This sub is for everything related to charting your cycle while trying to conceive.
Charting pros! We need your temping expertise! New to charting, have a question, or using charting as a way to avoid conception? Welcome!!!
This is a sub where anyone can share their charts, ask for advice, and compare results! If you haven't already, sign up for FertilityFriend for easy peasy charting (they have apps for that, too!).
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I think I had a cold in my Follicular phase. I've been temping for 4 months and it usually averages around 97.3.
I take my temp at 6am on the dot with an oral thermometer.
AF is due 15dpo and is usually on time. Luteal phase always 15 days.
I had mild cramps 8-10dpo and spotting 11dpo. Never had that before.
Feeling a lot of nausea today (12dpo) and yesterday too.
Today I had a temp rise, so I tested on a FRER with FMU and it's a BFN
Any hope?
I don’t know if that’s the right flair I’m just here for posi vibes. I can’t stop setting my chart to compare with my average temps from my previous ttc cycles !! I just love that my temps are higher !!
(I knooow you can’t determine much by looking at a 7dpo chart)
Love to all !!
I hope I actually ovulated around CD44 but that dip at CD48 makes me nervous 😕 wonder if CD48 was actually my ovulation and I missed it.
My chart is all over the place and it has never been like this. Has anyone had any similar experiences? What could be going on??
Did I ovulate ? Premom says I ovulated on day 14 according to my bbt spike but the temp wasn’t maintained 3 days after that so im confused what do yall think of this chart ?
I finally ovulated and got confirmation yesterday (thru blood test). I have been soooo gassy (burping and farting like crazy) and I am not a big burper. I had some light brown discharge mixed with my discharged when I wiped last night. My lower back is killing me. When should I test again for pregnancy?? Really hope these are good signs but not getting my hopes up since I read that this could just be progesterone. But I have never been this gassy before. What do we think??
On the morning of the 28th I got a peak fertility result on CBAD and a positive strip opk. The next day my temp went up .25F then dropped yesterday before coming back up .32F today. Is that enough of a rise to be ovulation? I usually have anovulatory cycles so this is pretty new to me 😅
That relief moment when your temp matches where you were last month - Anyone else temp with a cold? I've got a cough left, but no temperature - should be all good now shouldn't it?
I’ve never seen my chart like this before. I thought I ovulated on the 12th but who knows anymore. I’ve been cramping for days but only white discharge.
How does everyone adequately log their periods? I seem to have super light days at the beginning and end, do these count or not? I’ve found mixed answers so not sure
I had a large jump in temp this morning which would normally make me excited… but I was under an extra fuzzy blanket and feeling hot when I woke up so I’m wondering if it was accurate… I took my temperature again once I’d cooled off and it was much lower, right in the range of my other temps. What do we think? I know tomorrow’s temperature will provide clarity but I’m impatient 😂
After a dip at DPO 7/8. The temperature rose this morning. BFN with an early test…
I have been charting my bbt orally for over 1 month and this cycle I recieved my Tempdrop around expected ovulation. I am now unsure if I actually ovulated. Can someone help?
Have not gotten a positive LH surge this month (6th month TTC 1st time ive never had a surge)
Is it possible to still ovulate without? Confused because my BBT makes it seem like I did in fact ovulate.
Okay so I’m going to start with this entire idea and thought process is bizarre so please bear with me. This is our first cycle trying. I ovulated super early confirmed by BBT (CD 10). The evening of 4 DPO I had very very VERY light spotting, 5 DPO my BBT raised by .2 degrees and I started to spot pretty heavily (more than regular spotting but not enough to put more than a panty liner on), 6dpo I spotted a little bit in the morning and then stopped. I’ve heard of implantation dip but is there such thing as an implantation rise?
This is far from the first month trying but it is the first month both OPK and BBT religiously. I have two concerns and would appreciate any insight! First, using premom quantitative strips (purple ends), I peaked at 20.0 - I see most charts peak much, much higher. Second, this suggests ovulating day 19/20, and I have a very consistent 28/29 day cycle for 4+ years; this seems late in a relatively short cycle and is certainly later than I had been expecting. Are either of these worthy of concern??
Do I think I should wait still?
My significant other and I BD on 1/24/25 Here is my ovulation chart Does this mean I likely ovulated on 1/28 or 1/29
A few questions as a first month premom user/ovulation tracker…
Some context: I had Covid during my fertile window- no fever but overall under the weather. My husband and I decided to go for it since I had nothing else to do (lol) and it is our first month post MMC/d&c.
Thanks in advance!
Help me make it 2 more days?! I did a stupid test yesterday at 7dpo haha but managed to hold out this morning. Only got one X on there this month as I had a tricksy pretend ovulation and only realized it hadn’t happened on day 20… still feeling semi hopeful

Please help
I’m 35 first cycle ttc, thought due to my age I would go straight in with opks. My LH levels have never peaked over 0.28 and are usually 0. On every day where it’s 0 I have done multiple tests that all came out the same. My last period was 7-9th Jan and I finished a cycle of mini pill on the 19th.
Edit to add I have been seeing an increasing amount of ewcm in the past two days