be an issue with the implantation of the IUD?
Thank you!
Hi, I just took a pregnancy test (the clearblue rapid test) an hour ago. This was also 28 dpo. It is a definite negative but I am concerned about the accuracy since my urine was pretty diluted and I took the test at night. I took the test 19 dpo as well and it was also negative with more concentrated urine. I had light bleeding that occurred a week after sexual activity that lasted a week with no period cramps and I am assuming it was a light period but I am taking tests to make sure. Right now I am experiencing breast soreness, cramps, headaches, mood swings but I should also be getting my period in about a week so these could be PMS symptoms. Would time of day matter if it is 28 dpo and wouldn’t it show a faint line if it was positive?
I'm so stupid I know. I'm so nervous right now. 2 days ago January 30, he put it inside me to feel what is it like. I brushed him off right away after like 3 strokes as we realized that its not right.
Right after, I took 8 pills of ETHINYLESTRADIOL + LEVONORGESTREL (trust pill) within 24 hours. Im from the Philippines so no access to Plan B.
6AM - Deed 11:15AM - 1 pill Around 12nn - I took the 3 altogether 3am - 4 pills together
I took the other 4 for like 3 hours late (3am). (yuzpe(?)). I don’t know if it worked, because not sure if I ovulated already or not as im in my 18th day of my my usual 28-30 days cycle. 😭 Im so scared of being pregnant because u can get pregnant from a precum.
Im supposed to get period in Feb 10. Im waiting
Boyfriend thinks I've got line eyes, but I swear there's an ever so faint line there. Any input is appreciated, thanks in advance 🫶
So I started BC the week of my period. Lasted 4 days(1/14-1/17) and on the 5th day had sex with my boyfriend, where he finished in me about 2/3x. My brain is being logical and telling me, unlikely, bc I also took an Ella on the 5th day. However that first week, I wasn’t adamant on my BC at 8:30. It varied by an hour or two and missed ONE night. But I also have anxiety. Tomorrow will be 2wks so I’ll take a test to be sure and another on day 21. I just want to know others thoughts honestly.
Hi all,
I’m scared because my period is now six days late. I had a really bad case of flu A at the very beginning of January.
Has anyone experienced this? How late was it? I took several tests yesterday and this morning too and it is NOT pregnancy. Is this reliable at this point? I keep feeling like it’s going to come but still nothing.
Had implantation on January 27th, having uterus pain. Causes?
Hello. So last night my husband did something a little unexpected. I was performing oral on him and then he bent me over and put it in unprotected but it was for like 10 secs until he pulled out and put on a condom then to continue. He was deep when he did that and I KNOW there was pre cum from the oral at least. I am aware that poses some risk, but how likely would you say it is I might actually get pregnant from this...
me and my girlfriend (stupidly) had unprotected sex, it was only for a few minutes and i pulled out well before i finished, i knew it was stupid, but since it was only 4 days after her period ended, i got her a plan b and asked her to take it. she took and we were okay until her period came and it was light spotting for about 5 days, i know it wasn’t implantation bleeding because the blood was definitely period blood, it wasn’t pink or brown. however she’s been kind of moody, and she told me that she felt like she felt nauseous after eating yesterday, and today she wants to take a pregnancy test, should i be worried? also should i trust the result of the pregnancy test?