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Importance of placing baby on back to sleep once they can roll?

I know for safe sleep you are supposed to lay the baby on their back, but what about when they're old enough to roll on their own? Context is: I've had really great success getting my contact nap loving baby to sleep in his crib by rocking him till he is almost asleep, then putting him down in the crib on his side and patting his back till he sleeps. I do try to turn him on his back once he is asleep but tbh he is very hard to get on his back without waking him up! He is almost 7 months and rolls both ways and prefers to sleep on his side anyways (he always has). Often once he falls asleep he flops onto his back, too. Since he is so old and rolling, is it ok to leave him on his side? Or still a no?

1 Comment
19:24 UTC


Has anyone used Billie+bobbie wool sleep sacks?


I’m looking at Billie+bobbie wool sleep sacks. They strike me as being better than Woolino but I can’t find any reviews of them. Has anyone used them?

My baby is 5 months old but was two weeks preemie. I feel like I’m having trouble keeping her temperature regulated through the night. I follow the “What I am wearing + layer”. I wake up and she’ll feel cold or warm. She never wakes up or complains, but sometimes her little hands just feel chilly! She never complains about anything, so I can’t trust that just because she’s not crying that she’s comfortable.

19:17 UTC


Best diaper brand you ever tried?

In your opinion which are the best diapers out there?

19:15 UTC


Baby who can't be calmed at bedtime?

I'm wondering if anyone else has had a baby like this and has any tips.

My 5mo used to sleep really well at night. He's been in his own room since 2 months old and he was falling asleep independently before that.

We were not in the habit of rocking him in our arms or nursing him to sleep.

Since getting home from our holiday travels in mid-January, he has had a dramatic shift. He had already been waking up more at night (4month regression) but after coming home, it's like a different baby at night time.

Nothing soothes him. Nothing.

I have tried everything that's supposed to be soothing to babies. Pitch black rooms seem to energize him. He has a light projector/white noise machine that seems to soothe him for a while but once he realizes he is drowsy he starts to get mad. He no longer will take a paci. If I try to rock him he fights it. If I try to walk around the room with him he tries to smile and play with me. If I sing or hush or pat him, he won't soothe. I've tried books but on the third night he realized books meant bedtime and now won't let me read to him. I've tried a special bedtime music box but he couldn't care less. I've tried comforting him crib side while he fussed, leaving the room while he fussed. I've tried pick up put down but in the second night he refused to be calmed when picked up.

Sometimes, nursing will calm him down. I can then put him in bed and he will roll over and sleep. Other times, nursing just makes him angry.

On really bad nights, we end up giving up and putting him in his stroller. He will fall asleep almost instantly in his carry cot but this obviously isn't sustainable.

I know he needs to learn to go to sleep in his bed but I don't know what to do at this point.

Has anyone had a baby like this? It's like overnight he decided he hates night time. And he seems to learn what methods make him fall asleep and fight them on subsequent nights. I don't know how to help him. What ended up working for you?

19:13 UTC


Does anyone else's 5 month old struggle to have longer wake windows?

Apparently he should be able to have wake windows of 2-3 hours. I can't even imagine him being awake for 3. He was starting to have 2 hour wake windows but then he caught a cold, then a cough and now he's teething.

Because of that he's usually exhausted by one hour in to being awake. We have tried to encourage him to stay awake longer but there's only so much we can keep him awake. If he's fussing then we can distract him but if he's crying then he obviously needs sleep.

We managed to get one 2 hour wake window today which is something. He has done 1.5/1.5/2/1.5. Did anyone else's baby just take a little longer to be awake more? Does anyone else's baby also get very fussy after only 45 minutes - 1 hour being awake?

I want to follow my babies pace but I also just want to make sure he's heading in the right direction.

19:03 UTC


Baby playing

Does anyone else’s 3 month old scream at their toys while playing? She goes wild!

18:58 UTC


Giving up on crib naps

Not sure if it’s PP hormones or what, but when I look at my baby on the monitor and see he’s awake I want to cry. He’s only taken one 30 min nap today. I can’t get him to sleep, but I know he’s tired, as he will fall asleep nursing and wakes up as soon as I put him in his crib. He’s 14 weeks. Two weeks ago he was taking great naps. Even earlier this week he was taking great naps! All of the sudden, yesterday, it completely went to crap and I’ve spent the last two days consumed by trying to get him to nap. I’ve tried the swing, even contact napping only works a little bit. His night time sleep isn’t affected, but I cannot get anything done anymore, can barely get lunch, because he refuses to sleep. I’ve been trying to follow MOC but I never get it down just right and it isn’t working. I’m giving up after two days of crap naps. I feel like a failure.

18:55 UTC


Silverette size

Per brand measurements, I’m in between regular and large size silverettes. Those with experience, which size do you think is better, going bigger or smaller? At 38 weeks my breasts have gone from small A to small D cup if that matters

18:41 UTC


Where's the poop?

Second time mom, my 2.5 year old has always been a regular pooper. My EBF 5 week old hasn't pooped in nearly a week. Is this normal? Some things online says it's fine, others say I should immediately contact my doctor. I had an appointment on Tuesday with our family doctor and she said to let her know if it goes on for too long, but what is too long???

18:34 UTC


What are the WORST diapers you've ever used?

I'm part of a research team that needs to collect pee from babies. We are having a lot of problems with diapers that wick away the pee too fast, so we can't collect it. So I'd love to hear about the LEAST absorbent diapers you've ever used. Gimme leaks, gimme blowouts, gimme your terrible diaper recommendations!

18:33 UTC


Pumping colostrum

I've heard people are pumping colostrum at 37 weeks and saving it for after baby comes for when they're sick. I'm delivering at 37 weeks so I'm wondering if I could try to do it a bit earlier than that? I'm already leaking so much i need the bra pads so I think I would be able to. It won't hurt anything would it? Anyone have experience with this?

1 Comment
18:24 UTC


Infected c-section, ppd, and leave delays.

I had my third baby this December, and it was by far my most complicated pregnancy and delivery. Baby is perfectly healthy and fine, and he's my first little boy, too. I couldn't be happier when it comes to him.

But delivery was so hard. I had to be induced, then pushed for 4 hours, and then had an emergency C-section. I hurt my leg in the process and still can't walk properly or lift myself up from a sitting position on my own.

I'm not used to being so incapacitated and developed some rough PPD.

Just a day before my 6 week postpartum visit, I got my period and my incision hurt badly all of a sudden. I chalked it up to maybe mixed up nerves and period cramps. But the next morning my incision opened in two spots and started bleeding.

My obgyn prescribed antibiotics (keflex) and a new antidepressant for PPD (zurzuvae). She tested some blood she collected from the incision as well to see if we need to change medication. Still waiting on that.

It was feeling better after a day and a half of antibiotics, but it opened up again today. I'm waiting for the antidepressant to be approved by my insurance.

I don't know why, but whenever my incision hurts like this or opens up, I get completely overwhelmed with panic attacks and anxiety. I feel so useless, I want to get back to doing literally anything. Now that my healing has backtracked I feel even worse than I did before. Has anyone else dealt with an infected c-section?

On top of all of this, my leave paperwork with the state got messed up, and I haven't been paid in 3 months. I can barely muster the energy to cook dinner and now I'll have to do so much work to correct my paperwork and it'll probably still be another 2 months before I receive any money.

18:10 UTC


Not getting to the hospital in time for an epidural

FTM here, and I'm so nervous about this. I know you're not supposed to go to the hospital until contractions are 3 minutes apart. I'm just so nervous about missing that window to get the epidural. Hospital is 25 minutes away from my house. IDK, any thoughts on this? Thanks <3

18:08 UTC


Solidarity for the parents of non-unicorn babies... aka dragon babies.

I don't like the term "hard baby" so I've decided to say I have a dragon baby, in comparison to the unicorn babies.

My dragon baby is almost 4 weeks old. He cries for the boob once an hour (2-3 hours my ass). Won't sleep for more than 2 hours, even at night. Only sleeps if latched or held. Likes to scratch and punch if not swaddled, but also hates being swaddled. Has witching hours every evening, gas pains hours every morning. Cries immediately after peeing diaper. Cries during baths. Cries when getting dressed. Cries during fast letdown and cries during slow letdown. Cries if dad holds him. Cries if TV is on. And probably cries for other reasons that I haven't picked up on.

But while my newborn game might be stuck on expert difficulty level, I guess I'm happy to get the full experience so that everything else will seem easier in comparison lol.

18:03 UTC


Keeping baby sleeping during night diaper change (6mo)

My six month old (boy if it matters) pees so much at night, like his night diaper is FULL or leaks by the morning. He was super fussy last night so I went to change his diaper but as soon as his back hits the change table he cries. Then he’s up for an hour just playing in our arms after.

Anyone have tips to keep baby sleepy during nighttime diaper changes? I keep lights low and try to be quick.

18:00 UTC


Advice about c section scar

I am nearly 9 weeks PP. I am doing daily massage and using bio oil twice daily to reduce appearance. 3/4 of my scar is flat and healing beautifully, but the tail end on the one side is slightly raised, angry looking, and there’s a dark bump that at times is tender when I massage the area. I don’t know if it’s an ingrown hair, hypertrophic scarring? Will silicone patches help this? I have a bunch but it was healing well so I ditched them until I noticed this area isn’t improving and now it feels raised compared to the rest of the scar. Any advice would be appreciated, I’m not thrilled with how it looks at all.


17:50 UTC


Ways to protect babies from chlorine in pools ?

I live in FL and the warm weather is back! I love going to the pool and beach. I'm a first time mom and although they say the chlorine in pools are safe for little ones as long as you rinse them off afterwards, I'd like to know if there are other ways to decrease chlorine exposure (beside the obvious, not putting baby in water) is there any creams that can be applied ? or other things I can do ? Just a worried mom. Baby will still be under 1.

17:44 UTC



How old was your baby when they first started showing signs of teething? What did the signs look like?

17:38 UTC


Baby having night terrors?

My baby is 9.5 months and since she was around 5 months old she’s had maybe 4 of these episodes that seem like night terrors to me. She’ll start off whimpering in her sleep and then it escalates into this very loud panicked cry like “Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!” that I never hear her make outside of this situation. She’ll either have her eyes shut tight or they’ll be open but she doesn’t seem to see/understand me or her surroundings. I hold her and try to soothe her but she doesn’t respond the way she usually does and it takes a couple of minutes for her to calm down and then she’ll usually fall back asleep pretty quickly.

Google is telling me that the age children begin to experience nightmares or night terrors is older (I’ve seen 18 months or up to 3 years).

I guess I’m more curious than concerned since the episodes are brief and infrequent, although intense. Has anyone else experienced this?

17:32 UTC


Planning for #2- Care of #1?

I wasn't sure how to search the sub for this topic. If this has been previously discussed, links are welcome :) I'm due in September and #1 will be 2 years and 3 months when baby is born. We don't really have a village and she doesn't go to day care. So, I'm thinking about asking a relative to help so when baby 2 comes, my husband can be with me in the hospital. We don't have anyone we can drop her off with, they would have to stay in our home.

I'm looking for feedback on how you handled baby #2 (or 3+) when you don't have family nearby and #1 is only cared for by the two parents.

I'm worried it'll be really hard for baby #1 and thought if I had my relative come for a week at least before baby #2 arrives that it would be better.

17:29 UTC


There’s nothing like…

that feeling when your toddler says “poop” after you’ve wrestled them kicking and screaming for 10 minutes stuffing them into their mittens, snow suit, and “boops” to go outside.

Just to undress them, look in the diaper to find NOTHING! And to do it all again.

That’s all.

16:52 UTC


Why does this happen?

2 questions for everyone.

1.) Why will my 6 month old transfer/go down for bedtime every night, without an issue? But will not let you transfer/stay asleep for a nap?

2.) Sometimes , she will wake up for seemingly no reason after 2 hours of sleeping at bedtime. Why would this happen?


16:40 UTC


When do you transfer your baby?

The trickiest part of bedtime is always transferring my baby to her cot after feeding or rocking to sleep. Curious to know if anyone has any tips or tricks? Do you wait exactly 14 minutes after they fall asleep, do the arm drop test, etc? What actually works?

16:38 UTC


Bottle Transition to Cup Please Help! Anybody on straws gone back to a sippy?

LO is 13mos, and still gets one 8oz cows milk bottle before bed I’m looking to wean. She likes the cows milk taste just fine, but is SO picky about any cup other than her bottle she will only reliably drink like at most 5oz spread out throughout the day and that’s me putting in WORK, offering it constantly.

She LOVES yogurt and cheese and ultimately the ped said it’s fine if she doesn’t want to drink milk but the problem is she DOES. She gets upset throughout the day wanting milk. I offer plenty of snacks and dairy and it subsides her but sometimes I swear she just wants her bottles. Esp rn because she’s got two molars coming in. When it’s time for the bedtime bottle she is PISSED, until she gets it.

She has known how to use straws for months and only used a sippy cup for about a month or two before she figured out straws and I got rid of the sippy.

She uses a Dr Browns weighted straw cup for water that works fine for her. She hates milk in it, though. She has a Moonkie Baby straw cup (not weighted) that she gets like 3oz out of at most, but when the milk gets low enough she tilts the cup and then the milk is too far below the straw and she gives up. She also sucks the straw way too hard and tuckers herself out lol.

(I might add, she had a terrible latch when we BF and she pretty much only drank the letdown because it was easy. When we switched to EFF she liked a FAST nipple flow because of the same reasons. If it’s too much work, she tires and gives up).

So we thought open cup, we’ve practiced a ton. She had a Dr Browns 360 open cup and I hate it. The valve in it was WAY too slow and without the valve, it’s like milk can come any angle and it spills out the middle. She’s also a (said with love) weenie when milk spills on her so that doesn’t help lol.

I’ve tried a small yeti with a lid for a small area of milk to come out. I even put a travel coffee mug lid on her cup (oddly fit lol) this morning and she drank a couple oz. Everything flows too fast. But the travel mug lid seemed like she liked it the best, which makes me feel like she may just ultimately like a sippy cup best for now.

Anybody have any cups, products or advice on this? Has anybody gone back to a sippy specifically for milk?

16:33 UTC


Child delayed due to pain??

Looking for some reassurance here.

Baby is 19 weeks old and hardly interacts. Hasn't smiled yet.

She is crying(screaming in pain)non stop from about 3 weeks old. Doctors said reflux, colic, cmpa, etc. she has never fed well. Used to drink 30ml in one go and we were feeding her round the clock. At 16 weeks old, she dropped some weight and doctors finally took her seriously. We were in hospital for a few weeks and after lots of specialists examining her, we have been told she has some kind of hypersensitivity to stomach acid. She is on hypoallergenic formula now and we are seeing some symptoms changing (not completely solved yet). She is still constantly in pain. And I am not exaggerating. Every minute awake is crying, arching back, straining, gulping down reflux. She is now partly Ng tube fed and weight gain is better. We have an EEG and an MRI scheduled for the next month.

Occupational therapist says it's possible pain is delaying her as she can't focus on anything. Because she is crying all the the time, she doesn't get the same exposure other kids her age do. SALT also said feeding issues should be solved if pain is resolved. She doesn't have a problem with her swallow. I'm hoping that is the case and she will catch up when the pain resolves. Hopefully the brain scans will not show anything problematic.

Has anyone experienced something similar?

16:28 UTC


Baby keeps rolling on her tummy when putting down to sleep

I don't know how to stop her, it's driving me crazy. Everytine I out her dienbfor a nap or to sleep she rolls, it can be 4 a.m and shes gonna start crying because she's on her tummy and can't roll back 😩

16:27 UTC


Gift Idea for Mom Post-Delivery?

A family friend had a baby the other day, and I’d like to send something from Amazon to their house for them!

She had a really rough birthing experience and ended up with an emergency c-section, so I would really love to send something small for her! Parents- any advice on something I can get on Amazon ($20-$30) for mom to cheer her up, I would appreciate the advice!!

Funny as a mom of 2 that I can’t even think of something useful to send, but I did not receive anything for myself post-deliveries so I am not sure what would be useful or not!

15:43 UTC


When do rosy cheeks from teething disappear?

LO been teething for a month now, with rosy cheeks, and finally two bottom teeth came through a week ago.

However it’s been a month and the cheeks are still rosy (but smooth to touch)

15:39 UTC


Friend had baby at 23 weeks. What can I do to support her?

Her baby was just born very premature and I just want to support her. I know it can be easy to get "decision fatigue" at this time and asking "how can I help / support you?" might just be so hard to answer with everything going on. Any parents of very premature babies that can shed some light on what may be a welcome form of support during this time?

ETA: she had pre-eclampsia so she was on a specialized diet before giving birth, so I'm not sure what she can / cannot eat. Any advice on that is appreciated.

15:32 UTC


10/11wks pregnant, currently have a 2yo and 4mo old, not working, and wanting to work from home...

Is there legit ways to work from home? I'm not crafty, but wanna do remote or some way to get extra money each month. The mommas that work from home currently, what do you do? Are there any good sites for working remotely/from home??

15:28 UTC

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