
Photograph via //r/katawashoujo

A community for the visual novel Katawa Shoujo.

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Released on January 4th, 2012

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Rin and Dandelions

I wanted to talk about the symbolism of dandelions in Rin's arc. It's been on my mind a bit and I haven't seen many people talk about it, so here's my high school level dissection of dandelions in KS lol.

Aura has said before that the VN Narcissu (meaning daffodil) had been very influential on his writing in KS, which prominently features the daffodil flower. The same can be said for Rin's route, dandelions are present at the end of both act 2 and 4, and also in her cinematic. It's clear that we're meant to take something away from the inclusion of the flower in her story.

The first time we see dandelions is in her cinematic, before the story even begins. Both Rin and the dandelion in Hisaos hand have similar framing, which was genius work on Mike Inels part. Rin's appearance is quite similar to a dandelion as well, her messy short hair mirroring the flowers top and her long slender body the flowers stock.

In my opinion, this comparison was done in order to represent Rin's desire for change. Much of the conflict in the story between Hisao and Rin results from Rin trying to force change onto herself, at times in destructive ways (the cigarette scene for example). The beginning of this change starts at the end of act 2 on the dandelion field, when she decides to do the art exhibit.

With the conclusion of act 4, Rin and Hisao find themselves back at the dandelion field. This time however, the flowers have transformed their florets into seedheads. The dandelions didn't have to force change onto themselves, they just changed naturally when their time came. The same is true for Rin, as she accepts herself for who she is and whatever change that may happen to her will occur on its own time.

KS has a lot of emotionally powerful scenes, but Rins good ending always stuck out to me. The image of her lifting her stubby arms in the wind on top of the hill never fails to make me cry. I've been thinking about that scene recently, and just wanted to vent about KS a bit : )

16:13 UTC


A difficult situation

This is probably a weird sounding post. I introduced one of my friends to Katawa Shoujo a little over a month ago, and talked with him while he was playing through the routes. First he went with Emi, and now he's been doing Shizune's (my favorite). He got to the infamous choice in her route, and initially refused. I thought things were all fine and dandy after that as he saw the final scene of act 3. But turns out the following day he secretly reloaded the save and chose the other option, thinking it was the better option, and saved over the 1 file he had with it. He got to Shizune's bad ending and said he was done with Shizune and the game as a whole. This deeply upset me, as he said he loved the game before while doing Emi's route, and for me personally it has affected me greatly. I feel weird now, a mix of sadness, confusion, and anger. I tried convincing him to play again and he said he would consider it, but this still has kind of devastated me. I felt like we really bonded over the shared experience of this game, and it was so nice to finally have someone I could talk to about it after half a dozen people called it weird or not their thing. I'm not sure why I'm writing this, but I mean if there was a place to talk about this, here would be it, right?

Edit: Turns out he did all of this as an April Fools prank, even though it's a week after April 1st.

03:58 UTC


Starting this.

i watched the video from gigguk about this game. i remember he saying that this game came out because of 4 chan and stuff. I downloaded the game and so i wanna ask you guys if anyone was there at the time the game was being developed or finished. how was the hype and how was it watching the game get developed for years ? The only visual novel i played was doki doki Literatur Club. if you ask why i ask a question like this is because i really like story telling by people who can tell me about their nostalgia and stuff :)

18:46 UTC


Free Talk Friday Week 459

Alright, welcome to the 459th thread of Free Talk Friday. Here you can talk about anything you want, doesn't have to be Katawa Shoujo related, the only rule is don't be a jerk.

18:41 UTC


Best quotes contest ?

Hello everybody !

So I finished for the fourth time Katawa Shoujo and had this feeling of being empty again :D

I have seen in other subs (r/TombRaider or r/AceAttorney for exemple) a contest : every time, people propose and vote for every main character's best line. I love the idea and I want to know if you will be interessed to made this for KS !

We can make this for 7 characters : the 5 main girls, Hisao and Kenji. 7 characters so one week of contest !

Do you enjoy this idea ?

08:59 UTC


So... What next?

I've just completed all 5 storylines for the first time, and I'm left with this empty feeling with some of the endings and wondering where to go from here. I've seen there are some popular fanfictions I'll have to check out, but I'm sure others have expressed my same feelings before so I figured it'd be worth it to see how others dealt with this same experience

This is my first visual novel and I'm a bit sad to see I'm 10 years late and the community surrounding this project has diminished over time. I've never been able to get into things like manga or anime, so my overwhelming joy from this story was a big surprise for me. I guess what hooked me was the lack of fiction that is normally present in anime and other things like it. There were no dragons, or wizards, or a main character with super speed or the ability to shoot fire out of their hands, or whatever other gimmicks are typically used to make characters interesting. The characters all felt real to me and I was easily immersed into the story, with all of their problems and personality quirks coming off as being very real. Some of the most impactful moments were small, everyday situations like walking to the grocery store or eating lunch with friends, all very relatable things that helped me get into the characters.

I was hoping to find other visual novels with a similar vibe to it, maybe with a bit of a more satisfying or positive end to it. My first path was Hanako's, and I first got her 'bad' ending which was strangely more satisfying to me than her 'good' ending. I ended with Lilly's path, which was a rollercoaster of emotions and I'm glad that I chose her last. Overall though, Emi and Rin's paths were the only ones that made me feel good at the end. If the goal was to get a strong emotional response out of the reader, the other paths were a success, but overall I felt some endings were rushed and left me with more questions and negative feelings than answers and positive feelings.

I'm sure the discussion has already been had about each character before seeing how late I am to the party, but just thought I'd share some of my thoughts. I'm excited to see what other stories I've missed out on with this genre that I've discovered and seem to love so far

00:42 UTC


Just a reminder that Pippa is playing through Katawa Shoujo (In case you missed it)

02:59 UTC

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