
Photograph via snooOG

A sub-reddit for anime, games, and cultural news of Japan.


Rules - Please Read Before Posting

  • Article submissions have to be industry news or journalistic in tone. Click-bait submissions will be removed.
  • Written articles should contain the original source at all times. Aggregate sites that have translated official press releases are accepted. For official media releases without an English translation, please provide an English translation in the comments.
  • Video submissions need to be official media releases such as trailers and announcements. Self-submitted videos of you talking about anime is not news or official in any form. Such self promotions will be removed.
  • Image submissions need to be visuals that are released as official promotions. That means they need to include information about the upcoming anime on the image. If no such information is included on the promotional visual, an article needs to be submitted in the comments.
  • Screenshots, gifs, and memes will be removed.
  • Content rules
  • Trailers, PVs, and the like can be re-hosted (some official releases are blocked depending on your country, re-hosting on streamable or youtube is accepted).
  • Manga and video game news are allowed if it's related to an anime or one in the works.
  • Spam and spoilers in the titles or comments are a ban-able offense.
  • Linking to pirating sites or asking about them will result in a ban.

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AnimeCons.com Calendar

Anime Television Schedule

Upcoming Retail Release Schedule:


Dark Horse Manga

Discotek Media


NIS America

Nozomi Entertainment

Sentai Filmworks

Seven Seas

Vertical Comics

Yen Press

Need a friendly anime forum? -> /r/NewAnime

Need a recommendation? -> /r/AnimeSuggest

Need an encyclopedia? -> AniDB | ANN | MAL

Need a dose of nostalgia? -> Toonami Arsenal

Looking to trade manga? -> /r/MangaSwap

Want to discuss figures? -> /r/AnimeFigures

Japanese Sci-Fi Novels in English -> Haikasoru

Interested in Visual Novels? Try /r/visualnovels & /r/katawashoujo

Please use the spoiler tag:

[Asuka loves Shinji](/spoiler) = Asuka loves Shinji


99,564 Subscribers


I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability Season 2 - Teaser Visual! The anime is scheduled for July 2025.

20:12 UTC


ZOMBIE LAND SAGA Anime Sequel Movie will officially Release in 2025.

11:56 UTC


Guys when jjk season 3 coming

17:35 UTC

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