Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here!
Please read all rules for the subreddit before participating or posting. Thank you!
1. Speak and behave respectfully
2. HPT posts must include CD and/or DPO/DPT + correct test brand(s) in the post title
3. OPK posts must include CD + correct test brand(s) in the post title
4. OPK and HPT progressions must include CD and/or DPO/DPT range + correct test brand(s) in the post title
5. No Edited Photos
6. No Test Manipulation/Invalidated Tests
7. No Photos of Bodily Fluids
8. No Soliciting or Giving Medical Advice
9. Limit of 2 Posts Per 24-Hour Period
10. No Posts That Belong On Another Subreddit
11. No Spam
This is a sub where we can share our OPK and HPT results. Need another opinion? We are here to help! Another place to get a second opinion is countdowntopregnancy.com
(Acronyms are not mandatory, but are useful to know as they are commonly used in posts here)
A more extensive list is available over on TryingForABaby’s wiki
Acronym | Term |
AF | Aunt Flow (your period) |
BBT | basal body temperature |
BCP | birth control pills |
BD | baby dance (sex) |
BFP/BFN | big fat positive / big fat negative |
CD | cycle day |
CM | cervical mucus |
CP | chemical pregnancy (an early miscarriage) |
DPO | # of day(s) post ovulation |
DPT | # of days post trigger or # of days post transfer |
E@H | easy@home test brand |
EOD | every other day |
EP | ectopic pregnancy |
EWCM | eggwhite CM (the fertile stuff!) |
FF | FertilityFriend.com (popular website for temping/charting) |
FMU | first morning urine |
FW | fertile window/fertile week |
FP | follicular phase |
FRER | First Response Early Result pregnancy test |
HBC | hormonal birth control |
HCG | human chorionic gonadotropin (what's measured on an HPT) |
HPT | Home pregnancy test |
HSG | Hysterosalpingogram |
IUI | Intrauterine Insemination |
IVF | In Vitro Fertilisation |
LH | luteinizing hormone (what's measured by an OPK) |
LP | luteal phase |
MC | miscarriage |
MMC | missed miscarriage |
NTNP | not trying, not preventing |
O | ovulation |
O-1 | O minus one; one day before ovulation (also O-2, O-3, etc.) |
OPK | ovulation predictor kit |
POAS | pee on a stick |
PCOS | Polycystic ovarian syndrome |
RE | Reproductive endocrinologist |
SA | semen analysis |
SMEP | Sperm Meets Egg Plan |
SMU | second morning urine |
TCOYF | Taking Charge of Your Fertility (informative book by Toni Weschler) |
TI | timed intercourse |
TTC | trying to conceive |
TW | trigger warning (precedes a post/statement which may be triggering to some users) |
TWW | two-week wait (post-ovulation, pre-pregnancy test) |
WTT | waiting to try (for those pre-TTC) |
WTO | waiting to ovulate |
Pregnancy loss/support:
For partners:
Sarcasm and humor:
So I tested on 11/27 and it was low so then I tested the next day and it was definitely higher my last cycle the next day after around 0.60 I ovulated so I have hope but I kind of got a little bit distracted and forgot to test until the day after! Do you guys think I probably ovulated on the 29th? It doesn’t really really matter because me and my boyfriend bd at least twice a day from the 26-30th lol so I’m really only asking to get an idea on when I should test!
Maybe I’m crazy but I’m 11dpo and I feel like I see something faint, but then again it might just be me trying to see something that isn’t there. Any thoughts?
I’ve been seeing a lot of comments saying blue dye tests are unreliable, but haven’t really understood why. Would someone please mind explaining? Pink dye tests are really uncommon where I live unfortunately.
Can’t help but feel really disappointed today, I’ve been having a lot of cramps these past few day which I hoped were from implantation. I guess it’s just my regular endo pain this time too.
Just got this faint line on a frer. It’s 4.30pm. This mornings frer was basically negative. I’m not getting excited as I’ve just had x3 consecutive chemical pregnancies. Our 3rd baby is so wanted 🥲🌈 please, if you have a second to pray over me and send positive vibes my way I would be so incredibly grateful ❤️
I think I see something but not sure! I have irregular cycles, ranging from 31-36 days. Don’t what dpo I’m at but my last period was on November 1. My app shows 6 November as my predicted period date but I don’t know. It’s been irregular since last few months.
This is my FMU test from 9 DPO. I think I see a faint line but curious if anyone else sees? Also unsure if it could be an indent because this is my first time using these tests, but this is within the 3-5 minute window allowed for reading.
I’ve had all the PMS symptoms but not due for AF for another 6 days so I decided to test.
I know it is early to get a positive but I can’t help but zoom and analyze in the meantime lol
I’ve gotten some really dark lines this week. If these were yours, which days would you absolutely try on? We tried on CD9, 11 (not pictured here) and 13. Should we try again tonight on CD14 or are my odds really good already?
Is that normal? Going back Wednesday to see if it doubles. I know exactly when i ovulated so that’s not a question whether my calculations are off. Trying not to stress
Wondering when I most likely ovulated! Trying to figure out how many DPO I am based on these tests. My cycles aren’t usually this long, but I had a MC in October that threw it off completely.
Easy at home or premom?
Easy@home 10 DPO
Today 🥹 I’d started testing negative a week and a half ago after my mc late October. Took a test today and a faint line showed up. Ovulated sometime around Nov 24 (took an LH test on a whim after a weekend away and it showed I was ovulating).
So I did the digital test strip with multiple test strips (14 ovulation strips and 1 pregnancy test box). I don't understand the lines. Can someone help me understand how light the test line is and what it means please. Am I close to ovulating? Did I already ovulate? I need help
Sorry for the very dim hotel lighting - travelling for work, first cycle of FET and feeling like I’m a little insane for my negative ability to control my early testing. But do you see it???