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How to deal with YouTube?

How to keep control of the YouTube algorithm for kids? So far I've been blocking weird channels on my personal feed (like the ones which are AI generated and "teach" colors but are utter bullshit) and some others, but they are so many to block them all.

Is YouTube Kids a good option? I've read somewhere else that it's even worse than normal YouTube.

I've been considering downloading videos on a flash drive and plugging it onto the TV for a better control, but I wondered if there was another option.

The more I watch YouTube with my kid, the more I think Netflix and Disney+ are much better options.

How did you all go about it?

11:37 UTC


My wife will not stop asking to have a girl (2+4 yr boys)

We have a pair of boys, 2 and 4. We both work basically remote in Colorado, make good money, have space and family nearby. Every thing is there for another kid to live comfortably except that I simply do not want to do it again. I am a miserable person for the first 12months. And for the next 12 I only look forward to them being able to grow up and talk. I want us to retire early. I don't like babies. My 2yo and especially my 4yo are now everything and awesome. I love our family of 4, to me it is absolutely perfect.

However it has been an increasingly aggressive push for a 3rd. She wants to do IVF to ensure it's a girl, I would have no issues with that if it was #2. The main arguments are she feels like I'll always be closer to the boys than her, that she wants the mom and daughter lifetime friendship, and that girls take care of you when your old. All her points have some validity. I'm starting to find myself making arguments on why I specifically would prefer not to raise a girl in defense, when really it wouldn't matter if she wanted another boy or girl. I am just not interested in another kid and I'm exhausted.

It's trending towards one of us resenting the other no matter what. Who has won and lost this war?

10:46 UTC


Any dad's helping their SO through chronic illness? Feeling lost and looking for advice

So last year my wife started experiencing dizziness and fainting spells, and we are still in the process of trying to figure it out, though process of elimination is pointing towards POTS or something similar. It has been a huge struggle trying to juggle everything, as her capability to work around the house has been greatly diminished. Just doing the dishes can be an exhausting task for her.

Most days, I don't even sit down until after our 3 year old daughter goes to bed, between work, playing with her, making dinner, and cleaning. I try making time for myself and for our relationship, and my family has been a great help, but I still feel like I'm drowning some days.

Is anyone else out there struggling to juggle being a caretaker, full time provider, and parent? If so, any advice would be greatly appreciated (on a side note screw doctor's offices, absolutely crap trying to get them to do anything in a timely manner).

1 Comment
10:41 UTC


What sound that you make made you realise you are 100% dad inside?

I sound disgusting while under the shower. Get that snot out, no need to be subtle about it.

10:26 UTC


Top IKEA kit for kids?

I'm doing an IKEA order and need to spend a few extra quid to qualify for free delivery.

Is there anything you've picked up from IKEA which you now wouldn't be without?

Something for the kids? Something to make having kids easier? Something that was just an impulse purchase but you now use all the time?

1 Comment
09:15 UTC


Kinda feeling bad for taking a vacation

My sister invited me on a 3 week vacation. I leave tomorrow. I'm separated and this is the first big treat myself thing I've done. It's not a trip I'd consider taking for myself. If it wasn't for the invite, I doubt I'd ever go.

I really enjoy being a parent and I feel guilty as shit leaving my daughter (8) with her mom for three weeks.

1 Comment
07:32 UTC


Weird sleep training method

Hey dads, our toddler who has normally been a great sleeper turned two and started climbing out of his crib. So I converted his bed and now he leaves his room in the middle of the night 1-4 times a night.

It’s been exhausting. But right now we’re at the point where I walk him back to bed, say good night, close his door, and then he immediately gets up and opens his door again.

So I started just standing outside his door, and telling him “back to bed, good night” and he’ll silently close his door and lay back in bed for about 10-30 seconds. Repeat this step about 10-50 times. Sometimes it takes an hour of doing this before he finally slows down and then falls back asleep in bed.

Obviously it gets old to stand in the dark hallway at 3am for an hour but I don’t mind if what I’m doing is effective to eventually get him to stay in bed? I honestly don’t know.

If I leave my post he freaks out and gets riled up. I tried holding the door handle once but he literally screamed “scaring me!” and looked real shook so I don’t think I wanna do that again.

I’m concerned I’m just training him to look for me in the hallway at any time of the night he wants. Any advice?

07:29 UTC


I feel useless at night

Edit: 28m and 27F

My beautiful son is 3 days old. We just had our third night and everything is going so well. I'm so proud of how well my wife and son are doing. So far I've changed almost every diaper and clothes, checked his temperature all the time and left my wife to do the feeding ofcourse. Which was going great.

The first night was a bit hard we both barely slept.

Second night was better he slept in intervals of 2/3 hours and in between I changed his diaper, checked his temp and gave him to my wife to feed and put to sleep. We both managed to get some good sleep as well.

Last night however we didn't have to check his temperature and he only peed once. My wife didn't wake me up for that and just fed him a few times throughout the night. I slept great but I feel so bad for sleeping all night (occasionally waking up but everything being in control). I told my wife I'm sorry but she said no it's no problem at all he just needed to be fed.

I don't even know why I'm posting this because as I'm reading what I've written I feel like I'm talking nonsense but I'm just gonna leave it here.

05:45 UTC


Fractured my wrist with a newborn, how can I still help my partner?

Hi all, Feel like a complete idiot, first time out for a couple of hours leaving my wife at home (to ease back into me going to work) and I'm pretty sure I've fractured my wrist in the process.

I was trying to manage all our household chores so she can focus on breastfeeding. Now I'm not sure how I can help and I feel super guilty because I went out to exercise and it's an exercise related injury.

Any tips from dads out there how to cope in this situation? My boy is 2 weeks old and is fairly well behaved, as well as a newborn can be, for the moment at least.

05:11 UTC


Im struggling hard with my daughters relationship with my wife.

My daughter is five. I love her so much. Shes so happy and just wants to go out and explore the world and play and have fun. But she is so mean to my wife. Im not sure why because its always why Im at work. Ive asked both sides and done some due diligence and it just seems to be her being at the age where she doesnt understand why she cant have what she wants. Shes starting to push boundaries and try to lie or be sneaky to get things. I catch her sometimes and tell her no and I think my wife catches her a bunch when Im gone, but my daughter says she hates my wife, her mom. She told me today she doesnt want to live in our house anymore. I started crying and when she saw that, she started crying. Shes just so mean and I dont know how she got so spoiled. Maybe spoiled is the wrong word, but my daughter even told me that shes mean to her mom because she cant get what she wants. We're not like super rich or anything. But it takes a toll on my wife as well. Shes always unhappy and I get non-stop messages while Im at work about how mean my daughter is being and she had to be grounded or sent to her room.

Is this behavior from my daughter normal? This is our first kid to reach this age so I dont know what to think or do. I just know that my daughter and my wife always being at each others throats pains me, not only for how they feel in the present, but also for the seeds it might be planting for the future.

04:25 UTC


When do kids start preferring dad?

Hi Guys,

I've got 2 kiddos (6 year old daughter and a 4 year old son). Both of my kids love me and I know that, but it just seems for everything (helping with meals, getting ready for bed, etc.) both kids ALWAYS want mom. When I try to help my kids or try to, I always get shot down.

This happened recently when we went on vacation and had to take a bus (2-seat rows), and BOTH kids wanted to sit with Mom. I tried to not take it personally, but it seems to be a trend since they were little.

Is there something I should be doing here? I know there's the favorite parent at play, but I thought my kids would outgrow this now that they are not in the toddler stage any longer.


04:14 UTC


How to make something not go anywhere

Alright, obviously, you've got to slap it twice, and declare "that's not going anywhere." But that presupposes that you've already got the ratchet strap. Is this a case where there are more reliable brands or do you get what you pay for (as long as you're not buying them at the dollar store)? Thanks for your horror stories!

PS. I've already seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucav1oA0kHA, and it seems obvious even without the video which makes me wonder how I'm going to bungle this up if people need this kind of video.

1 Comment
04:06 UTC


Bf doesn’t do anything with baby

Our baby is 8 months old in a few days, my boyfriend (21m) and I (21f) accidentally got pregnant and I decided to keep the baby. We had our gorgeous son in November 2023 and I knew my partner had been struggling throughout my pregnancy about the fact I chose to keep it, so I kinda knew he would struggle with parenting as he doesn’t have strong paternal instincts.

The first few months were as I had predicted, he struggled with bonding and became depressed. I did everything but I didn’t mind because I knew it was a huge change for him and I really believed that with time he’d grow into fatherhood.

As a little backstory, my bf has disassociation, anxiety and suspected adhd or add. He works 7-8 hours a day with weekends off and lives at my house with my parents rent free atm.

With our baby soon turning 8 months old he still isn’t doing much with our son. Within these 8 months, he’s probably changed 10 nappies, maybe less? Never done a night shift, never taken our son out by himself and not even looked after our son alone once. He comes home from work and might spend some time with us, then go up to get changed and just sits on his phone or plays games in our bedroom whilst I’m downstairs with the baby after being alone with the baby all day. My mum does more than my partner does with our baby. I still have hope that the older he gets the more interactive he will be as I think he’s more of a toddler/child person rather than a baby person. But I can’t help wondering if this is it? I hear so many dads say that they go to work and still spend time with their babies afterwards, and how hands on they are with helping the mum and it makes me feel stupid.

I know my partner really suffers with his disassociation which makes his life hard in general, but he’s also not doing anything to try help himself like getting therapy. So although I feel for him, I also don’t because he doesn’t help himself. I have asked my bf why he doesn’t spend more time with us or do as much and he says he gets too overwhelmed and sometimes get upset because he sees people our age doing regular y/a things and that if he feels bad about having the baby then it’s easier to not help look after him as it’ll cause him to feel worse. I get he misses our old life, I do too sometimes but I feel like there’s no point thinking about what if because we’ve already got the baby and nothing is going to change that.

I love my partner so much but I’m also so afraid that this is it and is he just a shit dad? I always thought that the main thing was that our son had nice times with his dad and felt loved by us both, and our son loves his dad, he really does. But by leaving everything up to me it doesn’t feel like he’s been a good dad and maybe I need more than him just physically being there for our baby. I have so much to carry with being a parent and also trying to juggle how I feel about my partner as a partner and a dad. I know eventually if nothing changes, I’ll have had enough but i’m really hoping it could get better and that it’s just because it’s still early days.

tl;dr my bf is not hands on with our 8 month old and I’m starting to wonder if this is it?

03:40 UTC


Figuring out a bed situation

Hey fellas,

We’ve been wanting to move our twins (2yrs) into floor beds and I wanted to see if anyone else thought it was crazy to go ahead and buy twin sized mattress to have as they grow or if its a cart in front of the horse situation?

1 Comment
02:36 UTC


That look of amazement.

I was working on the car radio with my son. The radio hasn't worked in months. My son helped me swap the head unit he took apart the dash himself. We were ringing the speaker wires and found 2 wires were ringing to ground. I cut the wires for that speaker. He plugged in the head unit and it worked. That look on his face. I haven't seen him surprised in years.

It's his car. His sweat. His pride. it's not perfect, but it has a radio, because we made it have a radio

In case your wondering he drives a 1994 Honda Civic manual and he is 17.

1 Comment
02:35 UTC


Tested positive for COVID for the first time…

I’ve been masking around the little one and her momma since I started feeling a little off, but unfortunately let complacency get the best of me and slept next to momma without a mask the last couple nights.

I took an antigen test after getting off work today and found out I’m positive so have completely stayed away from little one since then. Momma took an antigen test and came out negative and asymptomatic.

What further precautions can we take to make sure little one has the lowest risk possible?

I’ve just started a paxlovid regimen, momma is masking around the baby in case I’ve infected her by sleeping next to her at night with no mask. From now on I’ll be sleeping upstairs alone until testing negative. We’re working on sanitizing her toys that I’ve touched with some isopropyl wipes we have.

She’s three months old and has had at least some antibodies from breastfeeding the first month and a half (we switched to formula as it wasn’t working for momma). Mom and I are both vaccinated. Any other ideas I can do to keep her safe?

02:33 UTC


Graduating very soon

Little background first. Two years of IVF. Second to last egg took. Currently 38+5 weeks. Classified high risk due to IVF and gestational diabetes starting about a month - month and a half ago.

We went in for an ultrasound and NST last week. Baby is estimated around 7 lbs. Measuring on target. Heart rate between 130 - 150. Lots of acceleration during the NST. 15+ in about 20 minutes. No contractions. In and out of the hospital in about 30 minutes between the two appointments.

We went in yesterday for another NST. About 3 accelerations in 20 minutes. Two she ended up prodding him a little to get a response. Small contractions the whole time. Went to the OB. No dilation but very soft thinning cervix. Scheduled induction for Sunday night.

It's sunk in that it's happening within the next few days. I took off work tomorrow so we will be home and close to the hospital. Go bag, car seat, stroller, and snack/food bag is in the car.

What are some things you did that helped her out? What are some things you wish you did? What did you wish you did more of? And finally What did you do or take that you didn't need to?

Only birth plan we have is to make sure he gets here safely. Skin to skin for the both of us. Only I will be in the labor room. Her mom and my parents will be in the waiting room.

1 Comment
02:21 UTC


Kid Gave Me $5

We went through a drive through today and my 7 year old gave me $5 as we were waiting and refused to not give it to me. She said it was for her meal because it was expensive 😭. It's crazy what they catch on to. We've been talking about prices for different things and that everything costs money. Didn't realize how much was sticking.

Obviously it doesn't cover the whole meal. But I don't care. I'll figure out a way to return it to her, I already spoil her lol.

02:09 UTC


Wife Might be Miscarrying

Looking for some advice from the boys… My wife is roughly 10 weeks pregnant and is having some bleeding and major cramp issues. We have an almost 2 year old daughter and my wife had a rough go with that pregnancy, so is hard on her thinking this could be happening. We’re in the middle of a cross country move so she doesn’t have a local provider for the pregnancy yet and we’re also between insurance. I don’t give a shit about the money if we need to go to the doctor urgently, but it makes things tougher still. I’m sure many of you guys have been here and been through the miscarriage before and I just am looking for any advice for myself but more importantly to help her. I’m the first to admit I suck at empathy and being there in emotional struggles because I’m just naturally stoic and emotionally hard. I want to be there for her as much as possible regardless of what happens. Thanks in advance.

02:07 UTC


Anybody’s sex life go to zero during pregnancy l?

Me and the the wifer were reminiscing about the three pregnancies when I brought up the sciatic nerve pain in her leg made me celebrate for 8 months and things started getting weird at the end. Anyone else go to the “No Bone Zone” during the pregnancy stage?

Edit: spelling - 5 beers deep celebrating putting type 2 diabetes in remission - I’m a lightweight now

01:55 UTC


Bombay Sapphire and fruit punch Capri Sun.

Before you judge me, I worked until six, had a happy-ish hour meeting with a potential client, came home and got the twins to bed, put the legs on a new smoker, and fixed a tricycle. Went to mix a drink, and it’s what I had available. Adapt and overcome. And it’s actually not bad. Dad on, my friends… dad on.

01:54 UTC


Kid has a cold sore

I'm worried. I've tried to be as cautious as possible. I do kiss my kid on the face when I'm not having a cold sore. I haven't had a cold sore in about two years. About four days ago, I got home with one after a trip and haven't kissed him at all. Today I noted two super small blister on his top lip. Now, it could be something else (I'm hoping maybe a bug bite or pimples); we have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I don't think it transfers and forms that fast. My other thought is that I passed it onto him months ago and it finally showed up. The fact that I have one right now could be irrelevant.

Does anyone have experience with this? I hate getting them and I feel so bad that I probably gave it to him. My wife never gets them. I know the embarrassing feeling of walking around with one. Also, I'm scared other parents won't want their kid to play with my kid. I think I'm overreacting but still.

01:48 UTC


Solo Dad Night of Doom

So my wife is away on her once yearly business trip, gone for a week. No biggie, we have four kids (9, 6, 5, and 2) and our house is under construction due to an addition right now, so life is generally crazy. But my awesome mother-in-law will be over during the day to watch the kids as usual (with a little longer hours than normal), and I can flex my work schedule. Then last night happened.

First, my two-year-old used some (real) kids tools to rip a hole across the entirety of one of our nice living room chair cushions. Great. Put him in timeout for a minute while I assessed the damage. I can handle this.

Of course, he rage-pooped while he was in timeout, but he was blubbery because he realized he'd messed something up and he takes that personally. I can handle the dirty diaper smell for a while, so I plop him in my lap and fire up Mario Party for the kids. This was an error.

Ten minutes later I have one Super Star, but I also discover that I have a wet shirt. And wet shorts. And wet underwear. Turns out his poop blew out up his back and he peed enough while sitting in my lap to soak us both. I got this. Just two more days until my beautiful wife is home.

I change his diaper and clothes, then change my clothes and we finish our game of Mario Party. I am rocking this Dad thing. While the kids cleanup a bit after I go to finish loading and start the dishwasher. No response. It's cool though, I'm an engineer, I can fix this after the kids are down.

An hour later after the usual bedtime nonsense I start stripping apart the dishwasher. It's getting power, but the door is completely dead and I can't find any issues. Maybe the circuit board died, who knows. Time to get hand washing two days worth of dishes for five people.

It was at this moment that I remembered two things. There was leftover lemonade from Wendy's in the fridge and rum in the pantry. A little chill time and I was ready to go share a bed with my very cuddly two year old and do it all again the next day. Right, I may have forgotten to mention that due to the construction we've had to move in with our youngest for a few months​.

Anyway, that was last night. Made it through, and just one more day until some level of normalcy returns. Happy Dadding!

01:06 UTC


Do you love being a dad??

I really love being a dad so much!! It wasn’t exactly the way or the time I wanted to have a kid but I love every second of it 😊. My daughter 4.5 scraped her toe on the trampoline and it was bleeding and she was screaming. I went to take care of her and carried her in the house and was cleaning her foot and got her a bandage and gave her some emotional support m&m’s 😂 and gave her a hug and she sat on my lap for a few minutes. I don’t know if I’m weird but even during her getting hurt and screaming I still loved being her dad and taking care of her that way and making her feel better. I just love being a dad and it really has changed me and made me so happy to have a daughter.

00:57 UTC


What is your MVP newborn soothing tool or tactic?

I hold my baby with one arm, diagonally across my chest while holding this pacifier in his mouth, gently bouncing and singing country roads.

00:49 UTC


Won't get in shower, full meltdown...

Won't get out of shower, full meltdown...

That is all.

00:25 UTC


Dadding at its finest

Set aside the restless nights and the days where he's just having a bad day; my boy falling asleep on my chest is one of the highlights of my day. I'm gonna miss his little 5 month tiny self. Being a dad is the coolest. Cheers !

00:16 UTC


Really bad mosquito bites

Has anyone else noticed mosquitos seem to be a lot more aggressive and resistant to DEET than they used to be, and their bites get a lot more inflamed and a lot faster? I was outside but the kiddie pool with my 15 month old and she got at least 5 bites. Here’s a picture of three of them that clustered together. Not sure what to do to reduce the issue, I was already spraying her down with baby bug spray every 15 minutes because she has a history of being eaten up like me. We get rid of all standing water around us to cut down on the problem and live on a pretty big slope, so it’s not generally an issue to start with. We also empty the pool after every use and only refill it the afternoon before we plan on using it.

TL;DR Mosquitos are really bad and seem to ignore bug spray. We get rid of standing water too, but still a big problem. Any tips on repelling/preventing outside of bug spray and environmental control?

00:00 UTC

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