
Photograph via snooOG

For cautious pregnant people on this great, perilous journey to parenthood.

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This group is for cautious, newly pregnant women who are still in the "unsafe" first trimester, or women in later pregnancy who are looking for like-minded support. A place to discuss your anxieties and joys about early pregnancy and beyond.

I know there are many of us out there who have gone through trials to get pregnant, currently going through trials while pregnant, and women who have been through previous miscarriages, or babyloss. And we wanted to make a comfortable and supportive environment for this situation.

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Thought I was 9w5d based on LMP, but 1st ultrasound dated me at about 6w. How bad?

33F FTM - like the title says, my dates are quite different. However, my doctor said she's not worried and to come back in 2 weeks to re-check.

My hcg at my lab work 2 weeks back was 14865.0 mIU/mL and the ultrasound the other day showed a heartbeat (just too slow to pick up on waveform), a gestational sac, and a yolk sac. Right now my doctor thinks I just ovulated, fertilized, and implanted later than originally thought since my cycles can sometimes be a bit irregular.

Have you had similar experiences? Good or bad? Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.

15:08 UTC


Symptoms anxiety

Symptoms easing up or should I be worried?

Ladies, I am almost 10 weeks pregnant and I woke up absolutely fine. My breast aren't sore anymore and neither I have any nausea or food aversion. I have history of recurrent losses. I am anxious. But I have read at this point your symptoms start easing up.

11:36 UTC


Pregnancy paranoia

Hello all, I’m grateful I found this page. I’m 24f with rare clotting disorder (glanzmann’s) making any pregnancy high risk. At 19 I conceived after missing two days of OCP. I was told at the time that I had a 90% chance of fatal hemorrhage peripartum and postpartum, and it was in my best interest to abort. Without the info I know now, I decided to abort and i regret it every day. The baby fever is unbearable. I know now that many women with glanzmann’s have successfully delivered and unfortunately, my baby and I were the collateral damage of some very ignorant people making unsubstantiated and misinformed claims.

I stopped OCP at the time of abortion and received mirena IUD. I had no periods aside from occasional light spotting for the two years I had the IUD. I started developing (usually) right-sided ovarian cysts within 6 months of IUD. I had the iud removed after 3 (12/2022) years because of the pregnancy paranoia and my suspicion that the cysts were iatrogenic/secondary to the iud. The cysts persisted, forming every other month and usually rupturing and bleeding. I have been cyst free since 05/2024, thank the lord.

These last two months have been weird. I ovulated 12/12/24 and had cyst like symptoms the first day of my period 12/28, and results were inconclusive per US later that day. Bleeding lasted 5 days. I ovulated again 1/12/25, had the moodiest PMS and cramps I’ve ever had starting a week before my period was due which is usual. Period was due 1/24 or 1/25, No bleeding but very crampy and fatigued. I began having unbelievable nausea and dizziness like stomach flu 1/29, Tested negative with first response. Tested negative 1/30 with dollar store test and 2nd first response. CD35 I Tested negative with Evap line with clear blue 1/31 and equate had no control line!! Last night I noticed some light brown, dark pinkish/reddish on toilet paper.

I am going crazy. If this is implantation bleeding, I am 18DPO with such low hcg that of course my tests will be negative! Low hcg/late implantation could be signs of ectopic, which could explain the exacerbated cramps/nausea/dizziness. I could be so stressed out that my period is really really late. I have NEVER been 6-7 days late.

This is what I go through every month where I think my period is implantation bleeding but then it gets heavier. Since I’ve been doing this routine for a year of getting excited at the slightest hint I’ll finally have my rainbow baby, I’m still hopeful yet weary. I’m going to neurotically test every month even though I know I’m probably just crazy. There is no stopping me. I wanted to make this post now because I know there are other women in my shoes with such nuances and they can’t ask their doctor because it’s 330 in the morning on a Saturday and they already tested negative and don’t want to sound crazy. I’m going to test in two days because if I’m experiencing implantation bleeding then I can tell all of you (and my fiancé and best friend who deal with this with me every month) that I WAS RIGHT. I will also update even if I’m wrong. And I’ll keep updating with every paranoid episode I have because I know someone will find this and it’ll put her mind at ease.

Thank you

11:24 UTC


I’m so stressed about line progression

I got my first positive test yesterday at 11dpo, my test this morning was about the same color, and this afternoon was slightly lighter. I know it’s so early still, but my anxiety is peaked and I’m convinced I will wake up tomorrow with a BFN and it will all be over :( does anyone have any positive stories or words of wisdom you can share? Thank you!

04:56 UTC


Is this HCG low for 14 Dpo?

I am 14 DPO and my first HCG draw came back at 158. My last pregnancy was already at 500 at this time and ended up my daughter. Does anyone have any insight on this HCG? Successful pregnancies?

Feeling nervous as I’ve had multiple miscarriages as well

04:23 UTC


Chemical or not? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Sharing to see if anyone has experienced something similar… TW: blood, pregnancy loss .





Over this past weekend, I had two faint positive tests. On Sunday night, I started spotting, which then turned into full blown bleeding (exactly like my period - cramps, clots and all) on Monday through Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday have been much, MUCH lighter and more along the lines of spotting. I assumed I was having a chemical pregnancy.

I took a test on Tuesday expecting it to be lighter, but instead it was darker! I got an hcg blood draw Wednesday and it was 40. Thursday I took another test and it was a bit darker than Tuesday’s test. Tonight (Friday) I took one and it’s the same, maybe ever so slightly darker. I’ll be getting blood work done tomorrow. I really just want a definitive answer! 😔 I had a chemical last May, so I’m not feeling very hopeful, although it has been different this time around. I am still feeling twinges/pulling in my lower pelvic area.

Has anyone experienced something similar? If so, what was the outcome? Thanks in advance for any insight! 😊

04:01 UTC


Any experience with first trimester Tachycardia?

My HR laying down has been consistently around 115 the last 2 days. Standing it's 135-145. My OB knows and said she's not concerned. I was recently in the ER due to a ruptured ovarian cyst and they noted the tachycardia and told me to bring it up to OB but weren't concerned enough to admit me. The nurse told the OB today. OB told nurse to tell me I was fine. But I'm really really uncomfortable. Does anyone have any experience with this or advice? (Also my BP is high for me - as I'm normally around 90/60 - and is currently like 116/75. But I know that's still a normal BP). I really want to avoid any unnecessary visits. Do you guys think I should be worried?

03:55 UTC


Does my 7d 5d ultrasound look abnormal?

I am linking my ultrasound photos from my first ultrasound at my OB's office today here.

I have previously had ultrasounds at my fertility clinic, and my fertility doctor never said anything about the gestational sac, yolk sac, or fetus looking weird or abnormal. Just 4 days ago, my fertility dr measured the yolk sac as 3.3mm. We had concerns about my early low/slow betas, but I specifically asked my fertility dr and was told that we can forget about those now that 1) they later increased and doubled appropriately, and 2) we can see a pregnancy on US. He measured the fetus as 5 days behind, but said that +/- a week is fine and not concerning.

However, today, I had my first OB appointment as the first step in "graduating" from the fertility clinic. My OB said that the baby was measuring 5 days behind (which is in line with my last US at the fertility clinic), and that the heart rate was 151. She otherwise said that "something didn't look right" to her, but that all we can do is wait and see. After pushing on what exactly looked wrong, she said (1) "it looks like this can be an early abnormal pregnancy," (2) she is concerned about measuring 5 days behind even though my fertility dr was not, (3) the yolk sac "looked big," (4) the gestational sac "looked small," (5) she thinks she saw "debris" inside and outside of the gestational sac, which could be bleeding, and (6) all with the caveat that my uterus is very tilted and she didn't get great imaging. I asked her to measure the yolk sac and gestational sac, but she said her machine could not provide accurate measurements (although it did provide measurements of the fetus and FHR). She is in a highly rated practice at a great, nationally ranked hospital. I have never felt concerned about the standard of care at previous appointments, and generally trust her opinion. However, I am confused by how different her take was compared to my fertility dr, and the fact that she kept repeating that things "looked" abnormal but couldn't point to measurements or anything concrete to back that up. She obviously looks at pregnancies all day, so I don't want to fool myself into thinking I shouldn't trust her just because I didn't like what I was hearing.

Does anyone have any opinions on whether my US pics look abnormal? Anyone have a similar experience at ~8 weeks with their ultrasounds?

02:41 UTC


Absolute whiplash

Oh my god this has been such a rollercoaster 48 hours.

I'm 38 years old. I had an MMC in October at 8 weeks, which was my first pregnancy. Today, 1/31, I am 6w3d. On 1/23 my hcg was 2,358. On 1/30 it was only 4,102.

I got the results yesterday afternoon and I was devastated. The nurse said she was sorry for my loss, that we didn't need to do any more bloodwork, and that my doctor would see me tomorrow to discuss next steps. I cried most of the rest of the day.

I went into my appointment today expecting my doctor to tell me to go home and wait to miscarry, or take miso, or schedule a D&C. Instead, he sent me to ultrasound...

...where they saw a 110 heartbeat and an embryo measuring 6w1d.

This was after I mourned the loss already. Of course my doctor wouldn't be definitive -- he kept telling me "anything can happen" and "I've seen it work out before", but that "the odds aren't good."

I have another beta on Monday and they scheduled a follow up ultrasound in 2 weeks. I'm bracing myself to be devastated again over the same pregnancy. Part of me really wishes someone would be straight with me and stop giving me false hope. But another part of me is hoping anyway.

I hate this.

00:19 UTC


Completely feel like losing hope at this point that I’ll ever become a mom

I had an ectopic 3 years ago that was resolved with methotrexate. I’m 6.5 weeks pregnant now, confirmed baby in uterus and heartbeat. I thought the anxiety would stop there but it hasn’t. I’ve been starting to spot mildly. It’s always either light brown, dark brown, or brown with some pink in it. I’m not cramping like I was at 4-5 weeks. (The cramping then was so intense) Idk I’m just nervous. My ob told me to call if it turns bright red but I just have no hope. My first official scan is Monday but I’m just preparing for bad news. I’m so negative and pessimistic even though I want this baby so badly. All I want is to finally be a mom. But I feel like it’ll never be in the cards for me. I’m always wondering who I pissed off in my past life to feel this way and go through this shit.

23:24 UTC


last week’s possible blighted ovum is this week’s BABY 😭🩷

Hi all! Some of you may have seen my previous posts about having a possible second blighted ovum diagnosis after having a previous BO loss in September.

We went in 1/23 for our first scan and everything was the same as last time.. gestational sac and yolk sac, but no baby. We were devastated as I thought we were between 6-7 weeks.. WELL we had a second scan 1/29 and to our surprise we have a sweet little heartbeat in there!! We couldn’t believe it.. it turns out I’m just now 6w4d and I had ovulated much later than I originally thought. The doctor said everything looks perfect right now. We go back 2/13 for another scan.

I know it’s so hard to keep the faith… but if you happen to be in the same situation.. just hang in there! Things CAN go a better way. Early pregnancy is so scary & there’s so many different variables! I know we’re not out of the woods yet, but it feels good knowing it is a different outcome than last time. Just wanted to share this to update & uplift! 😭🩷

22:38 UTC


Update to HCG Slight Drop

Thank you to everyone who replied to my previous post here. I was totally set on the fact that a miscarriage was on the horizon - and my doctor agreed.

In a weird twist of events, my HCG rebounded to 395 so they though maybe ectopic? An ultrasound found nothing.

Today HCG is nearly 1000 and ultrasound believes they saw a sac and fetal pole.

This has been such a rollercoaster that I honestly don't know what to believe, but now I have a week wait to see if anything develops and get a new ultrasound check. What do you think are the odds this potential pregnancy would be healthy? Has anyone experienced anything like this?

22:00 UTC


HCG levels at 7 weeks 5 days

Hello, I'm anxious. I had some spotting and my doctor took an hcg test. I just have the baseline number - 13,000. My doctor says that is normal for my range and so does the 1,000 google sites I've checked. But I keep seeing posts on reddit where people are talking about their levels that are much higher than mine 🥺

This is my first pregnancy after 7 years of trying. Can anyone help alleviate my stress while I wait for the next test result Monday.

18:59 UTC


Conflicting opinions between fertility doctor and regular OB re: viability; 7w 5d scan

I have had a wild rollercoaster of a pregnancy so far (previous posts provide details if anyone is interested). I got pregnant on my first IUI cycle (used clomid and ovidrel) following over a year of trying, but HCG was low and slow between weeks 4-5. I was told the pregnancy was nonviable after a 6w scan showed nothing. However, HCG normalized and began doubling. 4 days later, I was scheduled for a D&C, which ended up getting cancelled in the OR after the Dr. found the gestational sac, yolk sac, and heartbeat, measuring 5 days behind but otherwise seeming normal. 4 days after that, I had a f/u appointment with my fertility doctor where betas were good, yolk sac measured 3.3mm, and the fetus was still measuring 5 days behind. The fertility doctor was shocked, pleased, and said everything looked good! I have my next fertility appt in one week.

However, today, 7w 5d, I had my first appointment with my regular OB. Although their facilities are not as high tech as at my fertility dr, the practice is highly rated and affiliated with a great nationally ranked hospital. I love my doctor personally and trust her. She did a TV and abdominal ultrasound and was much more concerned that the fetus is still measuring 5 days behind. Although her machine couldn't provide measurements, she said that the gestational sac looked small and the yolk sac looked big. Heart rate was fine at 151. She also said my uterus was very tilted and that the imaging was not great as a result, and that she saw "debris" both in the gestational sac and outside it in my uterus. She said all we could do was wait and see but that it just didn't "look" right to her. She did say that there is a chance that everything could turn out normal.

I'm so confused and upset. She obviously looks at pregnancies all day so I'm scared and sad and believe her when she says it doesn't look right. On the other hand, my fertility doctor also sees pregnancies all day and he never said anything about the size of the gestational sac or any debris seen anywhere. He has never given me false hope before, and was very frank (i.e., negative) about my betas. When my lab work and scans normalized, he was surprised but pleased. I was also never told I have a tilted uterus. AND how could it be that the yolk sac measured normal a few days ago but "looks" too big to my OB now?? I hate all of the uncertainty and feeling like I'm in endless limbo. If this ends in a MC, I'm going to be so upset that we didn't just go through with the D&C that I had mentally prepared for.

I am linking my US imagesfrom my OB visit today, in case anyone has any insight on what might "look" wrong about it. Any other thoughts or advice would be appreciated. I feel so overwhelmed, my performance at work is suffering from all of this, and I also feel unwell every day (nausea, extremely sore boobs, heartburn, constant cramping that I was told was round ligament pain). I could deal with all of it if I could allow myself to feel any degree of excitement, happiness, or hope about this pregnancy.

18:55 UTC


Would love some thoughts on these numbers.

Finally pregnant after a loss about a year ago... My doctor decided to do some serial HCG draws. My LMP is 12/21 but I'm guessing I ovulated later than expected.

HCG: -1/24: 22 -1/26: 38 -1/28: 50 -1/30: 90

Progesterone: -1/26: 20.1 -1/28: 15.9 -1/30: 20.9

Anyone had similar experiences with a positive outcome?? My doctor is not very optimistic and expressed some concerns about an ectopic. So far I am experiencing some lower back pain and bloating. Otherwise I'm doing fine (physically). Mentally, this is wrecking me. I feel so alone and worried.

1 Comment
18:26 UTC


Low betas not rising

Background: I got into a car accident at 14dpo, had a my BFP starting at 10dpo. I was transported to ER and they did CTs and X-rays and drew a beta which was 93. They told me to follow up with OB to make sure betas rise since trauma and exposure to radiation.

My OB tells me to do three betas and they are as follows: 16dpo: 139 (44 hours after 14dpo) 19dpo: 272 (70 hours after 16dpo) 21dpo: 434 (54 hours after 19dpo)

Anyone have any insights for me? Seems so low and not doubling in 48 hours. I am guarding my heart. And trying not to blame the person who rear ended me on the freeway while texting.

17:27 UTC


very low and slowly increasing hCG

Hi, I'll be seeing my doctor next week but I'm too anxious so seeking for advice or insights. 4w 6d - hCG 175 PG 35.4 6w 0d - hCG 210 PG 5.39 6w 2d - hCG 290 PG 9.35

My hCG is very low, very slowly increasing, not doubling. Progesterone has been fluctuating. I had light pink bleeding at 5w 5d but it stopped. No symptoms at all. I feel like this is not going as it's supposed to be and am trying really hard to prepare myself for the next appointment. What could these results mean and what I should be prepared for?

17:19 UTC


High TSH

I don’t have a thyroid after having it removed due to Graves Disease in 2017, so I’m reliant on thyroid medicine for all my thyroid hormones. At 5 weeks my TSH was 2.08. Fast forward to yesterday at 11 weeks and my OB found my TSH was 15.7!! Way way too high. We are adjusting my meds, but I’m so terrified that I’ve caused irreversible harm to the fetus. I have a terrible endocrinologist and I’m mad at myself for not being more diligent and demanding about him increasing my replacement dose.

I know miscarriage is also a concern. I was checked with Doppler yesterday and heartbeat is still strong thankfully. But I couldn’t help looking this up further and saw that various studies show that researchers have found brain and neurodevelopmental issues in children of women with elevated TSH in the first trimester. This has been a stressful pregnancy because I’m already at increased risk for a lot of concerns at 41 y/o with other pre existing conditions. I did search high TSH in pregnancy on Reddit and saw some others’ stories. But I was just hoping if anyone has discovered a high TSH during the first trimester and went on to have a healthy pregnancy and child, you might be willing to share your story with me or have any suggestions. Thank you so much!

16:14 UTC


Scared - HCG low?

Finally got my HCG test results back. Should I be nervous?

17dpo/4w6d at 11:00am = 321

19dpo/5w1d at 7:00am = 611

I realize there’s some progress, but it feels like they’re both very low on the scales my doctor provided. Any thoughts?

16:08 UTC


Possible non-viablity. Would you tell your mom?

Hi all,

Having found out that this pregnancy may not be viable (blood work was not great, but we are still hopeful 🤞). I wonder if you were in this situation if you would wait to tell your mom (or parents)? I am supposed to see her this weekend, and I am afraid to get her hopes up, since she has been wanting a grandchild for a while. At the same time, I gonna need my mom if this turns out not to be viable. I know my feelings and fears are valid, but I also want to protect her from the pain. Such a confusing time.

Thank you for any advice.

15:43 UTC


High FHR 189 @ 9 weeks 3 days. Worried.

My 7w3d viability scan with my OB showed a FHR of 161. Since my OB won't scan me again until 12 weeks and I've had 2 previous miscarriages around this time, I opted for a private scan at 9 weeeks 3 days. Everything seemed okay. Baby was quite wiggly, but the FHR was 189. She tried scanning it a few times and the lowest we could get it to register was 188. As someone with losses, this high number does scare me. I need some reassurance from anyone who may have had a high FHR around this time as well, or, if it's bad news, give it to me straight 😞

15:12 UTC


Worried about hcg levels at 16 DPO

It seemed to be in the lower end at 290 iu/L 16 DPO. Now I’m spiraling a bit and wanted to hear what others think? It’s only been 24 hours but I want to get another blood test before the weekend, as I’d rather see if it’s climbing than wait til Monday. Did you catch on that I experience anxiety 🥲

ETA: my doctor just emailed me saying the my hcg is low and to retest 😣

13:59 UTC


Not as nauseous as with my first (my loss)

Is this normal or do I need to be concerned? Honestly, pregnancy after loss is horrible mentally and emotionally. I had an early scan at 5w6d. Everything looked good, measured 5w5d but that's not a cause for concern. Also didn't hear a heartbeat yet, but that is also not surprising, since the ultrasound machine (?) isn't exactly new. Now I am 6w3d, and worrying. Last pregnancy (mmc at 10 weeks, found out at 12 weeks) I was already nauseous and had food aversions at 5w6d. And they stopped around 9-10 weeks, which turned out to be a red flag for me. So maybe that's why this triggers me so much currently. Also I'm taking progesterone so if I do have a loss it would most likely be a mmc. I had very mild nausea yesterday and today. But maybe I just want it so much to reassure me that I'm imagining it. I know every pregnancy is different, but I just can't stop thinking the worst. Has anyone been in a similar situation? How has it turned out for you?

13:46 UTC


Contractions and constipation

20+4 there’s gonna be a lot of TMI here (vomit warning). I went to bed like 4 hours ago, woke up 1:20 later. Felt sick so I went to the bathroom, suddenly was hot and lightheaded so I stripped and laid on cold tile. Literally couldn’t move and was just throwing up laying there like so much feeling so bad. Finally felt better and was able to get on toilet, freezing and shaking. Backstory I have chronic idiopathic constipation/IBSC. I’ve been pooping the last couple weeks like 3 weeks since my last major poop but very small amounts every couple days. When I got back on the toilet I started having contractions, like about 7 min apart (sometimes 2 min, sometimes 10, mostly 7: avg was 6) for literally 2 hours. Every time I’d have a contraction, I’d go, eventually turned watery for the most part. After my last go, the contractions stopped. It’s been an hour and i’m back on the toilet but no contractions, just the tail end I think. But WTAF is this normal, has anyone experienced this?? I did sent a msg to the dr office.

11:35 UTC


Jelly like discharge. Almost 11 weeks pregnant.

Almost 11 weeks pregnant with second baby, last two days I’ve wiped and found jelly like discharge (thick) exactly like ovulation discharge. No colour, no smell. My last pregnancy I just had watery discharge all the way through, last two days small blobs of jelly. Is this anything to be concerned about? No cramping or spotting tho.

Baby will had a strong HB this morning on the Doppler too.

06:29 UTC


No gestational sac, HCG slow rising

Hi all,

I found out I was pregnant just after my missed period at 14 dpo (1/22) . Faint line on FRER & positive clear blue digital. The lines were progressively getting darker every day until they stalled about 20-21 dpo. I had betas done by my PCP on 1/27 & 1/29. My first beta was low for 5w2d at 137.

At 12:30 PM on 1/29 I started having some light brown spotting. This turned into full wipes of dark brown blood. It would not go on my underwear or a pad, but was noticeable when I would wipe. I called my OB office and they scheduled me as a high priority appointment for the next day. This morning I wiped and the blood was more red but overall staying dark brown & starting to be noticeable on a pad. I went to the appointment and they did a transvaginal ultrasound. There was no gestational sac in the uterus.

They could not confirm ectopic but the report stated: Transvaginal: Pregnancy is not visualized. Possible Lt Ectopic pregnancy. LMP 12/21/24= 5w5d. Retroverted Uterus ** ml with 2 Fibroids: F1) encroaching endometrium vs Submucosal 1.8 x 1.1 x 1.9 cm F2) posterior Subserosal 2.7 x 1.7 x 2.2 cm. Endometrium measures 15.4 mm including Fibroid. Lt adnexa: complex mass with blood flow= 2.2 x 2.1 x 1.1 cm-mass contains cyst= 1.1 x 1.3 x 1.1 cm. Rt ovary: 1 simple cyst= 1.6 x 1.0 x 1.6 cm. Bilateral ovaries appear Polycystic. Moderate free fluid Lt adnexa contains low level echoes.

My second beta just posted and it did not double or go down. It is 176. I am not having intense cramping or abdominal pain but continuing to have brown bleeding with intermittent red bleeding.

Does anyone have experience with this? Is it definitely ectopic or could it be chemical? I’m not sure what to do because they only told me when to go to the ER. I don’t want to have a tube rupture & I also don’t want to take the chemo shot.

Any advice? I have horrible anxiety. This is my first ever pregnancy and I am devastated.

Thank you

02:12 UTC


Is traveling at 9 weeks risky after 2 previous losses?

Has anyone been told one way or the other?

00:58 UTC


Accidentally used Novasone cream (a topical steroid)

In a bit of a panic and feeling a bit stupid for not even thinking to check this before I used it 🤦🏻‍♀️

I have always suffered from dermatitis and noticed that since being pregnant I’ve had some flare ups. In my morning routine the last couple of weeks I applied Novasone, a topical corticosteroid cream, to the small affected areas. My total use has probably been like 3 to 4 times in total in the last 2 weeks on 2 small patches on my upper arms. I am only 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant.

I feel very stupid for not even checking whether this was safe for pregnancy and since reading online that it may not be, I am in a bit of a spiral.

I have an appointment with my doctor today for something else so will most definitely be discussing it with her but was just hoping this community could shed some light and offer some perspective (calling me an absolute idiot is also allowed!).

00:42 UTC


Just failed a complaint about my ultrasound

I went to a private ER on Saturday for crazy painful cramping because my hospital system has a huge strike going on.

They drew HCG and did a vaginal ultrasound.

They didn’t show me any images, but the exam took almost an hour. Then I waited another 45 minutes to talk to the doctor, who told me they found an embryo, but the fetal pole was small for getting age, and an “unusual” shape possibly caused by neural tube issue. They said they got a heart rate of 122, but it was hard to obtain. They said it most likely not viable, but I didn’t appear to be actively miscarrying.

Four days later, I had my proper scheduled scan at the MFM ward at my hospital. Way different results.

No embryo. Empty gestational sac/ blighted ovum / missed miscarriage.

It appears the first US tech literally measured the void within the GS as a fetal pole. No idea where the heartbeat came from. Midwife told me yesterday that no one can detect a NT defect this early.

I am so mad. Mentally, I’m kind of ok. I did SO much therapy after my first mc, and then I had an easy, successful pregnancy shortly after. This was our first time TTC since then. I feel like someone at a different place in their family building journey could have absolutely spiraled from those false results, or alternately, have desperately clung to that heartbeat with hope. I called and filed a complaint. I feel like it would be better for them to not perform viability ultrasounds at all, than provide inaccurate results.

23:52 UTC


any health anxiety ridden people out there? (TW)

I’m 7 weeks almost and this will be my first baby. Having a healthy pregnancy and birth seems so surreal to me. I think my miscarriage in 2022 attributes to me thinking a healthy pregnancy and delivery is impossible for me. I’ve always been a health anxious person and now that I’m so hormonal, I’m kinda down in the dumps worrying about worst case scenarios. Another loss, me dying during birth, etc. I have no idea why these thoughts come to my head. I plan to bring them up to my OB but I’m wondering if I’m alone. I have such bad health anxiety. I’m literally already out of breath this far into pregnancy and it worries me that I’ll die of heart failure. (I have a small heart defect even doctors aren’t concerned with but I’m still worried) I’m just a mess :( I have no faith in my body, I wanna be a mom so badly.

22:04 UTC

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