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Guys I just almost killed my 3 week old even while keeping extremely close eyes on him🤦🏻‍♂️

I had him upright on my chest while he’s dozing. Switched him to lay next to my leg on the couch for some comfort, with his head towards the back of the couch (his ear makes my chest itchy after a while). Then got up without disturbing him and thought “cool.”

Let him lie there for about 20 minutes with my eye on him as I’m getting a snack, brushing teeth, etc. eventually plop back down a couple feet away and watch a video, while still monitoring regularly.

He started his slow wake up and I figured I would have to wake the wife soon for a feed. Then out of nowhere he stops breathing/making noise. I bang on his back and bring him to the bedroom and wake up my wife. I’m kinda freaking out at this point. After a minute or so of that and using the snot ball from the hospital in his mouth and the snot sucker, he spits up a ton of saliva. Slowly precedes to get back to normal breathing (and shortly thereafter, fussing from hunger. Hooray!)

Guys I’m a fuckin moron. Don’t leave your infants on a non-flat surface. The couch isn’t significantly angled but I think being in a slight decline position for about 20-30 minutes caused a bunch of saliva to pool in the back of his throat. He was fine and breathing normal until he wasn’t. If I had dozed off or hadn’t been watching him closely I think he could have died.

06:28 UTC


When in toddlerhood does the sense of worry disappear?

Title is the question. Dad to a 13 month old girl and despite my wife and everyone else telling me I’m doing a great job for her, I still find myself in bouts of worry. Whether I’m doing enough to keep her on track, whether the meals I’m giving her are enough etc.

She was born on her due date, a 2 month stay in the NICU & all follow ups have come back with positive results but maybe this worry is just a me thing?

Thank you in advance for your perspectives

05:38 UTC


How to do e-books for a 2 year old?

Hi Daddit - hope you're all having a good day!

I often find myself wanting new books for the little one as he develops his interests and thought I'd try the e-book format. Does anyone have any good experiences or general advice with this?

I have an iPad we could be reading from. I'm looking for apps, databases, or other places to retrieve the books. I'm not looking for very interactive books but would like to get as close as possible to the physical experience. My son is really getting into books with short narratives. We need pictures to point at so we can practice words and help make sense of the narrative. Book titles are also welcome.

Thank you!

1 Comment
05:36 UTC


Dad all alone

I had my 5 kids during the years 1982-1993 they have grown up and left the house. But in 2002 my friends died and we were asked to be the parents. We said yes. Now In 2024 my last daughter has finally moved out and into her own place. But now I’m bored I have nothing to do. I kinda miss when my kids lived here. Is it being selfish or justified. Because I don’t know now I’m conflicted.

04:59 UTC



Sorry for the long post but I need some help dads of Reddit. Feel free to chat with me for more information or to answer any questions.

Twins just turned 3. It’s been 3 years now of struggling to find the joys of parenthood. So far it has just been stressful, frustrating, and caused more fights with the wife then the first 5 years of our relationship.

Kids don’t listen, they run wild. I try to be as present and calm as possible. Wife and I both work full time in lifetime careers not just random jobs so we really only have 30-40 minutes in the morning and then 2.5 hours in the evening with them before we start bedtime after picking them up from daycare and I find myself avoiding the kids without realizing it. I’ll eat dinner in the kitchen sometimes or take a stomach issue so I can go lay on the couch.

Raised by a master mechanic who grew up poor and forced to mature faster than most kids. My whole life I’ve taken my frustration out by throwing things, punching, or some kind of physically violent action and be instantly calm as I saw growing up but I don’t want to pass it on but find it hard to find appropriate outlets for the frustration that comes along with raising kids let alone twins.

I want nothing more then to enjoy every minute possible with my little kids as I know time goes fast and before I know it they’ll want nothing to do with me but I don’t know how as I find myself getting frustrated with their behavior or attitude and struggle to get over it all.

Please help me enjoy the little bit of time I still have with my little kids who are enamored and in love with me.

04:00 UTC


What is it with playdoh

That our brains only think of either grabbing a handful and squeezing it or making a penis that's just abstract enough that the kid doesn't get curious.

03:19 UTC


I Welcomed My Firstborn into the World Yesterday!

After my wife's water breaking yesterday, ten days before our scheduled C-section. My 9lbs. son was born about 8 hours later. It has been such an amazing 48 hours already filled with ups and downs.

I just wanted to say thank you to this sub, and all the positive energy it has brought me over the last few months. I am so happy this space exists the way that it does, and I cannot be happier to have joined the club.

02:25 UTC


First diaper rash and first day of daycare. Pls assist

My 13 month is experiencing his first diaper rash. He is supposed to have his first day of daycare Monday. I don’t want to drop him off because it will be his new teachers introduction to him however, it’s supposed to be his first day.

I thought about calling or stopping by to introduce us but leaving with him (just an introduction) to let them know that he would come by once the rash cleared.

What would you all do? Go to daycare and let them know or call? Any other suggestions or options come to mind.

Not sure how long diaper rash typically takes to clear as this is his first time having it.

02:12 UTC


What kind of black magic goes on in the hospital??

Our 18 month old has had a nasty cough and chest infection for a week and a half now, which we've been able to manage at home until now. She was eating, drinking, happy enough and it looked like she was starting to recover.

But since 1am last night she took a rough turn and has been screaming her little heart out ever since! Nothing we could do to calm her down, wouldn't eat, drink, sleep, play. Nothing. So after taking turns trying to make her feel better for 8ish hours, we made the call to present to the hospital.

Wouldn't you know it? Not a single tear or cry since we walked in. Her vitals aren't critical but they're not quite where they need to be, yet she's happy and energetic out of the blue.

This isn't our first experience like this, and I'm sure you other dads have been there too. What gives?

01:51 UTC


16 mo daughter dove off high top chair on wife’s watch. I reacted poorly. Need some advice.

So here’s the story. We met up at a local restaurant/ brewery with 10 friends and a few of their kids. It was a little later so we were just going to stop up, say hi, hang out for 30-45 minutes and go home for bedtime. My wife was standing beside my daughter who was standing on a high top chair, flanked by my friend’s wife who were watching my daughter. Kinda out of nowhere my daughter decides to dive off the chair. My wife caught her enough before she hit the floor that she wasn’t hurt. Just scared and crying. My initial reaction was that of fear and anger. I gave my wife an angry stare. My initial reaction was that my daughter is on a high top chair. The most important thing you have to do is make sure she doesn’t fall. My wife scooped up my daughter and took her outside. I assured everyone my daughter didn’t hit the ground hard and was okay. I gathered our things and met my wife at the car. My wife was crying when I got there. Not a word was said to me until after we got home and I put my daughter to bed. I walked into the bedroom and she was still crying. I apologized for the way I reacted. I hate that I made her feel like shit. I know she is a phenomenal mother and things happen. At the same time, I feel like she has to have more situational awareness (I did not bring that up.) She said she was embarrassed and hurt and will never forget the way I looked at her in that moment. She’s sleeping in the baby’s room tonight. I hate that I reacted the way I did and made her feel worse than she already does. Anyone have any advice to work on my initial reactions when things like this happen? How to smooth things over? It is not a happy home right now and I have to make things right.

TLDR; My daughter almost got hurt. I immediately blamed my wife and stared daggers at her in front of everyone. Now we’re both upset and I want to make things right and work on how I react to similar situations.

01:42 UTC


I need some help. Please share your stories

Sorry for the long one, but I could really use your stories of when your toddlers didn't act the best.

After a pretty disastrous first day of a vacation my wife is really upset. She's been worried about our kid for a while in terms of autism or another similar condition.

My daughter is about 2y4m. She's done well lately on long days where we skipped the nap to do something so we decided to drive about 4 hours to Holland MI for the tulip fest. She was up about 7 and we hit the road 30 min later. We got there about 4 hours later after a stop half way through. We went right to their craft fair and it was kinda hot. Daughter wasn't sitting well in her stroller, would not wear a hat or let us put the sun shade up, and when she got out of the stroller refused to hold hands.

About an hour later she was really in a bad mood and crying and kicking anytime I had to tell her not to touch something. She was screaming for a rubber duck toy she saw and that's when we left. She didn't stop crying and asking for it for 10 minutes. The same thing happened an hour after that at the little wooden shoe store when I had to take her shoe ornament away so it could be personalized.

My wife thinks that her not listening and not being able to sit still, getting upset and crying when she's told no or not to touch, and repeating stuff like duck or Dada when she wants something are indications of a problem. I just think she's a really headstrong kid that wants her way and gets worse when she's tired.

Could you share some stories of your kids and if they acted this way but grew out of it? I really don't know what to do to help this situation but we've been fighting about it all day.

01:36 UTC


Daughter Wants Mom. I am Hopeless

We alternated bedtime for her first 2 years of life with no issues. It was one of my favourite aspects of raising her.

Now, for over 6 months, she screams for mom at bed time. Mom is tired, mom is pregnant, and mom cannot do bedtime every single night. So every second day, I try, and fail. I’ve put her to bed successfully maybe 6 or 7 times in half a year.

At what point do we consider this to be ludicrous? I’m sick and tired of being screamed at. I spend 30 minutes reading, talking, singing, rocking, and literally all that is said back to me is “mama” with varying levels of anger and tears.

What’s the answer to this? At what point is it cruel to keep trying? At what point does Dad’s mental health come into consideration?

01:31 UTC


With practice you can do anything…

My 3 yo daughter and I were riding a mountain bike trail today and she saw a 10 yo or so girl riding a bike and said only big kids can balance on a big bike - she’s been trying with a balance bike and struggling with it.

I said say (as I do when teaching new words or phrases) “I can” “do anything” “that I practice” after the back and forth she said “thank you daddy!”

Tugged on my heart strings something fierce.

01:20 UTC


Backyard toy recommendations for high energy boys

I have two boys under the age of 7 who have insane amounts of energy and love to play outside. I have a fairly small backyard (probably ~30' x 30'). As the weather gets nice I'm looking for some ideas for outdoor toys to keep them busy. Fellow dads, what are your best recommendations for outdoor toys for small backyards?

01:17 UTC


Hey guys

So not really support as the flair said, just a little apprehension on my side. So my wife and I are separated, I had to move out and am at the house I grew up in the last 2 years. Our daughter is having her 3rd birthday party tomorrow and I have a feel the new boyfriend will be there. I hate that I'm not looking forward to my daughters birthday party. Ugh this sucks

01:05 UTC


These little fingernails…

My. God.

Paper cuts are a walk in the park compared to these little blades. Are they made of the sharpest metal known to man???

01:04 UTC


PSA: Hilda is a great show

In case you haven't heard of it, you should check out the show Hilda if you have elementary aged kids! Great art style, fun adventure stories with magic and kid-appropriate monsters, and enjoyable for adults too. There's a series of great graphic novels too.

00:46 UTC


We’re hosting our first play date tomorrow. Dads of Reddit, what tips do you have?

Both kids are kindergartners. We know the parents through soccer, and the kids play together well. We’re not sure if they’re going to stay or drop off.

We’ve got plenty of snacks, toys, and other activities, but would any of you have any tips besides the obvious? Should we get some snacks for the grownups in case they stay? Any other pro tips or advice?

00:33 UTC


If you could live in any fictional children's universe (books, movies, TV), which universe would you pick and why?

Bonus points if you can tell us what character you'd want to play in said fictional universe.

00:26 UTC


Was told this is a boy dinner

I asked around first. Wife wasn't hungry, daughter (21) said she's eating at her friend's house. So I made myself this. Daughter comes downstairs and says, "that's boy dinner". Damn right it is.

23:56 UTC


any other three body problem dad fans here? how long was your last chaotic era

our last chaotic era lasted a whopping 5 days. toddler civilization 129 was destroyed by vomiting, high fever and refusal to eat anything other than milk. we’re finally in a stable era again but unable to predict how long civilization 130 will prosper for before the next inevitable chaotic era (probably caused by teething 🫣)

23:27 UTC


It's been 24 hours

24 hours since my 3yo hid the TV remote, and it's one the TVs without any buttons. I'm going crazy!

22:11 UTC


Who cracked the code on Mother's Day gifts?

Some of you reddit dads must have come up with an epic gift idea for Mom to round out your amazing dadness. What did you do/get? I need inspiration.

22:07 UTC


Recommendations for Active augmented reality games for young kids

It was years ago that I remember peripheral "user- facing" products that could hook up with certain consoles, enabling AR games.

We have a big screen TV and a big living room with a sofa on wheels so I can expand the floor space when necessary.

Which products do I need to know about for exercise and full body activity to keep my 5 and 2 yr old kids busy and/or tired before bed?

21:35 UTC


Time spent with kids

Hi guys how’s it goin. I was curious about something. I spend about 15 hours on average a week watching my kid, this week it’s been closer to 30. I find that once I’ve spent more than 2 full days watching my 2 year old it becomes tough for me to be emotionally and mentally available for him towards the end. Is this normal to feel drained from watching my kid this much? How much time would you guys say you spend on average 1 on 1 with your kids and when does it start to become too much?

21:29 UTC


Is your wife watching Bluey by herself?

21:19 UTC


Just children


My youngest (M4) hit me moments ago in the nuts. Do you know that hit that gives you a shock and you fall in the ground unable to speak and wanting to cry? It was it.

I fell apart in pain and was a while in fetal position moaning until the pain slowly went away.

Around me, just silence. When the pain was small enough, I stood up slowly and took his toy with which he hit me away. He was crying not for the toy, but in fear that I would discipline him.

How could I do anything? It was an accident. I took his toy because I had already ordered him to stop hitting things with that. But the little guy was scared and frightened.

I approached, hugged and kissed him.

Now, tell me. When does someone hit you in your sensitive parts and you comfort your aggressor? Just children.

20:56 UTC


Baby ads

Hey guys quick question lol… the last two days I’ve been seeing tons of baby ads on my phone and computer… my girlfriend hasn’t said a word yet, but have any of you guys noticed this right before their SO gave them the news?

20:42 UTC


Parenting is…

Parenting is spending $30 to go the zoo with your wife and 2 year old and he spends his time jumping in the one puddle that has no animals around it… and thinking that money wasn’t entirely wasted

20:20 UTC


It's not about me

I enjoy physical conditioning and fitness in general. I've always had, sometimes to negative levels like when I developed a pathological form of negative self image as a teenager that led me to try things I shouldn't.

I've also included my kids in it. As toddlers, even. Nothing too serious or dangerous, sometimes just small activities so they'd develop their motor skills. I'm not just winging it, by the way, had professionals help me.

When my eldest was 6, I started actually training him. Still age appropriated of course, and I've been doing so since then. It's actually one of the things we bond over, a time we spend together. We love it.

Last few months, however, I've started to notice how he started to have some very impressive progress. Don't get me wrong, he was always impressive, if I can brag as a father, but this puberty thing is no joke and he just started.

What made me even happier was when, unprompted, he asked me for help because he thought he could do better. It might sound silly, but I got really excited about it. Talked to doctors, been spending hours and hours planning exercises, schedules, diet, supplements, etc etc, and we started.

Then I talked to my dad. He read me like an open book, asked me why I am doing this. I'm summarising it up, of course, it was a full conversation, but basically he identified what I hadn't realised yet, that I wasn't doing this just because my son asked of me, but because I was projecting myself into him. He then made me think, if I let myself get carried on my desire to vicariously live my teen years through him, if that could end up hurting him. And he's right (he's always right, somehow).

I mean, we are still going to train together. That's not the bad part, it's how I was psychologically approaching it. Not like I was planning to pump him with tren. It's just I didn't notice how I was making it about how I could be happy through him, instead with being happy with him.

Don't know why I made this post, just wanted to register to myself I'm not the worst and that I'm capable of recognise when I am doing wrong things.

20:06 UTC

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