
Photograph via snooOG

For discussing the unique challenges of those trying to conceive over 40.

For discussing the unique challenges of those trying to conceive over 40.


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Wake up at 2am every night

Anyone else? How do you cope? I have this never ending tiredness, I sometimes (almost everyday) abuse antihistamines and other pills to fall back asleep. I want to give up everything because I don’t have the energy. I’m pretty sure my ovaries don’t have the energy to produce one good egg with this sleeplessness. I’m waiting for blood test results so I can beg my GP for melatonin. She’s also a gyno so I’m hoping I can convince her by saying how melatonin also helps egg quality (?!), will it work? If I get melatonin, will I be able to make it past 4am at least? Anyone in my situation? Ttc and can’t sleep?

04:32 UTC


New Here

Hi - I am new to the group. Trying to ward off the loneliness I feel on this journey. My husband and I have children from previous relationships in our 20s. I am 42 and he is 48, we are trying for our first together. We started in Feb 2024. We have two ERs with two fresh transfers which failed. My husband then got a vasectomy reversal to improve sperm health. We had two more ERs, 1 failed fresh transfer and 1 fresh transfer that made it to 7.5 weeks. We just learned yesterday there is no longer a heartbeat and I am scheduled for a D&C in 5 days. We have 3 frozen untested cleavage embryos. Because of our ages and existing kids, we have shared nothing of our journey. I am equal parts hopeful and terrified of it never working. There is nothing I want more than to raise a child with the love of my life. Raising children in toxic past marriages stole so much joy. I just pray for a second chance despite my age.

20:57 UTC


Weekly Discussion Thread - November 27, 2024

How are things going for you this week?

16:00 UTC


Anyone in the US with United Healthcare?

I know all plans are different, but I’m just curious about others’ experiences. I’m supposed to have coverage for up to 4 egg retrievals. I’ve gone through 5 IVF cycles but only 3 retrievals and was supposed to have my baseline appt tomorrow for what would hopefully be my last covered retrieval. I’ve been priming and everything. Then just today I found out that UHC has denied the pre-auth for this next IVF cycle. I haven’t gotten the letter yet so I don’t understand why. They approved all the others and I have the coverage, so why deny now? I’m so depressed. I had to fight really hard to even get on the schedule for this cycle because everyone wants to get in by the end of the year. I turn 43 in January and that’s really looming over me. I just feel like I’m being stupid and need to just understand it isn’t going to happen and give up. My mind knows that but my heart won’t accept it.

20:36 UTC


Endometritis? Confused.

After a uterine biopsy and endometritis finding my doc has prescribed two weeks of doxycycline and no follow up. Seems like they are not alarmed by this, but I am clueless as I have never once heard of this diagnosis. Any experience with it and suggestions? I mean obviously going to take the two weeks, but worried if I should advocate for another biopsy, if maybe this is why we have been TTC for six months, so many questions.

Anyone else out there had to deal with this? And were you as surprised as me to know this was something and was common?

03:38 UTC


High FSH horror

I have a dr apt Monday with my fertility clinic but I am quickly spiraling.

I am 40 and have been with my clinic for almost a year. We’ve had two early miscarriages and were about to do a third IUI cycle, this time with follistim. My AMH is .8 so I never had more than 6 follicles at baseline, but all other CD 3 labs were always fine.

This month on CD 2 my FSH was 34. The nurse practitioner called to tell me I couldn’t start the meds, that this result was concerning, and a consult with the dr was my next step.

I’ve never had an irregular cycle (when not medicated) and my progesterone blood work consistently shows I ovulate, with or without support. I’m so confused by this result coming on so quickly.

Fully trying to go through the grief process that the dr is going to tell me donor eggs are the only option. Has anyone had experience with these types of results and still been able to conceive naturally or with IVF/their own eggs?

03:36 UTC


Medicated Cycle

I did a medicated cycle (Letrozole, one day of estrogen, ovidrel shot, and then progesterone twice daily after ovulation) and was told when to BD. Followed everything how I was told, though I felt like we could have BDed more (for reference I was told to BD Friday afternoon, take the shot at 10pm Friday, and then BD Sunday morning - I feel like we should have done Saturday too). Then I was told to take a pregnancy test today, which is negative (very upsetting).

I have a question though - today would really only be 12DPO… shouldn’t I wait to test again? If so, would I continue progesterone? (Yes, I’ll be calling the doctor, just looking for advice/other peoples’ similar experiences).

I think I’m also confused because I feel like I have a ton of symptoms but could that be from the progesterone? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: spelling error

14:17 UTC


Weekly Discussion Thread - November 20, 2024

How are things going for you this week?

16:00 UTC


Hot Flashes / Cold Sweats

Currently in the TWW after 2nd medicated IUI (Clomid, Follistim, and Ovidrel trigger shot) and the inability to regulate my body temperature is driving me nuts. I can't sleep and when I do, I wake up drenched. Anyone else have this experience?

14:47 UTC


Tru Niagen/NAD?

Anyone try this and have success? I understand anyone with success has the infuriating caveat that we will never know exactly why some cycles are successful 🤷🏻‍♀️

As a side rant I’m on all the things and so tired of supplements and questioning all of it 🙃

We are doing letrozole right now and going for IVF next cycle. Not looking forward to it, feeling mostly like I’m going through the motions so I don’t regret not trying everything.

Hugs and encouragement are welcome 🤗

15:33 UTC


Ovulation Testing Mixed Signals

Hi all! Really hoping to find some insight about this. To preface, I am newly 40 and been TTC 5 cycles. I use Clearblue digital advanced and Pregmate strips. Cycle was off this month, maybe coincidentally after trying vitex berry and having a very early and irregularly heavy 9-day period (usually 4 days). I stopped vitex berry just in case it was messing up cycle, as fertility tests all fine I was taking it more for my own curiosity.

I’m on day 27 of this odd cycle and CB was suddenly a static smile. 😊 However strips are still negative. 😬 Any experience with a situation like this anyone? Thanks in advance, this community has been so helpful!

00:40 UTC


Weekly Discussion Thread - November 13, 2024

How are things going for you this week?

16:00 UTC


Gift for our Egg Donor

I would like to get a gift for our Egg Donor. Her egg retrieval is on Friday. It is illegal in our country to meet the egg donor and it is done anonymously. I am going to drop off a gift at the fertility clinic on Friday morning.

Any suggestions about a gift? I don't know much about her, except that she is 21 years old and like being active. I want to get her something to remember us by.

10:32 UTC


Avoiding hormonal testing

Hi everyone!

I am 41 and we have been trying for three months so far. I know it's not much, but at this age it's important to not waste time. My gynecologist told me to do my FSH and AMH exams after three months without BC pill, and these months have passed. I have to say that we don't want to use IVF or other PMA methods to help the pregnancy process (in other posts I said why) and, also, if it doesn't happen we will be fine. So, knowing my hormones levels would maybe bring me to despair and leave me without any hope. In your opinion, could I avoid these tests? I think that knowing my levels won't be helpful, since I don't want to take hormones and so on. Thank you ❤️

14:55 UTC


Anyone over 45?

I had my 1st aged 38, then lost my 2nd at 42. I was scared after that and stopped trying. Now I'm regretting it 🙈

21:33 UTC


Asking clinic for an extra monitoring prior to travel while Stimming

Hi, Is it pushy?

I’m at low risk of ohss due to age 40 and didn’t happen the two previous cycles.

Travelling out of state Friday morning to Monday night. I’d be away for day4 of stims to day7 of stims.

Clinic was informed of my travel.

Next appt is scheduled for Tuesday - after 7 days of stimming

My past cycles, my first follow ups was after 5 and 4 days respectively.

I’m feeling an odd pressure on my right ovary/pelvis side. If I were not travelling, it wouldn’t worry me.

I called clinic and explained and they said a nurse would call back later today.

I feeling bad about calling and being pushy.

The clinic didn’t do anything to make me feel bad. It’s my own hang up.

Am I being pushy or exaggerating?

15:33 UTC


Weekly Discussion Thread - November 06, 2024

How are things going for you this week?

16:00 UTC


Hi all, I'm so glad I found somewhere to read/ post! I'm 41 from scotland TTC our rainbow baby🌈 what is everyone doing to increase their chances? Or what did you do and were successful? 🤗 Baby dust to all! 🩷🩵

10:04 UTC


Anyone have luck with IVF with not so great AmH and AFC?

We didn’t quality for govt funding round due to my not so great numbers (I do have regular periods) and if we do IVF it’s out of pocket. At my age of 41 I know most of my eggs have issues so IVF is probably the only way. But not even sure I’d respond to it with 0.50 Amh….

03:21 UTC


Do you still really want to get pregnant?

I had my first and only son at age 35 with my ex. We coparent 50/50.

I’m now 41 in a wonderful relationship and after ttc for 8-months, we had our first miscarriage at 8 weeks. It was pretty rough to have our dreams shattered just like that, though I knew given how long it took to get pregnant it might not stick.

I’m not sure to what extent we will keep trying now, as my partner is 46 with a 16 year old and as I get older and older, I ask myself why do I still want this so badly?

Why can’t I just make the most out of my life with my partner and son (when I do have him), and try to live life to the fullest. Sadly something is blocking me from doing this as I’m just fixated on getting that second child. Even though I know we are getting older and the ship is slowly sailing away.

I’m wondering how others in similar situations feel? Do you find it hard to determine if you truly want to raise a newborn at this stage of your life or if it’s become more about chasing after something you wanted for so long, and only wanting it now because it’s unattainable?

03:11 UTC


Bizarre cycle?! Long Luteal Phase?

Okay so we were all geared up to do Clomid + trigger + IUI this cycle. So I start taking Clomid (for the first time ever) and by day 6 I go in to have my ultrasound. They then look very confused and say oh ummm it looks like you’ve already ovulated? I was like wait wtf? I was still bleeding yesterday from my period I’m only CD6!? They said yep sorry that’s where you ovulated from. I then went to get a blood test and sure enough confirmed I ovulated and given the number they guessed it was actually a day earlier or even 2 days earlier (CD 4 or CD5) So the cycle is cancelled and I’m deflated. They said they’ve never seen someone ovulate so early before. Mind you DH and I randomly DTD on CD3 after a romantic night out haha so at least there was a smaaaall chance, my lining day 6 was only 4mm though so I’ve counted myself out.

I typically ovulate day 10/11 anyway so I’m on the earlier side. I NEVER expected to ovulate day 4 - 6 with Clomid but that’s just what my body did? Anyway I go about my life and we DTD CD 9 and CD10 and CD19 just because. I knew given my early ovulation I should have received my period by CD 19-21 but here I am at CD 24 and NOTHING!! no period or anything, for the last week I’ve sporadically tested for pregnancy, I had a weird evap thing on pregmate once and then about 7 BFN’s after and a ?? On a digital FRER that I tore apart and there was a vvvvfl but only Pregmate BFNS since. Could my luteal phase be messed up from Clomid? I thought that LP is always consistent and it’s just O that can get wonky. Ooof any similar experiences would really help! I just want my next cycle to start so I can try again (without Clomid but now with Gonal F + trigger + IUI)

10:34 UTC


Ok so confused asf

So my last period was on September 28 start date, lasted 5 days. So what has me so confused is, I have been using EVE for tracking my period for ever. I recently started using Glow bc I’m trying to get pregnant. (Sister apps). So glow is going by my period craziness from me getting off my Nuvaring in April I started my period a week early on September. I want to say I experienced a failed implantation. But this month per glow my period should have started on October 20th but Eve says it should start on October 28th. Regardless NO PERIOD! Per both apps I’m on CD 34 today. My uterus feels tender. Not a slight sign at all of my period. I did notice last weekend Saturday 10/25 I spotted very very light after a week of twinges from the 21st-25th. But nothing else. My breasts feel a little full not thing crazy. I’m having mild symptoms. This has been going on for the last 2 weeks. Mild cramps, fullness in breasts and missing period. All tests I’ve taken say negative. Also my S/O’s mom is a twin. I’m waiting on my doctor to call me back. My periods are usually regular. Idk.

20:29 UTC


Weekly Discussion Thread - October 30, 2024

How are things going for you this week?

15:00 UTC


BFN, IUI and waiting for AF… what was your experience?

I just had my HCG drawn and I’m BFN. I stopped taking progesterone yesterday. It feels like AF is coming, however, I’ve had no bleeding or signs of it coming. Being older and now acutely aware of my cycles — not having AF is making me super uneasy. How long did you have to wait before AF arrived?

15:51 UTC


Anyone else have a slow implantation and it turned out ok?

Hubby and I had been passively ttc for years, but legit trying for the last year. We’ve finally hit on the meds that work for me to ovulate: CoQ10, femara 5mg, & metformin. My first cycle on 5mg femara resulted in a pregnancy but heart stopped at 8ish weeks (found out at 9 week US). Did a couple beta-hcgs over the month of August to verify it went back to base level and it did.

We tried again this last month, same meds and I’m pregnant again but it seems worse than last time. It’s possibly ectopic.

I tested Very Very VERY faint positive on 13/14dpo (Friday oct 18th). I got a beta that same day and it was an 8! Honestly surprised the urine test was that sensitive. Obviously not a great number. I figured for sure it was a chemical pregnancy. This seemed confirmed on Monday with my next beta coming back at 11. Then Wednesday it rose to a whole 14.

Around Wednesday I started brown spotting with a lot of cramps. Felt so similar to period cramps I was like “ok, cool. My period will start, things will reset and we can try again.” Though I want to be pregnant, all signs have been pointing to this not being a viable pregnancy. So it resolving itself and trying again seems ideal. Especially if it’s ectopic (too soon to tell).

Well that got thrown out the window on Friday (oct 25th) when my beta shot up to a 37! Almost tripling in 48hrs. 🤦🏻‍♀️ it seems evident from my perspective (though I’m not an expert), that the process of implantation took longer than it normally would. The embryo was obviously in there producing hcg, but of course hcg doesn’t start to significantly rise until implantation is complete.

I’m worried about a tubal pregnancy, but even if it’s not, I dread going through 2 months of being pregnant just to end in miscarriage again. Delayed implantation times have a low chance of success.

I hope some people can shed some light on this if they’ve had a similar experience.

I have another beta scheduled for Monday. We’ll see if it keeps rising like it did from Wednesday-Friday, then probably do an ultrasound a week or so afterwards to verify placement. As of oct 26th I’m 5+2 from LMP.

Update (Oct 28th): hcg came back 76 today. Slightly more than double since Friday (70-ish hours). Ultrasound most likely next week. Within normal doubling limits but still low for how far along I’m supposed to be. Hopes still not high.

21:28 UTC


Progesterone levels…I’m so confused

Hi ladies!

So, I’ve had low progesterone and have been using a topical cream that has had mixed results. I went to see my gyn because my antidepressant’s dosage increase caused crazy bleeding and she did an ultrasound and bloodwork on day 14 of my cycle, 1 day before I ovulated.

My progesterone was .9ng/ml with a range of <1 in the follicular phase and my estrogen was around 300 pg (also in range). I sent the labs to my “hormone specialist” np and she said that my estrogen was way too high and progesterone too low and that this was part of perimenopause (I just turned 40).

Could someone please help me? I feel so confused and frustrated with the medical system. I thought progesterone only rises after you ovulate bc of the corpus luteum that’s formed, and mine was in range.

I’m a little anxious, so please be gentle. I feel like I'm not crazy and my labs were normal, but she freaked me out. ❤️

03:20 UTC


Ovulating post IVF consult and feeling conflicted

I've had 2 MCs and one chemical this past year and was referred to IVF. I need to wait until my period starts to do the full gambit of bloodwork/tests and now my LH strips show ovulation and...I don't know. I had the MC tissue tested last time and it came back with non-viable trisomy. Based on the timing of the 2 MCs it's likely the PGTA testing is going to be the most important part of IVF for us. Trying now and getting pregnant for free would be ideal but I know statistically I'm setting myself up for a third MC at 8 weeks. Has anyone had success without IVF post chromosomal abnormality? Logically I know I should hype myself up to do as many egg retrieval cycles as it takes to find a viable embryo but the romantic in me is ovulating and just wants to "hope for the best"...which would really delay tests and a future egg retrieval. Just feeling...I don't have a word for it. Someone hype me up for a good decision?!

1 Comment
00:29 UTC


Seeking advice on NYC clinics for second opinion

Good evening! As the title says, I'm looking for recommendations for fertility clinics in New York City where I can receive a second opinion. Does anyone have any that are good for 40+?

I'm TTC solo using a friend's banked sperm, and there is no more being produced. The semen parameters are low enough that I went straight to IVF-ICSI. I've done two rounds and gotten one blast each time that tested whole chromosome aneuploid.

The problem seems to be just my age (41 in a few weeks) and there doesn't seem to be much more to do than to roll the dice, but this is my last round covered by insurance and most likely the last one ever, and I want to make sure I'm covering all my bases. My clinic does not use Omnitrope. I was told they follow all FDA regulations and no one there will prescribe it.

TIA for any recommendations on clinics or anything I can throw at this!

22:33 UTC


Progesterone Suppositories Side Effects?

We did an IUI 4 days ago and they've had me on progesterone starting the day after. I've become so bloated and tired and having terrible hot flashes and night sweats. Is this normal? I feel like they've just given me every drug possible throughout this process when it's not really necessary as I ovulate very regularly (our issue is low sperm count). I finally asked for all of my test results so they should be coming in the mail soon, but until then I don't know what I need and what I don't need. I'm so uncomfortable.

11:23 UTC


Ovulation tests-pre mom app

Hi everyone :) this is my first month trying for a first and I am really struggling with the OPK tests! (As well as all the lingo).

The pre-mom app lets you take a photo of the test to tell you if you’re ovulating. Well, being the way I am, I decided to take lots of photos of the same test and guess what? The results ranged from 0.04 all the way to 2.26!!

Same test and the photos were taken within seconds of each other and the results did not steadily increase.

I took it at 11am, didn’t drink much before and it wasn’t the first urine of the day.

I am meant/usually ovulate around this time so I’m having sex anyway but I’m feeling frustrated.

Any advice please?x

10:59 UTC

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