
Photograph via snooOG

A community for those interested in names. Your posts are welcome so long as they stay on the topic of names and remain civil


Are you looking for a name for your baby? Your character? Your business? Yourself? Are you fascinated by the history and meaning of names? /r/namenerds is a community for name enthusiasts of all kinds. Welcome! Check out our Wiki page for help with how to get started!


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nieves: pronounciation & possible nicknames??

Hello, namenerds!! I kinda need y'all's help and creativity. A bit of context: I am very much present online. I love finding online communities to share my interests with ppl and whatnot. However, I have a problem: I can not use my real name. It's VERY VERY RARE, and anyone who knows me irl would have 0 issues finding out it's me behind the accounts. I've tried using my nickname, but I'm also very well known for my nickname irl, so that's a bit awkward for me. It's all just to relax my paranoia and for safety reasons and whatnot.

I have recently considered using the name "Nieves" as an online pseudonym of sorts. However, this poses a small issue: I mostly interact with ppl whose first language is not spanish and would maybe struggle pronounciating it. I could just specify how it's pronounced, but it's not like it's my real name, so I don't really care about going through all that hassle. At the end of the day, I don't really care about people pronouncing it right, I care more about people reading that name and stopping bc they don't even know how to read it. So, would you consider this name "weird"?? How would you pronounce it??

As a solution, I thought that maybe I could shorten it a little bit and go by a shortened form of it instead, or offer a nickname as an alternative if people struggle pronouncing Nieves. So far I've come up with "Eve" or "Evie", but unfortunately I used to have that as a nickname before and so it's kinda off the board. I also considered "Nini", but in my native language "Nini" is a word with heavily negative connotations. So, if you guys could drop some nickname suggestions for Nieves, that'd be splendid!!! In case y'all wanna know or need to know, the way I pronounce Nieves is "Knee-Eh-Ves" (like in VESt). But i don't mind nicknames based on other pronounciations.

I'm aware this request is very oddly-specific, and I understand I'm kinda "picky" and it's a really weird request, but any help and any ideas would be greatly appreciated and I will be very thankful for anything you say to help!!! Thanks in advance <3

22:35 UTC


girls with boy names

is it just me or are girls with boy names super cool. i even want my daughter to have boy name like jamie, frankie, or cori. (or maybe even lucas)!

22:24 UTC


Should I change my character's name or keep it?

So I'm debating on sticking with the original name for my original character, Misao, or change it to something people generally know from animes and whatnot, like Misaki or Misako.

22:23 UTC


What do you guys think of mine and my partner's name list?

Hi all! My partner and I have been together for 5 years and aren't thinking of having kids super soon, but do agree we want them in the future. We were random on the topic of names and thought I'd share to see what everyone thinks. We live in the US but were interested in names not too American sounding as he is Mexican and I am Middle Eastern/Southeast Asian. Nothing too short like Eve or too long like Penelope.

We're also open to any suggestions, specifically boy names since I think we both really love the name Kaia for a girl. Bonus points to any name that has a lovely meaning behind it! So far here is our list:

Kaia Cylene Damien Emma Sophia Adrian

22:20 UTC


What is a good middle name for a boy named Chandler?

And not Muriel. 😂

22:16 UTC


Is arhaan muslim name?

Hi all, anyone know if Arhaan is Muslim name. We belong to Hindu community and my brother is looking for Hindu name for his baby.

22:13 UTC


unique feminine names with a vintage and slightly edgy vibe reminiscent of lana del rey

My current work in progress is heavily inspired by the Honeymoon and Lust for Life albums by Lana Del Rey. I've been searching for a name that is not directly referenced in her music (no Carmen, Marilyn or Angelina) yet evokes the same cinematic, mesmerising and poetic aura. Something decadent like a femme fatale name but ethereal like a name that belongs to an ingénue. Or a name that mythological nymphs, muses and maenads would have had if they were alive in the 20th century. It's a magical realism short story set in the early 70s groupie scene and involves a cult. So far I've got:

(First Name) Lilith Marion Briar Imogen Cordelia Valerie Dahlia Anais Marceline Nadine Iris Florence Clio Lola Maxine

(Last Name) Berlant Rowe Renault Lowe Dubois Dupont Leroux

What do you think? Any suggestions? (even out of the list)

22:04 UTC


Looking for names in the same vein as Thomasina, Wilhelmina, Philomena.

Or are those three it? Not for human children.

22:04 UTC


A baby named Terra

Currently pregnant with a second little girl and considering honoring my late grandmother's Georgia Ann and Terry Ann (yes,they had the same middle name) by naming the baby Terra Ann.

How does that land with people overall? I don't know any Terra's myself and I'm curious. Big sister is Ada Faye.

22:01 UTC


Thoughts about Muslim girl names

My wife and I are expecting our first child in a few months and we need help deciding baby girl names since a lot of the popular choices are taken by our extended family.

We have narrowed down to a few but not sure which one goes best with the last name ‘IQBAL’

Ayra, Amira, Ayeza, Zoya, Amara

21:55 UTC


Opinions on naming our daughter Ivy (one of her older sisters middle name is Ivy).

We really like the name Ivy for baby girl on the way. She has an older sister, Alina, and older brother, Camden, and sister Brook (with the middle name Ivy). Brook is all for naming her Ivy.

21:51 UTC


4th and last boy, out of name ideas.

We have a Logan, Rowan, and Ashton. US based and like the nature theme going on, but not necessary. Last name is single syllable. Help me out!

21:50 UTC


Name for second baby girl

Our first daughter is named Daphne. I have always loved the name Eloise as well. I know that not everyone watches Bridgerton but would we get flak for naming our second Eloise? I wasn’t thinking of the show when we named our daughter Daphne. I just really loved the meaning and how it sounded with our last name. She has a gender neutral middle name of Shane so I guess we could go with a gender neutral Elliot for the second which I also love. My husband is less sold on Elliot though

21:44 UTC


Holland or Samuel

Samuel Saliba or Holland Saliba, for a boy.

21:36 UTC


Halston Raelee?

My husband and I have been on the look for a middle name for so long. And all of the sudden i got the idea of putting both of our middle names together and it ended up being Raelee(Rae is my middle name, Lee husbands) and i think its cute and goes good with the first name. Any thoughts? Is it cute or just excitement i got in the moment? hehe

21:23 UTC


Honest thoughts on our list of baby names?

Or feel free to rank them lol. Love them all but need to narrow it down!

Harper - “harp player”

Stella - “star”

Alice - “noble”

June - “young”

Phoebe - “radiant, shining one”

Jane - “god is gracious”

Owen - “noble”

Wesley - “western meadow”

Theo - “god’s gift”

Graham - “gravelly homestead”

Ellis - “kind”

Reid - “red”

21:16 UTC


Dopamine like names

I had a mastiff puppy. I was going through intense grief and really wanted a puppy to help. My doctor told me I needed meds not a puppy. " you are just chasing dopamine". That's what I will name the puppy I told her. " Dopey" was the best puppy ever. He was the runt and smaller than average but he got me though the qorst year of my life.

Tragically I lost Dopey at 18 months old a few months ago. Grief hit like I have never felt before. Dopey got me through the loss of my aunt and my 10 year old dane. Losing him so early in life was so unexpected and traumatizing words cannot even express.

My husband surprised me with another mastiff puppy recently. At first the guilt and shame were so overwhelming but I know he was just desprete to help. I won't have the puppy ( male ) for several more weeks but I am stuck on names. I was so proud of Dopamines name I cannot think of anything as clever. Saratonin sounds like the obvious answer but it's too triggering because I did picture having a " tone" and a Dopey someday.

Every name feels flat but the grief may be talking there.

21:10 UTC


Middle name change for Samuel

I’ve hated my middle name my whole life and want to change it, I was going to change it to John, or Robert as these are middle names of close relatives, but was told John was pretty boring. Any advice would be appreciated.

21:09 UTC


Is Quen a good name? What are your opinions on it?

I'm changing my name (trans), and i'm nervous about what people's opinion will be on my name. A little background: i'm 20 and i've been going by Quen with close friends since middle school. Over time it's slowly caught on to maybe half the people in my life. But over time i've kinda regretted it because i think the name sounds a bit childish and Quirky in the bad way :/. Also my mom hates it because she thinks i shouldn't have just thrown away the name she gave me. Idk if this is exactly what this sub is for but it's the closest i found lol. Thanks!

21:02 UTC


Names ending in a or o and four letters (girl and boy)

Hubby and I cannot choose a name for the life of us. We have a very long last name so we would love a four letter or less name ending in an a or o. We like Luca for a boy but are not set on it. Any ideas would be great!

20:59 UTC


Boy name in these guidelines!

I need some boy or neutral names in these guidelines, please!

Scottish/British/Irish/Welsh For someone born 2007

My favourite names atm (But I wouldn't use) are: Troy, Alden, Dallon, Nick/Nicholas, Simon, Reid,

Thank you

20:58 UTC


Baby Boy Names Helping

I’m currently pregnant and me and my partner are really struggling with baby boy names. We’re keeping the gender a surprise so we don’t know yet but we’re set on a girls name if we have a girl already. For context, I’m British & my partners Indian so most the names we know are them.

Names I like: Zubair/ Zabir Faiz Josiah

Names he likes: Kairen & Kairo Atlas Enzo Julian

We both like Valentino & Zeno but can’t imagine naming our son it ! And he is set on Remy but I’m not 100% sure on Remy.

I would prefer Z names because his name, his uncles name and his mums nickname all end in Z so it fits family wise to me. However, there isn’t a set theme so any suggestions would be helpful :) I think my partner has quite a unique name as it’s Arabic, so I’m searching for unique but not too abnormal names.

20:58 UTC


names that are silly/emo

hi guys!! i need some silly names. names that fit an emo aesthetic, but are also in similar vein to a pet name. or something just goofy. i would appreciate it!

20:53 UTC


Name choices of a 4yr old

My 4yr old daughter told me today that when she’s older and a baby comes out of her tummy she’s going to call the babies (plural!!)…

  1. Arella
  2. Mother Nature

and… 3) Kuku Kaka

I’m not ready to be Grandma 🤣

20:48 UTC


New Name Ideas?

Hii y’all!

So I’m transgender (MTF), currently in the middle of my social transition (exciting + scary lol), and I sort of have to figure out what my name is going to be going forwards. I’d love love love y’all’s help, I’ve posted on here before and really appreciate all the effort you all give to posters here :))

Information that might help: I’m a 21 yo white (English/Irish-American) college student (studying history and classics/Ancient Greece + Rome), and I’m an artist sometimes! My last name is also “Allen” if that gives you any ideas <33

Here’s a picture of me too, and I have a ton posted on this Reddit account as well!! https://imgur.com/a/tG1gPPh

Ideally, I’m looking for something anywhere between very feminine and somewhat androgynous :)

Thanks in advance for your help 🫶🫶

20:37 UTC


Favorite Double Letter Names

Not expecting anytime soon, but what are some double letter names you all like? My husband and I both have a double letter in our names, so we thought it would be a nice tradition to carry on. Plus it’s a nice tie together without being too crazy. For girls, we have Louella & Gemma on our list. For boys, we like Callum and Sullivan. Doesn’t have to be a double L, that’s just a coincidence that they are mostly double L’s! :)

20:36 UTC


Help on boy names with French heritage

I am due in a few weeks, we live in the US but originally from France. We are looking at classic French names and have narrowed down a few options that we love, but not convinced about how these will be pronounced or perceived in the US.

  • Marin: it means sailor, and holds a lot of meaning for us as it would be a tribute to my grandfather.
  • Gaspard: absolutely love this name but unsure how it would be pronounced in the US
  • Théodore: very commun, maybe too commun. We like the sound of it but it holds no particular meaning.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

20:28 UTC


“Rupert” in US South Likely to be Bullied?

My wife and I don’t (personally) see an issue with “Rupert” as a first name, but family members are quite confident that it will be miserable for the boy.

Although obviously uncommon in the US, and assume a deep Southern state, do others think that “Rupert” would be painting a target on a kid’s back?

20:26 UTC


Girl name to go with brother Banks

Hi all 🤍

We have a boy whose name is Banks Montgomery. We need a girl name and I want it to be the same vibe of waspy/prep school/frat boy type name. We love boy names for girls but I honestly want it to be a surname too to better go with Banks. I like it ending in S too but not a requirement. We all have M middle names so want to keep M for mn and will probably do Madison. So Banks Montgomery & _______ Madison?

I love Murphy most, but that’s my husbands friend’s last name and tbh I hate him lol so def not using that. I also love Parker, but that is our nephew’s name so can’t use it either. Love Hayden and Warner, but keeping those in case we have more Boys


20:20 UTC


What are your thoughts & feelings about the name Lux?


What are your thoughts, feelings, and associations, about the name Lux? Does it skew particularly masculine or feminine for you, or is it solidly unisex? What immediate associations come to mind?

If it helps, I'm based in the UK so would be doubly interested in people's opinions that also live here. This name would also be used for an adult, no naming of babies/children for me!

Thank you!

Edit: Thank you so much for all the comments! You've mentioned some interesting associations that I wasn't aware of (the soap, and the shorthand for 'luxury' being the two stand-outs), and I really appreciate the input <3

20:19 UTC

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