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Boys abyss or domestic girlfriend.
They both gave me a few terminal illnesses because of the last (few) chapters. I think domestic girlfriend is worse as all the development in it got destroyed, disappeared, reversed etc. But boys abyss was also quite bad not quite just very bad.
And if anybody dares to hate on domestic girlfriend outside of the ending and momo, I am hiding under your bed.
I want to read it but I'm kinda reluctant due to the author's death, but i heard a lot of good things about this manga and i'm considering picking it up, did the protagonist get with a girl before it ends? Did the manga end on a cliff hanger?
Their new title available in Mangaplus is yet again about hitmen. Is there really a noticeable market demand for these stories? Especially when they axe/end multiple stories with relatively unique themes and subjects like Goze Hotaru, and the cool sports manga about MMA, ice skating, etc.
Edit: Sorry if there is already a post about this.
I picked up a manga called a “perfect world” just finished volume one. I guess I’ll go pick up vol 2 tomorrow. Manga really helps my anxiety!
Out on Asura
For context this manga plot is a. Demon. Got called by her father and also. She is a priest I think it's new manga idk But yea the. Demon have to make him happy or. Something So let me know if you find. It thx
It's about a great mage who was betrayed by his party cause they worked for other mages and the sorce of his power was broken so he fled he became depressed and just wanted to die but gets motivated again by someone (don't remember who) to find the pieces of the sorce of his power
Solved (didn't know how to do this besides editing it)
Hey, I'm looking for a fantasy + action manga or manhua. It should be decently long. Thank you!
(Pls don't recommend the super popular ones that everyone knows á la One Piece, FMA, HxH, etc.)
Preferably I'd like to read a cultivation manhua like these ones I liked a lot:
So it s a #Manhwa #manhua I forgot the name i let it cook some chap and now i wanna read it Prob is the only thing i do remember is that the mc was training with a grandpa(who was op) In a tunnel or smh (it was like energy proof nobody could sense what was happening and it was abandoned At some time later the mc get s in a trap the grandpa saves him not sure if he dies or Anything but the world considered the grandpa some kind of evil entity Pls help❤