
Photograph via snooOG

This sub is for everything related to charting your cycle while trying to conceive.


Charting pros! We need your temping expertise! New to charting, have a question, or using charting as a way to avoid conception? Welcome!!!

This is a sub where anyone can share their charts, ask for advice, and compare results! If you haven't already, sign up for FertilityFriend for easy peasy charting (they have apps for that, too!).

How to share your FertilityFriend chart!!

Please be kind and respectful to one another! Harassment or cruelty will not be tolerated.

  • Charting Acronyms
  • AF : Aunt Flow (your period)
  • BBT: Basal body temperature or basal body thermometer
  • BC: Birth control
  • BD: baby dance - aka SEX
  • CD: Cycle day
  • CM : Cervical Mucus
  • CP: Chemical pregnancy
  • DPO: Cycle days past ovulation
  • EWCM : eggwhite CM
  • FF: FertilityFriend
  • FP: Follicular phase
  • HBC: Hormonal Birth Control
  • IUI: Intrauterine insemination
  • LP: Luteal phase
  • LPD: Luteal Phase Defect
  • MC: Miscarriage
  • O: Ovulating / ovulation
  • OPK : Ovulation Predictor Kit
  • TTA: Trying to Avoid (conception)
  • TTC: Trying to Conceive
  • 2WW or TWW: 2 week wait after ovulation
  • WTO: Waiting to Ovulate
  • General Parenting/Fertility Acronyms
  • BFP/BFN : Big Fat Positive / Big Fat Negative
  • BF(aint)P: Big Faint Positive
  • D&C: Dilation and curettage (surgery after a miscarriage)
  • DD: Darling daughter
  • DH: Dear Husband
  • DS: Darling son
  • ENDO: Endometriosis
  • FMU: First morning urine
  • FRER: First response early result pregnancy test
  • HSG: Hysterosalpingogram
  • IVF: In vitro fertilization
  • LO: Little one
  • MFI: Male Factor Infertility
  • POAS: Pee on a stick
  • PCOS: Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • RE: Reproductive endocrinologist
  • SA: Semen analysis
  • SMEP: Sperm Meets Egg Plan
  • General Internet Acronyms
  • FWIW: For what it's worth
  • HTH: Hope this helps
  • IMO: In my opinion
  • IMHO: In my humble opinion
  • MFW: My face when
  • MRW: My reaction when
  • SO: Significant other


19,719 Subscribers


I’m so discouraged

Let me start this off by saying that I have been on hormonal birth control pretty consistently since I was about 14 years old, I’m 29 now. I decided to get off hormonal birth control and my last taking it was July 28 of 2024. Since then it took me about 40 days to get a period and I had no withdrawal bleed. Then I finally get a period and it’s pretty normal from what I remember when I was young, and since then it’s been 80 something days of literally nothing and I’m really discouraged and I don’t know what to do. I contacted my OB/GYN and she said that she could put me on some progesterone to kickstart a. But I’m really discouraged becausereally didn’t think it was gonna take me this long to get it. And I wanna start trying now.

I bought my first Apple Apple Watch to try it and be consistent with the BBT, I turned it on the inside of my wrist every night, very vigilant about it. It attracts everything else for me and I found that really helpful. There’s one day recently that it didn’t chart because we had to wake up at a very very very early time and I didn’t adjust my sleep schedule in the app for it. But it’s mostly very accurate and I’ve tried to really notice more stuff lately

02:32 UTC


Tell me how my chances look 🫣

Been having cramps off and on the past 3 days. Test was negative today 9 dpo

01:51 UTC


Do you think my first ovu attempt failed?

This is my 2nd cycle temping and 4th ttc. Looking at my chart, I’m realizing MAYBE my body tried to release an egg on CD 14, failed, then successfully released CD 22? I didn’t think to retest LH because I was travelling. I still haven’t gotten my full period (except light spotting for a day). Testing negative :( or I just could have had crazy temps this month. Now I’m beating myself up we didn’t do it enough during a potential second surge!

01:32 UTC


I would love a Christas surprise. How is my chart looking?

00:42 UTC


Fallback rise or no?

I feel like CD24 isn't enough of a rise to call CD25 a fallback temp. I did wake up an hour before usual on CD24. Is there a specific increase/decrease/increase necessary or is it more based on vibes (because I haven't found a way to quantify it yet)

21:51 UTC


Ovulation Day?

Why does my app think I ovulated on CD 38? Based on my temps I feel like it wouldn’t be til like CD 42 or so. I’ve never actually been able to confirm ovulation before so I really hope I actually did ovulate this cycle! I wish I would have BD’d one more time but hoping there is still a chance!

21:40 UTC


Low BBT after ovulation

I'm new to BBT tracking and I'm a bit worried about my results. I started testing with LH strips and got a peak on CD16 but never experienced a drop in temperature as you can see, since then my BBT hasn't really risen. I'm currently on CD20 and my temperature being as low as 36.3°C (97.3) worries me. I test vaginally every morning around the same time before getting up or speaking, making sure I get at least 4/5 hours straight of sleep. What could be the issue? Is this a sign I'm not ovulating? P.s. I started tracking on my previous cycle on CD17 and my temperature never really went above 36,5°C but I brushed it off thinking I probably just needed to take temps for a whole cycle to understand, but now that I'm having low temps after ovulation again I'm starting to worry :(

21:02 UTC


Hope !

19:58 UTC


Troll chart - Ended with AF

This is the first full cycle where I’ve tracked BBT and also used prenatal! It ended up as 26 day cycle! I have 28 day cycle from birth - lol

Any advice for next time?

Also I think few days my temp was taken at different timings which made some crazy shift in graph!

1 Comment
19:52 UTC


Temp rise with spotting after drop

Period is expected today or tomorrow but curious what it means for the rise after the sudden drop in temp yesterday. The light spotting is making me think AF is arriving but the rise has me hopeful it’s not????

19:37 UTC


Could this be triphasic?

I think I ovulated on CD17 and I know the chance is small but is there any chance this could be triphasic?

18:03 UTC


What is going on?

HELP !! What is going on with my chart it said yesterday that my predicted ovulation was supposed to be today but my temp dropped this morning and now my chart is saying waiting to confirm for CD22 I had EWCM all day yesterday like the most I’ve ever seen so I’m confused I am also a little over a month off BC

17:56 UTC


When did I ovulate?

Hey everyone, when do you think I ovulated? I had my LH surge on CD 10. Thanks!

17:36 UTC


What do you think?

This is my first time tracking BBT so not sure what I should expect?? Am I right in thinking that it's positive that it's rising but could still drop?

16:51 UTC


Scared & confused

Hey everyone, after getting advice on my tests on the TFAB line porn sub, it looks like I got a BFP yesterday & today at 9 & 10 dpo! Still feeling cautious bc of the brand of test I got the BFPs on, but I’ve had several positives in the last 24 hours 😅 however, as you can see, I had a massive bbt dip today. I was unable to test Thursday & yesterdays was taken earlier than normal hence the triangle. With todays temp, I took it at 8:35am. My cats woke me up at around 6:15am & I had to get out of bed to let them out of my bedroom. My question is, should I take todays bbt with a grain of salt? Should I be prepared for a possible chemical or something? Are my temps too unstable to tell? It is also super cold here today (was around 26 degrees Fahrenheit when I took bbt) if that makes any difference.

15:49 UTC


Anyone else slow rise?

I think this chart is wrong and that I didn’t ovulate until CD 16/17. The chart is putting O at first OPK. Anyone else not see an immediate rise?

Worried it may be delayed O or anovulatory.

CD 15 - positive OPKs all throughout the day, EWCM CD 16 - negative OPK, some EWCM CD 17 - dry CM CD 18 (today)- sticky CM and no BBT rise

15:09 UTC


We are for real struggling out here

Long cycle - low temps - past 3 days of interrupted sleep and waking up 1-2 hours before my usual time

Not sure what my temps would be but I don't think it would deviate too much. But it's definitely frustrating I haven't hit higher temps so it makes it a struggle to officially confirm ovulation based on temp.

Anyone else have low post-O temps? I just need a glimmer of hope right now. Labs are closed until Monday so I can't get blood work done to confirm yet. Oof

15:00 UTC


For science: my chemical pregnancy chart

Sad to have lost this pregnancy so quickly after it began, but wanted to share my chart anyway for posterity and since I’ve found comfort in seeing other people’s experiences.

My first positive 12 dpo darkened at 13 dpo but became a squinter by 16 dpo, which is when my temp plummeted and period arrived. Lots of unsure emotions.

The wild peak at 4 dpo is my COVID booster.

Hugs to others out there going through similar things, and I hope this helps in some way. ♥️

06:08 UTC


Chart overlay 8DPO

I’m pretty new to the TTC world, this is only our second month trying. September, skipped October, and now November. As you can see from my chart, even though I am only 8DPO, my temps are higher this LP than other months. Is that a good sign? Or does it not mean anything at all? I did test today and obviously got a BFN which I suspected would happen but I couldn’t help myself.

1 Comment
04:50 UTC


Chart interpretation- What do you all think ? Chance of pregnancy?

02:50 UTC


BBT confirmed ovulation (I think) but PdG still low, and E3G rising?

Any thoughts about what’s going on here?

00:50 UTC


What is happening?

What is happening after cycles day 11? I am new to bbt charting and have not seen that much up and down. I’m assuming my body is struggling to ovulate? Please let me know if you have similar charts. I just have no idea when I’m going to ovulate 🤷🏻‍♀️ gotta love the guessing game.

00:44 UTC


Day 78 (I have PCOS) looking like I ovulated?!?!

00:39 UTC

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