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Can my brother start with Daima?

I am a big fan of Dragon Ball (have not seen Daima yet). My 6 year old brother always wants to watch it, but my parents don't want him to watch a show that is so violent. I saw Daima when he was looking at Netflix on a kids' account, and I'm wondering if it would be fine for him to start there since he can't watch the original/Z.

1 Comment
03:32 UTC


My wife is a first time watcher of DBZ

She looked at me tonight while we watched part of the Fusion Saga and deadass said

"This show should be called 'Balls and Beans' because that's only reason ANY of these mfs are still alive"

05:06 UTC


Do you think it's possible that Toyotaro makes Dragon Ball af canonical? If so, what do you think about that?

Just a thought i had

03:35 UTC


Raditz Fight Best Fight??

First rewatch (Kai) ever btw. From the beginning of Z onwards I think the very first main fight against Raditz may be the only one where the protagonists win not by just getting ā€œstrongerā€ than the opponent but by outclassing them in terms of technique and strategy. The special beam cannon (sorry not about to try spelling it the other way) had a power way above what Piccolo could normally output and Goku was able to make Raditz vulnerable through a specific technique and sacrificing his own life to be able to hold him in place. My point is the fight didnā€™t end up being ā€œI got a new form that raised my number to be above yours.ā€ The only two arguments against that that Iā€™d accept is either the Kid Buu fight or some Super plot contrivance like the Goku Black fight. (The og Vegeta fight is extremely contrived as well with Gohan getting his tail back at juuuuuuust the right moment for the win). Tbh the only reason Iā€™d place the Raditz fight above the final Kid Buu Spirit Bomb is that it fr makes no sense that a spirit bomb wouldnā€™t work against Frieza (which was repeatedly said to contain the energy from most if not all the universe) wouldnā€™t work and it would against Kid Buu who is magnitudes stronger than whereas Goku and Piccolo actually just outskill Raditz by being able to create attacks stronger than their own power levels and hold him in such a way that his strength doesnā€™t mean shit. Idk lemme know what yā€™all think about that

03:37 UTC


TIL Toriyama is canon

02:44 UTC


The Android Saga tribute (Amartbee)

02:24 UTC


What is there to watch between de Cell saga and before Majin Bu?

Movies or what explains some stuff left in the air?

23:53 UTC


Goku down by my son age 16

My son drew this, all pen and marker, no pencil.

22:31 UTC


I've seen Saiyan OCs but what about Wish Dragon OCs? (Based on a blue tongue Skink)

19:21 UTC


Trunks and Goten should be boyfriends

I know this is gonna get hate, but they would be so good together (as they already are). They have done the fusion, so they are compatible and they have always had this small friction/kindness in their relationship. Both of them are deep down very caring and kind, there for would be a good fit. Now i know this is never gonna happen. Akira Toryama hates gays, as has been shown before. He thinks all gays are sissys without any backbone, which in japan is the greatest insult of character. Also he thinks gays are just pedos, since blue (the only gay character i know of in db), just falls in love with a random child. So don't worry fanboys! Also before anyone comes and says "why can't there every be two guys who are friends, just be friends and not gay!" i say that, that is basically all media that has ever created. Even in db there are multiple relationships between guys that is complately platonic and i agree that they are good that way. Anyways, completely waste of time of a post, just wanted to share this, since i have liked trunks and goten since being a kid and future trunks being my sexual awakening lol. What do you guys think?

16:03 UTC


What do you think heā€™s gonna wish for? (OC)

After he collects all 7 of course

16:38 UTC


In defense of Chi-Chi

I saw this post on Instagram from someone who clearly didn't watch or read dragon ball where he showed how more badass gohan would be if he ignored chi chi , whom he deemed as a bad character, and focused on training relentlessly like his father. Now I understand chi-chi has her moments where she can be annoying, but I would never call her a bad character and especially not a bad mother either.

For those that watched the og dragon ball , you would know chi-chi experienced alot of crazy stuff during her time with goku. Most noticed during the world tournament when goku fought piccolo jr. Seeing piccolo have the power to destroy earth and Seeing him grow into a giant showed chi-chi the truly absolute dangers of the world she lived in. So when gohan was born, it's obvious she didn't want her son going through what goku did. She wanted him to stay away from stuff like that and be a scholar , something early goku had no problem with until gohan was forced to fight against the sayians , revealing his potential. It's a known fact that gohan hates fighting and chi-chi just wanted her child to have a normal life. Which is why I don't hate early buu saga gohan. The world was at peace for 7 years and gohan was able to go to high school like his mother wanted. Plus when goten was born , she even trained him in basic martial arts which is pretty cool. Chi-chi is far from being the worst character. She's just a mother who was worried about her child being born into a world with planet destroying aliens and monsters..

17:29 UTC


So Iā€™m going to watch the whole franchise in dub then sub after. Quick question though.

Do they use the same voice actors for the original dragonball and dbz? Im not referring to Kai (yes I know itā€™s considered better but all my friends are practically begging me to watch the original dub). Iā€™d be watching it with friends too so itā€™s kind of like a peer pressure thing but itā€™s fine since I plan on watching it subbed after. Iā€™ve conceived them that we should start with dragonball first and not dbz even though thatā€™s what they saw first.

Oh also are the movies worth watching in between the episodes they released in?

20:21 UTC


Do you think maybe Bra is the "worst" character because of how she was treated in DBGT?

I mean yeah, she was spoiled and all. But then you overlook that she simply portrayed the terms of "daddy's little girl". And that's basically it.

13:30 UTC


[OC] What a nice outfit!

10:26 UTC


Can someone explain the Kaio-Ken?

I'm rewatching dbz kai and goku is making it seem like the base kaio-ken isn't just times 2. Could anyone explain please?

05:03 UTC


Imagine if editors didn't change the android saga

Imagine if Androids 19 and 20 were the real villains of the Android Saga.

Or if 17 and 18 were the villains of the saga.

Or if imperfect cell was the villain.

From my understanding, Toriyama created each successive villain in this saga because his editors felt the previous ones weren't good enough villains.

We ended up with the Cell Games saga and it was amazing. I wonder how it would have went with Toriyama's original idea. This is why I don't like the whole "it's not canon if it's not in the manga" perspective. Toriyama said it himself that he was a "pants" writer not an "outliner."

DBZ is an entertainment product created by a manga company then adapted to an anime. A damn good one. The "author's vision" of the story is irrelevant. Even the manga isn't the "author's vision", it's the product of a company.

I love Dragon Ball. I love the filler. I love the movies. I see so much shit about "canon" vs "non-canon" and I think it's bs. It's a made up story, there is no "canon." That word originally referred to religious texts and it's annoying as fuck to see people debate it over a piece of entertainment that's entirely made up. It's all Dragon Ball.

11:59 UTC


DBZ x Digimon by me

03:35 UTC


Cell meruem(oc)

1 Comment
01:25 UTC


What if Goku had an adopted brother that was a different race?

I'm curious about this what if scenario. At first, it started with Frieza's race.

Then, as I thought more on it. I was curious about how different races would also be interesting. Chaotic but interesting.

For context, we'll use the Planet Vegeta era. Give them some time to bond with Goku's former family before being sent to earth.

Here's a list of races I thought would make some sense.

The ones with question marks are unsure if it'll work out.

Saiyan? (Giving the saiyan culture history, I'm not sure if adoption would be optional.)

Frieza race.




Hera clan?



Let me know what you think of this.

Basically, we'll say either Bardock or Gine adopt them and hide them away from King Vegeta, along with Frieza and his men.

Give me a picture on how each one would fair so far.

1 Comment
19:43 UTC


Is transformation necessary to become more powerful?

Was thinking about vegeta, as you do, and how he never achieved ssj3. Goku said its a big waste of energy. Vegeta managed to skip some steps and go straight to blue from ssj2 it seems unless I missed something.

So I was thinking could a saiyan in ssj2 just keep training, getting stronger and more efficient, without transforming and surpass the power level of the next stage or is there some sort of cap? When beerus pimp slapped bulma he went ssj2 and actually hit him so clearly that version is more powerful than the cell/buu saga ssj2.

I just think the original ssj look is the best and I'd love someone to remain in that form while still having a competitive power level. You could make an argument for broly but his ssj is something completely different.

22:48 UTC

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