This sub is for everything related to charting your cycle while trying to conceive.
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This is a sub where anyone can share their charts, ask for advice, and compare results! If you haven't already, sign up for FertilityFriend for easy peasy charting (they have apps for that, too!).
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I've been stalking everyone's charts for a few weeks now and wanted to contribute mine!
I got my cycles back at 9 months pp and just got my BFP 2 cycles later. This cycle was longer due to just getting my period back and breastfeeding.
I tested way early this time in the middle of the day. I just knew I was pregnant after feeling cramps last night and couldn't resist!
7 DPO using BBT and 8 DPO using Peak count.
Still in shock but so excited :) Wishing you all the best.
Stopped birth control in December last year and I’m yet to have regular cycles. Feeling frustrated that in the time TTC we’ve not had many cycles due to irregular cycle lengths.
TW: loss
Do you have any experience with having your BBT drop around 10DPO but then getting a positive test later?
I know from looking through BFP charts on the Inito sub that the hormone levels are basically useless, each BFP chart looks totally different, with some getting a positive after hormones tanking. So I’m not so much worried about that but I know BBT is more stable and you can see it’s gone down today which makes me think I’m done.
The last two cycles my period showed up on 9DPO (I am 4mo PP from a full term stillbirth) and I’ve been having some cramps the last two days and today. So I was positive it would show up by now. But my cervix is still super high, closed, and soft. Tests are all negative still. I know most people still have time left, and it’s not over till AF comes but I feel like the BBT was a nail in the coffin.
My LP is usually 13 days, on 15dpo now, but I had a negative Wondfo test yesterday afternoon. I’m wondering if I actually ovulated cd18? I’ve also never had a big drop in temp like this before my period, the drop always comes the day of my period. For context if it’s relevant, I had a chemical last cycle. I don’t know if that could be making things weird this time. Thanks!
It’s my first month temping. Any thoughts? I know the missed temps certainly do not help, but I was on a vacation and didn’t want to stress. I don’t plan on testing until I get a missed period. But I’m just getting used to temping so please be nice !
I know it’s impossible to really know, but would you think I ovulated? I have PCOS, haven’t had a period for a long while, and gave up on OPKs because I just didn’t feel like it 😅 sorry for the minimal info, I just was surprised to see my temps continuing to go up until the past two days 😂
TW: Miscarriage
I had a miscarriage and had D&C around Oct 9th. I had EWCM and very intense ovulation pain on the day of ovulation and 2 days after it as per the chart.
I had mild right side pain on CD16 which went away in few hours. But I had very intense pain around CD18 on the right side and also felt little nauseous. The pain subsided within an hour and I had mild pressure till the next day.
My charts before miscarriage were very good. A temp shift of around 0.6-0.8F and my ovulation pain and EWCM was either before or on the day of ovulation but never after.
I am not sure I ovulated this cycle and not even sure what is happening. Any thoughts or ideas of what is happening?
Is this low of temp rise mean I couldn’t have ovulated?
Why are my temps so all over the place?! Taking temps within 15 mins of the same time each morning and it’s really just a roller coaster of dips and rises! I think About 12dpo if this o day is correct, however the app wants to put my o day on CD10 (based off temps), which is super early for me and I literally had zero symptoms at this time! There’s part of me that’s so positive this is the month but also the realistic part that surely temps this up and down can’t be good right?
I was really excited about the temperatures. Everything is still above the coverline, but I’m having the flu and don’t know if I can trust them a hundred percent.
FF wants me to test tomorrow. With my last pregnancy I tested at 14dpo, so I’m gonna wait until then to be sure. I had a negative test at 8dpo, but that was super early anyways. Would you wait that long?
We had a late loss at 25 weeks in August and I’m hoping for our little rainbow baby. 🌈
Trying to decide if I’m 11 or 12dpo. Unusual chart for me—usually my rise is less gradual, so playing the guessing game.
Hi all! Based on my BBT spike, I ovulated much later than usual this cycle (day 19), and I should therefore be 6DPO. My cycle is usually short (25-27 days) and my luteal is usually on the short side too around 10 days, so if I count back it should be that ovulation was on day 15 but the temps don’t make this possible!
Any ideas / has anyone with a short luteal phase experienced the same? Thank you in advance for any thoughts!
Testing bbt for the first time to confirm ovulation. I tested lh 3 times on 26th (morning, 10pm and 1.30 am). Lh were low at 10pm and suddenly rose at 1.30 am. Then I Got my peak lh on 27 th midday. With my bbt rise by 28th morning, have I ovulated on 27 th?