Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation film studio founded in June 1985 by the director Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata and the producer Toshio Suzuki. The company's logo features the character Totoro (a large forest spirit) from Hayao Miyazaki's film "My Neighbor Totoro". It has its headquarters in Koganei, Tokyo.
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/u/Jaxspider for the CSS!
/u/Ragegirl9-5 for the Snoo!
My top five songs of the year were from this album
just wanted to share my totoro engraved wooden cup that i made!
I was wondering what are the dates for Ghibli fest because I really want to know if there’s any that will come out during the holidays like Christmas or new years to watch so around end of December beginning of January or whenever in Jan tbh..
Pls Lmk!! Thank you <3
Is there anyone that is able to draw me in a ghibli style T^T I really just want to see how it would turn out 🥹
went to Japan back in March of this year these are the two film tickets we ended up getting from Howl’s & Ponyo!
As an ABC I grew up watching Ghibli on VHS in mandarin and never knew it was Japanese until I was older.
Especially since you are essentially paying the same price (or more) as the Bluray which gives you multiple language options.
edit: at least in the US
edit 2 OK figured it out, the problem is actually from using a Samsung TV and accessing my iTunes library from the Apple TV app. I guess I just need to buy an Apple TV lol.
Around 6ish hours of work today on my biggest piece yet. I’m new to pyrography so this is all good practice for me.
I distinctly remember watching the dvd of the film when I was little and the destruction of laputa scene being reaaally long, it was one of my favourite moments in the film. Didn’t the tree suddenly grow / explode??? And didn’t they shoot off into space? And I’m sure the robot played a bigger part? I’ve just watched the netflix version and was waiting for this moment to come and then the film ended. I’m sure I’m not just imagining that scene. I have a CLEAR memory of Sheeta and Pazu and Muska being trapped in the core of laputa, and Sheeta and Pazu saying the spell of destruction and everything being very red and then the tree shot off and carried them into space inside laputa. I am also sure the robot returned and sacrificed itself or something? And then of course Pazu and Sheeta end up back with the pirates. I am probably misremembering the scene in many ways but I'm still sure it exists, but at the moment I can't see any evidence that it does exist apart from in my memory. Does anyone else remember it??? I still have the dvd at my grandparents’ place so I am going to watch that version soon.
Does anyone have any of these? The descriptions aren't very detailed. I read the Nausicaä manga many years ago, but I'm wondering what these books are for Kiki's Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro, and Spirited Away. Manga versions of the film?
Hi Dreamers!
I recently created an ambient track inspired by the magical atmosphere of sitting alone in a quiet forest, surrounded by Kodamas from Princess Mononoke. The idea was to capture the mystical and serene feeling of their presence to create a piece of music to relax and dream ✨🌳
I’d love to hear your thoughts on it and hope it will bring u a little joy!
I will leave the link in the comments :)
I felt a bit bored so I thought let’s make some drawings 😊 I kinda like it so I wanted to share ☺️
Hi there!
Is there any article online comparing US and Japanese blu-ray releases of the movies? I'm wondering if there's any significant difference in image and sound quality and options, bonus and whatnot.
which studio ghibli movie to you feels the most christmasy? trying to decide which one to watch with my roommates!
Okay need your help. This YouTube cover of Studio Ghibli sounds just like "This is me" from the Greatest Showman at exactly the 1 Hour and 10 minute mark.
I know for sure it sounds like This is me, but i can't place the studio ghibli movie. I'm a huge Ghibli nerd so my guess is the YouTube artist just inserted a cover of "this is me" randomly, and Greatest showman never actually Plagiarized. But do you recognize the "This is me" melody from any specific Ghibli movie?
i dedicated my 2nd tattoo to my favorite ghibli movie of all time 🥰 spirited away was the first ghibli movie i watched and i fell in love with it ever since 🥰🥰 i hope you guys like it too!