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Will they rerelease the Jack manga?

I really want to add the Jaco manga to my dbz manga collection but everywhere I look are these absurdly overpriced used paperbacks. I don’t want to pay 50$+ for a manga that retailed for 9.99$ Has viz made any official statements on making more copies?

01:52 UTC


My Vegeta tattoo

I’m going back for a touch up and more detail in the hair. If anyone has any thought on what to add or alter let me know. Thanks.

00:54 UTC



So I've started watching Dragonball for the very first time. I don't want any spoilers as I literally know nothing about the any of the shows other than Vegeta shows up in Z, Goku goes Super Saiyan against Freezer/Freeza/Frieza? And Beerus is a god of destruction. And there's a guy called Broly? I don't know who they are... I know some random things, but don't actually know about them or where they fit in or anything if that makes sense. I have seen bits and clips on shorts and things but I don't really understand any of it lol. I have never seen any of the shows so I have no idea what's happening.

I am currently watching the OG DB show first, I'm currently at the part where Goku is in muscle tower in the RRA arc. I don't know too much about the arcs/sagas etc... But I know that once I've watched DB, I am going to start on DBZ, then DB Super, then I'll watch GT after both of those I think, from what I've seen on other posts. I've heard GT is non canon but technically takes place after Z as a direct sequel, and super is more recent and was made to be a true sequel that's canon or something? Is there an advantage to watching it in that order? What about the movies? I know DBZ: Battle of the Gods is canon and is meant to be watched in between Z and super... I also think the DBS Superheroes movie is canon and is set after Super? Right? I'm not sure which ones I have to watch and when. I don't want to watch DBZ Kai either as I don't want to miss out on anything, which is why I've started at the very beginning of Goku's journey.

I don't really like filler, but I don't mind it at the same time... because a part of me says that I have to watch it in order to see everything related to the characters journey and growth and to fully appreciate the lore and development. I will push through it because I know that it gets good later! I am liking it so far though! I've just finished the Ninja Mursakai episode and it was very... Weird to say the least. It was fun, but really strange. Like instead of Mursakai fighting to kill Goku like General White ordered him to do, he was just running around playing Hide and Seek! It's fun to watch but It's also hard to keep watching knowing i've got such a long way to go before all the epic fights and storyline etc start happening. Like I said, I would rather watch the filler to fully appreciate the shows, but it sure can take its time sometimes! I do want to watch dragonball though, all the way through, so i'm going to stick at it!

What are the best arcs/sagas in the og show? The first tournament was so hype and I was loving it. I'm not to sure about all this RRA stuff yet though, I will post another update when I have finished the RRA saga. Have I said that correctly? I'll also post a full review of my thoughts of the OG Dragonball show when I eventually finish it lol. I'll do the same for the other shows. I can't binge 30 episodes a day as I work and have a life, but I will watch a few episodes a day. It may take me months and months, but I will get there! Wish me luck!

00:32 UTC


I love Frieza’s and Ginyu’s dynamic in Namek saga

Almost every subordinate that Frieza has and interacts with, there is a constant underlying tone of authority and consequence. And when Frieza’s temper flares, intimidation of violence emerges itself as the main motivational force.

But with Ginyu, it’s almost like a different Frieza all together, and it’s absolutely hilarious when you’re reading the manga or watching the show. To see Frieza interact with him like a friend almost, and even going along with Ginyu’s charades and poses, it’s so out of character for Frieza. Frieza would normally insult anyone doing something he found odd, but with Ginyu he’s like talking to a little kid who just said “hey watch what I can do!” and the kid just hops and spins. Lmao it’s great. This dynamic only exists because Ginyu most likely has a strong reputation of getting results with Frieza, and his competency in Frieza’s eyes has allowed this. But go back and read the manga around namek and just take in their hilarious interactions.

23:40 UTC


My own drawing of ssj vegito

23:57 UTC


Vegeta Fanart - by me

21:38 UTC


My piano playing of US and Japan's Gohan's SS2 transformation

21:50 UTC


Finally got my Trunks Tattoo

This was taken directly after the session

19:34 UTC


Have some Gokus made by me

20:52 UTC


Funnily I just realized that if that meteor killed Vegeta, none of the Z fighters would know that he died.

When Vegeta turns super saiyan for the first time, he explains how he almost died in the meteor storm. If vegeta did die, would anyone know he died? Did Capsule Corp have some kind of tracker on it that would vanish if it was destroyed? Or would Goku with his instant transmission realized that Vegeta died. Because if not Vegeta would have to been missing for months or even years before the Z fighters realized something may be wrong.

19:36 UTC


DBYYZ: A Fusion Reborn AMV that I created years ago

1 Comment
17:52 UTC


When do you think the anime will come back?

Toei doesn’t seem like the company to wait several years to pull out great episodes with no pacing issues.

Toei should wait longer until more arcs are concluded, make it a seasonal anime. Follow the new ways.

21:09 UTC


It's nothing particularly special, but after a roughly 5 years break from drawing I decided to dust off my tablet and draw my Freeza Force OC; A Makyan named Paprika.

17:42 UTC


How can there only be 28 planets with sentient life in universe 7

I saw a page in the manga where shin says that there are only 28 planets with sentient or human like life. How can this be I know buu destroyed tons of planets and Beerus and Frieza destroy them but only 28 left? How does that work when the Frieza force is full of tons of different races they need homes. Within all four galaxies there are only 28 left despite all the races we see? How could Frieza not have conquered them all by now? Apparently he his father and the saiyans have been at this for a while also if there are that few sentient planets who is he even selling planets to? That makes no sense. Why does beerus even keep destroying planets with sentient life if there are so few? Between the two of them how is there anything left? Wouldn’t Frieza destroying planets be an imbalance that beerus would need to correct? Why are shin and beerus not doing their jobs right? Why does Frieza even sell inhabited planets when there are planets that can support life that don’t have any sentient species. They really need to explain the space aspect of dragon all better

15:49 UTC


I drew Videl if she kept training

15:40 UTC


Goku vs Aoshima

14:06 UTC


Favorite side characters.

Who is everyone’s favorite characters that aren’t the Goku’s and Vegetas of the world? I have always thought the designs of Dabura, Kibito and Spopovich were awesome! One of my favourite things about DB is the range of characters so I’m interested to know who everyone loves?!

07:56 UTC


OC Nam Manga Artstyle

1 Comment
06:03 UTC


Question about the dragon balls and Kami/Piccolo's revival on Namek

So, for context, the moment Piccolo is revived on Namek, it brought back Kami — And thus, the Earth's Dragon Balls returned, right? What confuses me, however, is the fact the Dragon Balls were off-cooldown despite the fact that Goku was revived a ~month or so prior. Was this an oversight or does the revival of Piccolo/Kami genuinely restore the Dragon Balls regardless if they were used within the year or not?

11:19 UTC


If the Saiyans were to get their tails back, how would you see it happen?

Mostly the full blooded ones, since the half blooded ones never had them in the first place except Gohan

10:27 UTC


How do characters 18 and Krillin end up together - And how can it reflect real life?

So how did 18 (Lazuli) and Krillin end up together? I know Toriyama isn't a consistent writer to do romance, but isn't 18 stronger than Krillin? So I wonder why would a powerful cyborg like her go out with a person that's not as powerful as him?

Would this happen in a real life situation where a weakling guy going out with a girl who could be out of his league. Usually it's always the guys asking the girl out and not vice versa.

11:37 UTC


First time watching DBZ: impressions

I have gotten to the Cell Saga, and I have to say I think the first half of each saga is very underrated. In the Saiyan saga between Raditz but before Vegeta, in the Frieza saga with the whole 'looking for the DB' thing, and especially in the Cell saga when they're doing research on the Androids and find out about Cell from the TV.

All of these moments give life to the DBZ universe, and there's honestly some pretty good writing and atmosphere. While I enjoy the all-out battles that typically happen in the 2nd half of each saga, I have found that after a certain point watching the episodes became a bit of a drag (looking at you Frieza, even in the Kai version).

I feel this means that I would really enjoy watching original DB because I've heard it shares the aspects I'm enjoying more.

Do you agree or do you enjoy the battles more? Do you thing original DB has more of this aspect?

04:58 UTC


am I the only one who wants a fat janemba statue or figure

there is zero figures out there of him đź« 

02:01 UTC


What are your some of your favorite transformations in the series? (from Z to Super)

Design wise, I've always been a sucker for Fusions, so Vegito is definitely at the top of my list. I just love how as a single character, you can still hear both the saiyan's voices. It's also quite cool that you can see one of the saiyans being the more dominant personality (for instance, Vegito acts more like Vegeta)


Apart from that, i also love SSJ3 and SSSJ2 (particularly for Gohan) story wise and design wise too. The first time Goku turned SSJ3 was phenomenal, just 4 minutes of pure unadulterated screaming and i enjoyed every second of it. Gohan's transformation was more chilling than badass, and the lightning surrounding SSJ2 was so badass!


What are some of yall faves? And why do you love them?

22:51 UTC


What are your some of your favorite transformations in the series? (from Z to Super)

Design wise, I've always been a sucker for Fusions, so Vegito is definitely at the top of my list. I just love how as a single character, you can still hear both the saiyan's voices. It's also quite cool that you can see one of the saiyans being the more dominant personality (for instance, Vegito acts more like Vegeta)

Apart from that, i also love SSJ3 and SSSJ2 (particularly for Gohan) story wise and design wise too. The first time Goku turned SSJ3 was phenomenal, just 4 minutes of pure unadulterated screaming and i enjoyed every second of it. Gohan's transformation was more chilling than badass, and the lightning surrounding SSJ2 was badass as hell!

What are some of yall faves? And why do you love them?

22:49 UTC


salty namekian

what happens if you put salt on a namekian, does it do a sort of a salt on a slug reaction orrr...

21:32 UTC

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